Mijn aantekening bij mijn belegging in Volta:
Voornamelijk beleggingen in CLO's (Collaterized Loan Obligations.
Mandjes leningen van bedrijven met gewoonlijk een wat lagere kredietwaardigheid.
CLO's hebben bij problemen voorrang op andere leningen.
CLO's zijn gevoelig voor faillissementen in slechte economische tijden.
Website feb 2024:
The current investment strategy is to concentrate on the following asset classes:
collateralised loan obligations(“CLO”),synthetic corporate credit, cash corporate
credit, and asset backed securities (“ABS”).
The Company's approach to investment is through vehicles and arrangements
that essentially provide leveraged exposure to portfolios of such Underlying
Assets, through a multitude of structures and forms, including debt, equity,
hybrid securities, derivatives (such as total return swaps, credit default swaps
and other synthetic instruments) and other product forms.
The Company may also employ hedging strategies to manage certain risks, such
as credit risk, interest rate risk and currency risk.