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Tom Tom September 2021 in de aanloop naar de Q3 cijfers (14-10-2021) is €6,- het koersdoel

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Oud nieuws?
Voor de lezer die geïnteresseerd is in bedreigingen voor de omzet van TT is het een bevestiging dat de hoofdrolspelers in de autoindustrie een steeds mindere positieve boodschap hebben voor zowel 2021 als voor 2022 en mogelijk zelfs voor 2023

FD geeft een resumé

Autofabrikanten lijden onder groeiend tekort aan computerchips
• Autofabrikanten kunnen al een jaar minder auto's bouwen door een tekort aan computerchips.
• Ze dachten dat dit tekort komende maanden zou zijn opgelost.
• Door een opleving van het coronavirus in Azië blijken de tekorten nu tot zeker volgend jaar aan te houden.

Omzetverlies van $61 mrd
Volgens nieuw onderzoek van IHS Markit zal het chiptekort ertoe leiden dat er dit kwartaal wereldwijd 700.000 minder auto's worden geproduceerd. Het totale omzetverlies zal volgens persbureau Bloomberg eind dit jaar oplopen tot $61 mrd.

'Tekorten tot in 2023'
De laatste weken hebben belangrijke spelers in de auto-industrie hun verwachtingen aangepast. Zo zei bestuursvoorzitter Ola Källenius van Daimler (het bedrijf achter Mercedes) afgelopen week tegen de BBC dat hij erop rekent dat de tekorten in elk geval tot in 2022 en misschien zelfs tot 2023 duren. 'Maar de tekorten zijn dan niet meer zo groot als in de afgelopen maanden', voegde hij eraan toe.Voorlopig raken de tekorten de fabrikanten nog hard.

dus morgen geen koersstijging naar € 11,25 zoals voorspeld door bekende overname-expert.
Dus ook geen overnamebod van minimaal € 18,50 door Microsoft wat al jaren door de bekende overname-expert wordt beweerd.

Wat moet ik nou?
Me vastklampen aan vergezichten met blue-sky scenario's van minimaal € 60,- in 2030 en dividend uitbetaling in 2022?
Het wordt me niet makkelijk gemaakt.

En zo dadelijk word ik ongetwijfeld weer beschuldigd dat ik 'in opdracht van' hier (negatieve) posts plaats.


dachthetniet schreef op 13 september 2021 19:25:

Kans op overname nieuws is net geen 0%

Wereldbelegger schreef op 13 september 2021 19:38:


Wat moet ik nou?

wil je het echt weten? Een dag opzouten van dit forum wat anders gaan doen dan mensen hier irriteren!
Een gezond tegengeluid is nooit weg. Je zou toch maar de hele dag jaren achter elkaar met positieve aannames die klaarblijkelijk geen enkele waarde hebben worden bestookt. Waarde voor investeerders bedoel ik dan.

leonardus65 schreef op 13 september 2021 18:09:

En als de koper wil bijkopen, heeft hij geen probleem dat de koers tijdelijk daalt, daar wil hij zelfs aan meehelpen...
Wat weer een waardeloze dag vandaag terwijl de AEX een bescheiden stijging heeft laten zijn.

Voor mij ook een heel slechte dag op mijn voorraad in bezit.

Niettemin ook nog bijgekocht vandaag rond 7,25.

Kzie wel in tradegate nu 7,26 om 7,355

Dus wie weet morgen toch weer wat hoger. Het gaat mij niet om het "verdienmodel", het gaat mij om de koers (die dan misschien gedeeltelijk hiervan is afgeleid).

Al met al zit ik er dus weer dikker in dan gisteren.
OEMs are also vigorously expanding their internal software R&D teams to reduce the cost of software outsourcing. In the next step, OEMs‘ software R&D will still focus on software that can directly create value for consumers, such as cockpit HMI, autonomous driving, etc. Of course, OEMs can also cooperate with independent software vendors in R&D through the decoupling of software and hardware, like BMW and ArcherMind Technology team up, and ThunderSoft and Human Horizons collaborate.

