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Buffett overweegt grote overname

OMAHA (AFN) - De Amerikaanse beleggingsgoeroe Warren Buffett ziet mogelijkheden om met zijn investeringsmaatschappij Berkshire Hathaway een nieuwe, bijzondere grote overname te doen. Dat liet Buffett dit weekeinde weten op zijn jaarlijkse ontmoeting met aandeelhouders van Berkshire.

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GVteD schreef op 4 mei 2014 20:58:

Buffett overweegt grote overname

OMAHA (AFN) - De Amerikaanse beleggingsgoeroe Warren Buffett ziet mogelijkheden om met zijn investeringsmaatschappij Berkshire Hathaway een nieuwe, bijzondere grote overname te doen. Dat liet Buffett dit weekeinde weten op zijn jaarlijkse ontmoeting met aandeelhouders van Berkshire.

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Is ArcelorMittal a Buffett Stock?
by Ilan Moscovitz, The Motley Fool Jan 20th 2012 11:00AM
Updated Jan 20th 2012 11:02AM
As the world's third-richest person and most celebrated investor, Warren Buffett attracts a lot of attention. Thousands try to glean what they can from his thinking processes and track his investments.

We can't know for sure whether Buffett is about to buy ArcelorMittal (NYS: MT) -- he hasn't specifically mentioned anything about it to me -- but we can discover whether it's the sort of stock that might interest him. Answering that question could also reveal whether it's a stock that should interest us. In this series, we do just that.

Writing in a recent 10-K, Buffett lays out the qualities he looks for in an investment. In addition to adequate size, proven management, and a reasonable valuation, he demands:

Consistent earnings power
Good returns on equity with limited or no debt
Management in place
Simple, non-techno-mumbo-jumbo businesses
Does ArcelorMittal meet Buffett's standards?

1. Earnings power
Buffett is famous for betting on a sure thing. For that reason, he likes to see companies with demonstrated earnings stability.

Let's examine ArcelorMittal's earnings and free cash flow history:

Source: S&P Capital IQ.

ArcelorMittal has had pretty wild fluctuations in its earnings and free cash flow over the past few years. Of course, this is to be expected of a steel-maker during a global economic downturn.

2. Return on equity and debt
Return on equity is a great metric for measuring both management's effectiveness and the strength of a company's competitive advantage or disadvantage -- a classic Buffett consideration. When considering return on equity, it's important to make sure a company doesn't have an enormous debt burden, because that will skew your calculations and make the company look much more efficient than it is.

Since competitive strength is a comparison between peers, and various industries have different levels of profitability and require different levels of debt, it helps to use an industry context.


Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Return on Equity

5-Year Average Return on Equity

ArcelorMittal 44% 4% 12%
Nucor 56% 9% 21%
Steel Dynamics 101% 11% 20%
POSCO 68% 0% 14%
Source: S&P Capital IQ.

Historically, ArcelorMittal has generated average-to-below-average returns on equity while employing a below-average debt level.

3. Management
CEO Lakshi Mittal has been in charge since he founded the company in 1976.

4. Business
Steel production today isn't particularly susceptible to technological disruption.

The Foolish conclusion
So is ArcelorMittal a Buffett stock? Probably not. While it has tenured management and operates in a technologically straightforward industry, it doesn't exhibit the other characteristics of a quintessential Buffett investment: consistent earnings and high returns on equity with limited debt. However, if you'd like to stay up to speed on ArcelorMittal's progress, simply add it to your stock watchlist. If you don't have one yet, you can create a watchlist of your favorite stocks by clicking here.

At the time this article was published Ilan Moscovitz doesn't own shares of any company mentioned. You can follow him on Twitter @TMFDada. The Motley Fool owns shares of Arcelor Mittal. Motley Fool newsletter services have recommended buying shares of Nucor. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Copyright © 1995 - 2012 The Motley Fool, LLC. All rights reserved. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.


Karel Pieter schreef op 4 mei 2014 21:18:


Kan zo maar vallen .... zie onder..

