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China's March daily steel output at record but set to slow

Reuters reported that China's average daily crude steel output hit a record high 2.27 million tonnes in March as steelmakers ramped up on expectations of increased seasonal demand but a slowing economy may curb production in the months ahead.

Data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that China's March crude steel output trumped the previous record high 2.217 million tonnes hit in January and February. The monthly output stood at 70.25 million tonnes up 2.2% from a year ago. NBS didn't provide a separate monthly figure for the first two months.

Government data showed that steel demand in the world's top producer and consumer traditionally improves in April and May as construction and manufacturing activities perk up after the New Year holiday, encouraging mills to raise production. Mills are expected to further boost output in April, but probably only modestly, as a cooling economy could curb demand growth for metals this year.

Ms Judy Zhu an analyst with Standard Chartered Bank in Shanghai said that "Steel output may continue going up slowly until May, but I do not rule out the possibility that it might fall on year from June. Many mills are struggling with tight cash flow, with a few facing permanent shutdown threats, while Beijing has no intention to boost investment to drive up steel consumption. Meanwhile, Beijing will take tougher measures to crack down pollution, curbing steel production."

Source – Reuters
ThyssenKrupp agrees 2 bln euro loan refinancing - sources

Reuters reported that Germany's ThyssenKrupp has agreed EUR 2 billion, three year revolving credit facility to replace an existing EUR 2.5 billion facility that was due to mature in July.

ThyssenKrupp said that it had reached an agreement on a deal but declined to comment on the details. The new financing was arranged by bookrunning mandated lead arrangers Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, BayernLB, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Credit Agricole CIB, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and SEB.

The refinancing comes as ThyssenKrupp looks to revamp its business by moving away from the bulk steel market, which has been hit by weak economies and overcapacity, to more profitable technology products such as elevators and factory components.

ThyssenKrupp issued EUR 1.25 billion bond in February after raising 882.3 million euros in proceeds from a capital increase in December 2013.

Source - Reuters
China's average daily crude steel output hits 2.2661 MT in March

In March this year, the average aggregate daily crude steel output in China amounted to 2.2661 million tonnes up 2.2% compared to the average daily figure recorded in the January to February period this year and constituting a new record high, as announced by China's National Bureau of Statistics on April 16. In March, the average aggregate daily finished steel output in China totaled 3.0668 million tonnes up 9.18% from the daily average for the January-February period.

China's crude steel output amounted to 70.25 million tonnes in March up 2.2% while the total crude steel production for the Q1 was 202.7 million tonnes rising by 2.4% both YoY. China produced 61.55 million tonnes of pig iron in March, down 0.9% while it produced 179.7 million tonnes in the Q1 up 0.1% both YoY. Chinese finished steel production in March came to 95.07 million tonnes up 5% while the figure for the whole of the Q1 amounted to 261.41 million tonnes up 5.3% both on YoY basis.

Source - Visit for more
Iron ore spot prices drop again in China

The spot price of Australian iron ore fines 62% to China continued to drop again.

Current price is being offering at USD 115.5 per tonne to USD 116.5 per tonne at this moment, down by USD 0.5 per tonne from the previous prices.

Meanwhile, the China Iron Ore Price Index dropped by 2.29 points or 0.57% week on week to 397.89 as of April 14th.

Source -
Australia miners scramble to raise iron ore output for China market

Australian miners are racing ahead with plans to expand iron ore production to capture more of the Chinese market for the steelmaking ingredient, amid strong competition from the world's biggest supplier, Vale of Brazil.

Efforts to beat already ambitious output targets comes as a crackdown in China on using commodities as collateral to raise cash risks unleashing iron ore sales from tens of millions of tonnes sitting in Chinese port warehouses, pressuring prices.

Fortescue Metals Group, which is raising production 57% this year said that it needs iron ore prices to stay at USD 110 per tonne to USD 120 per tonne for the next 12 to 18 months in order to pay off a targeted USD 2.5 billion in debt.

