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Now you can load credit on your phone in over 100 countries with bitcoin (

6 uur geleden geplaatst door SethOtterstad

22 reacties

alle 22 reacties
gesorteerd op:
[–]Rassah 8 punten 5 uur geleden

I used this service three times over the course of three months now. Worked perfectly fine on a prepaid T-Mobile in USA. I think Seth actually showed it to me in Miami, and it was called at the time.
[–]giszmo 7 punten 3 uur geleden

Entel, Chile here. Instant success. Will never ever again pay with cash and most likely I will charge phones of friends just to show how cool it is :) Bookmarking on phone.

This got anything to do with bitcoinwireless?
[–]umbrel 2 punten 57 minuten geleden

It has nothing to do with bitcoinwireless, except the idea is similar.
oorspronkelijke post

[–]urbanHostage 8 punten 1 uur geleden

Thank you for all the great feedback :)

We're constantly working on and I would like to ask you to please let us know if you face any difficulties or have any suggestions on how to improve this service.

Currently, we are experiencing a 98% success rate on all transactions, and whatever doesn't go through gets automatically refunded to your original wallet address within 48 hours.

If you do face any problems please send your enquiry to support(at) with your mobile phone number and/or order number so we can easily track it.

And again, thanks for the feedback. Don't forget to follow us @umblab :) Tarik
[–]DontTrackMePlease 3 punten 1 uur geleden

Is this legal in terms of the phone companies "terms and conditions" regarding the resale of their product?


oorspronkelijke post

[–]umbrel 6 punten 1 uur geleden

Yes, it is. We have agreements with mobile networks directly or indirectly through 1-2-many 3rd party distributors.

oorspronkelijke post

[–]burrito_muncha 1 punt 16 minuten geleden

Tried from Australia, and it registered as an Indonesian phone number

oorspronkelijke post

[–]kaiwen1 6 punten 3 uur geleden*

Reporting from the Philippines. I just used this service to load credit on Globe. It worked flawlessly. I was seriously impressed. I hit the submit button and five seconds later – I was counting – I received an SMS notification from Globe that the amount had been credited. This is far easier than anything I've ever used for reloading on Globe. I'm hooked.

EDIT: I also want to mention the exchange rate for this transaction was 0.5% above the current Bitstamp rate.


[–]umbrel 4 punten 1 uur geleden

It's different country to country. In some places we have 0% fees, while it sucks in some others. Thanks for the feedback

oorspronkelijke post

[–]KrLoSk8 5 punten 5 uur geleden*

Just payed, still waiting for 3 confirmations. I think with just 1 confirmation is secure enoough for payments below 5 usd.


The platform says after 3 confirmations, but after the first one I get the balance.

Pretty cool service. Reporting from Colombia
For those who do not get bitcoin, these was what happened after drawing £20 from a cash point today (self.Bitcoin)

18 uur geleden geplaatst door sfsilks

I have been a fan of Bitcoin for a couple of years and also someone who nearly lost all at mtgox, but I am still here.

As an expat Bitcoin is so obvious, but today I thought I would just do a small experiment to highlight why it should be universally adopted for me and others (Certainly for expats or travellers).

The simple test was to draw out £20 from a cash machine in the UK (from my Spanish bank account) that advertises no charges to withdraw cash.

This time I thought I would pay attention to the whole process.

Firstly the cash point says no fees, but the rate of exchange is 1.3165 whereas the current rate is 1.21

So £20 cost me 26.42 euro rather than 24.30 a difference of 2.12 euro, then I checked my bank account to see that my bank has also added a charge of 4 euro

Therefore to draw out £20 (26.42 euro) cost me 6.12 euro, need I say more.

Obviously the market is not very liquid at the moment, but using Bitcoin you can avoid these fees or even get a better rate.

Need I say more!
And the proud owner of is…
by William Chen @ Today, 02:39
As Bitcoin’s popularity increases day by day, the word “Bitcoin” itself is becoming a buzzword. It is no surprise therefore that when it comes to virtual real estate, the domain is akin to the Madison Avenue in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Now this digital property has a new owner, Nic Cary, who founded in 2011. Last Thursday, Nic signed an agreement for an undisclosed sum that seals his company’s ownership of the prestigious domain for the next 5 years.

Essentially, is now Blockchain, whose logo is now visible at the bottom of the homepage. Cary has transformed the website into a sort of fountainhead for Bitcoin users. In large block, bold letters, the domain is the first thing you see upon entering the site along with the slogan: “Currency of the people, by the people, for the people.”

One-stop shop
The site provides an e-wallet service via Blockchain, a news section linking users to, and a search function,which allows visitors to explore statistical information on everything Bitcoin-related from the latest transactions to mining pool stats.

