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Arcelor Mittal dec. 2018 (Prikkeldraad)

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ArcelorMittal call for green border adjustment to address climate change

ArcelorMittal has called for Europe to introduce a green border adjustment whereby steel imported into Europe has the same standards applied on CO2 as European-produced steel under the Emissions Trading System (ETS) regime. The adjustment would call for any shortfall in CO2 emissions to be compensated by the importer. The green border adjustment would incentivise effective reduction in carbon emissions and prevent the competitiveness of the European steel industry being eroded. Following the implementation of phase 4 of the ETS European steel producers will incur additional costs that companies producing in other regions of the world and importing into Europe are not obliged to pay.

Steel is a globally traded material with approximately one third consumed in a different country to where it was produced. Imports into Europe have increased in recent years as a result of global overcapacity with imports from countries without comparable climate policies in 2018 standing at approximately 26 million tonnes on an annualised basis.

Speaking at the company's annual media day, held in Paris, Aditya Mittal, President and CFO of ArcelorMittal, said “The introduction of a green border adjustment is critical to create a level playing field from which to drive genuine improvement. The current system will not change how steel is made only where steel is made. Europe will continue to need as much steel as ever, but the likelihood is more of this steel will come from countries that do not have comparable climate policies. That may enable Europe to claim the emissions of its production has reduced but that is meaningless when it doesn’t address the emissions of what it consumes. There are no continents in the sky and while the contributions of individual countries are important, there must be measures to prevent carbon leakage in globally traded materials like steel. I am convinced that we can help make a real and positive difference, but only if we have the right polices in place to support a level playing field and incentivise and support investments in potentially transformation technologies. I sincerely hope that Europe’s policy makers can see the logic and rationale for this and will give it serious consideration.”

ArcelorMittal also said it is analysing the application of new technologies that can have significant impact over the longer-term, including carbon capture, storage and use; using renewable carbon such as renewable biomass; and replacing carbon with renewable sources of power. However, it also cautioned that investment from both public and private sources for the demonstration, scale-up and commercialisation of these breakthrough technologies will be required, as was the case in the European energy sector which on average has received government support equivalent to an annual subsidy of over EUR50/t of CO2 emissions avoided.

ArcelorMittal highlighted steel’s natural advantage over other materials from the perspective of both recyclability and CO2. Steel’s magnetic properties makes it the easiest material to recover from waste streams, and it is 100% recyclable to produce a new piece of steel. And even as it currently stands a product made from steel will have generated significantly less CO2 than one made from other materials, including glass or aluminium.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Demand for construction steel in EU still low - ArcelorMittal

Reuters reported that ArcelorMittal said that Europe’s demand for construction steel is down nearly 20 percent versus its pre-financial crisis peak, with the market still battling excess capacity. Augustine Kochuparampil, CEO of ArcelorMittal Europe Long Products, said “We have huge overcapacity in long construction steel in Europe.”

He told “European mills used 65% of their capacity in construction steel last year. EU demand for long, or construction steel, is forecast at 57 million tonnes this year versus 69 million tonnes in 2008.”

In 2007 they used 80%, a level investors say indicates a healthy industry where mills have pricing power.

Source : Reuters
ArcelorMittal commits to ResponsibleSteel - a new industry standard

ArcelorMittal has taken a leading role in forming and committing to ResponsibleSteel™, the steel industry's first multi-stakeholder global certification initiative. ResponsibleSteel™ was set up in 2015 as a non-profit organisation to drive a more responsible future for the steel industry. It will achieve this by building the first global certification program and standard for the entire steel value chain from mining, to production processes, to final stage sales and distribution.

Certification standards will include the following areas:
Climate Change & Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Water Responsibility & Biodiversity
Human Rights & Labour Law
Local Communities & Business Integrity

Explaining ArcelorMittal’s commitment to ResponsibleSteel™, Alan Knight, Global Head of Sustainable Development, said, "responsible production techniques and high ethical and business standards are becoming increasingly important to our customers, and ultimately to their customers and consumers. We want to get to a point where steel users and purchasers have total confidence in their choices.

