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Opkopen obligaties ArcelorMittal bijna klaar

Gepubliceerd op 28 jun 2016 om 21:12 | Views: 39

LUXEMBURG (AFN) - Obligatiehouders van ArcelorMittal hebben voor ruim 576 miljoen euro aan obligaties aangeboden aan de staalgigant. Dat meldde het concern dinsdag in update over een aangekondigd opkoopprogramma ter waarde van 600 miljoen euro.

Het gaat om leningen die lopen tot 1 juni 2020, met een totaal uitstaand volume van 500 miljoen dollar, leningen tot 5 augustus 2020 met een uitstaand volume van 1 miljard dollar en obligaties die lopen tot 1 maart 2021 met een uitstaand volume van 1,5 miljard dollar.

Het voornemen om de leningen vervroegd af te lossen werd twee weken geleden aangekondigd. Obligatiehouders kunnen zich nog tot en met 12 juli inschrijven op de aflossing.
BaoSteel merger with Wuhan Iron & Steel is credit negative - S&P

S&P Global Ratings said that the proposed merger between Baosteel Group and Wuhan Iron & Steel Group is credit negative to Baosteel due to the high debt leverage and losses of Wuhan Steel. Moreover, execution risks related to the consolidation to remain high.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
USW upset over US Steel Canada ticking off Essar Steel as bidder

The United Steelworkers has condemned a decision to eliminate Essar Global as a potential buyer of US Steel Canada operations in Hamilton and Nanticoke. Mr Marty Warren, USW Ontario Director, sasid “This is a potentially devastating decision for thousands of workers, pensioners and the communities that are most affected by the restructuring of our steel industry.”

Mr Warren said "Essar Global has indicated it is more committed than other bidders to protect jobs, pensions and retiree benefits. We're calling on the provincial government to intervene immediately and to use every means at its disposal to stand up for the best interests of our working families, pensioners and communities."

The US Steel Canada board of directors has reportedly rejected Essar Global as a bidder for USSC, which has been operating under Companies' Creditor Arrangement Act (CCAA) protection since 2014.

The decision follows a ruling last month by an Ontario Superior Court judge that disqualified Essar Global as a bidder in the sales process for Essar Steel Algoma, the Sault Ste. Marie steelmaker also operating under CCAA protection. Essar Global's plans called for buying and operating the steel plants in Sault Ste. Marie, Hamilton and Nanticoke.

A U.S.-based hedge fund, KPS Capital Partners Inc., has been identified as the preferred bidder for Essar Steel Algoma's operations in Sault Ste. Marie. KPS says its also wants to merge Essar Algoma and U.S. Steel Canada's operations into a single company.

Source : Sault Star
Panama Canal expansion used enough steel to build 22 Eiffel Towers

PDD Net reported that the Panama Canal’s huge new locks expansion project swallowed enough steel to build 22 Eiffel Towers, cost USD 5.2 billion and took nine years to complete. It will allow the giant “New Panamax” class of container ships and supertankers to sail through the 48-mile-long waterway that slices through the narrow isthmus that separates North and South America.

These ships can carry as many as 14,000 containers and the star freighter on Sunday had almost 10,000 stacked on board like Jenga blocks. That’s nearly twice as many as the largest ships that have been motoring through until now.

The two news sets of locks—one each for the Atlantic and Pacific side— and bigger and deeper navigation channels will speed the delivery of goods and give more bandwidth to the global economy.

The canal already serves more than 140 maritime routes connecting some 80 countries, with roughly $270 billion worth of cargo passing through every year. That volume will grow as ports from Miami to Boston have also invested in dredging their waterways and building up infrastructure to handle plus-size vessels carrying everything from trucks to TVs. The canal could also reduce truck traffic on American highways.

