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nieuwe partner 4d molecular therapeutics

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in de nieuwe filing bij nasdaq wordt een nieuwe partner genoemd, heeft recht op ruim 3 miljoen aandelen:

3,048,728 ordinary shares issuable upon exercise of options granted on January 17, 2014 in connection with our collaboration and license agreement with 4D Molecular Therapeutics, at an exercise price of €0.01 per share

wie heeft hier meer nieuws over?
Strategic Collaboration: 4D Molecular Therapeutics

In January 2014, we entered into a collaboration and license agreement with 4D for the discovery and optimization of next-generation AAV vectors. Under this agreement, we have an exclusive license to 4D's existing and certain future know-how and other intellectual property for the delivery of AAV vectors to CNS or liver cells for the diagnosis, treatment, palliation or prevention of all diseases or medical conditions. Under this collaboration, the 4D team, including Dr. David Schaffer, 4D's co-founder and Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, will establish a laboratory, which we will fund, at a cost of approximately $3.0 million in aggregate over the next three years, to identify next generation AAV vectors. We are also required to make payments for pre-clinical, clinical and regulatory milestones under the collaboration as well as to pay single-digit royalties. In addition, we have granted options to purchase an aggregate of 3,048,728 class B ordinary shares in connection with this collaboration, and will recognize resulting share-based payment expense over the next three years. To the extent that the collaboration is successful, we may also incur additional third party costs in developing any product candidates and also in preparing, filing and prosecuting additional patent applications. See "Business—Strategic Collaboration—4D Molecular Therapeutics".
Prof. Dollar
Goed opgelet.

Die naam komt ook terug in de agenda van de tweede STAK-bijeenkomst later deze maand. Hieronder de tekst.

Agendapunt 4: de benoeming van dr. David Schaffer als commissaris ‘B’ en het vaststellen van zijn compensatie als commissaris B


Dr. Schaffer zal geen beloning ontvangen in het kader van zijn functie als Commissaris, maar hij zal wel gerechtigd zijn tot een redelijke onkostenvergoeding.

Dr. Schaffer is sinds 2007 verbonden aan de Universiteit van California, Berkeley, als professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Bioengineering, en Neuroscience. Daarnaast is hij sinds 2011 directeur van het Berkeley Stem Cell Center. Hij is ook de mede-oprichter van 4D Molecular Therapeutics, een bedrijf dat zich specialiseert in proprietary technology voor gene therapy products. Van 1999 tot en met 2005 was dr. Schaffer assistent-professor en van 2005 tot en met 2007 associate-professor aan de universiteit van California, Berkeley, bij de afdeling Chemical Engineering & Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. Hij zit in het bestuur van de American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy en de Society for Biological Engineering. De heer Schaffer heeft meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in de chemical en molecular engineering, en stamcel en gene therapy onderzoek, hij heeft meer dan 130 wetenschappelijke publicaties op zijn naam staan, en neem plaats in 5 journal editorial boards en 5 industrial scientific adviesraden. De heer Schaffer heeft een science bachelor in chemical engineering behaald aan de Stanford University en een Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering aan het Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Gezien zijn omvangrijke en relevante wetenschappelijke ervaring, en zijn ervaring in de biotech-industrie, heeft de Vennootschap er vertrouwen in dat dr. Schaffer geschikt is om in de Raad van Commissarissen benoemd te worden.

OK laten we ervan uitgaan dat dit toekomstige waarde toevoegt, voor nu kost alleen geld/shares
Interessante informatie. De vragen die het oproept bij mij (en maandag zullen worden herhaaald
1) waarom shares B en geen A of C?
2) volgens mij mogen er geen opties worden uitgegeven met een exercise price van 0,01? Maar het nooit enenige documentatie mogen ontvangen van de stak (na verzoek).
3) Waarom staat dit niet op de Uniqure website onder investors?
4) waarom zijn er geen notulen van de vorige vergadering en staat dit niet op de agenda? Dit is relevant in het ligt van (geen) transparantie.
5) wat is de waarde (cost) van de dealwant 3M opties zijn minmaal 3M X 2,50 (laatste koers) 7,5 Milj euro. Lab cost 3M USD. Clinical trials ??? als je iets inkoopt weet je de prijs (hoop ik).

