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Huobi Terminates Margin Trading, Chinese Bitcoin Market to See Major Improvements
Joseph Young January 22, 2017 Crypto, News

Earlier this week, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) criticized OKCoin and Huobi, two of the three largest bitcoin exchanges in China apart from BTCC, for violating local regulations by operating margin trading platforms. The central bank of China also noted that OKCoin and Huobi did not have sound KYC and anti-money laundering system.

Local publications including Hexun and the Shanghai Observer reported:

“Preliminary inspection on “OKCoin” and “Huobi” showed that these platforms provided margin trading which violated rules, resulting in abnormal price fluctuations in the market. During the inspection it has also been discovered that these platforms had not established sound anti-money laundering system according to regulations.”

Almost immediately after the release of reports based on PBOC’s statement, Huobi officially terminated its margin trading services. On the Chinese micro blogging platform Weibo, Huobi stated:

“According to the requirements of the regulators, the company has made the following rectification: Stop leverage services. No new leverage funds quota will be issued. Old users cannot apply for renewing after paying off corresponding debt.”

Effect of Bitcoin Exchange Market Clean Up in China

While many local bitcoin investors and traders perceive the termination of certain bitcoin trading services and compliance of bitcoin exchanges towards local financial regulations as a negative course of action for the Chinese bitcoin industry, in reality, it is greatly improving the infrastructure of bitcoin in the country.

One major change the global bitcoin community will most likely see in the Chinese bitcoin exchange market over the next few months is the standardization of trading volumes.

According to a paper released by bitcoin and Ethereum data company Kaiko executive Stanislas Marion entitled “Spread standardization of Bitcoin trading volumes,” bitcoin trading volumes stemming from the Chinese market which currently account for over 90% of the global bitcoin trading market will undergo a drastic adjustment in the short term.

Prior to the inspection of PBOC, bitcoin exchanges in China did not charge fees for bitcoin traders. Marion explains that the elimination of trading fees led to the artificial inflation of trading volumes.

“Trading volume, liquidity and spread are deeply linked. There is a marked discrepancy between BTC-USD and BTC-CNY orderbooks : BTC-CNY spreads are signicantly lower because they don’t charge fees. For that reason, we assert that BTC-CNY volumes are artificially inated by cheap goings and comings in the orderbook and that the weight of Chinese Bitcoin exchanges is overrated,” the paper read.

Three major bitcoin exchanges including BTCC, OKCoin and Huobi have announced that they are considering charging trading fees to reach a consensus with the PBOC and local regulators. The implementation of trading fees will allow the global trading market to become more balanced in terms of market share and demonstrate an accurate outlook on the bitcoin exchange market.
It is becoming more evident a lot of Chinese Bitcoin exchanges are looking to reintroduce trading fees. This will not be to the liking of most Chinese speculators, though, as they enjoyed a zero-fee trading ecosystem for far too long. Huobi officially confirmed they are considering charging trading fees in the future, although nothing has been set in stone just yet.
Huobi Considers Trading Fees For Bitcoin

For the longest time, Chinese Bitcoin exchanges have not had any trading fees whatsoever. This is part of the reason why these platforms have been so successful over the past few years, as there is no penalty for buying and selling Bitcoin in high volumes every single day. However, that situation will come to change very soon.

Huobi is the second major Chinese Bitcoin exchange to consider introducing trading fees once again. It remains unclear if the company will effectively do so in the long run, though, as nothing has been officially confirmed as of yet. That said, the recent change in leveraged margin trading means these platforms earn less money, and revenue has to be generated somehow.

Similarly to all other Chinese Bitcoin exchanges, Huobi has reduced the options for its margin trading opportunities. Instead of offering 10-50x leverage, users are now limited to 1x. Since this market has become far less appealing to speculators due to this decision, companies such as Huobi are making far less money. After all, they do not charge trading fees for Bitcoin right now, which means a solution has to be found.