The domain name will be used as an “acquisition funnel into existing Blockchain products,” said Dan Held, Blockchain’s product director.

“” is aiming to establish itself as a prominent player in the cryptospace by becoming the go-to service users will associate with the Bitcoin brand. Comparably, it can be said that the new site is a one-stop shop to Bitcoiners like is to Wall Street traders.

While the domain is probably one of the most notable acquisitions for Blockchain, it is not the first such acquisition, as the company has been expanding its portfolio of products with the addition of the RTBC trading platform last month and the ZeroBlock pricing app back in December.
wo 23 apr 2014, 14:53
Bitcoinhandelsite omzeilt regels Amerikaanse toezichthouder
door Dorinde Meuzelaar

Het Amerikaanse handelsplatform voor de digitale munt bitcoin Atlas bundelt de krachten met een kleine aandelenbeurs. Hiermee wil Atlas de eerste goed gereguleerde bitcoinbeurs worden, en tegelijkertijd een tijdrovend traject via toezichthouders ontwijken.

De stap is vooral interessant omdat de National Stock Exchange, waar Atlas mee gaat samenwerken, erkend wordt door de Amerikaanse beurswaakhond SEC. Atlas zal straks via dezelfde richtlijnen gaan werken als de NSX.

Volgens Atlas-topman Shawn Solves is Atlas straks het eerste bitcoinhandelsplatform dat onder toezicht staat van een "semi-overheidsinstelling.".

Toezicht is een heikel punt voor de ongereguleerde bitcoinhandel. Andere Amerikaanse bitcoinplatformen zitten tijdrovende procedures om een vergunning te krijgen om betaaldiensten te verrichten in de 50 verschillende Amerikaanse staten. Die richtlijn is opgesteld door opsporingsdienst FinCEN, vergelijkbaar met de Nederlandse Fiod.

Door op dezelfde manier te werken als NSX, omzeilt Atlas deze procedure. NSX valt wel onder toezicht van beurswaakhond SEC, die nog geen regels hanteert ten aanzien van bitcoin. De stap van Atlas en NSX betekent dat de SEC wellicht op korte termijn het achterste van zijn tong moet laten zien wat bitcoin betreft.
Uit bovenstaand artikel maak ik op dat we binnenkort bitcoins kunnen kopen via een gewone effectenrekening, mits je natuurlijk een broker/bank hebt die zaken doet met de NSX.
How bitcoin is moving money in Africa
April Joyner, 12:23 p.m. EDT April 25, 2014

It's OK to admit that you still don't know what bitcoin is — but you may now officially be behind the curve. Because all of Africa could soon be getting onboard.

The virtual currency — straight up: computer money — created by an anonymous hacker in 2009 has captured hard-core geeks' hearts. Its appeal? It enables bank-free (aka middleman-free) anonymous purchasing and, crucially, it's a global currency that's not tied to any central bank and not much different than a dollar or a euro. The key characteristics of this digital cash also happen to make it a great fit for people who aren't so down with advanced digital technology: the 326 million Africans who lack access to basic banking services.

This isn't such a crazy idea. Mobile payments that work on standard-feature phones have already made strong inroads in Africa, with 16 percent of Africans using the services. The largest provider of such payments, M-Pesa, already operates in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa, as well as India and Afghanistan.

But if you were a member of the large and expanding African diaspora, and you wanted to send money home to grandma or the hubby left behind, you couldn't count on mobile payments. M-Pesa, for instance, lets foreign-dwelling folk send money through a partnership with Western Union — but the latter tends to charge onerous fees. Which makes bitcoin super-appealing, if you can get past the expensive exchange rate — as of publication, one bitcoin was worth nearly US$500.

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Caixin Article Claims PBOC Is Meeting With Banks And Payment Processors To Completely Cut Off Funding To Bitcoin Trading
Caleb Chen

Bitcoin prices have dropped nearly 10% across all Bitcoin exchanges, with the bulk of the action understandably located on Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges. A few hours ago, Caixin published a Chinese article claiming that the PBOC has met with commercial banks and third party payment processors, in particular those that do, or have done, business with Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges to remind them of the PBOC’s stance. This Caixin article is written by a different author than the last Caixin article that was commented on in Western media (which broke the news of the March PBOC Notice). The PBOC is cracking down on the adaptive funding methods that Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges have come up with, and is even moving to stop cash withdrawals. However, they still are not enforcing anything for individuals nor merchants.
Robocoin Introduces Robocoin Bank, Will Convert Bitcoin ATMs into Local Branches
By Eric Calouro May 1, 2014 13:31 Updated

Story Highlights
Robocoin announces Robocoin Bank
Online banking service becomes world's first
Existing ATMs will be converted to bank branches

Las Vegas-based bitcoin ATM manufacturer Robocoin announced Thursday that they’re taking their business in a whole new direction with the introduction of the Robocoin Bank – effectively becoming the world’s first bitcoin bank.

