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Indian steel sector shows signs of improving - Mr Jaitley

KNN India reported that Finance Minister Mr Arun Jaitley said that the steel industry in India, one of the top contributors to the banks’ non performing assets, is slowly turning around and companies are beginning to pay interest dues to banks.

He, following a quarterly review of public sector banks, told “Provisioning with regard to NPAs has been increasing. The major contributors continue to be the steel and infrastructure sectors. With regard to the steel companies, balance sheets have started turning and they have started paying interest.”

He however said that unless they pay the entire interest due, they cannot be reclassified.

In the steel sector, the government introduced a minimum import price to protect domestic firms from a flood of cheap imports.

Source : KNN India
Steel mills in Hebei Province report robust profit rise in H1 of 2016

Xinhua reported that North China's Hebei Province, home to a quarter of China's steel manufacturing, reported a robust profit growth in the first half this year after a drastic price plunge last year. According to the provincial metallurgical industry association, steel makers in the province made CNY 15 billion (USD 2.2 billion) in profits in the first six months, up 181% YoY while thier profit margin stood at 3.02%.

It said “63 of 78 steel makers surveyed in the province were profitable during the same period, an increase of 15% YoY.”

Mr Song Jijun, deputy head of the association, said “A restorative rebound after the price plunge contributed to the remarkable growth this year.”

The province, home to seven of China's top 10 most polluted cities, plans to cut a combined 160 million tonnes of steel, cement and coal production, and another 36 million weight cases of glass by 2017, compared with 2013 levels.

Source : Xinhua
Lighter, stronger & cleaner

Jindal Steel & Power Limited’s latest state of the art plate mill at Angul in Odisha has been developing plates in several exotic grades & sizes for critical applications, substituting imports and thus making JSPL ideal and most convenient source for import substitution and convenient for users. Steel users world over are shifting towards usage of lighter, stronger & cleaner steel to drive advantage of advancements in steel making & processing. As a result, several plate mills in advanced nations have developed thinner (Upto 4.75mm thick in 2500 mm width) and strength of 1100 MPa. Likewise, JSPL using the combination of advanced steel making, casting, rolling and finishing facilities at its Angul mill is providing unique structural advantage. Eg E350 grade plate replaced with E550, thereby delivering thickness reduction close ~ 30% or using wider plates to reduce weld joints. Some of the grades & sizes developed by JSPL plate collective in last one and a half year are illustrating bringing shift in Indian plate market.

These Thicker Gauge plates have been developed in ASTM A-516 Gr 70 quality against requirement from a major fabricator of BHEL for application in boiler super structures. The total process parameters, right from steel making, casting, rolling and finishing, were designed in house. The most outstanding feature of this development has been accomplishment of all stipulated properties in 150mm plates, rolled from 300mm slabs, with a reduction ratio of only 2:1. Another metallurgical beauty of such heavier plates were the ultrasonic acceptance of these plates at the most stringent UT level of ASTM A-578 Level C as well as sub-zero at temperature of - 29 Deg C, impact toughness of >50 Joules against a specified minimum of 40 Joules.

JSPL Angul’s plate mill has a 150,000 tonnes capacity of Heat Treatment per annum. These 120mm thickness plates were produced as per ASTM A-537 Cl 2 through Quenching & Tempering route for the fabrication of pressure vessels & boilers. In order to achieve the specified properties, suitable technological parameters were worked out for each stage of processing and monitored. The major achievement was in guaranteeing Impact Toughness value of >80 Joules, that too at a ultra-low temperature of (-) 46 degree C against specified requirement of 27 20 Joules (min).

These Ultra-High strength plates in EN10025-6 S-690QL grade quality with a minimum Yield Strength of 690 MPa have been developed through Quenching & Tempering Route. This is a highly sophisticated & critical grade of steel, where the main end-use is in the Yellow Goods segment for fabrication of heavy earth moving equipment. Keeping in view the higher strength with requirement of superior toughness & improved weldability, the steel chemistry as well as the heat treatment parameters were judiciously designed & implemented in house. Adherence to such parameters culminated in achieving the desired micro-structure in the heat treated plates, which are the basic metallurgical criteria from Application Engineering point of view. All the specified requirements were successfully met with the Yield Strength going to around 750 MPa with Impact Toughness of >50 Joules at temperature as low as (-) 40 deg.C against specified requirements of 30J Minimum.

