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Vraag naar staal neemt dit jaar licht toe

Volgend jaar trekt vraag verder aan.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De mondiale vraag naar staal zal dit jaar weer licht stijgen en trekt volgend jaar verder aan. Dit bleek dinsdag uit korte termijnramingen van de World Steel Association.

Naar verwachting stijgt de vraag naar staal dit jaar met 0,2 procent, na een daling van 3,0 procent in 2015. In 2017 zal de vraag volgens de brancheorganisatie verder aantrekken, met een geraamde groei van 0,5 procent.

"We verwachten dat het beperkte groeimomentum zwak blijft vanwege de aanhoudende herbalancering van de Chinese economie en het zwakke herstel in ontwikkelde economieën", aldus de organisatie, die ook wees op de gevolgen van de Brexit en de daaraan verbonden toegenomen onzekerheid omtrent het langverwachte herstel in Europa.

De World Steel Association was wel positiever over de vraag naar staal in de opkomende economieën, uitgezonderd China. In 2017 voorziet de brancheorganisatie een stijging van de vraag van 4,0 procent, onder meer vanwege het stabiliseren van de grondstofprijzen.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Alcoa fors onderuit op lager Wall Street

Gepubliceerd op 11 okt 2016 om 15:38 | Views: 175

NEW YORK (AFN) - De aandelenmarkten in New York zijn dinsdag met minnen geopend. Aluminiumconcern Alcoa ging fors onderuit na tegenvallende kwartaalcijfers. Apple wist opnieuw te profiteren van de malaise rond de Galaxy Note 7 van rivaal Samsung.

De Dow-Jonesindex stond kort na aanvang 0,3 procent in het rood op 18.271 punten. De brede S&P 500 daalde 0,3 procent tot 2156 punten en de technologiebeurs Nasdaq verloor ook 0,3 procent, tot 5314 punten.

Alcoa zakte 8,5 procent. Het bedrijf, dat zich gaat opsplitsen, heeft in het derde kwartaal een hogere winst geboekt op een lagere omzet. De aangepaste winst per aandeel viel echter lager uit dan analisten hadden gedacht. Alcoa opende met zijn resultaten het kwartaalcijferseizoen in New York. Later deze week komen nog cijfers van onder meer Delta Air Lines, Citigroup en Wells Fargo.

Apple klom 2 procent. Samsung kondigde aan de productie van de Note 7 te stoppen vanwege het brand- en ontploffingsgevaar. De smartphone zou eigenlijk een belangrijke concurrent moeten zijn van de iPhone. Het aandeel Apple steeg maandag al 1,8 procent.
Al Ghurair commissions galvanizing line

TradeArabia News Service reported that UAE based Al Ghurair Iron & Steel has commissioned its second continuous galvanizing line (CGL2) as part of its expansion plans. Mr Majid Saif Al Ghurair chairman of Al Ghurair Iron & Steel while speaking at a press conference said that a joint venture between Dubai's Al Ghurair group and Japan's Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Agis aims to produce 400,000 tonnes of galvanised steel annually by the year end, up from 200,000 a few months ago.

The move will help increase the product basket with the addition of a skin pass line and the inclusion of thinner sizes (0.20mm upwards). This will take the annual turnover of the company to AED 1.5 billion (USD 408 million), stated Al Ghurair addressing the gathering at the Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi.

Agis will now be able to supply galvanised coils measuring from 0.20 mm to 2.50 mm which will take care of the requirements of the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) sector besides the pre-engineered steel buildings, pre-painted galvanised iron, electrical panels, white goods and construction industries in the Mena region.

This capacity addition will also enable the UAE steel company to meet the entire requirements of the UAE market through local production, remarked CEO Abu Bucker Husain at the press conference.

According to Husain, the second galvanizing line has a thickness range of 0.20-1.20mm, width range of 900-1250mm and Zinc coating up to 350 gm per sq m.

He added that the installed capacity at Agis is now 400,000 ton per annum, making it one of the largest producers of galvanised steel in the region.

Source : TradeArabia News Service
EVRAZ received another TSI certificate for its rail

EVRAZ ZSMK has obtained a TSI certificate on its 49 E1 rail produced to the European standard. The mill offers these rails both non-treated and head-hardened in lengths up to 100 meters. The certificate issued by the German TUV Rheinland InterTraffic allows to supply the 49 E1 rail to Europe.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Turkey disputes with Moroccan steel duties

Tax News Turkey has told the World Trade Organization that it requested dispute consultations with Morocco regarding its anti-dumping duties on Turkish hot-rolled steel.