De betaling hangt wel af van eventueel success : No (uni)cure no pay?
Prof. Dollar

appeltjevddorst schreef op 19 januari 2014 14:39:

Interessante informatie. De vragen die het oproept bij mij (en maandag zullen worden herhaaald
1) waarom shares B en geen A of C?
2) volgens mij mogen er geen opties worden uitgegeven met een exercise price van 0,01? Maar het nooit enenige documentatie mogen ontvangen van de stak (na verzoek).
3) Waarom staat dit niet op de Uniqure website onder investors?
4) waarom zijn er geen notulen van de vorige vergadering en staat dit niet op de agenda? Dit is relevant in het ligt van (geen) transparantie.
5) wat is de waarde (cost) van de dealwant 3M opties zijn minmaal 3M X 2,50 (laatste koers) 7,5 Milj euro. Lab cost 3M USD. Clinical trials ??? als je iets inkoopt weet je de prijs (hoop ik).

De betaling hangt wel af van eventueel success : No (uni)cure no pay?
Goed dat jij voor de vragen gaat stellen. Ik hoop dat je hier ook de antwoorden wilt delen!

Over vraag 1. Een andere variant op deze vraag. Waarom nu? Moet je nu niet meer certificaten uitgeven tegen een lagere waarde? Dan kan je beter wachten tot na de IPO en (hopelijk) minder aandelen uitgeven voor een hogere waarde. Toch?

Over vraag 3. Ik vermoed omdat het allemaal wel erg kort dag is... en ze nog geen tijd hebben gehad om de website bij te werken.

Over vraag 4. Een dubbele vraag. De notulen worden vaak afgedaan met 'voorgestelde punten zijn geaccepteerd'. En ja, dit zou men best meer inhoudelijk mogen notuleren en openbaar maken. Dat het punt niet op de agenda staat heeft te maken met het moment van bekendmaken... volgende week maandag is een tweede STAK-bijeenkomst. Hopelijk kan je daar ook aanwezig zijn. www.uniqure.com/investors/shareholder...

Over vraag 5. Je zou hier wat meer informatie uit kunnen halen. secfilings.nasdaq.com/edgar_conv_html...
Vraag 3: hoe kun je verwachten dat DR houders vergaderingen bijwonen als men `elf nog niet eens tijd genoeg heeft om de website adequat bij te werken. Als dat het antwoord is dan moet de vergadering van morgen nietig worden verklaard bij voorbaat.
Laten we hopen dat we morgen constructief te werk kunnen gaan en antwoorden krijgen waar we recht op hebben.

@bilbo de text van de exercise price heb ik niet kunnen vinden in de sec filings.
Kun je dit iets specifieker aangeven waar dit precies staat? pag nr van de 4 deal?
De totale filing is meer dan 300 paginas. Ik heb nog andere dingen te doen.
Als dank je voor je verslag van de meeting van gisteren heb ik het even voor je opgezocht:
zie bijv pag 58, pag 67 en heel interessant de tabel op pag 85.

$qure found it (4d molecular therapeutics) Gene Therapy Delivery: What Can be Accomplished with Existing Vector Tech t.co/987WMg5PlR


Technology Platform Collaborations: In January 2014, uniQure entered into a collaboration and license agreement with 4D Molecular Therapeutics ("4D") for the discovery and optimization of next-generation AAV vectors. uniQure gained exclusive access to 4D's AAV vector discovery and optimization technology for gene delivery to the central nervous system and liver. The Company expects to make a preliminary selection of new synthetic vectors in the first half of 2015.
In January 2015, uniQure entered into a collaborative license agreement with Synpromics Limited to strengthen its technology platform with respect to therapeutic indications that require high-level therapeutic gene expression or comprise large therapeutic genes. uniQure will exclusively own the results of this collaborative effort.