These Chrome-Moly Alloy Steel Plates in SA-387 Cl 2 Gr 12 &22 have been successfully developed up to 60 mm plate thickness through Normalising & Tempering route for Pressure Vessel services at elevated temperature in corrosive environment. The entire process parameters were set in house. The most striking feature of this development was design of heat treatment parameters through several laboratory-scale simulation trials. With optimization of such regime, the plates successfully met all the stipulated properties after post weld heat treatment cycles.

These wear & abrasion resistant steel plates, after development, are now in regular demand. In addition to the orders from the Key Customers like Caterpillar Inc, JSPL is in the process of meeting the regular requirement from its own expansion projects in Blast Furnace & Sintering Plant areas.

JSPL’s new plate mill has been supplied by steel technology giant Primetals Technologies, formed after merger of Mitsubishi-Hitachi Metals Machinery and Siemens VAI in 2009 with Mulpic Plate Cooling system, LOI’s Heat Treatment system capable of treating 100mm thick plates in 5000 width and Japanese SPCO’s warm leveler using upto 7800 tonnes rolls separating force. The plate mill is fed from Primetal Technology supplied Continuous Slab Caster capable of producing slabs in 300 mm Thickness and 2300 mm width for rolling of thick plates with optimized chemistry due to integrated steel making through advanced EAF’s

In addition to the above, JSPL has just been accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories for the chemical analysis and mechanical testing disciplines of its quality control laboratory in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2005m, a highly significant achievement, thus qualifying JSPL laboratory as an independent test house, which is quite often a criterion for third party inspection & testing for usage of steel in national projects for strategic nature and most international projects.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nucor neemt Independence Tube over

Staalreus wil marktleider in HSS-profielen worden.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Nucor Corporation heeft een akkoord gesloten over de overname van de Amerikaanse producent van holle stalen profielen Independence Tube. Dit maakte de Amerikaanse staalfabrikant maandag bekend.

Met de overname is een bedrag gemoeid van 435 miljoen dollar, circa zes keer het gemiddelde bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) over de periode 2013 tot en met 2015.

Volgens CEO John Ferriola van Nucor passen de bedrijven goed bij elkaar, met efficiënte fabricage en een zeer variabele kostenstructuur. De overname past in de strategie om klanten meer producten met toegevoegde waarde aan te bieden.

Independence Tube maakt zogeheten 'hollow structural section'-profielen (HSS), oftewel holle ronde en vierkante stalen buizen voor stalen constructies en bezit het op een na het grootste marktaandeel in dat segment. De buizen worden vooral verkocht via servicecentra, ook voor Nucor een belangrijk marktkanaal.

Het bedrijf produceert met 335 medewerkers jaarlijks circa 600 ton buizen, verspreid over vier fabrieken in de Amerikaanse staten Illinois en Alabama.

Nucor gaat zelf HSS-buizen met grote diameters produceren in de staat Mississippi en krijgt in combinatie met het productaanbod van Independence Tube het ruimste aanbod in dit segment in Noord-Amerika.

Het aandeel Nucor Corporation steeg maandag kort na de openingsbel 1,5 procent op 46,41 dollar.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
in Port Talbot soar despite uncertainty over steel works

Despite the 11,000 jobs on the line, house prices in the south Wales town have soared between June and July
Despite the 11,000 jobs on the line, house prices in the south Wales town have soared between June and July CREDIT: AFP/GETTY IMAGES
Isabelle Fraser
19 SEPTEMBER 2016 • 6:02PM
Property prices in Port Talbot, the home town of the troubled steel works, have soared in the face of uncertainty over its future.

New analysis of ONS figures by online estate agency eMoov found that between June and July, prices in Neath Port Talbot went up 7pc.

This was the highest increase in Wales, where the average house prices did not change in the same period, and means house prices are growing at the same rate as in England. The annual price rise in Neath Port Talbot is 9pc.

Sheila Thomas, senior negotiator at estate agency Clee Tomkinson and Francis, said some of the increase can be explained by the area's relative value compared to the surrounding area. A three-bedroom home in Port Talbot is one third of the price of one in Porthcall, just ten minutes' drive away.

