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BHP Billiton verhoogt ijzerertsproductie

WOENSDAG 22 JANUARI 2014, 07:21 uur | 127 keer gelezen

MELBOURNE (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Mijnbouwconcern BHP Billiton heeft in het vierde kwartaal van 2013 de productie van ijzererts met 16 procent verhoogd tot 48,9 miljoen ton. Dat maakte 's werelds grootste mijnbouwbedrijf woensdag bekend.

Daarmee lag de productie van de grondstof voor staal wel iets lager dan analisten hadden verwacht. Zij rekenden in doorsnee op 49,3 miljoen ton. De productie van petroleumproducten van BHP daalde met 4 procent tot het equivalent van 57,7 miljoen vaten olie.

Rivaal Rio Tinto maakte eerder bekend dat zijn ijzerertsproductie in het afgelopen kwartaal met 7 procent is gestegen tot het recordniveau van 55,5 miljoen ton. Mijnbouwers voeren de productie van ijzererts op om aan de stijgende Chinese vraag te kunnen voldoen. Het Braziliaanse Vale is 's werelds grootste ijzerertsproducent.
China crude steel output up 6.5pct in Dec

China Knowledge reported that China, the world's largest steel producer, saw its crude steel output increase 6.5% YoY to 62.35 million tonnes in December 2013.

According to the latest statistics released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in whole year of 2013, the country saw its crude steel output amount to 779.04 million tonnes 7.5% more than it realized in the previous year.

The country produced 54.72 million tonnes of pig iron in December up 5.9% YoY taking its total output of pig iron to 708.97 million tonnes in 2013 and reflected a year on year increase of 6.2%. Meanwhile, China saw its output of rolled steel grow 11.4% YoY to 1.07 billion tonnes in 2013.

Source - China Knowledge
Zweedse overname Fins staalbedrijf

Gepubliceerd op 22 jan 2014 om 09:08 | Views: 2.253

STOCKHOLM (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Zweedse producent van hoogwaardige staalproducten SSAB neemt zijn Finse branchegenoot Rautaruukki over in een transactie ter waarde van 10,1 miljard kroon (1,1 miljard euro). Het bedrijf hoopt zo kosten te kunnen besparen en beter de concurrentie aan te kunnen gaan. Dat maakte SSAB woensdag bekend.

De overname wordt afgehandeld in aandelen. De aandeelhouders van SSAB krijgen 58 procent van de aandelen van het gecombineerde bedrijf en de aandeelhouders van Rautaruukki 42 procent. De omzet van het nieuw gevormde fusiebedrijf zou in 2012 63 miljard kroon hebben bedragen met 17.500 werknemers in productiefaciliteiten in Zweden, Finland en de Verenigde Staten. De gezamenlijke productiecapaciteit zal jaarlijks 8,8 miljoen ton staal bedragen.

Het samengaan van de twee ondernemingen moet binnen 3 jaar tot een jaarlijkse kostenbesparing leiden van 1,4 miljard kroon, onder meer dankzij een flexibeler en meer efficiënt productiesysteem en distributiekanaal.
mvliex 1
Wereldwijde staalproductie gestegen in 2013

Gepubliceerd op 23 jan 2014 om 11:36
BRUSSEL (AFN) - De wereldwijde staalproductie is in 2013 met 3,5 procent gestegen tot 1607 miljoen ton, dankzij groei in Azië. Dat maakte de World Steel Association donderdag bekend.

De staalproductie in Azië steeg met 6 procent tot 1080,9 miljoen ton, geleid door een stijging in China met 7,5 procent tot 779 miljoen ton. Daarmee nam China vorig jaar 48,5 procent van de wereldwijde staalproductie voor zijn rekening, tegen 46,7 procent een jaar eerder.

In de Europese Unie daalde de productie met 1,8 procent tot 165,6 miljoen ton. In Duitsland, de grootste staalfabrikant van Europa, bleef de productie ongewijzigd op 42,6 miljoen ton, maar in Italië daalde die met 11,7 procent tot 24,1 miljoen ton.

De staalproductie in Noord-Amerika liet vorig jaar een daling zien met 1,9 procent tot 119,3 miljoen ton. De productie in de Verenigde Staten zakte met 2 procent naar 87 miljoen ton.