It only makes sense to see Chinese Bitcoin exchanges introduce trading fees over time. Huobi sees this opportunity as a way to reduce volatility and curb Bitcoin price speculation. That is a positive thing for Bitcoin as a whole, as the price should never be dictated by speculators, to begin with. The company is also communicating with other domestic and foreign exchanges to determine what level of trading fees may need to be introduced moving forward.

For the time being, it remains unclear if and when these fees could be introduced. Huobi has not made anything official, and the company has not provided a deadline for such an announcement either. Big changes will come to how Chinese Bitcoin exchanges operate, though, that much is certain at this point.
Nu de Chinese BTC-beurzen provisie gaan rekenen zijn de Chinese volumes enorm gedaald.
Ik vind dit een zeer gunstige ontwikkeling voor de bitcoin.

Bitcoin Is an Escapist Safe Haven
27 Jan 4, 2017 1:12 PM EST
By Leonid Bershidsky - Bloomberg

Bitcoin is worth more than $1,000 for the first time since 2013, when it crossed that line very briefly. If one considers it a currency -- which is open to debate -- it would be the best-performing one in the world in the last 12 months: It has gained more than 150 percent against the U.S. dollar. That's a Donald Trump-like phenomenon in finance. It shows a rising demand for an alternative to traditional money.

Despite its rising price and profile, bitcoin is still something of a toy currency. It has rarely logged more than 300,000 daily transactions, significantly fewer than Croatia's national clearing system registers in that country's currency, the kuna. The number of merchants accepting bitcoin is growing, but it's still extremely challenging to use it as a principle currency, wherever you live. For practical purposes, it's mostly useful to people seeking to bypass their country's currency restrictions, as some Chinese and, for example, Venezuelans do. According to Coin Dance, last year the average weekly bitcoin trading volume quadrupled in Venezuela. Bitcoin trading volumes in Chinese yuan -- the currency responsible for 97 percent of all bitcoin trading -- are double what they were a year ago, according to CryptoCompare.

At this point, however, the rally is not just about breaking out of restrictive markets. Speculators are driving up the value of the cryptocurrency because, for the first time in its history, it's looking like a reliable safe haven investment.

Political troubles in the U.S. and Europe have clearly shown market players that old models are no longer reliable predictors. When rules go out the window and established systems tremble, Bitcoin, despite its spotty history of costly glitches, scams and criminal uses, looks like a suitable safe haven. Its decentralized nature means it's not part of any system: the number of bitcoins in circulation is driven entirely by mathematics. That makes it Trump-safe, Brexit-safe, oil-safe -- whatever danger you fear, Bitcoin has no direct exposure to it, unlike, for example, gold. The virtual currency's value rests, in the final analysis, on nothing but the faith of the community that supports it.

The faith can be relatively easy to undermine, of course. In 2013, bitcoin plummeted from its high because of a December move by the People's Bank of China, which banned mainland banks from dealing in the cryptocurrency. At the time, it looked like a harbinger of restrictive policies by other central banks. Three years have passed, however, and no crackdown materialized. On the contrary, central banks are exploring bitcoin's blockchain technology for minting digital currencies of their own. And it's possible that this year, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission will finally approve the first bitcoin exchange traded fund, proposed by the Winklevoss twin brothers, American internet entrepreneurs and Harvard classmates of Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg whom they sued for stealing their social-networking idea.

The SEC has held up the ETF's registration for two years already. In October, it called for more feedback. That it hasn't turned down the fund outright despite strong doubts about bitcoin as an asset is a source of hope to the digital currency community. If the SEC gives its approval, people will be able to trade bitcoins through their broker rather than through potentially unreliable cryptocurrency exchanges.

In short, there appears to be no threat to bitcoin from regulators, and it's impervious to all other external threats. As for internal ones, the community chooses to dismiss them as growing pains. So what if the system gets hacked and money gets stolen? That is rare and anyhow not altogether unexpected on the digital frontier.