In the first WTO dispute case involving Morocco as a party, Turkey alleges the Moroccan measures are inconsistent with a number of procedural and substantive provisions of the WTO's Anti-Dumping Agreement.

Morocco began imposing anti-dumping duties on imports of hot-rolled steel from Turkey on September 26, 2014, at rates of between 11 and 22 percent. Anti dumping duties are intended to counteract aggressive practices whereby companies sell to a foreign market at below the price in their domestic market.

WTO dispute consultations give the parties an opportunity to discuss the matter and to find a satisfactory solution without proceeding further with litigation. If, after 60 days, the consultations have failed to resolve the dispute, the complainant may request adjudication by a panel

Source : Tax News
Liberty House launches metal recycling business

Wales Online reported that Liberty House Group has launched a metal recycling business, Liberty Metal Recycling as a step towards the achievement of its green steel strategy. LMR plans to set up a processing centre at Newport, where the group already operates a one million tonne a year hot strip mill and where it aims to recommence liquid steel production in the near future from recycled scrap.

In addition to Newport, the Group’s aim in the UK is to locate recycling centres in regions of high scrap metal generation and close to Liberty’s steel melting and rolling facilities. These regions are likely to include the South East, Midlands, North East and Scotland.

LMR will develop a network of advanced collection and processing facilities for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals across the UK, USA and continental Europe.

Liberty House executive chairman, Mr Sanjeev Gupta described the launch of LMR as "A very significant step on the journey towards the delivery of our green steel vision. The projected growth in the supply of scrap in the UK and in other developed economies over the coming years provides the basis for a strong, competitive and sustainable steel industry for the future. The fact that we have recruited two of the most prominent and accomplished individuals in the global metal recycling industry shows how serious we are in delivering on this vision."

Tom Bird previously of SIMS and Van Dalen will head up the UK and US parts of the new enterprise while Matthijs de Jong, formerly with Euro Scrap, TSR Recycling and the Alba Group, will lead the operation in mainland Europe.

Source : Wales Online
August steel shipments up by 2.6%

The American Iron and Steel Institute reported that for the month of August 2016, U.S. steel mills shipped 7,542,605 net tons, a 2.6% increase from the 7,352,698 net tons shipped in the previous month, July 2016, and a 1.0% increase from the 7,470,120 net tons shipped in August 2015.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
MIP may increase steel companies profit margins

Business Standard reported that the minimum import price on steel might have propped up the profit margins of companies to some extent, but it has done nothing much to steel manufacturers’ debt-servicing abilities. According to Crisil Ratings, MIP and the anti-dumping measures will lend a marginal fillip to the profit margins over the medium term, but companies’ debt-servicing abilities will remain weak given the indebtedness levels.

The report said that “The average domestic realizations are expected to increase marginally this financial year. This, along with a 4 to 6% expected growth in domestic demand on the back of revival in user segments such as infrastructure and automobiles, expected decline in imports, and few capacity additions, will lead to improving operating rates.”

In the first quarter, operating margins had improved on lower input prices, which had helped the steel industry improve operating margins by 500 basis points.

Crisil’s review for the second quarter says that the earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (Ebitda) margins are seen up 150 bps, riding on a 2 to 4% increase in prices.

According to Mr Sunil Srivastava, deputy managing director, State Bank of India, with the increase in Ebitda levels, lenders are able to appropriate 5 to 15% from each sale proceeds for at least part-interest realization. He said that “Post-MIP, there has been an anti-dumping duty. This has led to stability in the market and prices have gone up.”

Mr Srivastava said that “We are seeing some interest from investors and funds. We are evaluating the interest in SDR (strategic debt restructuring) companies and for promoters desirous of such alliances outside SDR.”

However, a look at indebted companies such as Electrosteel Steels, VISA Steel, Monnet Ispat Energy and Bhushan Steel shows that the operating profit margins at the end of June 2016 had improved for most, but the interest cost had also shot up for these firms.

Source : Business Standard
JSPL reopens Mozambique mines

Live Mint reported that Jindal Steel and Power Ltd has reopened its mines in Mozambique from 1 October as the price of coking coal, used in steel production, has surged because of supply cuts in China. The company, which is in the process of selling some of its assets in the power sector to reduce over INR 40,000 crore of debt, expects the rise in coking coal prices to help improve the performance of its mining operations in the second half of the year.

