Sopheon has been notified that certain directors of the Company and their spouses have undertaken transfers of ordinary shares of 20 pence each in the capital of the Company ("Ordinary Shares") into individual savings accounts ("ISA") details of which are given below.
Barry Mence has transferred 3,000 Ordinary Shares held in his brokerage account into his ISA. Barry Mence's spouse Maria Mence has also transferred 3,000 Ordinary Shares held in her brokerage account into her ISA. Barry Mence's total beneficial interest in Ordinary Shares, including those held by his spouse, remains unchanged at 2,228,537 Ordinary Shares.
Stuart Silcock has transferred 5,400 Ordinary Shares held in his brokerage account into his ISA. Stuart Silcock's spouse Christine Silcock has also transferred 3,000 Ordinary Shares held in her brokerage account into her ISA. Stuart Silcock's total beneficial interest in Ordinary Shares, including those held by his spouse, remains unchanged at 520,318 Ordinary Shares.
Arif Karimjee has transferred 2,800 Ordinary Shares held in his brokerage account into his ISA. His total beneficial interest in Ordinary Shares, including those held by his spouse, remains unchanged at 82,493 Ordinary Shares.