Source : PDD Net
Workers of US Steel Canada are worried - Report

CBC News reported that unionized steelworkers are nervously eyeing the bidders that remain in a months-long process to buy US Steel Canada and take over its Hamilton and Nanticoke operations. One bidder has reportedly been knocked out of the running to buy US Steel Canada, which has been operating under bankruptcy protection through the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act since 2014.

The head of the Hamilton steelworkers Local 1005, Gary Howe, is skeptical. He said "We don't need a hedge fund that intends to make huge profits at the expense of workers and pensioners," Howe said. "We have to ensure this restructuring benefits the long-term interests of workers, pensioners and our communities."

A spokesman for US Steel Canada said the company won't discuss the identity or number of participants currently involved in the process in order to abide by a non-disclosure agreement.

But spokesman Mr Trevor Harris said the process had winnowed out at least one party due to concerns about sufficient financial strength. He said “I can confirm that certain parties previously involved are no longer involved in the Sales and Investor Solicitation Process, following a conclusion that they would not be able to complete a qualified bid that could result in a going concern solution.”

The Hamilton Spectator reported that the party knocked out was Essar Global, a company based in India that took over Algoma Steel Inc. in Sault Ste. Marie in 2007. Essar Algoma entered bankruptcy protection under the CCAA last fall.

Source : CBC News
Special treatment for British Steel scheme inconceivable – PLSA

IPE reported that the the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association has warned that British Steel Pension Scheme must not be granted special treatment to ensure the stability of the scheme, as this could undermine the integrity of the UK’s regulatory system for pensions. Responding to a UK government consultation on ways to reduce the deficit of BSPS, the association warned against “bespoke” and “piecemeal” regulatory changes. The PLSA also questioned the impact on the Pension Protection Fund were the number of schemes remaining outside the lifeboat fund, but without a sponsoring employer, to increase.

Ms Joanne Segars, the PLSA’s chief executive, said the government’s pushing ahead with changes for BSPS, “without also considering amendments for all schemes”, would be “inconceivable”.

She added “While securing the best outcome for members of the British Steel pension scheme is of paramount importance in this instance, it must be balanced against securing the best outcome for all defined benefit pension scheme members.”

She warned that the legal changes could have unintended consequences for the integrity of the UK regulatory system.

And while she acknowledged that the situation facing BSPS due to Tata Steel’s intention to sell or close its UK business, she argued that the ability to sever ties with a sponsor should not become the default approach.

She said “We urge the government to commit to a long-term review of the current legislative system affecting defined benefit schemes to ensure their sustainability, and we call upon the government to work with our Defined Benefit Taskforce and the wider pensions industry to achieve this.”

Source : IPE
US prelim steel imports in May increase 12%

Based on preliminary Census Bureau data, the American Iron and Steel Institute reported that the US imported a total of 2,786,000 net tons (NT) of steel in May 2016, including 2,077,000 net tons (NT) of finished steel (up 12.2% and 1.8%, respectively, vs. April final data). Year-to-date (YTD) through five months of 2016 total and finished steel imports are 12,795,000 and 10,544,000 net tons (NT), both down 31% vs. the same period in 2015. Annualized total and finished steel imports in 2016 would be 30.7 and 25.3 million NT, down 21% and 20% respectively vs. 2015. Finished steel import market share was an estimated 23% in May and is estimated at 24% YTD.
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Source : Strategic Research Institute
JSW Steel seeks shareholders nod to raise USD 2 billion

JSW Steel is seeking shareholders’ nod for raising up to USD 2 billion through non-convertible foreign currency denominated bonds, said the company today. The company is expected to utilize the funds to meet the long term capital expenditure plans. Besides, the steel major will also seek a nod to raise up to INR 4,000 crore through equity shares and debentures through a Qualified Institutions Placement (QIP) issue.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Gerdau aims for full capacity at India facility

Deccan Herald reported that Brazilian steel giant Gerdau has announced an aim to reach full capacity at its India facility by the end of 2017, in a bid to cater to the burgeoning automobile industry in the country. The company has so far invested about INR 2,400 crore in its Indian operations, which includes the said factory that it took through a former JV with Kalyani Steel.