Mr Ravi Uppal MD and group chief executive officer of JSPL said its unit JSPL Minerale Mozambique LDA has restarted mining operations at the Chirodzi Mines in Tete Province in Mozambique as the global price of coking coal, also known as metallurgical coal, has risen by more than 150% since August. JSPL expects access to own coking coal will also give its steel output a competitive edge. India has no coking coal reserves and the entire requirement is imported from markets such as Australia, Canada and Africa.

Mr Uppal said in an interview that “Prime hard coking coal (a grade) was in the range of USD 85 in August. Today the same is being sold at USD 215 per tonne. Metallurgical coal accounts for a fifth of the cost of making steel and has a direct impact on the price of steel. Steel price is set to go up.”

While the increase in the price of coking coal in world markets is welcome news for miners, passing on the increased cost of coal may not be easy for domestic steel producers in the face of cheap steel imports from China and from countries with which India has free-trade agreements such as Japan and South Korea.

Mr Hemal H Shah, partner advisory services of EY said that “Coking coal price has been volatile recently and has witnessed an unprecedented increase since August 2016. Any sustained increase will erase existing thin operating margins of steel producers and further complicate logistics and supply chain management decisions.” Mr Shas added that many Indian steel companies are dependent on coking coal from China and it is to be seen whether this price (USD 215 per tonne) continues to appreciate further creating more uncertainty.

JSPL’s Mozambique mine, acquired in 2011, was put under care and maintenance early this year due to a progressive fall in the price of coking coal, which forced global mining majors to close down mines. The company’s mines in Australia have extractable coking coal reserves of 250 million tonnes, while the mines in Mozambique have extractable reserves of 450 million tonnes, a fourth of which is coking coal.

Source : Live Mint
Start buying American steel, not Chinese – Ms Hillary

News Max reported that Ms Hillary Clinton on Monday doubled down on her debate-attack of Donald Trump for using cheap Chinese steel imports, challenging him to start making good on his campaign slogan to "make American great again" by "buying American steel for his construction projects."

In a speech in Detroit, Michigan a day after a contentious second presidential debate, Ms Clinton jabbed that "Donald had no answer when confronted" on the issue.

At the debate, Trump declared China's cheap steel was "killing our steel workers and our steel companies," to which Ms Clinton shot back: "China is illegally dumping steel in the United States and Donald Trump is buying it to build his buildings, putting American steel workers and plants out of business."

Ms Clinton said that "I do have some advice for Donald. He wants to make America great again. Start by buying American steel for his construction projects."

She charged that "He especially likes to talk about how he supports American steelworkers. He even had the nerve to brag about how this is a quote American steel will send new skyscrapers soaring and all the while, he was hiding the truth… the fact that he chose to support Chinese workers, not American workers,”

She continued that "You in Michigan, like a lot of places in our country, know that China has been… dumping cheap steel into our market for too long. And you've seen the consequences up close because when China illegally floods our markets with cheap steel, and people like Donald Trump buy it, then it kills good jobs."

She added that "How does Trump look at these workers in the eye, how does he brag about big tall buildings when he is putting American workers out of work, and he is shutting down steel mills. He needs to try to explain that, I think. And like everything else, it's not likely he will. He'll go on saying the same factually untrue things."

Source : Newsmax
World Steel Association summit kicks off in Dubai

Leading global steel companies and associations from around the world discussed major industry issues at the 50th annual conference of the World Steel Association which opened on October 11 in Dubai, UAE.

UAE steel giant Emirates Steel too joined the other international steel companies and industry leaders at the two-day event being held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel DIFC, Dubai.

The conference was addressed by several high level speakers from the UAE's economy and energy ministries including Abdulla bin Ahmed Al Saleh, the deputy minister of economy, Ahmed Mohamed Alkaabi, the assistant under-secretary for Petroleum Gas and Mineral Resources at the Ministry of Energy. On the opening day, a distinguished panel of experts, chaired by Dr Edwin Basson director general of worldsteel, gave insights into the current trends in the global energy markets.

Expert speakers including Brian Flannery, the chair for Major Economies Business Forum on Energy Security and Climate Change, and Eric Masanet, the head of the Energy Demand Technology Unit at the International Energy Agency, besides Mounir Bouaziz, the vice president of Mena and South East Asia and country chair for Dubai & N. Emirates, Royal Dutch Shell, took part.