The steel works in Port Talbot
The steel works in Port Talbot CREDIT: AFP/GETTY IMAGES

"You get a lot of house for your money," said Ms Thomas. "There is a big investor market, especially buyers from London and England.

"In the last six months the investor interest has picked up. We have 20 investors every week, and they are looking to buy all the time. You can pick up a house for £50,000."

She added that the increased popularity may well be down to increased "name recognition", adding that "more people are ringing up from outside the area".

The 11,000 jobs at the steel works are still not safe after its owner Tata put it up for sale in March. The site employs 10pc of the town's population.

Sources at the sprawling operation in South Wales revealed it made a £5m profit in June, reversing the £1m a day loss it was making six months ago, yet it still faces an uncertain future.

Russell Quirk, founder and chief executive of online estate agency eMoov, said: “Neath Port Talbot enjoying the biggest monthly increase in property values across Wales is great news for homeowners in the area after the uncertainty that has plagued the market due to Tata closing the steel works in the area.

"When the local economy relies so heavily on one particular trade or output to survive, it can be disastrous for the local property market when this trade declines drastically or in this case disappears altogether.

"Although the future of Tata steel works is not yet decided for certain, homeowners in Port Talbot have a small silver lining around the dark cloud that has been hanging above them for quite some time.”
ArcelorMittal secures another year of rail deliveries to Deutsche Bahn

Berlin, 20 September 2016 - ArcelorMittal has secured rail deliveries to Deutsche Bahn for another year, until 2018.

The rails will support the Deutsche Bahn network renewal and expansion programmes. Beyond the delivery contract, ArcelorMittal and Deutsche Bahn are also cooperating to develop new rail products together. Following this contract extension, ArcelorMittal will have supplied Deutsche Bahn continuously for four years.

The German rail network provider will receive rails from ArcelorMittal´s production facilities in Spain and Poland, totalling an annual amount of up to 147,000 tons or 2,500km in length. "We are very pleased to continue working with Deutsche Bahn", comments Augustine Kochuparampil, CEO of ArcelorMittal Europe – Long Products.

Future deliveries include 120m rails from Dabrowa Gornicza in Poland, where the group produces rails at its heavy section mill, one of the few sites in the world capable of producing rails of this length. Suitable for high-speed trains, the 120m rails provide high safety standards due to a reduced need for welding.

At the beginning of September, ArcelorMittal started delivering 1,200 tons of the 120m rails to renew a 20km railroad track between Rostock and Wismar in East Germany. This line secures public transport in the region and also provides the infrastructure for long-distance freight transport from and to the port in Wismar.

Uwe Günther, Chief Procurement Officer of Deutsche Bahn: “Deutsche Bahn focuses on a very strong and strategic partnership with their suppliers, based on a common supplier management system. We purchase products and services in accordance with technical and commercial criteria, especially quality, logistics and costs. I believe that this is a win-win situation for both DB and ArcelorMittal. We are proud that one of the world’s largest suppliers of rails belongs to our portfolio.”

ArcelorMittal is one of the world`s largest suppliers of rails for railways, subways, tram, light tracks, crossings, crane rails and rail components. From its sites in Gijón, Dabrowa Górnicza and Huta Krolewska (Poland) and Rodange (Luxembourg), it supplies rails and track fittings of the highest quality to the European market and the rest of the world.

ArcelorMittal has supplied rails for the underground and intercity railway lines for some of the largest cities in the world. Apart from the DB rail network, ArcelorMittal also supplies rails to other European rail networks such as ADIF (Spain), RFI (Italy) and SNCF (France).

Do you want to know more about our rail producing sites? Take a 360 degrees virtual tour through our mills in Luxembourg, Spain and Poland: rails.arcelormittal\virtualtour

ArcelorMittal is currently exhibiting at Innotrans 2016, the international trade fair for transport technology, in Berlin. Find out more at #Innotrans2016

Find out more on ArcelorMittal's rail and transport offer here:

ArcelorMittal Europe - Long Products is one of the key business units of ArcelorMittal. Employing 10,700 people, with about 12 million tonnes of steel shipped each year and a total of 23 plants in 10 countries.
Beursblik: Macquarie verlaagt koersdoel ArcelorMittal

Koersdoel naar 4,50 euro.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Macquarie heeft het koersdoel voor ArcelorMittal verlaagd van 5,00 naar 4,50 euro en houdt het advies op Underperform. Dit bleek dinsdag uit een rapport over de Europese staalsector.

