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Eurofer sees apparent steel consumption in EU rising by 1.1% & 1.5% in 2016 & 2017

EU apparent steel consumption grew 3.1% YoYin the first quarter of 2016. Improving business activity at the end- user level and inventories in the downstream steel supply chain having been trimmed down at the end of 2015 fuelled steel demand. Improving international steel pricing conditions since mid-February and lengthening lead times also explain the increase in buying interest and related stockpiling over the quarter.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Global DRI production in H1 dips by 11.4% YoY

World Steel Association announced that DRI production for 14 countries, accounting for 90% of global share, during January to June 2016 slipped by 11.4% YoY to 26.883 million tonnes as India, the top producer earlier, reduced volumes by almost 17% YoY propelling Iran to the top spot. Barring Iran and Libya, all other nations have reported dip in DRI production in H1

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Steel ministry looking at mechanisms to help SAIL tide over difficult period

In an interview to ET Now, Mrs Aruna Sundararajan, Steel Secretary shared her views on the steel sector. While answering to “What is status on the anti-dumping measures being taken from the Chinese steel or some other measures which you were planning to stop the dumping from the steel from China?”, she said “We are looking at two sets of measures, one is the anti-dumping, the other one is the countervailing. Both those investigations or proceedings are on track. Once the authorities come to a conclusion, we can also issue provisional orders under these two. We will have to see the investigation is already at a fairly advanced stage.’

ET Now: There are certain things going on as far as ministry is concerned of disinvesting certain units of steel is it something on the cards of ministry as far as SAIL performance is concerned?

Aruna Sundararajan: Right now, we are looking at all mechanism to help SAIL tide over a very difficult period. Now whether disinvestment would be one of the options, we are looking at bringing in cost efficiencies, we are looking at improving the techno economic parameters.

Along with that one of the measures we are looking at is also I would not say disinvestment so much as trying to bring in a strategic partner who can bring in technology and some other advantages to SAIL so that is one of the mechanism also which we are looking at.

ET Now: Which two plants will that be can you name t hose plants and going forward when can it happen can you give a timeline to that effect also?

Aruna Sundararajan: I cannot tell you exactly which ones these are but apart from the five integrated plants which are there we will be initially looking to target some of the other ones like may be the alloy steel plants would be one of the first we will be looking at.

Source : Economic Times
Global crude steel production in H1 dips 1.9% YoY

-production-utilisation_90948.jpg Image Source: Worldsteel
World crude steel production for the 66 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 136 million tonnes in June 2016, the same figure as June 2015. World crude steel production in the first six months of 2016 was 794.8 million tonnes, a decrease of -1.9% compared to the same period of 2015.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Indian government may prune steel items covered by MIP - Report

The Hindu reported that bowing to intense pressure from exporting countries and Indian small scale industries, the Centre plans to prune the list of steel products covered by the Minimum Import Price. The report quoted a source as saying that “Sustaining with MIP for long is untenable. Anyway, it was a temporary solution. We are considering removing some items from the list and speed up the decision on an anti-dumping duty.”

Major steel exporting countries such as China, Japan, Canada, Australia and Korea raked up the punitive tax issue at the recent goods council meeting of the WTO and asked India to justify the duty even as the domestic demand is looking up.
There are also representations from small scale industries decrying the undue protection given to large steel companies

Last February, the Centre plugged duty evasion by imposing an MIP ranging from $341 a tonne to $752 a tonne on 173 categories of steel products. It is coming up for review in August.

Source : The Hindu
ArcelorMittal: This Is Another Opportunity


•Apart from an improvement in the steel market, ArcelorMittal will also benefit from strength in the iron ore segment that has picked up impressive pace this year.

•ArcelorMittal’s mining segment has seen an improvement in its EBITDA on a sequential basis as iron ore pricing has improved, and it is probable that the trend will continue.

•The likes of Morgan Stanley have significantly upgraded their iron ore price forecasts for 2016 and 2017 on the back of improving demand from China.

•Chinese iron ore demand will continue improving as imports could hit 1 billion tons this year due to investments in infrastructure projects.

•More importantly, China’s manufacturing and services PMI have been in good shape over recent months, which is good news for ArcelorMittal since iron ore consumption will increase.

