AISI Announces 2019 Institute Medal Winners
The American Iron and Steel Institute presented its highest technical award, the 2019 Institute Medal, to Chad Cathcart, Hot Strip Quality Assurance Manager at Stelco, for the paper Clean Steel Assessment. His paper was an introduction to clean steel production and measurement, aimed primarily at the young metallurgist beginning their career but is also applicable to the non-metallurgist. The award was presented by AISI Chairman and AK Steel chief executive officer, Roger Newport, during the 2019 General Meeting in Washington, D.C.
Established in 1927, the Institute Medal and two Finalist Medals are awarded for technical papers having special merit and importance in connection with the activities and interests of the iron and steel industry. Papers are judged on the potential value to future prosperity of the industry, technical excellence and originality, effective communication and breadth of interest to AISI members.
Finalist medals were also awarded to:
Grant Thomas, Manager Product Research, AK Steel Research and Innovation
Fadi Abu-Farha, Assistant Professor, Automotive Engineering, Clemson University
Tyson W. Brown, Lab Group Manager, General Motors Global R&D
Louis G Hector Jr, Research Fellow, General Motors Global R&D
Xiaohua Hu, Senior Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Yang Ren, Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory
Xin Sun, Director, Energy and Transportation Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Hassan Ghassemi-Armaki, Gang Huang, Narayan Pottore and Sriram Sadagopan of ArcelorMittal Global R&D for their paper titled Effect of Al Addition on the Formability of Uncoated Commercial Dual Phase 1180 Steel Products.
Source : Strategic Research Institute