4D Molecular Therapeutics and Roche Sign Collaboration Agreement for Gene Therapy Vector Discovery and Product Development
Pioneer in gene therapy vector discovery partners with leading biopharmaceutical company to create and develop products for genetic diseases

April 27, 2015 07:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--4D Molecular Therapeutics (4DMT), a leader in next-generation gene therapy vector discovery and product development, today announced a collaboration and license agreement with Roche to discover and develop optimized next-generation AAV vectors for indications with high unmet medical need. 4DMT will deploy its proprietary AAV vector discovery platform, Directed Vector Evolution, to identify and optimize novel gene delivery vectors for use in gene therapy products. Financial details were not disclosed.

“We are thrilled to enter into this collaboration with Roche, a global leader in research-focused healthcare”

“We are thrilled to enter into this collaboration with Roche, a global leader in research-focused healthcare,” said Dr. David Kirn, co-founder and CEO of 4DMT. “We believe that great synergies can be achieved by combining our AAV gene therapy platform discovery with Roche’s expertise in novel biologics. Together we can potentially develop transformative new gene therapies. As the fourth collaboration to be announced by 4D over the last year, we are realizing our vision of creating a robust product pipeline with our partners.”

Dr. David Schaffer, co-founder and acting CSO of 4DMT, and Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Bioengineering at the University of California, Berkeley’s Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, stated, “We believe that this collaboration agreement with Roche is a strong validation of the power of our Directed Vector Evolution platform. Our complementary strengths have the potential to enable our teams to bring novel therapeutics to patients.”

This partnership was facilitated by QB3, a multi-campus University of California (including UC Berkeley & UC San Francisco) research institute and biotech accelerator, which seeks to catalyze relationships between large companies and startups at QB3’s incubators. 4D Molecular Therapeutics is based in the QB3@953 and JLABS (Johnson&Johnson Innovation) laboratories in the Mission Bay area of San Francisco, a world-class hub for biomedical innovation.

About gene therapy

Gene therapy is a growing field of medicine in which genes are introduced into the body to treat diseases. Genes control heredity and provide the basic biological code for determining a cell's specific functions. The most common form of gene therapy involves using DNA that encodes a functional, therapeutic gene to replace a defective gene. In gene therapy, the healthy copy of a defective gene is packaged within a “vector”, which is used to transport the genetic information into the diseased cells within the body. Once the gene is delivered into the correct cell, a therapeutic protein is naturally made by the cell from the therapeutic gene.

About adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors

AAV vectors have emerged as a favoured approach for gene therapy since they can deliver the genes for therapeutic proteins to accessible tissues in the body and are generally considered safe. Several AAV gene therapy products are in late-stage clinical development, and one product is approved in the EU (Glybera, Uniqure).

About 4D Molecular Therapeutics

4DMT is a global leader in gene therapy product research & development. 4DMT and our partners are using scientific innovation to unlock the full potential of gene therapy for patients with genetic diseases. Our robust discovery platform, termed Directed Vector Evolution, empowers us to create customized gene delivery vehicles (novel AAV vectors) to deliver genes to any tissue or organ in the body. These customized products allow us to deliver normal genes to tissues with defective genes (as occurs in genetic diseases). This 4DMT discovery technology was originally developed over 15 years by our co-Founder David Schaffer at the University of California, Berkeley. In contrast to first-generation vectors, our customized 4D vectors target specific patient tissues in a highly efficient and targeted fashion, while avoiding other tissues and resisting immune clearance (by pre-existing antibodies). 4D has a robust and growing product pipeline, including partnered programs with our collaborators at Roche and uniQure. Our management team, led by co-Founder & CEO Dr. David Kirn, has the most experience in the industry in viral vector gene therapy R&D, clinical development, entrepreneurship and business development. 4D Molecular Therapeutics is based in the QB3@953 and JLABS laboratories in the Mission Bay area of San Francisco, a world-class hub for biomedical innovation.

