Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, January 12, 2018, 17.35 - IBA (Ion Beam Applications SA), the world’s leading provider of proton therapy solutions for the treatment of cancer, announces that it has to issue a transparency notification, in accordance with Article 14, al. 1 of the Transparency Law of May 2, 2007 on disclosure of major holdings, further to the notification received on January 12, 2018.
Reason for the notification: Upwards crossing of the 3% threshold further to the acquisition of shares –and thus voting rights- held as loan collateral
Persons subject to the notification requirement IBA SA, issuer
Persons that dispose of voting rights Kempen Capital Management NV.
Transaction date: 01/01/2018
Threshold that is crossed (in %): 3% - Upwards crossing further to the acquisition of voting rights.
Denominator: 29 962 246
Voting rights (number): 900 174
Voting rights (%): 3,00%
Chain of control: Van Lanschot Kempen N.V. < 100%> F. van Lanschot Banklers NV <100%> kempen & Co NV <100%> Kempen Capital Management NV. Kempen se réfère à la declaration d’indépendance (datée du 15 novembre 2017).
Additional information: Kempen Capital Management NV appeals for Art. 11 of the (Transparency) Law (May 2, 2007), by which an exemption is acquired.