“The world’s newest global bank represents an evolution in Bitcoin and a potential disruption to the massive remittance industry. The Robocoin Bank is Robocoin’s vision for creating the best experience in all of Bitcoin and unleashing it for the masses,” the company said in their announcement.

The move is huge and unexpected, and affirms the company’s desire to become a leader in the bitcoin remittence space.

Since the company operates an army of bitcoin ATMs around the world, existing kiosks (the latest of which launches today in Seattle, Washington) will become Robocoin Bank local branches, which will be integrated with the company’s online banking services (where customers can manage their accounts).

“This will enable customers to manage their bitcoin easier and more securely than ever before,” the company said.

The aforementioned slew of Robocoin-manufactured bitcoin ATMs will get updated to work with the company’s banking service this summer.

Customers will be able to store, access, and send bitcoins to wherever a Robocoin ATM is located (almost serving like a mini Western Union, when you think about it). That money can then be converted immediately to cash if the recipient so desires. The sender can make this happen with their phone, a PIN, and their palm scan.

Bitcoins can be sent to phone numbers, so senders needn’t worry about addresses and QR codes. Also impressive: Bitcoins sent on the Robocoin network are transferred immediately, so there’s no need to wait for long confirmation times.

Three levels of authentication work in concert to safeguard a customer against fraud/theft (this includes a biometric palm vein scan). According to Robocoin, “Customers can opt into accounts that are either managed or unmanaged by Robocoin – with features from 100% cryptographic proveable reserves to unmanaged multisignature transactions.”

Key things to take away from the announcement (as noted by Robocoin):
Robocoin Kiosks become Robocoin Bank Branches.
Buying and Selling become Depositing and Withdrawing.
Sending bitcoin to a public address becomes sending money to a phone number.
Private keys and public addresses become Robocoin accounts–store and access your wealth with just your phone number, pin number, and palm scan.

“The Robocoin Bank has been a vision since day [one],” said a company spokesperson to NEWSBTC. “We hope to alleviate Bitcoin’s major pain points and barriers to adoption.”

“The goal has always been to bring Bitcoin to everyone and the Robocoin Bank is a leap in that direction.”

Robocoin Bank may very well be capable of changing the bitcoin remittence landscape, particularly for those who send money to family and friends internationally. Is this the future of bitcoin as we know it? You decide.

Users can get more information about Robocoin’s new banking service at
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Moggu, ben heel lang niet op het iex forum ingelogd geweest maar als Bitcoin liefhebber leek het me leuk om hier een kijkje te nemen. Veel nuttige informatie en linkjes van DeZwarteRidder (en anderen) gezien, bedankt daarvoor. Het valt me op dat bitcoin trading en investment blijkbaar nog niet bij het grote publiek geland is. Terwijl je met bitcoin trading toch lekker kunt verdienen gezien de hoge volatiliteit. Wat doen jullie zoal met de bitcoin? Traden, lange termijn handel? En is iemand bezig met Altcoins (Litecoin, Namecoin, Dogecoin, etc.)?
Bitcoins may soon become a national currency, replacing others - Roger Ver, bitcoin entrepreneur
May 05, 2014 03:40

Roger Ver, bitcoin entrepreneur (Image from
Download video (211.81 MB)

Bitcoin is the world’s most popular virtual currency, and brings with it a new breed of digital multi-millionaires. A few dollars several years ago could have made you millions in present-day – but when bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox virtually disappeared, many fortunes were lost. Can you put your trust in the virtual market? Why are governments so eager to shut the bitcoin marketplace down? And what happens if someone hacks your digital money? Today on SophieCo, we ask these questions and more to Roger Ver, a bitcoin entrepreneur known as 'Bitcoin Jesus.'

Sophie Shevardnadze: And here we are with Roger Ver, bitcoin entrepreneur. Roger, it is really great to have you with us. He is joining us from Japan. Now, governments call bitcoin a financial pyramid, but you call it the most important invention since the internet. Why?

Roger Ver: Bitcoin really is one of the most important inventions ever made in the entire history of the world. It’s the first time in the entire history of the world that anyone can send or receive any amount of money with anyone anywhere else on the planet. And you don’t need permission from a bank or corporation, nor even governments for this matter. And you can send or receive any amount of money just like that for…practically, for free. And nothing like this has ever existed before in the entire history of the world. So it is really exciting to see this just blossoming and spreading to more and more people around the world.
do 08 mei 2014, 11:27
DNB: bitcoin geen alternatief voor geld

Virtuele valuta's als de bitcoin zijn geen bruikbaar alternatief voor het huidige geld en het is onwaarschijnlijk dat zij dat op afzienbare termijn wel zullen worden. Dat stelde donderdag De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), die eerder al waarschuwde dat er risico's kleven aan beleggingen in digitale 'munten'.