However, for general software (such as surround view splicing, voice, DMS) and common platform-based software (such as OS kernels, virtual machines, HD maps, cloud platforms, etc.), OEMs still give priority to outsourcing. In general, as software becomes more and more complex, the life cycle value (ASP) of software for a single car may be as high as tens of thousands of yuan, which makes software a main part of the vehicle BOM cost.

With the continuous evolution of software-defined vehicles, the business model of the entire automotive industry has changed accordingly, from new car manufacturing and marketing model which lasts for a long time to a larger-scale software × ownership model. Automakers will charge customers for software license and OTA updates to complete the closed-loop business model.

For example, Tesla has boosted the price of its FSD (Full Self-Driving) Beta launched at the end of 2020 by US$2,000 to US$10,000, and it will further raise the price of the package for L3/L4 autonomous driving to US$14,000. Tesla is trying to offer customers a way to subscribe and pay a monthly fee instead of US$10,000 up-front for their premium driver assistance features in order to expand the potential subscriber base. On July 16, 2021, Tesla started offering a monthly subscription for its FSD package for US$199 per month in the United States. Tesla owners can cancel their monthly FSD subscription at any time. Customers who previously bought Tesla’s Enhanced Autopilot package (EAP) can subscribe to FSD for a lower price of US$99 a month but may require the HW3.0 upgrade.

In other words, only Teslas that have the FSD computer hardware 3.0 (HW3) or above plus either Basic or Enhanced Autopilot configurations are eligible to subscribe to FSD; other owners can purchase a hardware upgrade for US$1,500 to make their vehicles FSD-ready. Once Tesla fulfills the transformation of its business model, all existing Tesla owners may become subscribers of the FSD package. Assuming 10 million Tesla owners subscribe to the FSD package with a monthly price of US$100, a subscription fee of US$12 billion will be incurred each year and Tesla’s software gross margin will be as high as 70-80%.

The software revenue from existing car owners is expected to be very stable and lucrative, posing a solid moat for Tesla. A Trilogy of Software-defined Vehicle Transformation of OEMs In the short term, the system kernel and middle layer are the key R&D directions. In the long run, SOA will bring about changes in business models. To complete the software-defined vehicle transformation, OEMs must at least achieve:
Reminder: In connected vehicle platform van Microsoft zit niet alleen traffic, maps en software, maar ook TomTom HD maps.

TT's eigen persbericht destijds noemde elementen als services voor elektrische voertuigen (EV's) en diagnostiek

Maar Microsoft zette TT's bijdrage ook specifiek neer in het kader van autonoom rijden


The Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform (MCVP) is the digital chassis upon which automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can deliver value-add services to their customers. These services areas include:

> In-vehicle experiences
> Autonomous driving
> Advanced navigation
> Customer engagement and insights
> Telematics and prediction services
> Connectivity and over the air updates (OTA)

Automotive OEMs already taking advantage of MCVP, along with many of our ecosystem partners, including the Volkswagen Group, the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance, and Iconiq. In this blog post, we are delighted to recap many of the MCVP ecosystem partners that accelerate our common customers’ ability to develop and deploy completed connected vehicle solutions. Microsoft’s ecosystem of partners include independent software vendors (ISVs), automotive suppliers, and systems integrators (SIs) to complete the overall value proposition of MCVP. We have pursued partnerships in these areas:

In-vehicle experiences

LG Electronics’ webOS Autoplatform offers an in-vehicle, container-capable OS that brings the third party application ecosystem created for premium TVs to In-vehicle experiences. webOSAuto supports the container-based runtime environment of MCVP and can be an important part of modern experiences in the vehicle.

Faurecia leverages MCVP to create disruptive, connected, and personalized services inside the Cockpit of the Future to reinvent the on-board experience for all occupants.