4D Molecular Therapeutics
David Kirn, MD, +1 415-847-7326
Co-Founder & CEO

Dr. David Schaffer(4DMT co-founder)Directed evolution of novel adeno-associated viral vectors for gene therapy(2014):

Gene therapy’s second wave, David Schaffer:4DMT.
Pfizer Expands R&D Equity Investment Strategy to Access Early-Stage Scientific Innovations www.4dmoleculartherapeutics.com/pfize...

@4DMolecular Announces Collaboration with Pfizer Inc. for Cardiac Gene Therapy Vector Discovery and Development
Leader in proprietary gene therapy vector discovery closes fifth partnership
Emeryville, CA, Jan 7, 2016 — 4D Molecular Therapeutics (4DMT), a leader in Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) gene therapy vector discovery and product development, today announced both an investment by and a collaboration and license agreement with Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) to discover and develop targeted and proprietary next-generation AAV vectors for cardiac disease indications with high unmet medical need. 4DMT will deploy its proprietary AAV vector discovery platform, Therapeutic Vector Evolution, to potentially identify and optimize novel gene delivery vectors for use in potential cardiac gene therapy products.
Key terms of the agreements include an equity investment by Pfizer, an upfront license payment to 4DMT and potential development and commercial milestone payments plus tiered royalties to 4DMT on net sales of any potential products that result from this collaboration. Pfizer has also committed to an additional investment in a future equity round subject to certain conditions. In conjunction with their equity investment, Pfizer received a seat on 4DMT’s board of directors.
“This partnership with Pfizer is the fifth collaboration agreement announced by 4D in less than two years, including two with leading global pharmaceutical companies, and involving four different tissue and disease areas,” said Dr. David Kirn, co-founder and CEO of 4DMT. “We’re executing on our vision of creating a diverse and deep product pipeline with our partners, while progressing our own internal products toward clinical trials in parallel.”
“In spite of considerable progress in our understanding of cardiovascular biology, heart disease continues to have a significant adverse effect upon health worldwide. Pfizer is committed to addressing this major medical need using new technologies as they become available, including the rapidly evolving toolkit of cardiac gene therapy,” said Rod MacKenzie, Senior Vice President, Pharma Therapeutics Research & Development, Pfizer.
Dr. David Schaffer, co-founder and acting CSO of 4DMT, and Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Bioengineering and Neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley, stated, “We believe that our Therapeutic Vector Evolution discovery platform is unlocking the full potential of gene therapy by solving the field’s delivery problem, and Pfizer’s support will help 4D to deliver on this promise.”
About 4D Molecular Therapeutics
4DMT is focused on the discovery and development of targeted and proprietary AAV gene therapy vectors and therapeutic products. Our robust discovery platform, termed Therapeutic Vector Evolution, empowers us to create customized gene delivery vehicles to deliver genes to any tissue or organ in the body, by optimal clinical routes of administration and with antibody evasion. These proprietary and targeted products allow us to treat both rare genetic diseases and complex large market diseases. 4D is creating a diverse and deep product pipeline through partnerships, while progressing internal 4D products toward clinical trials in parallel. 4D partners include: Pfizer (PFE), Roche (SIX: ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY), uniQure (QURE), AGTC and Benitec.
About 4DMT’s Therapeutic Vector Evolution
Current clinical stage gene therapy products are based on AAV (Adeno-Associated Virus) viruses that are generally “wild-type” or primitive vectors, meaning they were found in nature as laboratory contaminants or as monkey infections. These first-generation AAV vectors, while generally safe and well-tolerated in patients, do not have optimized delivery properties and often require aggressive and/or invasive dosing to attempt the desired transduction of target cells. 4DMT is advancing the field of AAV vector technology by deploying principles of evolution and selection to create and isolate vectors that efficiently and selectively target the desired cells within the diseased human organ via clinically optimal routes of administration. Our Therapeutic Vector Evolution platform utilizes approximately 100 million unique AAV variants from proprietary 4DMT AAV libraries with unmatched diversity. 4DMT then applies proprietary methods to identify lead vectors that are highly optimized for a specific target cell and organ, route of therapeutic administration, and capacity to evade antibodies. The result is a customized, novel, and proprietary pharmaceutical-grade vector uniquely designed for therapeutic gene delivery in humans.