In Rusland kwam de staalproductie vorig jaar uit op 69,4 miljoen ton, een krimp met 1,5 procent. De Zuid-Amerikaanse staalproductie nam met 0,8 procent af tot 46 miljoen ton.

De gemiddelde capaciteitsbenutting van de staalfabrikanten in de 65 landen die zijn aangesloten bij de World Steel Association bedroeg in 2013 78,1 procent, tegen 76,2 procent in 2012.

ArcelorMittal Algeria rebar used in Constantine’s ‘wonder’ bridge

More than 18,000 tonnes of rebar produced by ArcelorMittal Annaba, Algeria, are being used to build the foundations of the 1.2km Trans-Rhumel viaduct in Constantine, north-east Algeria.

With seven bridges currently linking Constantine, which is also known as ‘the city of bridges’, the Trans-Rhumel viaduct is already being referred to as the city’s eighth wonder.

Around 14,800 tonnes of the total volumes have already been delivered, and completion by Brazilian engineering and construction company Andrade Gutierrez is due in March this year.

Once completed, the cable-stayed bridge will extend over an impressive length of 1,119m, 80m above sea level. The viaduct will be supported by two 130m-high pillars, and will have two lanes with a total width of just over 37m.

The technical specifications required for the project were extremely stringent, as the bridge – which is also known locally as ‘The Bridge of Independence’ - required special foundations able to withstand potential soil erosion, as well as earthquakes and strong winds, in line with Eurocode standards and local requirements.

Constantine has been affected by major earthquakes in the past, while the bridge’s location spanning the river Rhumel puts the foundations at risk of erosion.

Regarded as the capital of eastern Algeria and the centre of its region, Constantine has a population of 448,374 (1,000,000 in the wider vicinity), making it the third largest city in the country after Algiers and Oran.

Constantine was chosen as the capital of Arab culture 2015, which will be a perfect occasion for visitors to discover this architectural gem - also known as the Bridge of Independence.

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ArcelorMittal extends conversion date for mandatory convertible bond

ArcelorMittal announced the extension of the conversion date for the USD 1 billion privately placed mandatory convertible bond issued on December 28th 2009 by one of its wholly owned Luxembourg subsidiaries.

This amendment to the MCB, which is mandatorily convertible into preferred shares of such subsidiary, was executed on January 16th 2014. The mandatory conversion date of the bond has been extended to January 2th 2016. The other main features of the MCB remain unchanged. The bond was placed privately with a Luxembourg affiliate of Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank and is not listed.

The subsidiary has simultaneously executed amendments providing for the extension of the outstanding notes into which it invested the proceeds of the bond issuance, which are linked to shares of the listed companies Eregli Demir Va Celik Fab. T AS of Turkey and China Oriental, both of which are held by ArcelorMittal subsidiaries.

Source – Strategic Research Institute

Monk-E-business schreef op 23 januari 2014 17:18:

Het laatste nieuws is dat het volgens mij KEI-hard down gaat. Indexen zetten correctie in en AEX(AM) volgt(mijn mening)
Dit is geen nieuws, maar zoals je zegt jouw mening. Gelieve alleen nieuws hier en geen onzin,
Global crude steel output in 2013 up by 3.5% - worldsteel

World crude steel production reached 1,607 million tonnes for the year 2013, up by 3.5% compared to 2012. The growth came mainly from Asia and Middle East while crude steel production in all other regions decreased in 2013 compared to 2012.

Annual production for Asia was 1,080.9 million tonnes of crude steel in 2013, an increase of 6.0% compared to 2012. The region’s share of world steel production increased slightly from 65.7% in 2012 to 67.3% in 2013. China’s crude steel production in 2013 reached 779.0 million tonnes, an increase of 7.5% on 2012. China’s share of world crude steel production increased from 46.7% in 2012 to 48.5% in 2013. Japan produced 110.6 million tonnes in 2013, a 3.1% increase from 2012. South Korea’s crude steel production was 66.0 million tonnes, a decrease of -4.4% compared to 2012.

