even wat calls verkocht ( 9,00 ) dacht ze nooit meer terug te zien...ben echt benieuwd wat ECB donderdag gaat doen; ga daar een nieuwe strategie op zetten
hier een stukje van market watch:
What are the ECB’s options?
Economists largely expect the ECB to adopt a two-tiered system.
The Rabobank analysts described two options: The central bank could introduce a new, lower deposit facility for “‘excess’ excess liquidity,” or it could introduce a “reserves allowance” that comes on top of existing required reserves, with the balance remunerated at the refinancing rate of 0%, the same as required reserves.
In the first option, the lower deposit rate would apply only to excess reserves above a certain threshold, while all excess reserves below the threshold would still be charged the current -0.4% rate.
The second option, in which a certain amount of reserves in addition to required reserves are charged at the 0% refinancing rate, may be more appealing, they said, as it would allow the ECB to cut rates further without any additional costs for the banking sector. To make it work, however, the allowance would need to be quite large, the Rabobank economists said, estimating that with excess liquidity seen at around €1.8 trillion ($1.99 trillion), the ECB would need to create an allowance worth around €800 billion to fully offset another 40 basis points of deposit rate cuts.