Uit de transcript van de conference call van gilead over de launch van filgotinib.
Antwoord in Q&A
Johanna Mercier
So, Geoffrey, I think just a quick update on filgo. We basically have hired all of our home office personnelj, both from a commercial medical standpoint, we've hired our sales leadership, field leadership as well and we're monitoring the situation really closely to be honest with you, because nobody really knows when this ends or what's the new normal and when not begin. And so we're just kind of monitoring that and planning for success to be honest with you to make sure that we are ready for launch for the second half of 2020 across all of the markets where we hope to get regulatory approval with the U. S., Japan, as well as Europe towards the end of this year.
I think from a virtual launch standpoint, I think those are considerations that we're looking at in scenario planning and we haven't made a decision obviously that will be linked to the timing of this pandemic. Having said that, I will also tell you that a lot of our teams are doing virtual right now, many of the markets are doing remote detailing, virtual speaker programs, et cetera. And working through this environment despite obviously the opposites and patients not being open at this point in time. So, we're working through all that and looking at the different scenarios. But I think we need to know a little bit more information on the timing of this pandemic and how that plays out towards the end of this year.