Uit de minutes 2018:
Kennelijk wordt "Ohio2" een joint ventere met Shell. Dan duurt het wat langer.
Dr. Schimmelbusch:Internally, I can reveal to you, though I shouldn't probably, but internally we are calling this project 'Ohio 2'. We are presently analysing potential sites in the MiddleEast and Asia, and also in NorthAmerica. Because we are aware,and Criterion sharesthat awareness with us, that the recycling capacity in the world of catalysts has to expand massively in order to take careof the waste situation. This waste is presently not handled in anecologically correct way. Muchof this waste endsupin landfills and many of these landfills shouldn't have those kindsof materials, with wastewater and groundwater problems. Recently there was a big scandal in Germany over a refinery associated with 30,000 tons of vanadium-containing waste. If the press reports are correct,they deposited hazardous waste in landfills. So,there is a big waste problem in spent catalysts and as very sustainable and responsible operators,we of course want to provide to that problem a solution. And our philosophy And Ohio 3 maybeis identical to the philosophy of Criterion, one of the largest producers of catalysts. So,they want to close the industrial loop of fresh catalysts, spent catalysts and we provide the technological ability to build those plants. We are the world's largest recycler in vanadium. [Name not stated]:Could you give an idea of the expanded capacitywhen you enter the cooperation with Shell? Dr. Schimmelbusch:Well Ohio has a capacity of 30,000 tons, we go to 40,000 tons, maybe over 40,000 tons and Ohio 2 would be the same magnitude. And Ohio 3 maybe