The Australian Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics forecast an average price of USD 110 per tonne this year but only USD 103 per tonne in 2015. By 2016, Citigroup sees the price falling to USD 80.

Source –
Iron ore exports at Port Hedland hit a record 90 million tonnes

Western Australia produces over one quarter of the world’s iron ore, and its exports volumes account for 42% of global shipments, excluding domestic use. Meanwhile, Port Hedland exports 24% of the total global iron ore exported by sea, which is expected to rise to 27% in 2014.

Record shipments
March 2014 exports to China were recorded at 27 million tonnes, indicating a 27% and 41.4% increase from February 2014 and March 2013, respectively. Meanwhile, total shipments from Port Hedland increased 24%, to 34.4 million tonnes from February. In the Q1 almost 90 million tonnes of iron ore shipped from Port Hedland. That’s about 34% higher the first quarter of 2013 and 61% above the same period in 2012.

Source –
ARC MET in Le Figaro"
Les marchés s’inquiètent de la détérioration de la situation en Ukraine, où le groupe réalise 7 % de sa production. Le titre est en baisse de plus de 10 % depuis le début de l’année.

Markten zijn bezorgd over de verslechterende situatie in Oekraïne, waar de groep 7% genereert van haar productie. De titel is een daling van meer dan 10% sinds het begin van het jaar.

= 7% productie w.v. 10% daling (rest is export?).
Chinese crude steel production hit 70 million tonnes in March 2014

China produced 202.7 million tonnes of crude steel, 179.7 million tonnes of pig iron and 261.41 million tonnes of steel products in the first three months of the current year up 2.4%, 0.1% and 5.3% respectively from the same period of 2013, according to figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics.

In March, production of crude steel was 70.25 million tonnes up 2.2% YoY that of pig iron was 61.55 million tonnes, a decrease of 0.9% that of steel products was 95.07 million tonnes, an increment of 5%. Daily crude steel production in March was 2.266 million tonnes up 2.2% from February; that of steel products hit 3.067 million tonnes, up 9.2% MoM.

China's coke production amounted to 114.33 million tonnes in the first three months of this year down 0.4% YoY. In March, China produced 38.32 million tonnes of coke, down 5.3% from the same month last year.

Combined with imports and exports, apparent consumption of crude steel came to 187.09 million tonnes in the first three months up 0.4% compared to the same period a year earlier; that of steel products aggregated 246.67 million tonnes up 4.0% YoY. The apparent consumption of crude steel in March alone hit 64.42 million tonnes down 0.1% YoY; that of steel products was 89.56 million tonnes up 3.5% YoY.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
Sohar Steel boosts capacity to 700000 tonnes per year

Sister Omani companies Sohar Steel and Sharq Sohar Steel Rolling Mills are undertaking a major expansion and upgrade of their manufacturing facilities in Oman

While Sohar Steel is expanding the capacity of its Steel Melt Shop at Sohar Port, Sharq Sohar is undertaking an upgrade of its facilities at the nearby Sohar Industrial Estate.

Both investments will help reinforce the group’s overall standing as the Sultanate’s leading producer of rebars.

Mr Khalid Tawfiq Jawad Abdul Rasool chairman of Sohar Steel said that “With the expanded production capacity of steel, the entire domestic requirement of this commodity will be fully met, thereby eliminating the need for imports. Thus, our project will not only contribute to making Oman self sufficient in rebar manufacturing capacity, but it will also catalyse the growth of various related industries and businesses, as well as open up employment opportunities for Omani nationals.”

Mr Abdul Rasool said that “Set on a 29 hectare plot within Sohar Port, Sohar Steel’s Melt Shop is backward integrated unit with a rolling mill operated by sister firm Sharq Sohar. All of Sohar Steel’s present output of roughly 300,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of mild steel billets is consumed by Sharq Sohar’s rolling mill to produce rebars for the domestic and regional markets. But with domestic demand for construction steel growing by leaps and bounds, the group has embarked on a major expansion and upgrade of its facilities.