Autonomous driving

Teraki creates and deploys containerized functionality to vehicles to efficiently extract and manage selected sensor data such as telemetry, video, and 3D information. Teraki’s product continuously trains and updates the sensor data to extract relevant, condensed information that enables customers’ models to achieve highest accuracy rates, both in the vehicle (edge) as well in Azure (cloud.)

TomTom is integrating their navigation intelligence services such as HD Maps and Traffic as containerized services for use in MCVP so that other services in the vehicles, including autonomous driving, can take advantage of the additional location context.

Advanced navigation

TomTom’s navigation application has been integrated with the MCVP in-vehicle compute architecture to enable navigation usage and diagnostics data to be sent from vehicles to the Azure cloud where the data can be used by automakers to generate data-driven insights to deliver tailored services, and to make better informed design and engineering decisions. The benefit of this integration includes the immediate insights created from comparing the intended route with the actual route with road metadata. If you are attending IAA, be sure to check out the demo at the Microsoft booth.

Telenav is a leading provider of connected car and location-based services and is working with Microsoft to integrate its intelligent connected-car solution suite, including infotainment, in-car commerce, and navigation, with MCVP.

Customer engagement and insights

Otonomo securely ingests automotive data from OEMs, fleet operators, etc., then reshapes and enriches the data so application and service providers can use it to develop a host of new and innovative offerings that deliver value to drivers. The data services platform has built it privacy by design solutions for both personal and aggregate use cases. Through the collaboration with Microsoft, car manufacturers adopting the Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform can easily plug their connected car data into Otonomo’s existing ecosystem to quickly roll out new connected car services to drivers.

Telematics and prediction services

DSA is a leading software and solutions provider for quality assurance, diagnostics, and maintenance of the entire vehicle electrics and electronics in the automotive industry. Together, DSA and Microsoft target to close the digital feedback loops between automotive production facilities and field cars by providing an advanced Vehicle Lifecycle Management, based on the Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform.

WirelessCar is a leading managed service provider within the connected vehicle eco-system and empowers car makers to provide mobility services with Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform that supports and accelerates their customers’ high market ambitions in a world of rapid changing business models.

Connectivity and OTA

Cubic Telecom is a leading connectivity management software provider to the automotive and IoT industries globally. They are one of the first partners to bring seamless connectivity as a core service offering to MCVP for a global market. The deep integration with MCVP allows for a single data lake and an integrated services monitoring path. In addition, Cubic Telecom provides connected car capabilities that let drivers use infotainment apps in real-time, connect their devices to the Wi-Fi hotspot, and top-up on data plans to access high-speed LTE connectivity, optionally on a separate APN.

Excelfore is an innovator in automotive over-the-air (OTA) updating and data aggregation technologies. They provide a full implementation of the eSync bi-directional data pipeline, which has been ported to the Microsoft Azure cloud platform and integrated as the first solution for MCVP OTA updating.

Tata Communications is a leading global digital infrastructure provider. We are working with them to help speed the development of new innovative connected car applications. By combining the IoT connectivity capabilities of Tata Communications MOVE™ with MCVP, the two companies will enable automotive manufacturers to offer consumers worldwide more seamless and secure driving experiences.

Microsoft is incredibly excited to be a part of the connected vehicle space. With the Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform, our ecosystem partners, and our partnerships with leading automotive players – both vehicle OEMs and automotive technology suppliers – we believe we have a uniquely capable offering enabling at global scale the next wave of innovation in the automotive industry as well as related verticals such as smart cities, smart infrastructure, insurance, transportation, and beyond.

Author: Tara Prakriya General Manager, Azure IoT Mobility, Maps, and Connected Vehicles
Vive tu vida positivamente
[Modbreak IEX: Gelieve op de inhoud van uw berichten te letten, bericht is bij dezen verwijderd.]
[Modbreak IEX: Gelieve elkaar niet persoonlijk aan te vallen, bericht is bij dezen verwijderd.]
Meet Carl, a TomTom Mapping Car Driver. If you’ve ever wondered how we keep our map data up to date, then you need to meet Carl Polgar. Carl has been driving mobile mapping cars at TomTom for the past five years.
Based out of Northern California, he has helped to extensively map North America. His job is imperative to collect information on the changing nature of cities, terrain and roads across this vast area – to keep TomTom’s maps verified and up to date.

