Hallo mon comrades. Now, upon talk of this Ron, I fell that we are neglecting a true hero in the making, a business women so appaling, that her business is no where near her projected growth. Yes my followers, DIane Hildebrandt, of the University of WItwatersrand. Yes, that name is worse than Sooonir, and especially this R Walter Wengensford (the R standing for Rachel-his Daisy Fay)-oh George Wilson, where art thou when you art needed most. Now my friends, I have been informed that there is a rat amongst us. His alias-none other than RWW. A being of emittance of a yellow radiation, of wavelength between 380nm and 740nm. We must seek him out, and destroy him, like the banks did to our fragile economies. My words of wisdom, trust no one, accept the duel from Lord Gravlingfirtyh, and fight, for Diane. May her apalling business venture fail even more so.