Is ArcelorMittal a Buffett Stock?
by Ilan Moscovitz, The Motley Fool Jan 20th 2012 11:00AM
Updated Jan 20th 2012 11:02AM
As the world's third-richest person and most celebrated investor, Warren Buffett attracts a lot of attention. Thousands try to glean what they can from his thinking processes and track his investments.

We can't know for sure whether Buffett is about to buy ArcelorMittal (NYS: MT) -- he hasn't specifically mentioned anything about it to me -- but we can discover whether it's the sort of stock that might interest him. Answering that question could also reveal whether it's a stock that should interest us. In this series, we do just that.

Writing in a recent 10-K, Buffett lays out the qualities he looks for in an investment. In addition to adequate size, proven management, and a reasonable valuation, he demands:

Consistent earnings power
Good returns on equity with limited or no debt
Management in place
Simple, non-techno-mumbo-jumbo businesses
Does ArcelorMittal meet Buffett's standards?

1. Earnings power
Buffett is famous for betting on a sure thing. For that reason, he likes to see companies with demonstrated earnings stability.

Let's examine ArcelorMittal's earnings and free cash flow history:

Source: S&P Capital IQ.

ArcelorMittal has had pretty wild fluctuations in its earnings and free cash flow over the past few years. Of course, this is to be expected of a steel-maker during a global economic downturn.

2. Return on equity and debt
Return on equity is a great metric for measuring both management's effectiveness and the strength of a company's competitive advantage or disadvantage -- a classic Buffett consideration. When considering return on equity, it's important to make sure a company doesn't have an enormous debt burden, because that will skew your calculations and make the company look much more efficient than it is.

Since competitive strength is a comparison between peers, and various industries have different levels of profitability and require different levels of debt, it helps to use an industry context.


Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Return on Equity

5-Year Average Return on Equity

ArcelorMittal 44% 4% 12%
Nucor 56% 9% 21%
Steel Dynamics 101% 11% 20%
POSCO 68% 0% 14%
Source: S&P Capital IQ.

Historically, ArcelorMittal has generated average-to-below-average returns on equity while employing a below-average debt level.

3. Management
CEO Lakshi Mittal has been in charge since he founded the company in 1976.

4. Business
Steel production today isn't particularly susceptible to technological disruption.

The Foolish conclusion
So is ArcelorMittal a Buffett stock? Probably not. While it has tenured management and operates in a technologically straightforward industry, it doesn't exhibit the other characteristics of a quintessential Buffett investment: consistent earnings and high returns on equity with limited debt. However, if you'd like to stay up to speed on ArcelorMittal's progress, simply add it to your stock watchlist. If you don't have one yet, you can create a watchlist of your favorite stocks by clicking here.

At the time this article was published Ilan Moscovitz doesn't own shares of any company mentioned. You can follow him on Twitter @TMFDada. The Motley Fool owns shares of Arcelor Mittal. Motley Fool newsletter services have recommended buying shares of Nucor. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Copyright © 1995 - 2012 The Motley Fool, LLC. All rights reserved. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Dat wordt overwerken met wat computerprogramma's(en stijgende koersen waarom het wel te doen zal zijn als de truc lukt)

15 hours ago • Joseph S. Pete, (219) 933-3316

Demand for steel was relatively flat in the United States in 2013, but AcrelorMittal is expecting a 4 percent increase in demand and shipments this year.

"We're cautiously optimistic," said Susan Zlajic, manager of government affairs at ArcelorMittal USA Inc.

Automotive sales, which drive a lot of the demand for steel, sagged in January and February because of the harsh weather, Zlajic said. But automakers still expect to make 16.1 million units this year, which would be a boon for Northwest Indiana's steel mills.

"I would encourage everyone to purchase a car today," she said.

A rebound in construction is important, since the American Iron and Steel Institute estimates it accounts for 40 percent of the overall demand for steel, Zlajic said.
‘ING wordt de topper van mei’

MAANDAG 5 MEI 2014, 11:01 uur | 3499 keer gelezen

De komende maand verwachten experts van alle AEX-bedrijven het meest van ING, ArcelorMittal en SBM Offshore. Dit blijkt uit de enquête die Corné van Zeijl van SNS Asset Management maandelijks houdt onder beursexperts.