4D Molecular Therapeutics Enrolls First Patient in Natural History Study in Lead Clinical Program to Develop Gene Therapy Treatment for Choroideremia

Intravitreal delivery to the retina is critical to Choroideremia treatment

Emeryville, CA, December 23, 2016 — 4D Molecular Therapeutics (4DMT), a leader in gene therapy product discovery and development, today announced the enrollment of the first participant in its Choroideremia Natural History Study (NHS). This study is an important step in developing a groundbreaking gene therapy product optimized for intravitreal administration to treat Choroideremia (CHM) patients. 4DMT has deployed its proprietary AAV vector discovery platform, Therapeutic Vector Evolution, to create and optimize a proprietary AAV vector for intravitreal delivery to the retina. This vector is designated to be the basis for the first 4DMT experimental gene therapeutic targeted for the treatment of CHM. 4DMT is working in close collaboration with the Choroideremia Research Foundation on CHM product development and the Natural History Study.

Choroideremia Natural History Study (NHS) Purpose

The NHS is a multi-center US-based study designed to evaluate disease progression in a wide variety of individuals with CHM. Understanding more about clinical endpoints as the disease progresses will aid in identifying both potential participants and the best clinical measures for upcoming 4DMT clinical trials. Participants in the study will be assessed periodically over two years. At each visit, they will undergo a series of photographic, imaging and clinical evaluations.

Two clinical sites are actively recruiting for the study:

Retina Foundation of the Southwest, Dallas, Texas (Principal Investigator Dr. David Birch)
Retina Vitreous Associates of Los Angeles (Principal Investigator Dr. David Liao).

Additional information including contact numbers may be found at clinicaltrials.gov, NCT 02994368.

“The Choroideremia Research Foundation and its community are thrilled at the initiation of 4DMT’s Natural History Study. This milestone brings us one step closer to a treatment that could end blindness from CHM,” said Christopher Moen, MD, President of the Choroideremia Research Foundation.

“This clinical study is a significant milestone for the company and a critical step forward for our lead program to treat choroideremia. We are convinced the data generated in this study will accelerate the clinical development of our lead product,” said Dr. David Kirn, co-founder and CEO, 4D Molecular Therapeutics.

About Choroideremia
Choroideremia is an X-linked retinal disease that begins as night blindness in childhood and progresses to complete blindness. It affects 1 in 50,000 people in the United States, predominantly males, and has no effective treatment.

About the Choroideremia Research Foundation

The CRF was founded in 2000 as a fundraising and patient advocacy organization to stimulate research on CHM. Since its inception, the CRF has provided over $2 million in research awards and is the largest financial supporter of CHM research worldwide. Research funded by the CRF has led to the development of a CHM animal model, the pre-clinical production of gene therapy vectors currently in clinical trials, and the CRF Biobank which stores tissue and stem cell samples donated by CHM patients.