For Chinese people in particular, the virtual currency is one of the few possible hedges against the renminbi's devaluation. Trading volumes in other currencies are also on the rise, but bitcoin would sink like lead if Chinese speculators lost interest. While the yuan loses value -- and it lost 6.5 percent last year, making it the fourth worst-performing emerging markets currency -- and while regulators appear benign, there's no stopping the bitcoin rally.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.

To contact the author of this story:
Leonid Bershidsky at
China smijt met geld om val renminbi te voorkomen

De nieuwe Amerikaanse president wil Peking van valutamanipulatie betichten en strafheffingen opleggen op Chinese importen. Hij is echter anderhalf jaar te laat.
De bitcoin staat op ca 916 USD en is verbazingwekkend stabiel bij lage volumes.
De omzetten in China zijn gedecimeerd dankzij de te betalen provisie.
Deze rust lijkt mij zeer positief voor de Bitcoin op langere termijn.
28-1-2017 15:16:35
Bitcoin zal sterk in prijs stijgen

Raoul Paul, medeoprichter van Real Vision TV, vindt dat de bitcoin de beste verhouding heeft tussen risico en rendement in de geschiedenis van de financiële markten. De afgelopen jaren verkondigde hij dat de prijs van de bitcoin naar $0 zou gaan of naar $1 miljoen. De virtuele munt kost nu $920.
BTC gaat nog steeds als een raket omhoog en is nu 970 USD.
Ik heb geen idee of er een speciale reden is voor deze stijging.
En het gaat nog steeds verder, nu 1050 USD.

Het zal wel hierdoor komen:

Chinese valutareserves onder de $ 3000 mrd

Steeds meer Chinezen willen hun geld in het buitenland stallen.


Manon Stravens • Ondernemen

Bitcoin weer in de lift

Na een periode van flinke dalingen, zit de bitcoin weer in de lift. De digitale munt steeg dinsdag met 2,5% tot $1050, de hoogste waarde sinds 5 januari. Dat meldt Reuters. De stijging volgt op een dieptepunt in de Chinese buitenlandse deviezen, een gevolg van China's maatregelen om uitgaande kapitaalstromen te beperken.

De in 2008 gecreëerde internetmunt, die door geen enkele autoriteit wordt gereguleerd, liet de afgelopen maanden grote koerswisselingen zien. Na een snelle klim tot de jaarwisseling, kelderde de munt begin januari tot onder de $800. Dat was een reactie op een onderzoek door de Bank of China naar bitcoinbeurzen en marktrisico's in Peking en Shanghai.
Arie S

Arie S schreef op 8 februari 2017 18:46:

Ik had destijds nooit een pizza moeten bestellen met mijn bitcoins
Dat is een fictief probleem, omdat je immers nooit bitcoins gehad hebt.
Two of China's Biggest Exchanges Stop Bitcoin Withdrawals
Pete Rizzo (@pete_rizzo_) | Published on February 9, 2017 at 13:00 GMT

Two of China's most widely used bitcoin exchanges have announced that they will suspend bitcoin and litecoin withdrawals for one month effective immediately.

Yuan recharge, withdrawals and other services will not be affected, the exchanges said.

In public posts that showcase the increasingly coordinated nature of exchange policy in the region, both OKCoin and Huobi said today that the move was a bid to bolster their anti-money laundering (AML) capabilities and prevent "illegal transactions".

Both OKCoin and Huobi indicated that their platforms would now go through an “upgrade” to combat “money laundering, exchange, pyramid schemes and other illegal activities”, though no further details were provided.

BTCC, the other ‘Big Three’ domestic exchange, did not issue the update.

All told, the move comes amid a rocky period for local exchanges that began with the wider scrutiny of major bitcoin exchanges by the People's Bank of China (PBOC), the country's central bank.

Earlier today, China's central bank issued a warning to domestic exchanges, going so far as to state it would move to shutter startups that violated its guidance through the necessary government channels.