The day concluded with the Annual Dinner and Steelie Awards ceremony held at the Armani Hotel, which recognised members of companies and individuals for their outstanding achievements in all aspects of the industry.

The worldsteel Annual Conference brings together leaders of global steel companies and associations from around the world, representing about 85 per cent of global production, world leading steel manufacturers, industry specialists and research centres.

Source : TradeArabia News Service
NMDC likely to offer majority stake in Chhattisgarh steel unit to POSCO

Financial Express reported that NMDC is likely to offer majority stake in its upcoming INR 15,525-crore steel plant at Nagarnar in Chhattisgarh to a strategic partner having expertise in making steel using the latest technology. Confirming the move, a senior steel ministry official said that the stake sale would be subject to the PSU being able generate good value for the investments made. Stating that the prospective partner would also have to run the plant.

The official, however, added that NMDC was “in no hurry” to offload the stake and would rather wait until a suitable buyer turned up. Sources in NMDC, however, said the firm was also toying with the idea of offering the maintenance and operational contract for the 3 million tonne plant to PSU steel maker Rashtriya Ispat Nigam in lieu of sharing a fixed percentage of annual profit.

The steel ministry has already ruled out giving state run SAIL any equity participation in NMDC’s maiden steel venture as the steel company is in the midst of a massive capacity expansion.

A senior NMDC official told FE that representatives from South Korean steel major Posco, which has been struggling to find a solid foothold in India since long, had also visited the plant sometime ago, but have not come with any proposal so far.

Another government official said though POSCO which is still grappling with regulatory issues concerning its proposed USD 12-billion greenfield project in Odisha, might find the Nagarnar unit attractive, as it won’t have to go through the rigmarole of acquiring land and getting mine leases. The South Korean company, which has reiterated its commitment to invest in India in a massive way, would find buying into Nagarnar unit a viable option.

Source : Financial Express
POSCO produces thinner hot rolled steel

Korea Herald reported that Korea’s top steelmaker POSCO has succeeded in producing the thinnest hot rolled coil plate with its own technology, the company said Monday, opening the way for cheaper steel for carmakers and other manufacturers. The steelmaker said it produced a hot rolled coil plate that is 0.8 millimeters thick. This is the world’s second success following Italian firm Arvedi.

The development of thinner hot rolled coil is expected to reduce factory costs for its customers, as that thickness could previously only be made using more expensive cold rolled methods.

The thinner plates can be used for automotive panels, electronics parts and pipes, uses which have until now been dominated by cold rolled steel, according to Posco.

The thinnest hot rolled coil is usually 1.2 millimeters. About 33% additional pressure is needed to take the hot rolled coil down to 0.8 millimeters, but the usual production method of hot rolling often breaks the coil if that much pressure is applied, the company said.

POSCO said it was able to make the hot rolled coil thinner using its compact endless casting and rolling mill that allows it to skip the “cooling down” process, it added. The CEM technology allows mass production of hot-rolled products through a directly connected configuration of casting and rolling lines.

POSCO said its next target would be to make thinner hot rolled coil, at 0.75 millimeters thickness.

Source : The Korea Herald
worldsteel released short range outlook for 2016 - 2017

The World Steel Association released its Short Range Outlook for 2016 and 2017 saying that global steel demand is through the bottom of this cycle amid escalated uncertainties.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Arcelor Mittal Galati placed an order with Danieli

Arcelor Mittal Galaty has placed its trust in the technological packages and expertise in revamping projects of Danieli, for the quality upgrade of its 9.7-meter radius slab caster installed in Galati in 1978.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Base metals rise on global cues and increased demand

Press Trust of India reported prices of base metals rose by upto INR 3 per kg at the non-ferrous metal market following firm global trend coupled with increased demand from consuming industries amid firm global cues.

Traders said apart from a firm trend overseas, increased demand from consuming industries at domestic spot market, mainly led to the rise in prices of base metals. Meanwhile, copper for delivery in three month rose 0.5% on the London Metal Exchange.

In the national capital, copper mixed scrap and nickel plate (4x4) rose by INR 2 and INR 3 to INR 360 and INR 823 to INR 828 per kg, respectively.

Zinc ingot, lead ingots and lead imported were up by INR 2 each to INR 103 to INR 109, INR 85 and INR 91 per kg, respectively.

Aluminium ingots, sheet cutting, wire scrap and utensils scrap too ended higher by INR 2 each to INR 158, INR 154, INR 154 and INR 152 per kg, respectively.