I sat down with Carl to learn more about his role at TomTom and what it’s like to explore so much of the world in a TomTom Mobile Mapping (MoMa) car. All photographs are taken by him from his journeys!

Where are you right now?

I’m in San Juan, Puerto Rico, working on transporting our vehicle back to the mainland U.S. I’ve been island-hopping… and even got to skip winter this year!

Given that most of TomTom’s products are software and data-based, this doesn’t seem like a usual job at the company at all. How did you get involved in this role and how did it start?

I was working for ZenRen, a company which does POI (point-of-interest) verification. I had been doing that for four years, so I already had a mapping background on my resume. Then I just happened upon this opportunity to become a driver for TomTom. It was really a matter of good luck and good timing!

I’ve been based out of Sacramento for the past two years – during my first three years, I went wherever in the U.S. and Canada. I’ve been overseeing remapping regular road maintenance in the state of California. As we also need to map other U.S. territories, especially after a lot of large natural changes to the areas, I’ve been to the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico as well.

What systems are you keeping track of while you’re on the road?

Our cars have a computer server in the back, and a laptop stand on the passenger side. And so, this gives me my route on the computer – where I have to drive. I keep an eye on that as safely as possible. I try to plan out my day beforehand, so that I have an idea of routes I need to take and places that I need to cover.

If it’s someplace familiar like Sacramento, where I know the road, it’s not hard to keep track of everything. Mainly, it’s following along, making sure I’m mapping where I’m supposed to be, keeping an eye on the road, and picking podcasts to stay entertained!
While this is a fairly typical view for the driver of a MoMa car, drivers like Carl often get to see more exciting and interesting scenes too.
While this is a fairly typical view for the driver of a MoMa car, drivers like Carl often get to see more exciting and interesting scenes too.
How far, or how many hours, do you drive in a day?

As drivers, we work based on daylight. I can work up to an hour after sunset and an hour before sunrise. In winter that’s not much – maybe 8:00am to 3:30pm, depending on where you are. Summer is when most of us are excited to get on the road, as we can drive for as many as twelve hours at a time.

The car is equipped with lasers and cameras. While lasers can function regardless of light level, cameras need daylight for the picture quality to not be affected.

These important pictures are used for addressing, getting information on businesses, overpasses, and other features valuable not only for routing but also for trucking. One thing I’ve learned is that street signs are not always accurate! The combination of the lasers and the camera records depth. The cameras are positioned at the top of the car using 6 lenses taking 360 photos, including one camera pointed directly upwards, one picture every 8-10 meters.

We’re often approached as a mapping solution because TomTom has a successful record regarding privacy. Where do you see privacy coming into play in your area of work, if at all?

Sure. The camera data collected from our drives never goes public – so concerns about faces, finger wavers, or people flipping me off showing up on a public street view are not a concern for us.

Editor’s note: While this is a colorful description of the process, it is true that the photos taken from our mapping cars are not publicly available and are stored securely with restricted access, as part of a commitment to privacy. The camera data is used only for our own optimization of our maps over time.

Not all roads are created equal. What can make a drive challenging? The terrain, road styles, locale, events? What is the most disruptive?

There are the typical challenges, like Bay Area traffic — autonomous driving is tested there for a reason… if a car can drive itself there, it can probably survive anywhere — and there are some pretty interesting ones.
This is just one of the many stunning views that Carl has seen over his years as a TomTom MoMa driver.
This is just one of the many stunning views that Carl has seen over his years as a TomTom MoMa driver.

A few years ago, in Puerto Rico, I was driving one of the main roads around the island. The maps here have changed considerably because of the hurricane and then the construction to rebuild.