Er deden deze maand 56 experts mee aan de enquête.

Volgens Van Zeijl is het langetermijnbeeld aan het veranderen en keert het optimisme langzaam terug. ‘Experts werden in het afgelopen jaar steeds wat minder positief, maar nu lijkt er plotseling een draai gekomen in deze trend’, zo schrijft Van Zeijl.

Economisch herstel

Dat optimisme is volgens Van Zeijl vooral te danken aan het economisch herstel. ‘Voor de lange termijn zien veel experts de economie aantrekken en daarmee ook de bedrijfswinsten.’ Komende maand zijn experts het meest positief over ING. Het aandeel staat met de meeste stemmen bovenaan de favorietenlijst. Op de tweede en derde plaats staan ArcelorMittal en SBM Offshore.

Beursprofessionals geloven dat Royal Dutch Shell en Wolters Kluwer het het slechtst zullen doen de komende maand. ‘Wolters is zo’n AEX-aandeel dat altijd een beetje onder de radar vliegt. Experts vinden het aandeel te hard gestegen.’

Door Barbara van Cooten
Chinezen: ijzerertsbedrijf Australië kopen

MAANDAG 5 MEI 2014, 08:00 uur | 331 keer gelezen

SYDNEY (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Chinese staalconcern Baosteel heeft samen met het Australische transportbedrijf Aurizon een bod gedaan op de producent van ijzererts en steenkool Aquila Holdings, waarmee het mijnbouwbedrijf wordt gewaardeerd op 1,4 miljard Australische dollar (935 miljoen euro). Dat werd maandag bekendgemaakt door de partijen.

Met de overname van Aquila wil Baosteel de levering van steenkool en ijzererts, de grondstof van staal, veiligstellen. Aquila is voor de helft eigenaar van het grote ijzerertsproject West Pilbara dat wordt ontwikkeld in het westen van Australië. De andere helft van het project is in handen van de investeringsmaatschappij AMCI en het Zuid-Koreaanse staalconcern Posco.

Baosteel heeft al een belang in Aquila en wil dit uitbouwen tot 85 procent. Aurizon zou dan de rest van het bedrijf krijgen. De logistiek dienstverlener wil met de overname de controle nemen over de infrastructuur rond West Pilbara, waaronder de aanleg van spoorlijnen en een nieuwe haven.


De overname van Aquila moet geheel in contanten worden afgerond. Het mijnbouwbedrijf liet weten het bod van Baosteel en Aurizon te zullen bestuderen.

De laatste tijd doen Chinese bedrijven vaker overnames om de aanvoer van grondstoffen veilig te stellen. Zo werd vorige maand gemeld dat een groep Chinese ondernemingen bijna 6 miljard dollar op tafel heeft gelegd om een grote kopermijn in Peru te kopen van Glencore Xstrata en dat de Chinese grondstoffenhandelaar Minmetals een bod heeft gedaan van 6,5 miljard dollar op de Australische koperdelver Equinox.
Industrie China blijft krimpen

MAANDAG 5 MEI 2014, 07:01 uur | 488 keer gelezen

HONGKONG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De bedrijvigheid in de omvangrijke Chinese industrie is in april voor de vierde maand op rij gekrompen, waarmee de afkoeling van de op één na grootste economie ter wereld verder wordt onderstreept. Dat blijkt uit maandag gepubliceerde cijfers van de Britse bank HSBC en marktonderzoeker Markit.

De inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie noteerde voor april een definitieve stand van 48,1, tegen 48 een maand eerder. Bij een voorlopige raming werd nog een stand gemeld van 48,3 en economen hadden in doorsnee een niveau voorspeld van 48,4. Een stand hoger dan 50 wijst op groei, daaronder op krimp.