Source : Press Trust Of India
Iran produces over 15 million tonnes of iron ore concentrates

According to, Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization production of iron ore concentrates during March 21 to September 21, 2015 stood at 12.539 million tonnes.

Gol-e Gohar Company, Mr Chadormalou Complex, Iran Central Iron Ore Company, Middle East Mine and Mineral Company and Sangan Iron Ore Complex were the top producers of iron ore concentrates during the six month period of 2016 with 5.942 million tonnes, 4.82 million tonnes, 1.93 million tonnes, 1.791 million tonnes and 699,000 tonnes, respectively.

The report added that crude iron ore production reached 16.578 million ton nes during the six-month period indicating a rise of 10% compared to the figure for the same period last year, which was 15.005 tonnes.

The IMIDRO report noted that Gol-e Gohar Company, Chadormalou Complex, Iran Central Iron Ore Company and Sangan Iron Ore Complex were the leading companies in the production of crude iron ore with 5.942 million tonne, 4.857 million tonnes, 2.831 million tonnes and 1.738 million tonnes respectively.

Iranian mineral companies produced 3.162 million tonnes of iron ore aggregates during the period which shows a drop of 12% compared to 3.593 million tonnes of last year.

Sangan Iron Ore Complex, Iran Central Iron Ore Company, Jalalabad Iron Ore Complex, Iranian Central Plateau Iron Ore Mines Complex and Mishdovan produced 1.038 million tonnes, 878,000 tonnes, 534,000 tonnes, 379,000 tonnes and 293,000 tonnes of iron ore aggregates in the said period.

Source : Iran Daily
Beursblik: Goldman Sachs zet Aperam op kooplijst

Koersdoel naar 46 euro.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Goldman Sachs heeft donderdag het advies voor Aperam verhoogd van Neutraal naar Kopen, terwijl het koersdoel flink is opgeschroefd van 33,00 naar 46,00 euro.

De Amerikaanse zakenbank is te spreken over het kostenbesparingsprogramma van de roestvast staalfabrikant, dat al jaren loopt en waarvan de analisten verwachten dat het succes voorlopig zal aanhouden. Dit resulteerde in combinatie met het afbouwen van de schuld tot sterke vrije kasstromen.

De verwachting is dat het besparingsprogramma in 2017 voor 65 miljoen zal bijdragen aan het bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA). De marktvorsers denken echter niet dat dit bedrag in zijn geheel naar de nettowinst zal doorsijpelen.

In het afgelopen jaar besloot Aperam om weer dividend uit te keren en Goldman Sachs verwacht dat de uitkeringen zullen gaan toenemen.

Operationeel gezien denkt de bank dat de economische crisis van Brazilië, waar Aperam sterk aanwezig is, de bodem heeft bereikt, ook al is de weg omhoog nog niet gevonden. Er is echter wel sprake van een terugkerende stabiliteit in de roestvast staalmarkten van Zuid-Amerika, waar Aperam in de visie van de marktkenners de vruchten van kan plukken.

Op een rood Damrak noteerde het aandeel Aperam 0,8 procent hoger op 41,26 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese staalexport daalt opnieuw

Tweede maand op rij van afname.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Voor de tweede maand op rij heeft China minder staal geëxporteerd. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van de Chinese douane.

Zowel in Europa als Amerika zijn maatregelen ingesteld en lopen nog onderzoeken om de import van staal uit China te beperken via invoertarieven. Het dumpen van het goedkopere staal uit China tast de marges aan van zowel Amerikaanse en Europese staalfabrikanten.

De Chinese overheid nam begin dit jaar maatregelen om de productiecapaciteit van de Chinese staalsector terug te dringen.

In september daalde de export van staal met 22 procent ten opzichte van dezelfde maand een jaar eerder naar 8,80 miljoen ton. In augustus daalde de uitvoer van staal nog met 7,4 procent tot 9,01 miljoen euro.

Over de eerste negen maanden van het jaar ligt de staalexport op jaarbasis evenwel nog 2,4 procent hoger.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
POSCO ranked 1 in climate change efforts

POSCO was picked as the top steelmaker in the world for its climate change efforts. According to the Carbon Disclosure Project, the UK based non governmental organization which assesses the green policies and emissions level of companies, Posco topped the steelmaker’s ranking for its efforts into cutting the emissions, followed by Saab in Sweden and Thyssenkrupp in Germany. Korea’s Hyundai Steel stood at No 4.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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