In statements provided to CoinDesk, Huobi indicated that the move was a proactive one that found the two exchanges seeking to "promote bitcoin industry self-discipline".
China’s Central Bank Continues to Shake Up the Bitcoin Market

Over the past few weeks, Bitcoin spectators have been closely watching Chinese exchanges make significant changes. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has been inspecting the country’s Bitcoin exchanges looking for issues with regulatory compliance such as money laundering. So far the top three exchange platforms have ceased margin lending practices and have also added fees to every Bitcoin trade.

Now, this week the PBOC has visited with smaller exchanges within the region including Chbtc, Haobtc, Btctrade, Yunbi, BTC100, Dahonghuo, Jubi, Bitbay, and Yuanbao. The initial visits had caused the price to drop a touch but quickly rose back to the $1070 range on February 8. The following day on February 9 the exchanges Okcoin and Huobi announced they would suspend BTC and LTC withdrawals for one month which subsequently caused the Bitcoin price to drop 10 percent.
Market Stutters After Chinese Exchanges Suspend Withdrawals For One Month
Following the Huobi and Okcoin announcements, Bitcoin’s price drops 10% during the early hours of February 9.

Both companies have stated their exchanges will be “upgrading” in order to comply with “anti-money laundering efforts, foreign exchange management and other financial laws and regulations.” The pausing of withdrawals and the upgrades are expected to last one month but “may also be substantially ahead of the development process,” says Huobi’s announcement. This “in order to avoid possible illegal transactions that may continue before the system upgrade is complete,” Huobi’s announcement concludes.

Avoiding ‘Illegal Transactions’ Until Upgrade Completes

The third leading Chinese Bitcoin exchange BTCC which has been the most vocal exchange so far, has not made an announcement suspending withdrawals. Currently, the fiat value of Bitcoin rests at $980 per BTC, and the price has fluctuated quite a bit throughout the morning of February 9. Huobi says the suspension will stay in place to avoid any misconduct until their newly designed system is perfected.
Chinese tegenwind raakt bitcoin
Gisteren, 18:52

De prijs van de digitale munt bitcoin kreeg het donderdag zwaar te verduren nadat de grootste Chinese wisselkantoren de handel in bitcoin tijdelijk hebben stilgelegd.

De prijs van bitcoin dook maar liefst 7% omlaag naar een stand van $984. Begin dit jaar werd nog een piek van $1091 aangetikt.

De Chinese wisselkantoren OkCoin en Huobi verwachten dat het opschorten van de bitcoinhandel een maand zal duren totdat de handelsplatformen zijn aangepast aan de Chinese anti-witwasmaatregelen.

Klanten bij de wisselkantoren kunnen wel doorgaan met het opnemen en storten van Chinees geld, de yuan.
Chinese Exchanges No Longer Dictate Global Bitcoin Price

Posted on 9:30 pm February 11, 2017 Author JP BuntinxCategories

One question no one can answer right now is what will happen with Chinese traders.

For the first time in a while, the bitcoin price is no longer dominated by the Chinese cryptocurrency exchanges. Whether or not this is a positive development remains to be seen. Then again, changes to the bitcoin ecosystem can be quite positive. Less reliance on China means there will be slightly more decentralization moving forward. Right now, Bitstamp is the platform with the highest bitcoin price, whereas the first Chinese exchanges ranks in the fifth spot.

For as long as most people can remember, China has always determined the current bitcoin price. Although this has always been some of an issue, very few people seemed to mind it in the first place. Now that the PBOC has introduced several new requirements, the true power of the bitcoin market is coming into focus. As it turns out, demand for bitcoin in China is much lower than anticipated, albeit that may have to do with the AML changes.

With nearly every major bitcoin exchange delaying bitcoin withdrawals, the demand to buy cryptocurrency wanes as well. OKCoin and Huobi postpone withdrawals for 30 days, whereas BTCC implemented a 10-day delay. HaoBTC is the only platform not suffering from such extensive delays, yet they will charge a 5% fee on deposits moving forward. All of this raises the question as to how much of China’s bitcoin volume is fake to begin with.