Talking to Deccan Herald, Gerdau Steel India MD Mr Sridhar Krishnamoorthy said “By the end of 2017, we plan to take the Tadipatri plant to full capacity at 325,000 tonnes. We also expect to reach 100% SBQ production during that period.”

He said “The auto market is growing at 5-6%, and there’s room for suppliers of special steel needed for specialised applications like those in that industry. Gerdau can offer value addition.”

Talking about the factory having yet to reach full capacity, Mr Krishnamoorthy said that all the processes run on volumes, and with large volumes, fixed costs tend to go down.

He added “But with the auto industry, business cannot happen soon, since OEMs have to certify us first. Hence, we can’t expect to reach full capacity overnight. In order to build up volumes, we began manufacturing merchant bars.”

Currently, Gerdau Steel India’s plant at Tadipatri, Andhra Pradesh, has an annual capacity of 260,000 tonnes (a 70:30 mix of SBQ products and merchant bars). While SBQ (special bar quality) steel is best suited for making components for cars (engine, transmission, steering system, and suspension, among others), merchant bars are used for some engineering applications.

Source : Deccan Herald
Ahmsa launches plate normalizing plant

BNAmericas reported that Mexican steelmaker Ahmsa launched a normalized steel plate plant, aimed at supplying the shipbuilding industry. The USD 140 million plant will have capacity of 350,000 tonnes per year of steel in its initial phase, with processing mainly carried out in the Steckel mill

The capacity will be expanded to 700,000 tonnes per year in the project's second phase.

Ahmsa has provided steel plate for 15 Mexican navy vessels, and 30 more are planned in the current administration, which ends in 2018.

The plant was funded with Ahmsa's own resources and built by Primetals Technologies, an association between Austria's Siemens Vai Metals Technologies and Japanese company Mitsubishi Hitachi Metals Machinery.

Source : BNAmericas
Yunnan Province to cut crude steel capacity by 4.5 million tonnes by 2018

Reuters reported that China's Yunnan province has announced plans to cut its crude steel production capacity by more than 4.53 million tonnes by 2018. The southern China province also said that it would limit crude steel production capacity to a maximum of 25 million tonnes by 2018.

Details of the province's current production capacity were not provided.

China has said would tackle oversupply in major industrial sectors. In February it said it would close 100 million-150 million tonnes of steel capacity and 500 million tonnes of coal production within three to five years.

Source : Reuters
China could file case at WTO over US ruling on corrosion resistant steel

Reuters reported that China’s Commerce Ministry said that China could file suit at the World Trade Organisation in order to protect its steel industry after the United States said some steel imports from China were hitting US producers.

The ministry said Washington's large anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties would force Chinese companies to pull this type of steel product out of the US market.

It said “China's steel industry export interests will suffer a serious impact and the Chinese steel industry is strongly opposed to this.”

It said “With regard to the United States' mistaken methods that violate WTO rules, China is and will continue to take all measures, including filing suit at the WTO, to strive for fair treatment for enterprises and safeguard their export interests.”

The Commerce Ministry has said that it is deeply concerned about protectionism in the US steel sector. It argues that the difficulties facing the global steel sector have resulted from falling demand, and that trade protectionism from the US will intensify conflicts and disputes.

The US International Trade Commission said on Friday that imports of corrosion-resistant steel from China and four other countries were harming US producers, the final step in the imposition of US anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties.
The US Commerce Department had already slapped duties of up to 450 percent on the steel products from China and duties ranging from 3 percent to 92 percent on corrosion-resistant steel from Italy, India, South Korea and Taiwan.