De Chinese overheid meldde onlangs voor april een stand van haar inkoopmanagersindex van 50,4, waarmee de industrie nog wel een lichte groei laat zien.

Economen verwachten dat de Chinese economie dit jaar een groei zal laten zien van 7,3 procent. Dat zou de zwakste groei zijn sinds 1990. De Chinese overheid hanteert als doelstelling voor dit jaar een economische vooruitgang met 7,5 procent. In het eerste kwartaal groeide de Chinese economie met 7,4 procent, het zwakste tempo in 18 maanden. In het laatste kwartaal van vorig jaar ging de economie van China nog met 7,7 procent vooruit.
SAIL to ramp up hot metal capacity to 19 million tonnes by Sept end

Business Line cited Mr CS Verma chairman of SAIL as saying that after the operationalization of a new blast furnace at Burnpur steel plant, Steel Authority of India Limited’s hot metal capacity would go up to 19 million tonne by September end.

Now, the capacity is 14 million tonne per annum.

Mr Verma said that “The new blast furnace at Burnpur steel plant will be commissioned in August. In addition, the first heat in the new converter in Rourkela plant will be made on May 10th. The converter in Rourkela steel plant first heat we are taking on May 10th and in the next three months, in August, SAIL is going to commence one more blast furnace in Burnpur steel plant.””

He said that the country’s largest blast furnace is operating in Rourkela steel plant and the volume there is 4,060 cubic meter.

He said the company has also drawn up its "Vision 2025" plan to ramp up its hot metal capacity from 24 million tonnes to 50 million tonnes with the additional capital outlay of Rs 1,50,000 crore.

He said "We have prepared a Vision 2025 for ourselves. We plan to escalate our hot metal capacity from 24 million tonnes to 50 million tonnes by 2025. Rs 1,50,000 crore capital investment will be made by the company to ramp up the capacity to a level of 50 million tonnes by the year 2025-26.”

Source – Business Line
Latin America imports increase 95pct for finished steel from China

Finished steel imports from China to Latin America reached the record high of 1,9 million tonnes between January and March 2014, 95% more than the 951,938 tonnes imported in January to March 2013.

The region concentrated 11% of the 16,5 million tonnes of finished steel exported by China to the world during the Q1 of the year, which grew 31% compared to same period of 2013.

Brazil was the main destination for the Chinese finished steel with 522,694 tonnes followed by Chile (272,261 tonnes) and Central America (224,288 tonnes). The markets that notoriously increased their imports during the period YOY were: Paraguay (+233%), Brazil (+226%), Argentina (+174%), Mexico (+166%) and Central America (+115%).

Flat steel was the most imported product from China to the region during the Q1 of 2014, reaching 1.2 million tonnes. Among flat products, it is worth noticing the share of other alloey steel sheets and coils (445,194 tonnes) and cold rolled coils (287,009 tonnes), accounting for 24% and 15% respectively.

Long products imports from China reached 499,637 tonnrs in January to Mar 2014, wired rod (259,848 tonnes) and bars (183,862 tonnes). Also, the region received 134,066 tonnes of seamless tubes from China during the period.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
US Steel plans headcount reduction to cut costs

Planning on "headcount reductions", US Steel Corp. is going to layoff a number of employees throughout the world which also includes some in Pittsburgh. The company is essentially doing this to save money.

The company says that United States Steel Corporation is experiencing a complete business makeover process which is aimed at returning the company to sustainable productivity and profitability.

The decisions have been difficult to take, said the company. However all things have been decided after careful considerations and discussions. Though the number of job cuts was not specified but it was hinted that the jobs would be reduced from business support functions and operations.

About 5000 employees are engaged by the company in different activities in the region and about 37,000 are employed at different locations all around the world.

Source – &
US DOC approves dumping duties on Chinese and Mexican imported steel wire

It is reported the US Commerce Department approves the policy for dumping duties on prestressed wire with end application in commuter and high speed rail lines, imported from China and Mexico.

The dumping duties said to be 9.99% for imports from Mexico and it is between 31.4% and 35.3% for Chinese imports of steel wire. The final decision will be made on June 12 to determine the final dumping duties. For the wire coming from Thailand, there will be no dumping duties.