The EU recorded a decrease of -1.8% compared to 2012, producing 165.6 million tonnes of crude steel in 2013. Germany produced 42.6 million tonnes of crude steel in 2013, remaining at the same production level as 2012. Italy produced 24.1 million tonnes in 2013, a -11.7% decrease over 2012. France’s crude steel production in 2013 was 15.7 million tonnes, an increase of 0.5%. Spain produced 13.7 million tonnes of crude steel in 2013, a 0.7% increase on 2012.

In 2013, crude steel production in North America was 119.3 million tonnes, a decrease of -1.9% on 2012. The US produced 87.0 million tonnes of crude steel, down by -2.0% compared to 2012.

The CIS showed a decrease of -1.8% in 2013, producing 108.9 million tonnes of crude steel. Russia produced 69.4 million tonnes of crude steel, a decrease of -1.5% on 2012 and Ukraine recorded a decrease of -0.5% with a year-end figure of 32.8 million tonnes.

Annual crude steel production for South America was 46.0 million tonnes in 2013, a decrease of -0.8% on 2012. Brazil produced 34.2 million tonnes in 2013, down by -1.0% compared to 2012.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
EU scrap exports fall in 17pct in Jan-Sept

According to statistics, the EU’s scrap exports totaled 12.398 million tonnes in the January to September period, decreasing by 17% YoY.

In the given period of time, Turkey was the largest importer of the EU scraps with 7.469 million tonnes, falling by 10%; Egypt was the second largest one with 1.295 million tonnes, down by 1.2% and India was the third largest one with 1.146 million tonnes, slumping by 44.3%, all compared to the figures in the same period of a year ago.

In September alone, the EU’s scrap exports totaled 1.293 million tonnes, falling by 7.9% YoY.

Source -
Chinese steel market freeze pervades iron ore buying

Steel price levels have slid by 2% in January in China on the expected lines. Construction activity remains low during winter in Northern China. Long product price have taken maximum flak dipping by 2%. Flat product price levels have fared no better losing 1% owing to low industrial activity.

The H5BC Flash China Manufacturing Pur­chasing Managers' Index (PMI) came in at 49.6 for January 2014 (versus 50.5 in De­cember) which is the lowest for six-months. The HSBC Flash China Manufacturing Out­put Index sank to a three-month low of 51.3 in January (51.4 in December).

Iron ore buying has taken severe hit with December imports China imported 73.38 million tonnes of iron ore in December, down 6% from the record 77.84 million tonnes imported in November. Chinese steel production has dipped in December thereby obviating the need to buy iron ore amidst low crude steel production.

Despair is the last word in Chinese market and market is fraught with expectation of turnaround after the Spring Festival (1-7th February). Inflation has been reined owing to relentless liquidity curbing by PBOC over the last 2 years. However in first blip Chinese central bank (PBOC) came up with an CNY 255 billion (USD 42 billion) infusion in the money market recently easing concerns over financial risks in the world's second- largest economy.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
US raw steel production update

In the week ending January 18, 2014, domestic raw steel production was 1,836,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 76.6%. Production was 1,832,000 net tons in the week ending January 18, 2013, while the capability utilization then was 76.5%.

The current week production represents a 0.2% increase from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending January 18, 2014 is up 0.3 percent from the previous week ending January 11, 2014 when production was 1,830,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 76.4%

Adjusted year to date production through January 18, 2014 was 4,707,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 76.4%. That is a 0.1% increase from the 4,700,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 76.5%.

Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending January 18, 2014 in thousands of net tons:
North East – 204
Great Lakes – 642
Midwest – 261
Southern – 641
Western – 88

Source – AISI
China's Hebei steel output climbs 7 pct in Dec

Reuters reported that crude steel output from China's top steelmaking province of Hebei rose 7.4% in December from the previous month but the figure was 5.2% lower than 2012 as Beijing's anti pollution drive starts to bite.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, Hebei produced 12.3 million tonnes of crude steel in the final month of 2013 amounting to 19.7% of the national total up from 18.8% in November but down from 25.2% for the whole of the previous year.

The province traditionally produces around a quarter of China's total steel output, but its share tailed off significantly in the last two months of 2013, largely as a result of a government campaign to tackle sources of air pollution in northern China. Over the whole of the year, Hebei produced 188.5 million tonnes, amounting to 24.2% of the total.