In an article last month, I had discussed how an improvement in steel demand in the U.S. and Europe, along with the imposition of anti-dumping duties, will have a positive impact on ArcelorMittal's (NYSE:MT) financial performance going forward. But, apart from the improvement in the steel market, there's another segment that will contribute positively to ArcelorMittal's performance going forward - mining. Let's see why.

What the mining segment means for ArcelorMittal

In terms of revenue generation, mining is the smallest segment for ArcelorMittal with revenue of $600 million. However, as far as EBITDA generation is concerned, this segment holds more weight than ArcelorMittal's Africa and CIS steel operations. More importantly, the mining segment of ArcelorMittal, which primarily deals in iron ore, is quite resilient due to continuous cost reductions.

For instance, last quarter, even though the revenue from the mining segment was down almost 21%, EBITDA declined a relatively lower 14%. Now, ArcelorMittal's mining business has been under pressure of late due to a drop in iron ore prices and shipments, but the fact that there has been an improvement on a sequential basis cannot be ignored.

For instance, last quarter, ArcelorMittal's mining EBITDA increased over 9% on the back of better iron ore price realizations. This is not surprising as the price of iron ore has rallied impressively in the first half of 2016, prompting the likes of Morgan Stanley to raise their iron ore price forecasts for 2016.

In fact, Morgan Stanley has bumped its iron ore pricing forecast for 2016 by 17%, while for next year, it has bumped its iron ore price forecast by 13%. A key factor that has led to an increase in the price forecast is the strong demand for iron ore from China, where imports of the commodity have remained robust this year on the back of strength in certain key areas.

More importantly, it is likely that the strength in the iron ore market will continue going forward, which will prove to be a tailwind for ArcelorMittal. Let's see why.

Factors that will drive iron ore pricing

China's iron ore import data for June is not out yet, but the data that's available until the end of May paints a rosy picture. This is because China has imported 412 million tons of iron ore from January until May this year, a rise of over 9% from last year. In May itself, iron ore imports gathered stronger momentum in China with a year-over-year increase of over 22%.

At this pace of iron ore imports into China so far this year, it is likely that overall imports will probably hit 1 billion tons by the end of 2016. This will be a jump of 3.3% in imports as compared to 2015. Considering that China consumes 70% of seaborne iron ore imports across the world, the rise in iron ore consumption in the country this year is good news for the likes of ArcelorMittal.

What's even more important to note is that the strength in China's consumption of iron ore will continue going forward due to the country's focus on developing infrastructure projects. More specifically, the country has outlined an investment of $720 billion until 2018 to develop more than 300 transport projects.

This is not surprising considering the increasing pace of urbanization in China. As more and more of the Chinese population shifts into the cities, infrastructure such as roads and housing needs to be developed. As a result, the country will continue to develop infrastructure going forward and this will lead to an increase in demand for iron ore since it is a key ingredient in steelmaking.

Additionally, the housing sector in China is also gaining pace of late and this will be another tailwind for iron ore demand. According to the last available data, China saw a jump of over 53% in home sales over the January to May period this year, clocking $482 billion. This has eventually led to a bump in housing starts in China, which have increased 18.3% in the first five months of the year. Thus, as housing demand continues to pick up pace, the improvement in iron ore demand will continue since more steel will be needed due to a rise in housing starts.

Moreover, investors should not miss the fact that China's manufacturing and services PMI are finally putting in some consistent numbers. In June, the services PMI came in at 52.7, up from 51.2 in the month of May. This was the fastest jump in the services PMI in the past 11 months. An index of more than 50 indicates an expansion in the services sector. Similarly, the manufacturing data is also staying above 50, coming in at 50.0 in June after clocking 50.1 in both April and May.

Due to consistency in both these sectors, Chinese consumers will consider buying more homes going forward as the economy picks up pace. This will eventually create a positive impact on both steel and iron ore demand.


As discussed earlier in the article, ArcelorMittal's mining business has started showing sequential improvement of late. Looking forward, this trend will continue as China's iron ore demand picks up pace, helping the improvement in iron ore prices to sustain the momentum. Therefore, along with an improvement in the steel market, a gradual improvement in iron ore prices will play a key role in helping ArcelorMittal improve its financial performance.

Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.

I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
Beursblik: UBS verhoogt koersdoel ArcelorMittal

Koersdoel naar 5,80 euro.

UBS heeft vrijdag het koersdoel voor ArcelorMittal verhoogd van 5,42 naar 5,80 euro met een ongewijzigd koopadvies.

De analisten van de Zwitserse bank wijzigden de taxaties voor de staalprijs en pasten vervolgens ook hun ramingen voor het bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) van ArcelorMittal voor dit jaar aan met 1,1 miljard dollar naar 5,3 miljard dollar. De winsttaxatie voor 2017 werd met 0,8 miljard dollar verhoogd naar 6,4 miljard dollar.

ArcelorMittal zal volgens de marktvorsers de vruchten blijven plukken van hogere staalprijzen, met name in Noord-Amerika, in combinatie met herstructureringen en een aantrekkend momentum.

Toch plaatsen de analisten vraagtekens bij de houdbaarheid van de stijging van de staalprijzen. Een tweede risico is in de ogen van de marktvorsers is een eventuele overname van de Italiaanse staalfabriek Ilva door ArcelorMittal. UBS zei dat de kosten hiervoor zouden kunnen oplopen tot ongeveer 2 miljard dollar, terwijl de staalreus recent juist de balans versterkte met behulp van een omvangrijke claimemissie van 3 miljard dollar en de verkoop van het belang in het Spaanse Gestamp ter waarde van bijna 1 miljard dollar.

Op een rood Damrak noteerde het aandeel ArcelorMittal 0,9 procent hoger op 5,16 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Steel imports into EU surge by 24% YoY in Q1 and trend continues

So far this year, steel imports from third countries into the EU continued to rise at a pace which exceeds the rate of improvement in domestic apparent steel consumption.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Latin American finished steel consumption reach 26.1 million tonnes in 5 months

Alacero announced that the Latin American steel industry during the first five months of the year continue to show weakness versus the same period a year ago. In the period, the finished steel consumption decreased 14%, while regional crude steel production and finished steel did in 12% and 8% YoY, respectively. Regional steel imports represent 34% of Latin-American consumption and their participations is still in- creasing. The trade balance of the region remains negative, despite that in January-May 2016 the deficit in tons decreased 33% versus January-May 2015.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Brazil imposes duties on carbon steel tubes from China

BNAmericas reported that Brazil has imposed duties on carbon steel tubes from China. The Brazilian government's chamber of foreign trade (Camex) imposed antidumping duties on steel tubes from China.

The penalty applies to "Chinese exports of seamless, unalloyed carbon steel tubes with an outer diameter not superior to 374mm," Brazil's development, industry and trade ministry (MDIC) said in a statement.

A definitive antidumping duty ranging from US$1,009.29/t to US$1,356.90/t has been imposed. The decision was published in the federal government's official gazette.

A group of Chinese steelmakers including Yangzhou Lontrin Steel Tube and Hubei Xinyegang Steel are among those affected by the measure, according to Camex.

Source : BNAmericas
Hyundai Steel Q2 earnings spike 26.5%

South Korea's second-largest steelmaker Hyundai Steel Co announced that its net profit jumped over 26 percent from a year earlier in the second quarter on increased sales. Net income came to KWR 254.6 billion (USD224.26 million) in the three months ending June 30. From the previous quarter, the second-quarter figure marks a 60.5 percent surge.

Sales gained 5.8 percent on-year to some KWR 4.22 trillion.

The company attributed the sales increase to a rise in the sales of high-end products, such as advanced high strength steel sheets, as well as a residential construction boom that helped pull up the overall demand.

Operating profit, on the other hand, inched down 0.3 percent on-year to KWR 432.2 billion won.

The company said its annual output capacity will increase by 500,000 tonmes in 2018, further helping boost its annual sales, when its new production facility in Suncheon is completed.

