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Petrobras admits it was informed of bribe-taking of SBM
Internal committee found no irregularity, but admitted SBM payment. Earlier, Grace Foster announced creation of governance board.
18/11/2014 - 09:42:20
Source: Cristiane Cardoso G1 in Rio
After announcing the creation of a governance board at Petrobras , motivated by accusations of corruption Operation Lava Jet, the president of the state, Grace Foster, admitted on Monday (17) was informed by the company SBM Offshore that company employees received bribes from the Dutch company.
In March this year, Petrobras said that an internal commission created by the state to investigate allegations had not found "facts or documents evidencing" this type of payment.
"In the case of SBM, we made ??an internal committee of investigation which led, if I'm not mistaken, 45 days, and this determination, we did not identify any non-compliance in procurement procedures and, more than that, at that time, we have not identified no signage that could have been corruption in the company. And so we finished our work, "said Grace Foster.
She admits, however, that it was informed that "there was, yes, payment of bribes." "We inform you that we have identified, any non-compliance in this regard. A few weeks or a few months, I was informed that there were, yes, payment of bribes to an employee or former employee of Petrobras," said Grace.
"We received information that there was very SBM payment of bribes to an official of Petrobras and immediately was cut. We made ??a few visits, trips to the Netherlands, the United States, including, try to get information, names, without success. So to this day do not know who or when. Who pays for this account is the very SBM that is outside the bids "he said.
Governance Board
Grace said he proposed the creation of new governance body on Friday (14), the Board of Directors of the company, and that got him "permission to deepening and proposal preparation for creation - in collegiate management at Petrobras - this board Compliance ".
"It was unanimous support we received from Petrobras management committee. We have capacity to govern, the company's governance," said Grace for the disclosure of operational data for the third quarter 2014 conference call with analysts and investors.
Departure from SBM
According to the executive, after the account of the bribe, the SBM cleared the bidding of the Brazilian state, "immediately, we reported the SBM that it would not participate in any bidding us as the source was not identified, the name of people who would be letting bribe in Petrobras and that's what happened, "he said. "We had a recent bidding, were two recent bids, Libra and Turtle, and the SBM did not participate."
Despite the statement, the president of the state declared that it will not interrupt existing contracts with the contractor until the information is "so overwhelming that justifies us we terminate the contract."
"We have contracts with SBM, always a very above average performance, good, that is, we will not stop her or contracts with other contractors who are working with us until we have information that is so overwhelming that justify what we we terminate the contract" .
The complaint
The alleged scheme was revealed on the Internet in October last year by a former employee of the Dutch company SBM Offshore, and published by the newspaper "Economic Value". According to the company, he demanded money not to disclose the documents.
According to the complaint, SBM, one of the largest rental companies and trading platforms, have corrupted officials of governments of various countries and representatives of private companies to get contracts.
The former employee also said that between 2005 and 2011, the amount paid would have reached $ 250 million. In Brazil, the main scheme of the intermediate would be the businessman Julio Faerman. He was one of SBM's representatives in the country by 2012 and is quoted in the criminal investigation opened by the Federal Public Ministry this month. Faerman denies the charges.
Petrobras internal committee found no evidence of bribery. The complaint, however, is being investigated by the Federal Police . The contracts between the Dutch company and Petrobras still go through an analysis of the Federal Audit Court .
The Dutch company denied it had made ??improper payments to servers or employees of state. The company said it had paid $ 139.1 million in commissions to its agent in Brazil, but reiterated not proven payment of bribes to employees of Petrobras.
The Faercom and Oildrive companies, identified in the complaints as intermediaries of bribe payments in Brazil, also deny involvement.
In early November, however, SBM said it struck a deal with the prosecution and the Netherlands agreed to pay $ 240 million as punishment for bribe payments made ??between 2007 and 2011 in Brazil, Equatorial Guinea and Angola.