Source : Reuters
Kazak PM requests ArcelorMittal Temirtau to preserve jobs

Kazinform reported that Kazakistan’s Prime Minister Mr Karim Massimov on a working trip to Karaganda region has met with the top-officials of JSC Arcelor-Mittal Temirtau and requested them to preserve job places

Mr Massimov at a meeting held in Temirtau regarding the situation in mining industry said “Arcelor Mittal Temirtau is one of the major enterprises of the region and the country. You employ a huge number of people. Other enterprises’ activity depends on yours. I would like to wish you to preserve the job places despite the difficulties.”

He noted that the Government is ready to help the company.

According to the region’s Governor, Arcelor Mittal Temirtau has laid off more than 8,000 people in the past five years.

Source : Kazinform
Ooooohhhhh Nee!

ArcelorMittal brengt bod uit op Italiaanse staalfabriek Ilva

Staalreus maakt hoogte overnamebod niet bekend.

ArcelorMittal heeft samen met Marcegaglia een bod uitgebracht op de Italiaanse staalfabriek Ilva. Dit maakte de op het Damrak genoteerde staalfabrikant donderdag bekend, zonder hierbij financiële details te verschaffen.

De deadline voor het uitbrengen van een bod op de staalfabriek, die in handen is van de Italiaanse staat, loopt vandaag af.

ArcelorMittal heeft tevens plannen ingediend hoe het denkt te investeren in de toekomst van Ilva. Zo wil de grootste staalproducent ter wereld de productie opkrikken van de huidige 4,8 miljoen ton per jaar naar meer dan 6,0 miljoen ton in 2020. Ook is het concern van plan om tenminste drie hoogovens in de fabriek te handhaven.

Het bod is de eerste concrete stap in een langdurig overnameproces. In de komende 120 dagen worden allereerste de milieu-aspecten van het bod bestudeerd en vervolgens zal de Italiaanse overheid meer duidelijkheid verschaffen over de volgende stappen in het overnameproces.

Op een groen Damrak noteerde het aandeel ArcelorMittal 1,1 procent lager op 4,10 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Beursblik: bod ArcelorMittal op Ilva is defensief

Staalbedrijf wil marktaandeel beschermen.

ArcelorMittal heeft een bod uitgebracht op de Italiaanse staalfabriek Ilva om zo zijn marktpositie in de Europese staalsector te beschermen. Dit stelde analist Seth Rosenfield van Jefferies in reactie op bekendmaking van het overnamevoorstel.

ArcelorMittal maakte donderdag bekend samen met de Italiaanse sectorgenoot Marcegaglia een bod te hebben uitgebracht op de noodlijdende Italiaanse staalfabriek Ilva. Deze fabriek bij de Zuid-Italiaanse stad Taranto is momenteel in handen van de Italiaanse staat. ArcelorMittal maakte niet bekend hoe hoog het uitgebrachte bod is.

De beslissing is volgens Rosenfield "een beetje een defensieve actie van Mittal om zijn positie in de Europese markt voor platte staalproducten te beschermen". De marktvorser merkte op dat de staalfaciliteit momenteel slechts 4,8 miljoen ton staal produceert, maar de capaciteit heeft om meer dan 11 miljoen ton staal te maken.

De op het Damrak genoteerde staalproducent heeft tegelijkertijd met het overnamebod ook plannen ingediend bij de Italiaanse staat over zijn toekomstige investeringen in Ilva. ArcelorMittal wil de productie verhogen en zei ook van plan te zijn om tenminste drie hoogovens in de fabriek te handhaven. In 2020 zou Ilva voor meer dan 6 miljoen ton aan staal moeten produceren.

"Door Ilva over te nemen, kan ArcelorMittal zich ervan verzekeren dat de bezettingsgraad van de fabriek niet wordt verhoogd", zei Rosenfield. Hiermee kan de onderneming volgens de marktvorser het binnenlands aanbod van staal binnen de perken houden en er zo voor zorgen dat de recente prijsstijgingen van platte staalproducten standhouden.

