Antwoord t.a.v vraag over de mogelijke verandering in de perceptie van prijsstelling van medicijnen
Daniel O'Day
Yes, these are unusual times for all of us, I'm sure in all of your areas of interest, as well as ours. And so what I can say is that I think people have come together in a variety of ways, and certainly that's also occurred to a certain degree in Washington. And I've spent a decent amount of time in Washington over the past several months, certainly, before the shelter in place. And I think even then, there is some change in the rhetoric. I think for highly innovative research based companies that have immediately kind of shifted their efforts to solutions on the coronavirus, it's pretty impressive actually to many of the peers in the industry, that I stay in very close touch with have spared no expense to kind of pivot and shift.
So I think at the end of the day, I think this will certainly help the industry’s reputation, I think the ability to solve a human crisis like this, because of the decades of investments and the at risk investments that's done by so many companies, people I think will -- and the general public will see that. And whether that's treatment, different types of treatments or vaccines, I think that will be the case. But certainly to your point, I think the tone is different in Washington. I think people are very appreciative and concerned about finding solutions here, and it's brought us all together, which I think is a good thing.
I'm not suggesting that, there won't continue to be focus and pressure on drug pricing. Of course, there will be. And we continue to work appropriately to make sure that, in particular the patients that are bearing the brunt sometimes of some of the pharmaceutical pricing that legislation is put into place that supports that and improve that for patients and that we lean in as an industry and as a company to give more that flows through to patients. So all of those principles I think still apply, but it's being done now in a way where we can have an appreciation for the innovation that the industry brings.
So more to come. And a lot is still to happen this year with the election coming up and with other things. But, I think from a Gilead perspective, we stay focused on innovative medicines and making sure we have access programs on leaning into legislation that supports the innovative industry and that supports reducing patient out of pocket costs, and that will be our focus accordingly, Salim. So hope that gives a little bit of a insight.