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HES geinteresseerd in ArcelorMittals 78%-belang in ATIC

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--HES Beheer nv (HES.AE) is in gesprek met ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) over de overname van het door ArcelorMittal gehouden 78%-belang in logistiek dienstverlener ATIC Services S.A., meldt HES Beheer woensdag na het slot van de beurs in een persbericht.

HES Beheer heeft reeds een belang van 22% in ATIC.

"De onderhandelingen zijn gaande, maar hebben nog geen bindend karakter", aldus het concern, dat toevoegt dat niet alle activa van de ATIC-groep zullen worden overgenomen.

De belangrijkste activiteiten van ATIC zijn overslag in zeehavens en binnenvaart.

Door Ellen Proper; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

Lijkt mij zeer goed nieuws voor Arcelor Mittal, meer autos verkocht, dus meer vraag naar staal! Op naar 18?

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Ford Motor Co. (F) heeft in het derde kwartaal de nettowinst met 22% zien dalen tot $1,27 miljard door hogere kosten voor pensioenen en het uitkopen van personeel. De operationele winst steeg echter tot recordhoogte.
De omzet nam met 12% toe tot $36 miljard en de operationele winst voor belasting kwam uit op $2,6 miljard, of 45 cent per aandeel, waarmee de gemiddelde analistenverwachting van 38 cent ruimschoots werd overtroffen.
De nettowinst daalde vanwege $345 miljoen aan kosten voor het sluiten van Europese fabrieken en bijzondere lasten voor het afkopen van pensioenuitkeringen.
Ford verhoogde zijn outlook voor de operationele winst en marges en stelde zijn verwachting voor de omzet in China opwaarts bij.
"Het was een zeer, zeer goed kwartaal", zegt Bob Shanks, de chief financial officer van Ford. "Vooral wat betreft de groei."
De inspanningen om uit te breiden in Azie beginnen vruchten af te werpen, zoals blijkt uit de operationele winst van $126 miljoen in Azie-Pacific. Ford heeft bijna $5 miljard gestoken in fabrieken in China om het gat met de marktleiders Volkswagen en General Motors te verkleinen.
In Noord-Amerika bleven de inkomsten ondertussen op een goed niveau. De winst voor belasting was onveranderd op $2,3 miljard, geholpen door sterke verkopen van de Fusion sedans en de F-series pickup trucks.
In Europa liepen de verliezen terug tot $228 miljoen van $468 miljoen. Ford sloot twee fabrieken in Engeland en zal ook een fabriek in Genk sluiten, wat eind 2014 zal resulteren in een 18% lagere capaciteit in de regio. Er werd $250 miljoen uitgegeven aan afvloeiingsregelingen.
Door Mike Ramsey, vertaald en bewerkt door Ben Zwirs; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00;
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
October 24, 2013 08:36 ET (12:36 GMT)
© 2013 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
HES Beheer overnameplan gunstig, maar duur - Market Talk

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Als HES Beheer (HES.AE) van ArcelorMittal het 78%-belang in Atic-onderdeel Manufrance kan overnemen, dat zou dat zeer positief zijn, stelt analist Martijn den Drijver van SNS Securities. Dat zou HES namelijk echte controle geven over de bedrijven EMO, Ovet en OBA en directe toegang tot de kasstroom van deze bedrijven. Ook zou het de bedrijfsstructuur vereenvoudigen en de conglomeraat-korting voor het aandeel verminderen. De analist schat de prijs op ruwweg EUR147 miljoen, wat het risicoprofiel zou verhogen als het geheel zou worden geleend. Daarom is het volgens Den Drijver verstandig om kapitaal op te halen bij beleggers, waar HES overigens zelf niet op hint. SNS heeft een hold-advies en koersdoel van EUR44,10. Het aandeel HES Beheer noteert donderdag rond 9.30 uur 0,9% hoger op EUR46,75. (AVR)

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

ArcelormIttal koersdoel omhoog naar EUR13,50 van EUR12,50 - Jefferies
ArcelorMittal advies ongewijzigd op buy - Jefferies

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Posco geeft omzetalarm

Gepubliceerd op 24 okt 2013 om 09:47 | Views: 2.629

ArcelorMittal 16:28

EUR 11,70+0,13(+1,12%)

SEOUL (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Zuid-Koreaanse staalbedrijf Posco verwacht dit jaar een lagere omzet te behalen dan eerder werd gedacht, na lagere resultaten in het afgelopen kwartaal. Dat maakte het op twee na grootste staalconcern van Azië donderdag bekend.