About 4D Molecular Therapeutics
4DMT is focused on the discovery and development of targeted and proprietary AAV gene therapy vectors and therapeutic products. Our robust discovery platform, termed Therapeutic Vector Evolution, empowers us to create customized gene delivery vehicles to deliver genes to any tissue or organ in the body, by optimal clinical routes of administration and with evasion of pre-existing antibodies. These proprietary and targeted products allow us to treat both rare genetic diseases and complex large market diseases. 4DMT is creating a diverse and deep product pipeline through partnerships, while progressing internal 4DMT products toward clinical trials in parallel. 4D partners include: Pfizer (PFE), Roche (SIX: ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY), uniQure (QURE), AGTC, and Benitec.

About 4DMT’s Therapeutic Vector Evolution

Current clinical stage gene therapy products are based on AAV (Adeno-Associated Virus) vectors that are generally “wild-type” or primitive vectors, meaning they were found in nature as laboratory contaminants or as monkey infections. These first-generation AAV vectors, while generally safe and well-tolerated in patients, do not have optimized delivery properties and often require aggressive and/or invasive dosing to attempt the desired transduction of target cells. 4DMT is advancing the field of AAV vector technology by deploying principles of evolution and selection to create vectors that efficiently and selectively target the desired cells within the diseased human organ via clinically optimal routes of administration. Our Therapeutic Vector Evolution platform deploys approximately 100 million unique AAV variants from proprietary 4DMT AAV libraries. 4DMT then applies proprietary methods to identify lead vectors that are highly optimized for a specific target cell and organ, route of therapeutic administration, and capacity to evade pre-existing antibodies in patients. The result is a customized, novel, and proprietary pharmaceutical-grade vector uniquely designed for therapeutic gene delivery in humans.
Van Prof. Dollar (ter archivering in dit draadje):

"Interessant om in de gaten te houden. Benitec Biopharma makes significant progress in ocular program blt.live.irmau.com/irm/PDF/1793_0/UPD...

Benitec heeft eigen ddRNAi technology. Ik meende dat QURE daarvan ook gebruik maakte voor hun Huntington programma. In het persbericht valt ook te lezen: "Of particular importance is the output from Benitec’s collaboration with 4D Molecular Therapeutics to identify novel viral vectors for delivery to the back of the eye using direct intravitreal injection, a commercially attractive route of administration." Dat Benitec haar eigen product maakt op basis van haar technologie is voor QURE mogelijk een gemiste manufacturing kans."
Thx. Prof.!