Op een groen Damrak noteerde het aandeel ArcelorMittal donderdag 1,5 procent lager op 4,09 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Essar Steel Algoma fined over workers injured in BF cooling system explosion in 2014

MRO Magazine reported that Essar Steel Algoma Inc has been fined CAD 100,000 after three workers were injured in a steam explosion at a blast furnace. In late August of 2014, Essar was engaged in a planned maintenance outage at its steel mill in Sault Ste. Marie. One of the jobs for the outage was the relocation of cooling water piping for tuyeres and coolers at its #7 blast furnace.

In order to facilitate the relocation of the cooling water piping, temporary piping was required to be installed so as to maintain the cooling systems while the new permanent piping was being put in place.

On August 27, 2014 a crew of workers was installing the temporary water piping when a steam explosion occurred due to a hose rupture. One worker received leg injuries; another worker received hand injuries; and a third worker received burns to the upper body.

An investigation by the Ministry of Labour determined that the cooling water had been turned off for a substantially long period of time. The normal practice was to keep one cooling circuit running while the other was being switched to the temporary piping supply; keeping one circuit running would have kept the temperature of the tuyere to an appropriate level.

Essar did not have a written procedure in place prior to the incident identifying which company or individuals had responsibility for turning off or on the relevant water supply.

It was also determined that the temporary piping system was installed incorrectly, improperly configuring the system. In addition, two valves were closed to allow work on leaks in the hose. Given the improperly-configured temporary piping system, the closing of the valves effectively created a closed container with a supply of water inside. Owing to the heat which had built up from the water supply to both circuits having been turned off, the steam that was created from the trapped supply of water caused a pressure build-up which exceeded the capacity of the hose, causing its rupture and the steam explosion.

Essar Steel Algoma Inc. pleaded guilty to failing to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker – specifically, for failing to take the reasonable precaution of ensuring that water was not turned off at the main header before workers began running temporary bypass hoses. The company was fined $100,000 by Justice of the Peace Philip M. Stanghetta in Sault Ste. Marie court on June 8, 2016.

Source : MRO Magazine
Pakistan government approves 2 month salary payment to PSM employees

The News reported that Pakistan’s Economic Coordination Committeeof the cabinet on Tuesday approved payment of two-month salary for employees of Pakistan Steel Mills.

Finance Minister Senator Ishaq Dar chaired the meeting of the ECC at the Prime Minister Office.

The ECC at the outset considered and approved the proposal submitted by the Privatisation Division for provision of two-month salaries to the employees of the PSM in view of Eidul Fitr.

Source : The News
US, Canada and Mexico unveil Climate and Energy Plan

Bloomberg reported that the US, Canada and Mexico put climate change at the center of efforts to deepen the North American alliance, pledging to cut greenhouse gas emissions from the oil and gas sector, boost the development of clean power and build new cross-border transmission lines. President Barack Obama, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexico President Enrique Pena Nieto completed a one-day summit in Ottawa Wednesday, where they unveiled a commitment to see half of the continent’s electricity generated by clean sources by 2025.

Mr Obama said in a speech to Parliament Wednesday after the summit concluded “For too long, we’ve heard that confronting climate change means destroying our economies. This is the only planet we’ve got and this may be the last shot we’ve got to save it. And America and Canada are going to have to lead the way.”

The pledges, in what was was Obama’s final North American Leaders’ Summit, underscore a renewed push to strengthen an alliance that had been soured by the rejection of TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL pipeline last year. The improved continental ties were fueled in part by the election of Trudeau’s pro-environment Liberal Party to power last year.

The leaders also announced changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement, “liberalizing” rules of origin for a range of products, while calling for action to address excess global steel supply and illicit financial flows that could benefit terror groups.
Clean Energy

The clean energy push includes the development of cross-border electrical transmission projects to boost capacity for trading of clean energy and for reliability and flexibility of the continent’s energy grid, the leaders said.