Mr GN Khadse CEO Sohar Steel said that “The centrepiece Melt Shop of Sohar Steel at the industrial port is the subject of a major upgrade that will see capacity ramped up from the present 300,000 MT/year to an impressive 700,000 MT per year. The new capacity is slated to be brought into operation starting from the third quarter of this year, subject to the receipt of final environmental clearances from the relevant authorities.”

He said that “At the same time, a newly acquired rolling mill set up in the UAE emirate of Ras Al Khaimah is being refurbished and relocated to Sohar Steel’s complex. Boasting a capacity of 500,000 MT per year of rolled products, the plant is a continuous rolling mill type facility with slitting technology and online TMT process features.”

Source – Oman Observer
1 kilometre high Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia to use 88000 tonnes of steel

It is reported that Saudi Arabia might be trying to outdo every other country with its massive Kingdom Tower.

The new tallest building in the world will stand 1 kilometer high and is expected to cost a whopping USD 1.23 billion.

According to the Saudi Gazette, the tower will require 5.7 million square feet of concrete, 80,000 tonne of steel, and it will stunt Dubai's Burj Khalifa by nearly 600 feet.

The building, if it can even be called a building, will stand in the city of Jeddah along the coast of the Red Sea. To top it all off, a 98-foot terrace can be expected on the 157th floor.

However, construction is set to begin as early as next week.

Source -

voda schreef op 21 april 2014 19:26:

1 kilometre high Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia to use 88000 tonnes of steel

It is reported that Saudi Arabia might be trying to outdo every other country with its massive Kingdom Tower.

The new tallest building in the world will stand 1 kilometer high and is expected to cost a whopping USD 1.23 billion.

According to the Saudi Gazette, the tower will require 5.7 million square feet of concrete, 80,000 tonne of steel, and it will stunt Dubai's Burj Khalifa by nearly 600 feet.

The building, if it can even be called a building, will stand in the city of Jeddah along the coast of the Red Sea. To top it all off, a 98-foot terrace can be expected on the 157th floor.

However, construction is set to begin as early as next week.

Source -

Toch geen verenstaal mag ik hopen ?

elf schreef op 21 april 2014 19:50:


Toch geen verenstaal mag ik hopen ?

Meer info?

Hoogste gebouw ter wereld in de maak in Saoedi-Arabië

Op dit moment is de Burj Khalifa in Dubai met zijn 828 meter het hoogste gebouw ter wereld. Maar daar komt wellicht in de toekomst verandering in, nu buurland Saoedi-Arabië begint aan de constructie van een gebouw van minstens een kilometer. Dat meldt nieuwszender CNN.


Op dit moment is de Burj Khalifa het hoogste gebouw ter wereld met zijn 828 meter. © ap.
De wolkenkrabber, die de naam Kingdom Tower zal dragen, wordt gebouwd in Djedda, de op een na grootste stad van Saoedi-Arabië. De kostprijs van de toren wordt op 1,23 miljard dollar - omgerekend ongeveer 900 miljoen euro - geschat. Het gebouw zal 200 verdiepingen tellen.

De fundamenten van de toren, die tot 60 meter onder de grond gaan, moeten bestand zijn tegen het zoutwater van de nabijgelegen zee. Ook wind vormt een gevaar voor het gebouw. Daarom zal het geregeld van de ene vorm in een andere overgaan. 'Omdat het gebouw om de enkele verdiepingen van vorm verandert, gaat de wind er omheen', legt Gordon Gill, een van de architecten, uit.

Ook het beton naar de hoogste verdiepingen krijgen om verder te bouwen, wordt wellicht een uitdaging. Mogelijk kiezen ze in Djedda voor dezelfde techniek als de bouwers van de Burj Khalifa. Die pompten beton via een enkele pijpleiding naar boven, en dat meestal 's nachts om te verzekeren dat het niet te warm was.