De analisten raden beleggers aan om hun winsten te pakken, aangezien ze verwachten dat de outlook voor de komende twee kwartalen voorzichtig zal blijven. De marktvorsers wijzen op een aantal factoren, zoals de verwachting dat de wereldwijde vraag bescheiden zal blijven, dalende spreads in Europa door hogere grondstoffenprijzen en de recente stevige dalingen van Amerikaanse staalprijzen.

Volgens Macquarie reageert ArcelorMittal sterk op een wijziging in de staalprijzen of spreads. Als de spreads 10 procent wijzigen dan wijzigt het bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) met 30 procent.

In Europa geven de analisten de voorkeur aan ThyssenKrupp boven ArcelorMittal.

Op een groen Damrak noteerde het aandeel ArcelorMittal 2,0 procent lager op 4,99 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Surya Roshni to build steel pipe plant in Andhra Pradesh

Business Line reported that Surya Roshni is set to commission a modern steel pipe plant at Hindupur in Andhra Pradesh to cater to the South Indian steel pipe market. The company markets its products under the brand name of Prakash Surya from over forty years.

The Hindupur plant, with a production capacity of 100,000 tonne per annum has been set up to produce square and rectangular sections and GI Pipes to cater to the South Indian steel pipe market.

Mr B. Raju MD of Surya Roshni Limited in a statement said that “As a leading brand, Prakash Surya steel pipes have a strong presence in the market and the new plant will further strengthen presence.”

Currently, the Surya Group has a pipe production capacity of about 700,000 tonne per annum, producing plain, GI pipes and spiral pipes.

Source : Business Line
Sinosteel debt to equity swap plan approved - Caixin

The online financial magazine Caixin reported on Tuesday citing anonymous sources that China's troubled state-owned steelmaker Sinosteel will be permitted to swap CNY 27 billion of debt into equity convertible bonds. The Sinosteel debt-to-equity swap plan, previously reported by Caixin, would mark the first such swap this year under a wider debt-to-equity swap plan mooted by policymakers as one solution to China's corporate debt overhang.

Policymakers hope the swap plan will help clean up China's bad debt problem that is increasingly worrying global investors amid warnings it could trigger a banking crisis.

According to Caixin, the CNY 27 billion swap plan would represent nearly half of the company's CNY 60 billion of debt owed directly to financial institutions. That debt would be changed into convertible bonds which could be exchanged for equity in the company at a later date.

Caixin said that Sinosteel would set up a special subsidiary to handle the conversions, which would also receive a CNY 10 billion yuan capital injection from Chinese central government body responsible for managing state-owned assets. The remaining debt would still need to be repaid but at a low interest rate of around three percent

Caixin had previously reported that Sinosteel and its subsidiaries had more than 100 billion yuan of debt at the end of 2014.

Source : Reuters
Korean steel industry should reduce number of steel plate plants – BCG

Boston Consulting Group released an interim report that three out of seven steel plate manufacturing facilities of Korean steel firms should be shut down in phases. Previously, the Korea Iron & Steel Association picked the BCG to write up a report about restructuring plans for the steel industry.

In Korea, POSCO runs four steel plate production plants while Hyundai Steel operates two and Dongkuk Steel operates one plant, respectively. The combined production capacity of these seven facilities stands at 12 million tons.

The report said that the steel plate business, which was once boosted by a boom in the shipbuilding industry, is now suffering from a decrease in demand and a flood of cheap Chinese products. Accordingly, the longer domestic firms run their steel plate production plants, the more losses they would see. It also predicted that the demand of steel plates would drop from 9.2 million tonnes in 2015 to 7 million tonnes in 2020.

As the amount of orders received by Korean shipbuilding companies is expected to be down by half by 2020 compared to last year, the current production capacity should be reduced by 4 million to 5 million tonnes. Accordingly, one of its steel plate manufacturing facilities should be closed down by the end of this year, while another two should be phased out, according to the report.

The BCG plans to send in the report to the KOSA and businesses, collect opinions and release a final report. However, the report can be revised since it sparked the industry’s opposition. In particular, when three out of seven steel plate production plants are shut down, as the report insists, companies need to cut down about 1,000 employees.