„Virtuele valuta's staan momenteel volop in de belangstelling door hun innovatieve karakter en de vraagtekens die zij zetten bij het huidige financiële systeem”, schrijft DNB. „Maar dat maakt ze niet tot een middel dat de basisfuncties van geld vervult.” Als ruilmiddel zijn ze volgens de centrale bank tot op zekere hoogte geschikt, maar als rekeneenheid en oppotmiddel niet, omdat de waarde daarvoor te sterk fluctueert.
Waarom bezig gaan met minen als je zelf voor $ 100 een project / coin kan starten?
Tegenwoordig kan je van je eigen coin in 1x 70 % pre-minen :)
Techneuten / miners kunnen trouwens meedoen met mijn project.
Is nog een kale coin die ontwikkelt moet worden
ma 12 mei 2014, 06:36
'XBT' voor digimunt bitcoin
Dorinde Meuzelaar

EUR, USD en JPY zijn afkortingen die tot het jargon van beleggers behoren. Maar weet binnenkort iedereen ook dat met XBT bitcoin bedoeld wordt?

Jon Matonis van Bitcoin Foundation hoopt van wel, een internationale valutacode zou de digimunt in één klap op de kaart zetten. Alleen centrale banken liggen nog dwars.

De Bitcoin Foundation is een stichting die zich inzet voor de acceptatie van digimunt bitcoin. Met een internationale code zou de munt bijvoorbeeld geïntegreerd kunnen worden binnen het betaalsysteem van creditcardmaatschappijen.
Centrale bank

Een enorme stap volgens Matonis, die zelf jarenlang als hoofd valuta bij Visa werkte. „In één klap zou iedereen die Visa accepteert, ook bitcointransacties kunnen verwerken.”

Hoe lang het gaat duren voor het zover is, kan Matonis niet zeggen. Alle valuta hebben een internationale code, zoals EUR voor de euro en USD voor de Amerikaanse dollar.

Bitcoin Foundation wil ook zo’n code voor bitcoin aanvragen bij de internationale organisatie in Zürich. „Maar het verzoek hiervoor moet van een centrale bank komen, en op dit moment is er geen centrale bank die dat wil doen.”

Die zijn namelijk nog altijd niet happig op bitcoin en andere digitale valuta, die in Nederland dan ook geen wettige betaalmiddelen zijn. Vorige week publiceerde De Nederlandsche Bank nog een rapport waarin zij stelde dat bitcoin voorlopig geen alternatief is voor de euro.

Crypto2313 schreef op 9 mei 2014 11:34:

Techneuten / miners kunnen trouwens meedoen met mijn project.
Is nog een kale coin die ontwikkelt moet worden
Als je zelf al 70% ge premined hebt, gaat niemand je coin nog minen of kopen. Dan kom je onderaan de lijst van honderden altcoins die al bestaan.
Time wil tell Enzo123
Ik kan nu 100M coins gratis uitdelen en 50M uitdelen aan developers
De rest hou ik voor pizza's te kopen (i hope) :-)
di 13 mei 2014, 16:42
Nederlander wil geen bitcoin

Meer dan de helft van de Nederlanders zit niet te wachten op de digitale munt bitcoin. We zijn namelijk al dik tevreden met de betaalmogelijkheden die we nu hebben.

Dat blijkt uit een onderzoek van Maurice de Hond. Meer dan 95% van de deelnemers in het onderzoek is tevreden over pinnen en iDeal. Mobiel betalen gaat nog niet zo hard, hier maakt maar 27% gebruik van.

Hoewel ruim de helft van de ondervraagden een negatieve indruk heeft over bitcoin, denkt 11% van de mensen dat digitale munten belangrijk worden voor het betalingssysteem.

Niet populair bij vrouwen

Vooral onder vrouwen is de digimunt niet populair, 0% van de vrouwen zegt de munt wel eens te hebben gebruikt. Voor man is het nauwelijks hoger, slechts 2%. In de nabije toekomst denkt 5% van de mannen een keer te willen betalen met de digimunt, vrouwen zien het ook in de toekomst niet zitten.

Het onderzoek werd gedaan in het kader van het Nationaal Bitcoincongres, dat donderdag plaats vindt. Mede-organisator Rutger van Zuidam vergelijkt de opkomst van de digimunt met die van internet: "Dit werd ook eerst in kleine wetenschappelijke en hackerskring uitgewerkt."
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