Wat kost het en hoeveel zijn er en waar werken ze !
Personnel expenses for the group (including discontinued operations) can be broken down
as follows:
(€ in thousands) 2019
Salaries 213,947
Social security costs 32,587
Pensions 9,942
Stock compensation 8,778
Temporary employee expenses 18,264
Other1 58,314
Total personnel expenses 341,832 301,787
1. Other personnel expenses includes costs of secondary benefits such as health insurance, sales commissions and bonuses offset by
capitalized personnel expenses in an amount of €3 million (2018: €39 million).
Of the group personnel costs, €11 million (2018: €45 million) is presented as part of
discontinued operations.
The average number of employees including discontinued operations (in FTE equivalents) in 2019
was 4,712 (2018: 4,834) spread across the following functional areas:
(€ in thousands) 2019 2018
Research and development 3,697 3,448
Marketing 100 113
Sales, general and administrative 915 1,273
Total FTE 4,712 4,834
At 31 December 2019, the group (including discontinued operations) had a headcount of 4,575
(2018: 5,144) employees. During 2019, 3,461 (2018: 3,991) full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
worked outside the Netherlands.
Dus 3461 FTEs werkten buiten Nederland.
Waarschijnlijk 90% van het R en D personeel, lijkt me !