ResponsibleSteel™ provides us with a fantastic opportunity to do this and to create the world’s first certification programme for the industry.”ResponsibleSteel™ is a membership-based organisation currently comprising 22 members including steel producers, car manufacturers (BMW Group and Daimler), finance providers such as HSBC, industry organisations and NGOs. The scheme will formally launch its certification standards following a rigorous accreditation process which is expected to conclude towards the end of 2019. Once launched, ResponsibleSteel™ expects to rapidly grow its membership base with the aim of becoming the industry-recognised standard around the world.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
situatie is sinds vanavond zeer drastisch positief gewijzigd, morgen ga ik kopen ook al daalt AM ik ga kopen !!!!!!!!
Hier, gratis, een beetje inspiratie:

ArcelorMittal urges extended, reformed EU caps on steel imports
PARIS, Dec 11 (Reuters) - ArcelorMittal, the world’s largest steelmaker, said on Tuesday it was “absolutely critical” that Europe protect itself with measures to restrict imports of steel and remedy weaknesses in its existing system.
The European Union imposed provisional safeguards in July combining quotas and tariffs to counter steel flooding into the market after U.S. President Donald Trump hit U.S. steel imports with 25 percent tariffs.
The provisional measures are in place for 200 days, meaning they would expire in early February, unless they are replaced by a longer-term system.
“We think these provisional safeguard measures have a lot of weaknesses. It is absolutely critical that the provisional safeguard measures are made into final measures (and) that these weaknesses are rectified,” ArcelorMittal chief financial officer Aditya Mittal told a company presentation in Paris.
Mittal said those weaknesses included exemptions for developing countries, which for example has allowed Turkey to export more steel to Europe.
Mittal urged the European Commission, which coordinates trade policy for the EU’s 28 members, to set quotas per quarter, not for the full-year, which could allow a year’s worth of imports in just a few months.
“That would create tremendous volatility and cause a lot of disruption to our European business,” he said.
The other weakness, Mittal said, was the exemption for tonnage of steel already on ships.
“The amount of tonnes on ships was significantly larger than the quotas so in actual fact we did not really have provisional safeguard measures in place,” he said, adding the company was working with European governments to ensure that the final measures were effective.
In ArcelorMittal’s other main market, North America, the company has benefited from U.S. import tariffs on steel, which have boosted prices, leading to increased investment in the industry there.
Asked about whether such measures amounted to protectionism, Mittal said the ultimate problem was overcapacity in China.
“It begins with China and ends with China. China created tremendous global overcapacity and subsidised its steel business and sought to solve that problem by exporting around the world,” he said.
Mittal recognised that China had cut steelmaking capacity, of some 140 million tonnes to date, but even with more planned by 2023, they would still fall short of the 250 million tonne reduction that ArcelorMittal advocated. (Reporting by Philip Blenkinsop, editing by Louise Heavens)
PARIS (Reuters) - Europe’s demand for construction steel is down nearly 20 percent versus its pre-financial crisis peak, with the market still battling excess capacity, ArcelorMittal, the world’s biggest steelmaker, said on Tuesday.
EU steel prices have recovered sharply since hitting decade lows in late 2015, but investors are growing concerned that the sector will struggle if China’s economy slows further as the trade dispute between the United States and China drags on.
China produces and consumes half the world’s steel, a $900 global industry seen as strategic for growth and national security.
“We have huge overcapacity in long (construction) steel in Europe,” Augustine Kochuparampil, chief executive of ArcelorMittal Europe, Long Products, told reporters at a briefing in Paris.
European mills used 65 percent of their capacity in construction steel last year, Kochuparampil said. In 2007 they used 80 percent - a level investors say indicates a healthy industry where mills have pricing power.
EU demand for long, or construction steel, is forecast at 57 million tonnes this year versus 69 million tonnes in 2008, Kochuparampil said.
Owned by billionaire Lakshmi Mittal, ArcelorMittal has operations in more than 60 countries and produced 97.03 million tonnes of steel in 2017, equivalent to 6 percent of total world output.

Uncertainty to determine fate of steel industry for 2019

2 groene projecten 2020>
Compared to 2017, steel production was up 4.4% year-to-date through September, while U.S. steel imports fell 10.6% through October, according to a December presentation from B. Riley FBR analyst Lucas Pipes. He said the increased utilization rates of domestic steel mills could raise 2019 domestic metallurgical coal demand to 20.0 million tons, a 2.5 million-ton increase over 2017.
Meanwhile, despite surging revenues collected from the tariffs, recent data from the U.S. Department of Commerce showed that the U.S. trade deficit in goods and services actually rose to a 10-year high in October. The Wall Street Journal reported that foreign steel has continued to flow into the U.S. despite the tariffs as domestic steelmakers simply raise their prices to boost profits.
Tangshan, which accounts for about 10 percent of China’s total steel output, ordered industrial plants, including steel mills, to reduce output by an average 40 percent from Dec. 13 to 31, traders said, citing a notice published by the local government late on Tuesday.
With steel demand likely to remain weak over the next two months of winter and production expected to stabilise, as mills that are not covered by output curbs continue to produce more, “steel prices may consolidate at current levels or decline,” said the Shanghai trader.
ArcelorMittal (MT), the world’s largest steel producer, shipped 20.5 million metric tons of steel in the third quarter. The company’s shipments fell 5.4% YoY. ArcelorMittal is the only steel company that we are covering in this series to report a yearly fall in its third-quarter steel shipments. The company attributed lower shipments to operational issues in Europe, which accounts for almost half of its revenues. It also blamed fewer shipments in its ACIS (Africa and Commonwealth of Independent States) segment and “temporary market weakness in the US” for lower third-quarter shipments.
Er zijn zeker 2 institutionele sellers actief.
Die zijn gehedged aan het cashen (voor de SHTF; algehele markt)
Diegene die de hedge hebben verzorgd willen de aandelen LAGER dan hier, volgens mij.