China exported the steel wire worth of USD 31.1 million to the US and Mexico shipped USD 31.1 million worth of steel wire last year.

Source -
Slothful Chinese steel market resists global steel price revival

Chinese economy and industry have the distinction of setting the global tide. Even though the glory of early 21st century has been tarnished by the recessionary headwinds and persistent uncertainty still the sheer demand size and insatiable potential for growth has kept the momentum way ahead of other nations.

After exhibiting remarkable resilience during the depths of recession propped by USD 586 billion stimulus package it became the rallying point for recovery in global economy followed by other BRICs nations. Blistering steel production was easily getting consumed by booming housing and construction sector. Steel prices galloped providing the global steel industry succor when all quarters were plunged in darkness.

Blind quest for production and supply exposed the Chinese economy to fragile credit driven economy. Speculative buying rather than actual demand took center stage. There was inventory pileup unsupported by demand and payment. At the same time speculative buying in reality sector raged giving rise to vicious cycle of buying and low consumption. In a bid to avert catastrophe prevalent in the western world Chinese authorities reacted swiftly at the first signals of rising inflation and payment defaults.

Changing gears is always easy in state controlled economy but its ramifications are equally damning and difficult to grapple. Government went in overdrive by clamping down reality sector by banning 3rd party transactions followed by hiking of lending rates. Hounding down ghost companies and trading of credit lines. Concurrently prolonged economic headwinds from major trading partner viz., USA, Europe and SE Asian nations started taking toll of exports thereby eroding the advantage. SHFE stock index became more sensitive to changing fortunes at NASDAQ, DOW JONES, NTSE, KIOSPI, DAX etc.

Irrespective of regulatory and policy measures unleashed by government the fragmented and unorganized structure of Chinese steel industry has made the job of reigning production equally difficult. Whereas capacity rationalization was implemented in urban centers but it was difficult in the forlorn quarters. In these regions socialistic concern of averting unemployment remained prime concern castigating production pruning. However environmental regulations have made shutting down of obsolete capacities mandatory and it won’t be long before results show up.

The first casualty of vicissitudes in steel industry was the iron ore market. It was beset with turbulence subject to speculative buying. Price levels have shown wide fluctuation from levels of USD 94 per tonne in September 2012 to the peak of USD 160 per tonne in February 2013. Surprisingly import levels have maintained uptrend increasing by 19% YoY in the Q1 and hitting an all time high of 87 million tonne in January 2014.

The general trend of late has been of low levels hovering around USD 105 to USD 110 per tonne and is expected decline further after the Government launched investigation against malpractices in credit lines for speculative and profiteering in iron ore imports by traders. Factually owing to this reason imports soared despite slow demand from steel mills. Stocks have reached astronomical levels of 114 million tonnes. Trader’s commenced panic selling before legal noose tightens steep slide in coming weeks.

Finished steel levels both domestic and export has declined losing 8% and 2% respectively in Q1. Excess inventory has led to selling pressure on Chinese mills and traders leading to price cuts. Marginal impact in domestic market it led to turning the heat on CIS and European exporters leading to counter price cuts. HRC and Rebar prices have never picked up being further crippled by currency and financial instability in Turkey, Ukraine etc. Despite devaluation of CNY export volumes haven’t moved up. Protective measures taken by USA (anti dumping) against pipes and other steel products from China have left them hapless.

Fob in USD per tonne

After disappointing economic indications in Q1with GDP at 18th month low of 7.4% and projected growth of 7.3% in Q2 lowest in last 24 years ,government has woken up to realities. Prime Minister pledged to step up support for the trade sector, adding to measures taken over the past month on concerns that the economy may be losing momentum more quickly than expected.

The Purchasing Managers' Index rose to 50.4 in April from March's 50.3. At just above the 50 level that separates growth from contraction, it indicated a slight pick-up in activity for the month. New orders sub-index in the PMI rose to 51.2 in April from 50.6 in March, but the sub-index for export orders fell to 49.1 last month from 50.1 in March.