Collaboration and License Agreements with uniQure biopharma B.V.
In August 2019, we entered into an Amended and Restated Collaboration and License Agreement (the Amended and Restated uniQure Agreement) with uniQure biopharma B.V., now uniQure N.V. (uniQure), which amended and restated the Collaboration and License Agreement that we entered into with uniQure in January 2014.
Under the Amended and Restated uniQure Agreement, we granted uniQure an exclusive, sublicenseable, worldwide license under certain of our intellectual property rights, and other rights, to research, develop, make, use, and commercialize pre-selected AAV capsid variants (Selected Variants), and compounds and products containing such Selected Variants, using our proprietary AAV technology for delivery of gene therapy constructs to cells in the central nervous system and the liver (the uniQure Field). uniQure is solely responsible, at its cost and expense, to develop and commercialize the compounds and products containing the Selected Variants in accordance with the terms of the Amended and Restated uniQure Agreement. We retain all rights to all other AAV capsid variants, and compounds and products containing such AAV capsid variants, in the uniQure Field.
Also in August 2019, we entered into a separate Collaboration and License Agreement with uniQure (Second uniQure Agreement). Under the Second uniQure Agreement, the parties agreed to research and develop new AAV capsid variants that are not Selected Variants (New Variants) using our proprietary AAV technology for delivery of transgene constructs that affect certain targets (uniQure Targets) in the uniQure Field. We are responsible for the research of the New Variants, and uniQure is responsible for the development and commercialization of a certain number of compounds and products containing New Variants, that affect the uniQure Targets (Licensed Products). We granted uniQure an exclusive, sublicenseable, worldwide license under certain of our intellectual property rights, and other rights, to research, develop, make, use, and commercialize the Licensed Products. We retain all rights to New Variants in the uniQure Field that affect targets other than the uniQure Targets. We also retain all rights to any new AAV capsid variants developed under the agreements that are not New Variants, and compounds and products containing such variants.
Under both the Amended and Restated uniQure Agreement and the Second uniQure Agreement, uniQure will be required to pay us royalties on worldwide annual net sales of licensed products at a mid-single digit percentage rate, subject to certain specified reductions. These royalties are payable on a product-by-product and country-by-country basis until the latest of ten years after the date of the first commercial sale of such product in such country, the expiration of the last-to-expire licensed patent right covering such product in such country, and the expiration of any applicable exclusivity granted by a regulatory authority in such country for such product (the uniQure Royalty Term). uniQure will also be required to pay us a portion of the amounts it receives for licensing or sublicensing to third parties our intellectual property rights licensed or other rights otherwise granted under the Amended and Restated uniQure Agreement, and a portion of the amounts it receives for licensing to third parties our intellectual property rights granted under the or the Second uniQure Agreement, each at a rate between mid-single digit to mid-twenties percentages, depending on the stage of development at which such third party grant occurs.
Under both the Amended and Restated uniQure Agreement and the Second uniQure Agreement, under certain circumstances, we may propose to uniQure, and uniQure may grant to us, a non-exclusive right for us to develop and commercialize certain licensed products based on Selected Variants in the uniQure Field, or the New Variants in the uniQure Field to deliver transgene constructs that affect the uniQure Targets (4DMT Proposed Products). Pursuant to the Second uniQure Agreement, under certain circumstances, uniQure may propose to us, and we may grant to uniQuire a non-exclusive right for uniQure to develop and commercialize certain licensed products using any new AAV capsid variants developed under the agreement that are not New Variants in the uniQure Field to deliver transgene constructs that affect targets other than the uniQure Targets (uniQure Proposed Products). If either party obtains the rights to develop and commercialize a 4DMT Proposed Product or a uniQure Proposed Product, as applicable, such party will be required to pay the other party royalties on worldwide annual net sales of such products at a mid-single digit percentage rate, subject to specified reductions. These royalties will be payable on a product-by-product basis during the uniQure Royalty Term for such products. The party receiving such license will also be required to pay the other party a portion of the amounts that it may receive for licensing or sublicensing to third parties rights for such 4DMT Proposed Products or uniQure Proposed Products, as applicable, at a rate between mid-single digit to mid-twenties percentages depending on the stage of development at which the sublicense is granted.
Each of the Amended and Restated uniQure Agreement and the Second uniQure Agreement will expire on the expiration of all payment obligations of the parties under such agreement. Each party may terminate either agreement for the other party’s insolvency or bankruptcy. Each party may also terminate either agreement in its entirety in some circumstances or on an indication-by-indication basis if the other party fails to cure its material breach under the applicable agreement within 90 days of receiving notice, subject to an additional cure period in accordance with the terms of such agreement. uniQure may terminate either agreement upon 90 days’ prior written notice. In addition, uniQure may terminate the Second uniQure Agreement at any point prior to the first anniversary of the effective date if the joint research committee determines that it would be futile to continue the research program under the agreement, including if such committee determines that certain agreed-upon development success criteria will not be able to be met, or if we are not making bona fide efforts to achieve the mutually agreed timelines set forth in the research plan. If we terminate either agreement for uniQure’s material breach, insolvency or bankruptcy or if uniQure terminates either agreement for convenience or due to its determination of futility, the rights to the Selected Variants, and compounds and products containing such Selected Variants, or the uniQure New Variants, and compounds and products containing such uniQure New Variants, as applicable, generally revert back to us. If uniQure terminates either agreement for our material breach under the applicable agreement, insolvency or bankruptcy, uniQure may retain its rights to the intellectual property license grant under such agreement and uniQure’s payment obligations will survive.
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