Source : Yonhap
US ITC extends anti dumping duty on steel butt weld pipe fittings from Brazil, China, Japan, Taiwan and Thailand

The US International Trade Commission has determined that revoking the existing antidumping duty orders on carbon steel butt-weld pipe fittings from Brazil, China, Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time. As a result of the Commission’s affirmative determinations, the existing antidumping duty orders on imports of these products from Brazil, China, Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand will remain in place.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
30 jobs to go at slab making plant at Port Kembla steelworks of Bluescope Steel

ABC reported that Bluescope Steel is shedding more jobs at its Port Kembla steelworks as it moves to an automated system for moving slab metal. The Australian Workers Union said its members in the slab-making section of the mill were advised during their shifts on Thursday that up to 30 jobs would go.

AWU Port Kembla branch secretary Wayne Phillips said that the new computerised technology for moving slab with cranes will require less labour. He said "I can't argue against that, it is new technology. It doesn't surprise me. They look for whatever way they can to reduce numbers and costs. It's just an ongoing vicious cycle."

Mr Phillips said 15 operators and a minimum of eight tradespeople were set to lose their positions.

More labour-intensive jobs at Port Kembla are expected to be replaced with machines in the future.

Up to 500 jobs were lost at the steelworks in the past year as part of a major restructure to ensure its ongoing viability.

In 2011, Australia's biggest steelmaker shed 1,000 jobs after reporting dwindling profits. The company has since returned to profitability.

Source : ABC Illawarra
POSCO Q2 operating profit rises by 2.8% YoY

South Korea’s top steelmaker POSCO recorded KWR 12.8 trillion (USD 11.2 billion) in total sales and KWR 670 billion in operating profit in the second quarter of this year. This is respectively a 3.2% rise and a 2.8% increase compared to the previous quarter.

It said “The improved performance of the steel, information and communication technology, and material businesses contributed to the rise, despite the slight decrease in sales and operating profits of POSCO E&C and POSCO Energy.”

Net profit also jumped by 5.3%, nearly the same as in the first quarter.

The holding company of POSCO recorded a 4.2% jump in sales to KWR 6.9 trillion and 22.4 percent surge in operating profit to KWR 712 billion. The holding company’s net profit, however, dropped by 30.4% to KWR 310 billion due to the fall of the holding share’s stock price and valuation losses of foreign debt led by exchange fluctuations, it added.

Source : Korea Herald
Vallourec starts exclusive negotiations with the Ascometal Group for the sale of a majority holding in the Saint-Saulve steel mill

Vallourec, global leader in premium tubular solutions, has started exclusive negotiations with Ascometal, Europe's largest producer of special steels, with a view to the sale of its majority holding in the Saint-Saulve steel mill (Hauts-de-France region). Based on a reinforced industrial and business plan, the Ascometal offer should retain the site's 320 highly skilled employees.

Source : Strategic Research Institute

Bondholders push Dongbei Special Steel to file for bankruptcy

Global Times reported that some bondholders of Dongbei Special Steel Group, a troubled State-owned enterprise based in Northeast China's Liaoning Province that has repeatedly defaulted on its debt, are demanding that the company enter bankruptcy proceedings and pursue liquidation. The development took place during a 2-day investor meeting that began Wednesday. Participants in the meeting were the holders of three bond issues on which Dongbei has defaulted.

These investors included financial institutions such as banks, funds and brokers, as well as individuals

Asper media reports “The steelmaker's new chairman, Dong Shi, spent an hour at the meeting and proposed a debt-for-equity swap. He explained that the company can only afford to repay 30 percent of its debt within the next three years, so it's seeking to convert the remainder to equity”

The company also said during the meeting that Liaoning authorities have submitted the swap plan to the central government

However, bondholders showed strong opposition to the plan during the meeting and blamed the steel plant for not doing enough to resolve its problems, reported. An investor told “Every time we ask, the company says it will come up with a solution soon. After several months, it proposes a swap … but how can a financial institution take losses for three years?"

The company's largest shareholder, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Liaoning Provincial Government, has been absent from all three investor meetings since March

Given these issues, some bondholders are demanding that Dongbei Special Steel declare bankruptcy. But they're unsure just how much they'll receive if the company is liquidated, the report said.

Dongbei Special Steel has been involved in seven defaults on debt of 4.8 billion yuan ($718 billion) since March.