Source : Business Korea
Anshan Steel and Benxi Steel merger plan being reopened - Report

Reuters reported that China aims to push through the merger of Anshan Steel and Benxi Steel by the end of 2016. Mr Chi Jingdong, vice chairman of the China Iron & Steel Association that represents the country's steelmakers, told official media on Monday that the merger would be the government's top priority after the restructuring between Baosteel and Wuhan Steel Group.

Anben Steel was established in 2005 by merging Anshan Steel and Benxi Steel, both state-owned based in northeastern China's Liaoning province, amid China's efforts to build big producers and increase the concentration level for the scattered industry. However, the merger was basically suspended after the two companies failed to push for a merger. Anshan Steel Group sought another merger and took over Panzhihua Steel, a state-owned mill in southwestern China, in 2010.

Anshan Steel, China's fourth-largest, produced 31.58 million tonnes of crude steel last year, and Benxi Steel made 14.99 million tonnes of steel.

Source : Reuters
SASAC approves BaoSteel and WISCO merger

Caixin reported that two of China's largest steel makers have received regulatory approval to merge by the end of this month. The planned merger of China's second-largest steel maker, Shanghai-based Baosteel Group Corp and smaller rival Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corp, won approval for the deal in late August from the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, which overseas state owned companies. The plan has been submitted to the State Council, China's cabinet, for final review and approval, which is expected later this month

According to the merger plan, WISCO, which has been losing a lot of money in recent years, will be merged into Baosteel and become a subsidiary of the new company. Baosteel will issue shares to WISCO's shareholders for a swap and WISCO will delist after the merger.

The merger will create an industry behemoth with annual capacity exceeding 60 million tonnes and over CNY 700 billion (USD 105 billion) in total assets. The new company will replace Hebei Iron and Steel Group as China's largest steel maker and make Baosteel/Wuhan Iron the world's second-largest, ranking only behind ArcelorMittal.

Shanghai-listed Baosteel and WISCO have suspended trading in their respective shares since June 26, citing strategic restructuring in separate filings to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The concurrent release hinted at the long-speculated merger of the pair.

Mr Xu Shaoshi, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, told the media on June 26 that the merger was meant to cut overcapacity.

Under the government pressure, Baosteel and WISCO have announced their targets. Baosteel will cut 9.2 million tons of production capacity in three years. WISCO will shrink 4.42 million tons of steel production and 3.19 million tons of iron production this year, laying off or resettling about 10,000 workers.

Source : Caixin
Indian steel production India will rank after Japan – Mr Birendra

Indian union steel minister Mr Chaudhary Birendra at a seminar on power and environment said that the country will be ranked after Japan and America in steel production in December this year as a result of the Prime Minister's various initiatives like Skill India, Startup India and Make in India.

The minister added that "The country will be at the top in the word in industrial production on low cost due to these initiatives.”

He added that these initiatives will not only generate employment opportunities, but will also strengthen the economy.

Source : Money Control
AISI update on raw steel production in US in Week 37

In the week ending September 17, 2016, domestic raw steel production was 1,632,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 69.8 percent. Production was 1,687,000 net tons in the week ending September 17, 2015 while the capability utilization then was 70.5 percent.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Closer to Creating Arcelor Rival
Sep 20, 2016
Merger of two of China's biggest steelmakers would create nation's biggest mill and a company with the scale to rival ArcelorMittal SA.

WUHAN, CHINA - AUGUST 27: A worker supervises the production of molten iron at a furnace in the production area of the Wuhan Iron & Steel Group Corp on August 27, 2016, in Wuhan, China. The two of China's biggest steel makers, Wuhan Iron & Steel Group Corp and Shanghai Baosteel Group Corp will be merged into Southern China Steel Group. The two firms rank 11th and 15th respectively in the world.
Photo by Wang He/Getty Images
Two of China’s biggest steelmakers agreed to merge their listed units, moving a step closer to a union that would create the nation’s biggest mill and a company with the scale to rival ArcelorMittal SA (IW1000/52).