Bitcoin Price No Longer Hinges on China’s Volume

It is good to see international exchanges determine the market price for a change. Bitstamp has the highest price right now, with 8,900 BTC volume over the past 24 hours. Bitfinex has nearly twice the volume, yet shows a price that is nearly US$11 lower. The first Chinese bitcoin exchange on the list is OKCoin, albeit they show bitcoin at the value of US$992.91. Moreover, their volume dropped to barely 2,300 BTC, which was to be expected.

All other Chinese bitcoin exchanges see some changes in their trading volumes as well. Huobi has dropped to 8.300 BTC, whereas BTCC is just below the 10,000 mark. OKCoin China remains the largest bitcoin exchange in the country, albeit they are 200 BTC behind Bitfinex on a global scale. All things considered, these are quite intriguing developments, which can only mean positive changes for bitcoin as a whole. It remains to be seen if this situation will change in the coming weeks, though.

One question no one can answer right now is what will happen with Chinese traders. Considering their quickest option to withdraw BTC funds is 48 hours or more, it is not unlikely trading volume across all exchanges will drop off very soon. Paying trading fees and having to wait days before one can withdraw a bitcoin balance doesn’t look all that appealing. Then again, this will remove speculators from the bitcoin ecosystem, which will only lead to more stability and price growth.
Bitcoin toont behoefte reservemunt

13 feb 2017 om 10:25 - IEXProfs Redactie -

De bitcoin is afgelopen jaar met 150% gestegen tegenover de dollar. Het toont de behoefte aan een alternatieve reservemunt. Dat is de strekking van een artikel op Bloomberg.

De munt – als het een munt genoemd mag worden, officieel is het een grondstof – is voor het eerst sinds 2013 weer meer dan duizend dollar waard. Volgens Bloomberg is de bitcoin, ondanks de spectaculaire prijsstijging en de aandacht die de cryptovaluta krijgt, nog altijd een soort speeltje.

Hoeveel aandacht de bitcoin ook krijgt; alleen bij hoge uitzondering worden er dagelijks meer dan 300.000 transacties met de munt verricht. Dat is veel minder dan bijvoorbeeld de hoeveelheid transacties die worden uitgevoerd in de kuna, de munt van Kroatië.

De bitcoin wordt met name gebruikt in landen waar gebruikers de beperkingen van de lokale munteenheid trachten te omzeilen. Zo wordt 97% van alle bitcoin-transacties met de Chinese munt, de yuan, uitgevoerd. Ook is het gebruik in Venezuela verviervoudigd.

Vertrouwen in bitcoin groeit

Ondanks alle problemen in het verleden groeit het vertrouwen in de bitcoin. Dat komt doordat er geen politieke invloed gebruikt wordt om de waarde van de bitcoin te bepalen. Die is volledig afhankelijk van een wiskundige formule. Daarmee is de bitcoin veilig voor de politieke waan van de dag.

Het huidige vertrouwen in de bitcoin is kwetsbaar. De waarde van de cryptomunt daalde aanzienlijk nadat Beijing Chinese banken verbood om bitcoin-transacties te verrichten. Andere centrale banken hebben het Chinese voornbeeld niet gevolgd en de Amerikaanse financiële toezichthouder SEC gaat binnenkort wellicht de eerste ETF, die in bitcoins noteert goedkeuren.

De SEC neemt de mogelijkheid van het bitcoin-fonds serieus. Dat betekent dat andere toezichthouders het gebruik van de bitcoin niet zonder meer zullen afwijzen. De waarde van de munt wordt echter vooral bepaald door Chinese handelaren, die de bitcoin zien als goede hedge voor de waardedaling van de Chinese munt.

Zolang dat het geval is en toezichthouders niet ingrijpen, staat niets een verdere waardestijging van de bitcoin in de weg.
Bovenstaand verhaal is waarschijnlijk geschreven door iemand die niet veel verstand heeft van Bitcoin.
Er zitten een aantal zaken in die niet (meer) kloppen.
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