My first day, I selected a mountain road to drive, drove south for 13 miles, and was 1km away from the mapped road connection when the road ended with a gigantic hole in the ground! I had no plan B, and since the roads were so disconnected, I had to go all the way back 13 miles. And so, being aware of your surroundings is important – and can make the drive extra trippy, especially if there’s a big hole in the ground!

I honestly don’t know how I’d react to a giant gaping hole in the road! While we’re speaking about experiences, could you tell me about a time where you most enjoyed the sights you saw while driving?

Not one time, but all the time. The Canadian Rockies are stunning. I’m able to find places even people who live in the areas I’m driving in don’t know about!

Every time I’ve been in Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands, I get to drive around the entire space, on back roads, where people of all backgrounds live. Most people visit somewhere like Puerto Rico and only go to the downtown and where hotels and big sites are, and leave. I get to see everything.

From doing special mapping in California, I’ve also been able to see amazing sites on plenty of days, like the 101 between San Jose and San Francisco and Santa Barbara.

How does the driving affect your lifestyle? What is it like to be driving as your full-time job, without anyone else?

At the beginning of every year, I ask myself, how much longer do I want to do this? Then, I start driving and realize I can’t leave it.

There’s a certain amount of social sacrifice, of course – I have friends going out back home in Sacramento and plenty of times I can’t be there when I wish I could. I’ve had amazing experiences, though, just driving, and seen amazing things – the travel is part of the lifestyle.

We’re also able to take a good break by being able to fly home every 6 weeks, which helps a lot, and makes us able to stay close with friends, family, and home life.

Do you ever receive comments on the car? Any of our usual “Oh, I had a TomTom!”?

I do get comments on the car! It’s been great to notice that I have only ever had people happy to see the car and to see that TomTom is around and still driving. Specifically, in rural places, and areas affected by natural disasters such as Puerto Rico, people who see me stopping to refuel the mapping car are excited to know that we go and re-map areas after major events – it gives the impression that we really care about these out-of-the-way areas enough to make sure they’re mapped correctly.

Of course, in the United States, it’s extremely common to have people mention the classic “I used to have a TomTom! Will it still work?”, but in areas such as the Virgin Islands, they are less familiar with the company but still eager to ask questions, which is fun and surprising.
In what ways do you see developers around the world benefiting the most from the data collected by our mapping cars?

Of course, we’re providing buckets of map data for people to take what they need from and use our huge amounts of mapping information to answer any questions they have.
As a TomTom mapping car driver, Carl has experienced some of the world’s most picturesque roads. In some cases, he drives routes that even the locals don’t know about.
As a TomTom mapping car driver, Carl has experienced some of the world’s most picturesque roads. In some cases, he drives routes that even the locals don’t know about.

Do you feel autonomous vehicles threaten your role in the future? How do you think your role would change?

Ha – they still need someone to turn the car on and off, and fill it with gas… don’t they? This placates me. That’s what I think of.

If it eventually came to that, I’d give it a shot – I’d become an autonomous vehicle driver, supervisor or whatever that role is. I think it’s still going to be a while before there’s not someone in that car, in dense areas specifically.

At the moment, you can also think of what we’re doing as mapping the roads that an AV will eventually follow, which is detailed work. For example, we need to remap new streets that have become transit only, in places like SF and New York, so that AV cars know not to get in that lane.

It’s also important to remember that for us, driving the mapping car isn’t always an easy project. When we ship the car to the Virgin Islands and other similar areas, someone has to be there to pick up the car, register it, and coordinate the shipping and licensing logistics both ways of the journey.

Lastly – what’s the most rewarding part of the journey for you?

It’s two-fold – at a work level, I think I’m doing some good in the world. Here in Puerto Rico, people are happy to see me and that we’re going to remote areas where so much has changed.

On a personal level, I get to go deep into unknown areas and see things most people won’t see in their lifetime. Here in the Southwestern las Marias mountains, when you get up here, you can see the whole island and the Caribbean. I’ve stopped for cows and sheep on the road near Pinnacle National Park and stopped for iguanas and horses on the road on the islands.