The economy is showing slight improvements due to recent policy measures but there is no sign of a bottoming out, and the trend of slowdown is continuing. The government is trying to restructure the economy so it is driven more by consumption than the traditional engines of exports and investment, but wants to avoid a sharp slowdown that could fuel job losses and threaten social stability. The employment sub-index of the PMI held steady at 48.3 in April, indicating contraction. The government has taken steps to create more jobs, particularly for college graduates.

Lending rates are expected to come down from Q3 onwards. Steel sector saw revival in early April with 3% gain since government announced modulated stimulus package and enhanced steel demand from infrastructure and railway sector. However ever since revival has petered out as credit squeeze continues to plague investment and reality sector groans under restrictions.

Export levels continue to languish but demand revival in MENA nations and Indian currency appreciation will certainly open up more opportunities. Revival of Japanese economy augurs well for demand. Declining iron ore and coke price levels will certainly give fillip to sagging bottom lines of steel companies. Hence Q2 & Q3 promises revival with some concerted actions of capacity cutting and reduction in lending rates to prop business activity.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Fire on Sohar Steel Mil destroyed 1500 tonnes of scrap

Time of Omen reported that the fire at the scrap yard of Sohar Steel Mill destroyed approximately 1,500 tonnes of scrap.

Mr GN Khadse CEO of Sohar Steel said that "The fire occurred at the far end of the scrap yard. So, there was no damage to the machinery. Moreover, due to ongoing expansion work, the operations had been halted since February 17. We had a plan to open it Sunday. But due to some pending paper work, there may be a slight delay."

The fire which broke out in the factory was doused by Public Authority for Civil Defence and Ambulance firefighters after a 21 hour battle.

Lieutenant Colonel Ismaeel bin Karam Al Balushi director of the Civil Defence and Ambulance in North Al Batinah Governorate, said said that “Firefighters had to exert a huge effort to extinguish the blaze. These types of fires are always difficult to control and take a long time and effort. However, the civil defence personnel eventually managed to put it out before it could spread to other places."

Source - Times of
Steel manufacturing giant replaces various LED lines with induction lighting

Earlier this year, the Gerdau facility located in Knoxville, Tennessee began searching for a lighting solution that could replace their current metal halide fixtures and withstand the heat of its facilities, while maintaining enough lumens to create visibility in its dimly lit locations. Gerdau is a leading producer of long steel in the Americas and one of the largest suppliers of special steel in the world.

With over 45,000 employees, it has industrial operations in 14 countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia which together represent an installed capacity of over 25 million tonnes of steel per year. Gerdau's Knoxville steel mill in the Lonsdale community has operated for 110 years under various names and owners, and Gerdau took over the mill's operations in 1999 and employs nearly 240 local residents there.

The steel re bar giant reached out to EverLast Lighting to find a solution that would meet their lighting specifications where LED had failed.

Mr Bruce Sizemore representative of Sizemore Performance located in Walland, Tennessee said that “Gerdau had tried to replace the metal halide fixtures with different LED lines in all three of their plant locations in Knoxville, and were not pleased with the performance of the LEDs. Based on their findings, we knew that we had to find a fixture that would be able to perform in their facility, with little maintenance."

Mr Steve Trefethen of Green Technician at Gerdau Steel said that “Specifically, the LED fixtures were not able to withstand the heat or the environment of the Gerdau facilities. The ceilings in the plant are about 140 to 160 degrees and the lens on the LED fixtures began to melt off. We also have a lot of steel dust that floats in our air and eventually the dust begins to compile onto each fixture. The result of the weight of the compiled dust ultimately unhinged each fixture from the area it was installed sending it crashing to floor."