Source : Global Times
Australian iron ore supply rush seen aiding prices

Bloomberg reported that the largest iron ore producers in Australia, the world’s No. 1 exporter, are raising supply at the slowest pace in years, drawing a line under more than a decade of expansions and lending potential support to prices that are rebounding this year.

BHP Billiton Ltd., the third-largest shipper, said that total output from its Western Australian mines may increase as little as 3 percent over the next 12 months after notching a 2 percent gain in the year ended June 30, the smallest annual jump since fiscal 2009. Rio Tinto Group’s shipments this calendar year are seen expanding at the weakest rate since 2012.

Iron ore has advanced 28 percent this year to rebound from three straight annual declines after policymakers in China pledged to bolster growth. The world’s second-biggest economy churned out a record daily amount of steel in June as mills boosted supply to take advantage of the rebound in prices.

Restraint from Australia’s biggest iron ore exporters could “certainly help prices in the short term, over the next two years,” Caue Araujo, a principal consultant at SRK Consulting said by phone from Perth. “The supply side is sending a message that you shouldn’t expect supply to grow by that much, that we shouldn’t expect any surprises on the supply side in the next couple of years.”

Iron ore futures advanced 0.8 percent to 426.5 yuan ($63.87) a metric ton Thursday on the Dalian Commodity Exchange at 11:02 a.m. in Sydney.

According to Australia’s Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, global trade in iron ore may grow 4 percent in 2017 as exported material continues to displace higher-cost domestic supply in China. China’s iron ore imports may rise about 2 percent to 974 million metric tons this year and by 0.7 per cent to 981 million tons in 2017, the department said in a report published earlier this month.

Australia’s two top suppliers may be adjusting the addition of new supply to accommodate weaker market conditions, Morgan Stanley analysts including Tom Price said last month, as the bank raised its iron ore outlook for this year and 2017.

A 24-month campaign of rail maintenance begun this year by BHP will crimp some output growth as the company strives to complete a program to reach a potential 290 million tons a year capacity in Western Australia, while Rio is having difficultiescompleting an autonomous train program that will help to raise annual shipments to 360 million tons. Rio’s work will limit output growth in 2017.

Both BHP and Rio may have peak production rates that fall short of those capacity targets, Macquarie Group Ltd. analysts wrote in a July 12 note.

Mr Peter O’Connor, a Sydney-based analyst with Shaw and Partners Ltd., said by phone that “It does seem at the margin that they are tempering supply and that clearly reflects the price. Their expansions have run their course, and though it may take them two or three years to top out we are now on the plateau of that curve.”

Fortescue Metals Group Ltd., Australia’s No. 3 supplier, has pledged to hold annual output to around 165 million tons, though reported last week full-year shipments of 169.4 million tons, citing mild weather that meant it experienced fewer-than-expected disruptions.

Continued supply growth from larger exporters will put pressure on prices in the medium term, as will the return of some marginal producers to the export market in response to the material’s price spike earlier this year, Citigroup Inc. analysts said last week. Prices may decline to $42 a metric ton in 2017 and to $38 a ton in 2018, the analysts wrote. Iron ore prices remain about 70 percent lower than a 2011 peak.

Brazil’s Vale SA and billionaire Gina Rinehart’s Roy Hill Holdings Pty are among producers likely to bring about 60 million tons of new capacity online this year and deliver a further 50 million tons in 2017, Citigroup said in its note. Exports from Australia and Brazil will rise to about 1.3 billion tons by 2017, accounting for 86 percent of the seaborne market, the Australian industry department said.

Mr Romano Sala Tenna, a portfolio manager at Katana Asset Management Ltd. said by phone from Perth, said that “The reality is that we need to see some much larger supply declines over the coming five to 10 years to bring the market back into balance and to see the price rise further.”

According to Metal Bulletin Ltd. data, slower supply growth by BHP and Rio is “a little bit too little, too late,” he said. Ore with 62 percent content delivered to Qingdao declined for a sixth straight session Wednesday, falling 0.5 percent to $55.75 a dry metric ton.

By the end of the decade, the rate of supply growth from Western Australia’s Pilbara iron ore region is forecast to dwindle, according to Macquarie Group, which calculates less than 20 million tons will be added in the two years to July 2019.

Source : Bloomberg
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