Hebei's ill regulated steel industry has been identified as one of the major sources of smog in Beijing and other large northern Chinese cities, and the campaign to cut capacity in the region runs the risk of shifting pollution to other regions, including Shanghai.

Source - Reuters
Praxair to build air separation unit for steel company in Korea

Praxair announced that it has signed a long term contract with Taewoong Steel Company (Daegu, South Korea) to supply high purity oxygen to that company’s steel mill facility at Busan, Korea.

Praxair will construct a 180 MT per day air separation plant and pipeline that will serve Taewoong and other new and existing customers. Plant start-up is expected in 2016.

Mr SB Seo president of Praxair Korea said that “This new state of the art plant will enable us to meet growing industrial gases demand from businesses across South Korea.”

Source -
TATA Steel Minerals Canada may invest in iron ore project in North America

TATA Steel Minerals Canada, 80% owned by TATA Steel, is likely to take a major investment decision shortly for the low grade iron ore (taconite) mining project in the semi Arctic region of North America.

New Millennium Iron Corporation, TATA Steel’s junior strategic partner in TSMC, said TSMC was expected to review soon the feasibility study on the two deposits and the project’s financial model to determine the future of the ambitious project.

The deposits LabMag and KeMag having around 30% iron content are part of the 150 kilometers long Millennium Iron Range in northern Canada. An initial estimate suggested investments worth CAD 4.4 billion and CAD 5 billion each were required for development.

Cost of other project infrastructure a 600 kilometers long ferroduct to carry ore slurry and deep port terminal handling facilities is additional to mine development costs.

Mr Dean Journeaux CEO of Torornto listed NML said that “We believe that the results (of the study) are positive. The infrastructure portion of the project could be funded by specialized long term financing at competitive interest rates. The final report would also include such options. NML has also prepared the financial models for the project, based on the study manager results, including after-tax projection. NML, after consultation with TATA Steel, engaged an internationally recognised firm to review the financial models and assumptions to give more assurance on the outcome. According to the proposed timeline, this exercise was to be complete this month.”

Source -
Tata Steel boost for Scunthorpe as Queen Bess furnace brought back into production

IRON production in three blast furnaces at Scunthorpe's Tata Steel works has resumed for the first time since September 2011.

The relighting of the mothballed 75-year-old Queen Bess furnace has been applauded by union leaders as the town's 4,000 steelworkers continue their efforts to get the business in profit by March 31.

Sean Scorer, chairman of the works multi-union committee, said: "We welcome the relighting of Queen Bess.

"This decision allows the next phase of planning to commence in readiness for the Queen Anne reline.

"We hope Bess is quickly producing a stable flow of iron and we look forward to meeting the challenges associated with this temporary volume increase."

Tata Steel bosses made the decision to resume iron-making in three blast furnaces as they await the proposed £30 million-plus rebuild of the Queen Anne furnace.

It is planned to start the work before March 31 – but the major investment is still subject to market conditions.

Works director Jon Bolton, who reignited Bess on Monday, January 20 said the restart would allow the company to maintain iron production when the Queen Anne project started.

Mr Bolton said: "This is all about maintaining our focus on safety, customer service and driving down operating costs.

"To ensure all possible scenarios are planned for, Queen Bess will be brought back online and checked carefully before she joins her sisters Queen Anne and Queen Victoria in again producing iron.

"Once all checks have been completed and iron production from Queen Bess is stable, the decision will then be taken as to when Queen Anne will be taken out of service ahead of her reline.

"For this reason we cannot say exactly when Queen Anne will be taken off-line, allowed to cool and work on the reline can begin in earnest."

Queen Bess was mothballed in 2011 as part of a major restructuring exercise which also saw Tata Steel announce 1,200 job losses in the town.

Since then the furnace has been kept warm ready to resume production if needed.

Queen Bess, along with Queen Mary, were the original furnaces, built by the private Appleby-Frodingham company in 1939, as part of the ground-breaking South Iron Works project.

They were the first furnaces in Britain to have hearth diameters of more than 20 feet.

Queen Bess was first lit on September 4, 1939, and since then has enjoyed many successful iron-making campaigns, each lasting several years.

The furnace was completely rebuilt in 1998 and given a £4 million makeover in 2005.