Twee kilometer
Volgens Dr. Sang Dae Kim is het bouwen van de Kingdom Tower een grote uitdaging, maar wel een haalbare doelstelling. 'Op dit moment is het technisch mogelijk om een gebouw van een kilometer, misschien zelfs twee kilometer hoog te bouwen. Als we hoger dan dat willen, moeten we flink ons huiswerk doen'.
Staalproductie wereldwijd gestegen

DINSDAG 22 APRIL 2014, 15:32 uur | 278 keer gelezen

BRUSSEL (AFN) - De wereldwijde staalproductie is in maart met 2,7 procent gestegen ten opzichte van een jaar eerder. Dat maakte de World Steel Association dinsdag bekend.

In totaal steeg de productie in de 65 landen die bij de brancheorganisatie zijn aangesloten tot 141 miljoen ton. In China bedroeg de stijging 2,2 procent, terwijl Duitsland in maart 6,1 procent meer staal produceerde en Frankrijk de productie met ruim 4 procent zag stijgen.

Over het gehele eerste kwartaal van 2014 nam de staalproductie in de Europese Unie met 6,7 procent toe tot 43,8 miljoen ton, terwijl de productie in Azië met een meer bescheiden 2,6 procent steeg tot 274 miljoen ton. De VS produceerde bijna 30 miljoen ton staal, nog geen procent meer dan in de eerste 3 maanden van 2013.
Supreme Court allows iron ore mining in Goa with cap of 20 million tonnes

In a landmark decision, India’s Supreme Court has allowed iron ore mining in Goa state with an upper limit of 20 million tonne per year after 18 month old ban

A bench comprising Justices AK Patnaik, SS Nijjar and FMI Kalifulla, said an expert panel will give a final recommendation on annual cap on excavation of iron ore within six months. The bench said “Until the final report is submitted by the expert committee, the state government will, in the interests of sustainable development and inter-generational equity, permit a maximum annual excavation of 20 million tonnes from the mining leases in Goa other than from dumps.”


1. Supreme Court allows annual cap of 20 million tonne of iron ore excavation in Goa

2. SC said that there will be no grant of lease for mining around 1 kilometre of national parks and wild life sanctuaries.

3. Ministry of Environment and Forests to identify eco-sensitive areas around national parks within 6 months

4. The court has however, deemed all leases granted post 2007 as illegal.

Among other directions, the bench said 50 per cent of the wages and DA has to be paid to the workers on the muster rolls of the mining leases who have not been paid their wages during the period of suspension of mining operations.

Federation of Indian Mineral Industries said. "It is a very good thing to happen. This will bring the mining industry back in Goa. Mr RK Sharma secretary general of FIMI told PTI “It will create employment and boost the economic activity. The mining industry in Goa will breathe into life again. Port activities in the state, which were also suffering due to the ban, would again come back into life.”

Mr Manohar Parrikar chief minister of Goa said “I welcome the order as passed by the SC allowing miners to resume operation after 18 months. The detailed statement will follow after receipt and study of the order which is yet to be received by the state government. Prima facie it appears that the contention of the government of Goa that the mining operations should be decided by the state government is upheld by the court"

SC had banned operations in all 90 mines in Goa from September 2012 after the Justice M B Shah Commission pointed out illegalities in the industry.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
China steel price lose ground during the week as despair sets in

After a month long inspiring rally steel prices slumped during the past 1 week by 1%. The initial rally saw the prices gain 2% primarily sparked by hopes of state stimulus in infrastructure and modulated lending rates. Grapevine had it that the government weary after bond defaults, faltering GDP (7.4%) slowest since 1990 and flagging export by 3.4 in Q1.

However the hopes of big stimulus diminished as government restructures the country's growth model to rely more on consumption and less on investment, a big driver of steel consumption.

Chinese steel rebar futures dropped for a fifth day on Monday, reflecting concerns that seasonal demand from the world's top consumer of the alloy would not be strong enough to soak up hefty supply.

The outlook for steel consumption for the rest of the year was also not firm, presenting a further headwind to prices.

High output and inventories will certainly pressure prices, Daily crude steel output in China jumped nearly 4 percent to 2.152 million tonnes in the first 10 days of April from late March, putting annualised production at about 786 million tonnes, up from last year's 779 million tonnes.