P.S. If you can't beat them, join them. Sell the Rally.
wanneer is er sprake van een rally?. MT koers is nog herstellende van een dramatisch koersval, omdat de koers weer stijgt is er niet direct sprake van een rally lijkt mij.
Iemand nog een idee voor vandaag. Lees hier veel goede artiekelen,
Voorlopig ben ik ook van mening dat de aex een stpp loss hunt heeft uitgevoert op 495,
Dat is ook een van de grootste redenen waarom ik ben ingestapt in am. Dit is een cyclies aandeel met veel potentie om grote winsten op relatief korte termijn te pakken.
Ben zelf van mening dat am eind januari rond de 22€ zou moeten staan.
Beetje de inbetween sector. Het vriespunt van het afgelopen half jaar.
Disclaimer: heb zelf een long positie op am op 18,74€.
Succes alle

miniature schreef op 12 december 2018 22:15:

situatie is sinds vanavond zeer drastisch positief gewijzigd, morgen ga ik kopen ook al daalt AM ik ga kopen !!!!!!!!
Goedemorgen , kunt u vertellen wat er verandert is ?
rene l
Nipt groene fruts, olies doen geen ruk, de Bitcoin krijgt lichte klappen, goud suddert ook rond het vriespunt, en vandaag alleen wat economisch nieuws van de Engelsen en de Italiaanse maffia.

Gisteren ging het kopstuk van Isnietgoed ook nog onder de hamer in een achterkamertje.
Helaas werd hij niet afgehamerd, hij moest plechtig beloven dat hij nooit meer zou sjoemelen, zijn kop heeft hij gered en kreeg niet de bekende klap van de man met de hamer.

May mag ook blijven, wat bezielt haar eigenlijk op haar leeftijd, bij de Eurofielen loop je toch op tegen een blok beton en ze wordt vierkant uitgelachen.
Het broodje schuifkaas wordt weer opgerekt, sla toch koppen met spijkers.

De staatsmedia heeft ook weer nieuw speeltje van stal gehad, je had altijd al de dramatische oppereurofiel Noorlander, Dhr. de Wit haalt alles uit de kast om het volk voor te liegen betreft de Britten.
En nu heb je de huiseconoom Bouman die de stekkerauto aan het promoten is.
Wat een drama deze man, burgers mangelen, financieel een flinke poot uittrekken.

Besef het allemaal maar goed, het leven wordt volgend jaar tussen de 7 en 10% duurder.
En hoef je daar geen econoom voor te zijn, nee, helemaal niet, gewoon simpelweg om je heen kijken.
Trek de broekriem maar weer een gaatje strakker.

Volgend jaar zal de ECB met een verdere renteverlaging komen, iederéén verklaart mij nu voor gek.

Ja, onze dorpsgek John Confetti gaat er gelukkig ook vandoor, zijn taak is volbracht, heeft ons met veel toekomstige ellende opgezadeld en krijg hiervoor promotie.

Vandaag zal het wel een dagje van 2x niks worden, of Mittal de 20 dit jaar nog knakt, ik weet het niet.

Zelden schreef op 12 december 2018 23:04:

Er zijn zeker 2 institutionele sellers actief.

Wat zijn "institutionele sellers " ?


Mangy_Scoundrel schreef op 13 december 2018 09:15:

Wat zijn institutionele sellers ?

Peter ‘The Pink Panther” Sellers en zijn broer wellicht.

Bir schreef op 13 december 2018 09:19:


Peter ‘The Pink Panther” Sellers en zijn broer wellicht.

tukker51 schreef op 13 december 2018 10:27:

prachtige films.
Heb ze al tig keer gezien.
hier idem Tukker , zo worden ze helaas niet meer gemaakt
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