Source - Strategic Research Institute

ArcelorMittal SA (ADR) (NYSE:MT) – Took A Firm Step To Expand The Business

Posted in Business • 1 hour ago • Written by Kelley Allen • No Comments

Dallas, Texas, 05/06/2014 (ustrademedia) – Under the superior supervision of Lakshmi Narayan Mittal, the CEO and Chairman of ArcelorMittal SA (ADR) (NYSE:MT), the leading steel company created an outstanding presence in the global steel industry. The company made a dramatic entry in the latest news report at the end of April, 2014.

No cash deal with Bekaert:

ArcelorMittal SA (ADR) (NYSE:MT), the global leading steelmaker along with Bekaert Group, decided to change the ventures in Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador. The board of the companies agreed on Wednesday April 30, 2014 to revise the territory plan and extend the four-decades partnership. It was done to encourage the production in Latin America.
- See more at:

Exchange business:According to this plan, both the companies will do some modifications for a better prospective business. ArcelorMittal SA will transfer 55% of its share of the rope-producing venture to Bekaert. It will lead Bekaert to take the entire control of Bekaert Cimaf Cabos Ltda. In exchange of it, the latter will steadily supply wire to ArcelorMittal SA. The President of Brazil based venture of ArcelorMittal SA and Bekaert, Augusto Espeschit, acknowledged the scenario on April 30, 2014.Agreement in Ecuador sector:Augusto Espeschit also added that due to such agreement, ArcelorMittal SA will leave behind with a minority shareholding in Bekaert-controlled Ecuador-based wire producer, Ideal Alambrec. However, this will help the leading steel producing company in the speedy expansion, in the civil construction segment - See more at:

Both the companies have agreed to split the share in Costa Rica’s steel wire plant. Bakaert took 73% stake and in return handover the steel manufacturing company to ArcelorMittal SA (ADR) (NYSE:MT). The move may prove to be advantageous for both the companies and help to build a better production.The deal made between both the companies is completely without cash disturbance. However, both the rivals may create some unexpected result in the forthcoming days. - See more at:

svh21 schreef op 6 mei 2014 17:52:

Interessant artikel over q1 resultaten:
En ook behalve een AB hier aanbevolen...

Stuk er uit :

ArcelorMittal (NYSE:MT) will announce its first quarter results on May 9. Higher steel prices complemented by the company’s asset optimization and cost savings programs will boost quarterly results year-over-year. Lower iron ore prices on one hand will lower input costs for the company’s steelmaking operations. However, these will also negatively affect the results from the sale of iron ore to third parties. The impact of lower iron ore prices will be partially offset by higher shipment volumes.

The company is expected to maintain its commitment to debt reduction and meeting its medium- term target for net debt. The divestment of ArcelorMittal’s stake in ATIC, announced on April 30, is consistent with its policy of selective divestment of non-core assets.

Steel Prices And Volumes

ArcelorMittal is likely to report higher year-over-year realized steel prices in the first quarter. This is primarily driven by a better pricing environment for steel this quarter as compared to the corresponding period a year ago. This is reflected in London Metal Exchange (LME) steel billet spot prices. These prices ranged between $200-300 per tonne in Q1 2013. However, they were above $350 per tonne for most of Q1 2014.
Aperam: EBITDA KW1 2014 $129 mln vs $65 mln in dezelfde periode 2013 en $84 mln in KW4
Aperam: omzet KW1 2014 $1,394 mrd vs $1,269 mrd in KW1 2013 en $1,281 mrd in KW4
Aperam: winst per aandeel KW1 2014 $0,24 vs verlies $0,36 in KW1 2013 en verlies $0,53 in KW4
Aperam staalverschepingen KW1 2014 475 kt versus 401 kt in KW1 2013 en 441 kt in KW4
Aperam: nettowinst KW1 $19 mln versus $28 mln verlies in KW1 2013 en $42 mln verlies in KW4
Aperam resultaten analisten voorzagen gemid. EBITDA $110 mln, omzet $1,358 mrd
Aperam verwacht in KW2 een verbetering van de EBITDA ten opzichte van KW1
Aperam verwacht dat nettoschuld in KW2 iets zal afnemen
Aperma nettoschuld op 31 maart 2014 $689 mln versus $690 mln eind december 2013

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