The publicly traded arm of Shanghai Baosteel Group Corp., the second-biggest Chinese mill by output, will swap shares with the listed unit of Wuhan Iron & Steel Group Corp., its No. 6 steelmaker, the smaller company said in a statement Tuesday. The parents remain in talks about restructuring, Wuhan said, without elaborating. A merger of the groups would be the biggest tie-up since the creation of ArcelorMittal nearly a decade ago.

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China’s President Xi Jinping has pledged to shake up the country’s state-owned enterprises as part of so-called supply-side reforms to eliminate excess capacity and bolster an economy growing at its slowest rate in decades. Baoshan’s tie-up with its smaller peer would be the biggest restructuring yet for a state-dominated steel sector struggling with overcapacity and poor profitability. The plan is still under discussion and hasn’t been finalized or approved by government regulators, Wuhan said.

The planned merger is “a sign to show that the Chinese government is very committed to supply-side reform,” Xiao Fu, head of commodity strategy at Bank of China International, said by phone from Beijing. “The momentum is gathering pace and that big trend is not going to reverse.”

June Halt
The merger was flagged in announcements in June, when the companies’ listed units halted their shares and said their parents were in discussions about a restructuring. China has a long-stated aim of creating bigger steelmakers with chunkier market shares and greater sway over prices and production. Merging the biggest mills would reflect the government’s goal of raising the share of output by the biggest ten producers to 60%, Daniel Kang, analyst at JPMorgan Chase & Co., said by phone from Hong Kong.

“The government is determined to pursue mergers and acquisitions,” said Wu Wenzhang, founder and president of consultancy Shanghai Steelhome Information Technology Co. “After mergers, capacity can be reduced more effectively. This is the big possibility.”

Other deals are on the cards. China aims to establish two major steel groups, one in the north and one in the south, people familiar with the matter said in August. The northern union of Hebei Iron & Steel Group with Shougang Group would be the nation’s biggest producer, with output of 76 million metric tons last year for a share of national production at 10%, topping Baosteel-Wuhan’s 8% share in the south, according to 2015 figures.

Ansteel Merger
Ansteel Group Corp., the country’s fourth-biggest producer, could merge with regional peer Benxi Steel Group Corp., Shanghai Securities News reported earlier Tuesday, citing China Iron & Steel Association Vice Secretary General Chi Jingdong. The listed units of both companies said in statements they had no knowledge of any merger. Li Xinchuang, vice chairman of the steel association, declined to comment when reached by phone.

ArcelorMittal, formed in 2007 when Mittal Steel Holdings AG took over Arcelor SA in a landmark deal for the global steel industry, produced 97 million tons of steel last year and has a market value of $17.2 billion. Baoshan and Wuhan were worth $16.3 billion combined as of the June 24 close.

China’s steelmakers have enjoyed better profits so far this year amid a recovery in prices, but its top producers have warned of more trouble ahead as demand goes into a long-term decline after decades of explosive growth. China produced 803 million tons last year and its exports have ballooned as domestic demand slows. That’s prompted trade action from India to the U.S. and calls for China to keep its oversupply in check.

Record Capacity
China’s crude steel-producing capacity reached a record 1.2 billion tons at the end of 2015, according to the China Iron & Steel Association. The government has told the steel industry to speed up the pace of mandated capacity cuts, after earlier this year ordering 150 million tons of capacity to shut by 2020. China’s efforts to reshape the industry are unlikely to create any effective capacity constraints on steel producers this decade, keeping exports at high levels, according to Macquarie Group Ltd.

While a Bao-Wuhan merger would create synergies in auto-sheet production, marketing and raw material purchases, Wuhan is likely to be a drag on the larger company’s bottom-line and add to its debt burden, according to, an industry consultancy. Both S&P Global Ratings and Moody’s Investors Service have called the prospective restructuring credit negative.

By Bloomberg News
Fitch downgrades Usiminas in wake of debt deal

BNAmericas reported that Fitch has downgraded Brazilian steelmaker Usiminas' foreign and local currency issuer default ratings (IDR) to 'RD' from 'C' and its national scale rating to 'RD(bra)' from 'C(bra)'. The news follows an announcement this month that the firm's board had approved the final clauses of a debt restructuring deal with local banks and bondholders. The agreement involves restructuring the equivalent of 92% of Usiminas' total debt.

Under the deal, a group of Brazilian and Japanese banks agreed to extend maturities over the next 10 years with a three-year grace period on the principal.