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Kepler begint volgen Aperam met Buy advies - Market Talk

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Kepler begint het volgen van Aperam (056997440.LU) met een buy-advies en een koersdoel van EUR17,00. Analist Rochus Brauneiser meldt dat het recent ingevoerde verbod op de export van mineralen in Indonesie het sentiment in de sector omgebogen heeft naar positief, in ieder geval voor nu. Dit, en het toenemende optimisme over de economische vooruitzichten voor Europa kan de markt aanmoedigen. Omstreeks 10.00 uur noteert het aandeel 0,2% lager op EUR12,32, terwijl de Midkap met 0,6% daalt (EPR).

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

TATA Steel Scunthorpe workers ideas can save GBP 200000

Technicians in the plate mill at the TATA Steel works in Scunthorpe have come up with an idea which could save the company more than GBP 200,000 a year.

The cash will be saved by reviewing the common chemistries and trimming small amounts of alloy used in the steel-making process in Scunthorpe.

Mr Mark Taylor the area technical manager for the basic oxygen steel making plant said that "This suggestion will help our department by saving £200,000 annually and should make a real difference to our path to profit savings. We need more ideas like this to help the business be sustainable in the future."

Source – Scunthorpe Telegraph
Shougang plans to raise crude steel output

According to report, Shougang group has announced plans to lift up its crude steel output by 3.1% to 32.487 million tonnes in 2014.

The company’s crude steel output in 2013 totaled 31.52 million tonnes, almost the same from 31.42 million tonnes in 2012. The company is targeting to increase its output of pig iron and finished steel by 1.8% and 3.3% to 33.16 million tonnes and 31.39 million tonnes respectively this year. Its 2013 profit is expected to be CNY 345 million.

Source -
Some still hope Scioto County steel mill will be built

A developer is saying that there might be new life in a seemingly stalled plan to build a steel mill near Haverhill in Scioto County.

Mr John Schultes CEO of Ohio based New Steel International said that “He and his partners are very confident that we will get it done. But he is providing few details, and a steel analyst says the current supply of steel is much greater than the demand, which raises questions about the project’s viability.”

The steel mill and a related power plant would cost USD 6 billion to USD 7 billion to build and employ about 2,000 people. During construction, there would be an average of 1,500 construction workers on the site. The power plant would run on natural gas and generate 500 MW. Other that those basic details, though, Schultes is not saying much.

He said that “We really don’t feel that it helps the project to get much publicity at this time. This is a new variation on a project that was introduced with much fanfare in 2007. At that time, New Steel International was working with Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works, or MMK, a Russian steel giant. The project was pushed hard by then Gov. Ted Strickland and Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher. But the economic downturn, including a big slump for the steel industry, led to delays.

MMK said in 2011 that it was no longer pursuing the project. Since then, New Steel International has been working to revive the plan with new partners. Almost all of the activity was behind the scenes until Wednesday, when Schultes testified before the Ohio House Public Utilities Committee. He was speaking in favor of a bill that would allow a special charge on electricity bills to provide a discount for projects that create jobs.

The proposal, House Bill 312, is different from current law in that it would put the charge on electricity bills across the state. Under current law, such a charge is allowed within each utility’s territory, with the utility’s customers providing aid to businesses in the territory.

Source –

Leeco will soon open first Houston facility and distributes steel plates.

Leeco Steel LLC, an Illinois based steel plate distribution company, recently purchased its first Houston facility a 67,000 square foot distribution space. The new building, which is located on 7 acres of land in northwest Houston, cost USD 5.3 million.

According to CoStar Group Leeco expects the facility, which is its second in Texas, to be fully operational by February. One of the primary reasons why Leeco chose to open a Houston location was to serve area customers and the company said it chose the specific location in northwest Houston because it had easy access to freeways and rail lines.

Leeco is owned by Alabama-based O’Neal Industries, a group of metals service companies that had about USD 2.5 billion in revenue in 2012. There is a significant amount of competition for Leeco in the Houston area. Steel is a prominent industry in Houston and many steel distribution companies are expanding to serve the construction and oil and gas industries. For example, Houston’s Steel Supply LP expanded its presence this past year, and many steel pipe companies are currently pursing expansions.

Source –
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