The most-traded rebar contract for October delivery on the Shanghai Futures Exchange was off 0.4 percent at 3,256 yuan a tonne by midday. Rebar, a construction steel product, has lost 3.4 percent for the five sessions to Monday.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Steel scrap rally seems over for now

Steel scrap price levels showed first signs of wilting after nearly 6 weeks rally during which gained USD 50-55 per tonne.

It is learnt that latest offers of scrap from US, Europe and CIS have corrected by USD 5-10 per tonne from last week.

Current offer levels at USD 385-390 per tonne ,CFR ,Turkey for HMS 1&2 (80:20) .

Likewise A3 scrap from Russian sources are offered at USD 365 per tonne CFR down from USD 370-375 per tonne .

Consumers will be calling for further reductions in prices for scrap, referring to increased supply and steadily weak market for finished products.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
China Hebei Province steel output in March down 4pct YoY

Reuters reported that Hebei, China's top steel producing province, produced 17.43 million tonnes of crude steel in March, a decline of 3.5% on the year, with local mills under pressure as a result of slow demand, cash shortages and a state led anti pollution drive.

According to figures from the National Bureau of Statistics, Hebei's crude steel output amounted to 24.8% of the national total over the month down slightly from 24.9% in the first two months of the year but still higher than the last two months of 2013, when its share dipped below 20%.

The provincial governor said last month that Hebei has pledged to slash total steel capacity by 60 million tonnes by 2017 as part of a program to cut air pollution in northern China. At least 16 of its steel firms have also stopped producing as a result of financial problems.

The decline in output from Hebei has been offset by a double digit rise in the province of Jiangsu near Shanghai.

Source - Reuters
China iron ore imports from Australia surge 26.8pc in March

China imported 40.742 million tonnes of iron ore from Australia in March, an increase of 26.8% on the year and accounting for 55.1% of its total imports over the period.

Customs data showed that total imports from Australia over the first three months of the year amounted to 118.2 million tonnes up 31.7% much higher than the 19.4 growth rate in overall imports over the period.

Iron ore prices have fallen 13% so far in 2014, making low cost Australian production more competitive. The price shift has also benefited suppliers from Brazil, which saw a 26.3% increase in deliveries to China in March, reaching 14.85 million tonnes.

Source – Reuters
Australian miners raise iron ore output targets

Reuters reported that Australian miners are racing ahead with plans to expand iron ore production to capture more of the Chinese market for the steelmaking ingredient, amid strong competition from the world's biggest supplier Vale of Brazil.

Efforts to beat already ambitious output targets comes as a crackdown in China on using commodities as collateral to raise cash risks unleashing iron ore sales from tens of millions of tonnes sitting in Chinese port warehouses, pressuring prices.

Fortescue Metals Group Limited which is raising production 57% this year said that its needs iron ore prices to stay between USD 110 per tonne to USD 120 per tonne for the next 12 to 18 months in order to pay off a targeted USD 2.5 billion in debt.

The Australian Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics forecast an average price of USD 110 per tonne this year but only USD 103 per tonne in 2015. By 2016.

BHP, the world's biggest diversified mining company, lifted full year iron ore production guidance by 5 million tonnes to 217 million as it pushes ahead with new mine work in Australia. That's still behind Australian rival, Rio Tinto , which is close to mining 300 million tonnes a year and Vale, which is targeting annual output of more than 360 million tonnes with longer term plans to exceed 400 million.

China imports more than a half-billion tonnes of iron ore annually to supplement domestic production of mostly lower grade ore. China's crude steel production rate of some 2 million tonne a day makes it by far the world's biggest consumer of iron ore.

According to Macquarie Bank, output from BHP's most profitable division rose 1pct to 49.6 million tonnes in the three months ended March 31 versus the previous quarter above forecasts.

Mr Andrew Mackenzie CEO of BHP Billiton said that “The lift in output was helped by a limited impact from heavy rains in Australia's Pilbara iron ore belt in January and expansion work underway at the company's new Jimblebar mine.”

Source - Reuters
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