I feel very lucky to be able to do this as my job, to drive and see so much of what’s out there and be able to experience mapping such amazing places.

Carl Polgar
Mobile Mapping Car Driver

Andersdenkenden over de glorieuze toekomst van TomTom de mond willen snoeren en verbannen
maar zichzelf het "recht op een eigen mening hier te verkondigen" toe te eigenen.


Vive tu vida positivamente schreef op 14 september 2021 00:44:


Voor altijd opzouten zou voor velen een verademing zijn!
Ik vind hem een Verschrikkelijk vervelend persoon!

Knife Catcher schreef op 13 september 2021 19:39:


wil je het echt weten? Een dag opzouten van dit forum wat anders gaan doen dan mensen hier irriteren!
China wil automakers samenvoegen

Door de sector jarenlang te koesteren en te paaien met bijvoorbeeld subsidies is er een wildgroei ontstaan aan bedrijven die zich bezighouden met elektrisch rijden. Sommige van die bedrijven zijn nauwelijks levensvatbaar. De afgelopen jaren zijn er door Peking grote bedragen uitgekeerd aan subsidies om consumenten aan te moedigen een schone auto te kopen.

De Chinese elektrische auto-industrie is de grootste ter wereld met meer dan driehonderd bedrijven. Onder de grote spelers zijn Nio, BYD en XPeng. Peking zou nu maatregelen in voorbereiding hebben om de overcapaciteit in de sector te beperken waarbij er nog maar een aantal belangrijke productiecentra overblijven.

Productie bij VDL Nedcar ligt weer deels stil

Onbekend is hoe zwaar de productie-uitval VDL Nedcar financieel raakt. Moederbedrijf VDL geeft binnenkort een inkijkje als het zijn halfjaarcijfers publiceert. Of BMW de schade compenseert, wil de woordvoerder niet zeggen. Hij wijst op de vertrouwelijkheid van de gesprekken met het Duitse concern. Moederbedrijf VDL, een van de grootste industriële werkgevers in Nederland, worstelt daarnaast al met de hoge staalprijzen en tekorten aan kunststoffen.


Wereldbelegger schreef op 14 september 2021 07:33:


Andersdenkenden over de glorieuze toekomst van TomTom de mond willen snoeren en verbannen
maar zichzelf het "recht op een eigen mening hier te verkondigen" toe te eigenen.
Zal het Hosanna en bazuingeschal binnenkort weer rondklinken ? Beter maar niet vloeken in de kerk en afwachten op de dingen die komen gaan.

7,28 om 7,375 (ik zou er niet intrappen)
BMW en Mercedes gaan minder auto's produceren om prijs op te drijven

De Duitse automakers BMW en Daimler - het moederbedrijf van Mercedes - gaan hun productie verlagen, zodat ze meer geld kunnen vragen voor hun auto's. Dat zeggen de bedrijven tegen Financial Times.

Naar schatting zijn auto's 10 tot 20 procent duurder geworden doordat er minder geproduceerd kunnen worden. Toch blijkt de consument bereid die prijs te betalen en dus besloten BMW en Daimler hun prijzen ook hoog te houden als het chiptekort is opgelost.

"We zullen het aanbod bewust kleiner maken dan de vraag en tegelijk zullen we meer inzetten op de duurdere luxeauto's"

"recht op een eigen mening"
verkondigen van onwaarheden
beschuldigingen uiten over 'posters die betaald worden'
beschuldigingen uiten over meerdere aliassen door één persoon

de heer Goddijn afzeiken als de koers zakt
andere posters afzeiken als die een andere mening of optiek hebben
denigrerende opmerkingen maken naar andere posters toe


Wereldbelegger schreef op 14 september 2021 07:33:


Andersdenkenden over de glorieuze toekomst van TomTom de mond willen snoeren en verbannen
maar zichzelf het "recht op een eigen mening hier te verkondigen" toe te eigenen.

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