Source : Bloomberg
Brexit to not hamper Tata Steel UK sale process - Mr Koushik Chatterjee

Business Standard reported that the UK’s decision to leave the European Union is not holding back Tata Steel from pursuing the sale of its plants in Britain. Mr Koushik Chatterjee, Tata Steel Group Executive Director (finance and corporate), said on the sidelines of the Tata Metaliks’ annual general meeting on Wednesday “So long the sale process is on. Let it progress and we will figure out where it is.”

Asked whether Brexit would change the contours of the support offered, Mr Chatterjee said the UK government had offered certain support which the company had disclosed to all bidders. He also pointed out that the leadership was changing in Britain but not the ruling party.

On the company’s pension liabilities, he said it was a pound scheme and would remain so. He said in response to a query on whether any deficit could be bridged by taking advantage of a weak pound “It is a well-funded scheme and doesn’t need any capital injection to service the pension requirements.”

The company had announced restructuring of its European portfolio in March which included divestment of Tata Steel UK, in whole or in parts, after struggling to make it work for nine years. A month later, Tata Steel agreed to sell its Scunthorpe site to Greybull Capital. Its key UK operations centre around Port Talbot in Wales and around seven bidders are in the fray. Speculations have been rife about the impact of Brexit on the sale process. Around 70 per cent of the Wales exports are to the EU.

Source : Business Standard
Mergers Won't Save Chinese Steel

Bloomberg reported that Baosteel spent decades building up that rarest of creatures, a Chinese state-owned steelmaker that actually makes a profit and isn't drowning in debt. It survived, and even prospered, through a once-in-a-generation collapse in the steel market. And then the government comes along and forces it to merge with one of the also-rans.

Wisco racked up 7.5 billion yuan ($1.1 billion) of losses last year, but appears to be turning a corner. It's one of just a handful of large Chinese steelmakers that made a modest profit in the most recent quarter, and analysts estimate it will stay in the black through 2018 -- so the alliance will hopefully do more than fritter away Baosteel's income.

There's even the prospect of synergies. Both companies have mills making flat products for automakers, appliances and other higher-value customers across a swathe of eastern and southern China, limiting their exposure to the currently hot, but more volatile and low margin, construction trade.

Wisco's home city lies upstream from Baosteel's Shanghai base on the Yangtze River, one of China's major inland freight arteries. Its operations across China's south could help consolidate Baosteel's exposure to Guangdong's humming manufacturing economy. The smaller company has even got some stakes in offshore iron-ore mines that could help integrate the group's supply chain.

Wisco's revenue over the past 12 months was about a third of Baosteel's 157 billion yuan, but its 41 billion yuan in net debt is almost three-quarters of Baosteel's 56 billion yuan. Adding Wisco will lift Baosteel's debt to about 64 percent of net assets from 45 percent at present -- a substantial deterioration, even if it remains outside the danger zone. Both Moody's and S&P declared the plan a credit negative for Baosteel Tuesday.

What's more, Wisco's earnings seem contingent at best. While analysts aren't forecasting any losses for the next three years, they're barely predicting profits either -- just 1.9 billion yuan over the period, about 1 percent of the 183 billion yuan in expected revenue. It wouldn't take much of a shift in iron, coal or steel prices to push that back into the red.

Those iron-ore mines aren't so hot, either. Indeed, you could be forgiven for thinking Wisco's raw-materials ventures have been smitten with some sort of ancient curse: Brazilian and Canadian mining businesses that it paid a combined $640 million to buy into in 2009 have since gone bankrupt, while its plan to export rock from the iron-rich highlands of Liberia started shipments in February 2014, just days before the entire area became the epicenter of West Africa's ebola epidemic.

Baosteel probably has the strength to absorb the hit, but it would be better off without Wisco. Size isn't all it's cracked up to be in steel, where the core business of big producers appears to be buying factories and shutting them down. ArcelorMittal, for all its heft, is headed for its sixth consecutive year of losses. China's new champion has a rough road ahead.

Source : Bloomberg
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