Fitch said it expects to re-rate Usiminas' IDRs and debt issuance ratings and raise them to a performing level, which usually is still in the low speculative grade after a short period of time when further information is available. Assets consisting of its hot and cold coils units of the Ipatinga mill are expected to be used as collateral, it added.

Fitch said that Usiminas' USD 400 million unsecured notes due in 2018 were not part of the debt restructuring. It said "The indenture for these notes includes a limitation on lien clause that typically requires the unsecured notes to be equally and ratably secured if relevant secured debt is created, thereby subordinating unsecured bondholders.”

"If pari passu status does not occur, Fitch understands that the bond trustees or bondholders of at least 25% of the outstanding notes could notify the company of a default and, if not cured, this would lead to an event of default."

Usiminas, the second largest Brazilian steel group, has been trying to sell non-core assets for months to recover some financial strength.

Source : BNAmericas
Tokyo Steel cuts prices by up to 13%

Reuters reported that Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co Ltd said that it would slash prices of its products for October delivery by up to 13% to reflect soft local demand and weakening overseas prices. The company will cut prices by between JPY 3,000 to JPY 7,000 (USD 29-69) per tonne. That is between 4% and 13%.

This is Toyko Steel's first across-the-board cut in seven months and comes five months after the company's attempt to bolster product prices.

Mr Kiyoshi Imamura MD of Tokyo Steel told reporters that "The price cut is to reflect the current market condition and to send a signal to the market that the prices will be bottoming out next month. We had expected to see a pick-up in local demand this year, but the delay in construction projects for the 2020 Summer Olympic Games and redevelopment works in the Tokyo metropolitan area has slowed a demand recovery.”

Source : Reuter
Indian pellet makers grappling with hike in cost of key inputs

Business Standard reported that Indian iron ore pellet makers are grappling with hike in cost of key inputs like iron ore fines and furnace oil and falling realisations in exports to China. With most of the pellet makers operating at depleted capacities and some of them even shutting operations, the latest hike in iron ore fines in Odisha has stifled the manufacturers.

Most of the miners in Odisha have announced a price hike in the range of INR 100-200 per tonne for high grade fines with an iron content of 62 per cent and above, and others are expected to follow suit.

The margins of pellet manufacturers are already under stress due to rise in prices of furnace oil as a fall out of hike in global crude oil prices. Increase in furnace oil prices has triggered INR 50 per tonne hike in cost of pellet production.

Falling export prices of pellets, especially the material shipped to China, have added to their woes. Price of pellets exported to China have shrunk by USD 6-7 a tonne.

Mr H Shivramkrishnan, director (commercial), Essar Steel said, "There is marginal increase in prices of iron ore fines in Odisha. However, NMDC prices continue to be higher. This increase will have impact on the cost of steel production. However, we feel the increase in prices of iron ore fines is not sustainable due to softening of iron ore prices globally."

Odisha miners have upped prices at a time when international prices have softened by 10 per cent in a month and six per cent since the beginning of September.

Source : Business Standard
SAIL CMO meets key customers in ER to introduce new products

Economic Times reported that Steel Authority of India Limited’s Central Marketing Organisation met with a dozen of its key customers at its headquarters in Kolkata to create awareness about some of the company's new products. These products are being produced from new mills that have come up under SAIL's recent modernisation & expansion programme.

This include the Universal Section Mill of IISCO Steel Plant (ISP), Medium Structural Mill of Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) and new Plate Mill of Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP).

As many as twelve major customers of SAIL in the eastern region, including RITES, Bridge & Roof, L&T MMH, BBJ, WBSEDCL, Lahmeyer India, Simplex Infra Structures, Wadia Techno Engg Services, Lloyds Insulations, Tata Growth Shop, M.N Dastur & Co and KMC, attended the meet.

Speaking on the ocassion, SAIL's General Manager (Marketing-Long Products) Mr KB Sundar informed that its latest range of structurals have been well accepted across the country owing to its scope for use in a range of applications. He said The company's newly developed value-added seismic-grade rebar - SAIL TMT 500S - for use in metro rail, industrial projects and high rises in earthquake-prone areas is also likely to find acceptance in the market.”

Mr VK Sahni, DGM (M-FP), gave an introduction to the latest technology at New Plate Mill of RSP

Source : Economic Times
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