De omzet van de gehele groep zal dit jaar uitkomen op 63 biljoen won (43 miljard euro), van een in juli voorspelde 64 biljoen won. Posco zag de nettowinst in het afgelopen kwartaal met 22 procent dalen tot 567 miljard won. De omzet van het bedrijf kwam uit op 15,2 biljoen won, van 15,7 biljoen won een jaar eerder. Posco heeft te kampen met concurrentie van vooral Chinese branchegenoten en prijsdruk door een zwakkere vraag.
Record steel output credit-positive for Indian companies - Moody

Economic Times reported that record steel production by major steel makers notwithstanding the tepid economic scenario and lackluster consumption is credit positive and would aid in boosting their profitability.

The research arm of rating agency Moody's said that "It appears that, despite lukewarm economic environment and slowing Indian steel consumption, India's largest steel producers are churning out steel at record level. This credit positive event will help boost their profitability."

Attributing two factors depreciation of rupee and gas shortage for some of this anomaly between the growth in output and demand, it said that there was a risk for further dip in plant utilization in the short term.

While depreciation of the rupee from 54.3/USD at the end of March to 62.6/USD at the end of September has supported domestic prices, shortage of gas has spoilt the hope of DRI based steel minor producers, benefiting major players.

According to a Joint Plant Committee report, India's real steel consumption showed a marginal increase of 0.8% for the 6 months ending on September 30th 2013 at 36.58 million tonne.

It said that “Nevertheless, large Indian steel producers have markedly increased their production and sales in the quarter ending September.”

Moody's Investor Services said in the medium-term, the supply demand balance looks manageable based on expected capacity additions.

It said that "However, in the short term, given that the growth in domestic steel production has outpaced real domestic steel consumption over the last 5 years, there is a risk of further reductions in plant utilization unless infrastructure building and the large steel intensive industries restore their former growth trajectories."

Source - Economic Times
Steel price on the downside as oversupply continues in China

China steel market runs vulnerably since September and oversupply continues. Steel price retreats after correcting for some time. Steel price falls at domestic spot market, rebar futures price remains weak, crude steel production sustains high and buying activities from steel consuming industries slacken over the past week. Transaction in the marketplaces performs bleak and pessimistic sentiments spread amid traders.

Medium plate price posts a significant drop with the range of CNY 10 to CNY 60 per tonne in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing within one week. HR coil price heads south amid fluctuation with enlarging decline. Construction steel price retreats with a weekly fall of 10-50 yuan per tonne in Shanghai, Beijing and Tainjin. Construction sites are slowing down buying activities. Therefore, market transaction is hard to uplift even on steel price fall, which causes pessimistic sentiments on the marketplaces.

Iron ore price remains volatile. Domestic iron ore concentrates price keeps stable in Hebei province and transaction is bleak on the whole. Steel mills are not enthusiastic in purchasing and keep domestic ore inventory low. Imported ore price continues rising. Platts 62 Fe content iron ore price index was USD 135 per tonne, a rise of USD 3 from last week. The replenishment in some steel mills pull imported ore price up. However, delivery from global three iron ore giants boosts and ocean freight retreats after a rise, which might lead to downfall in imported ore price in the near future.

Due to oversupply pressure and deficiency of rise in downstream demand, China steel market stays vulnerable since September. As per forecast by China Iron and Steel Association, China's daily crude steel production for early October might be 2.1281 million tonnes, down 1.11% compared to mid October. It remains high and oversupply will last, which is hard to resolve in the short term. Therefore, China steel market is expected to remain bleak.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
Mexico carbon credits scheme could hit steel jobs - Report

Industry insiders have warned that proposals to introduce a system of carbon credit payments could result in job losses in Mexico's steel sector.

The plans, included in the government's proposed tax reforms in September, would see charges imposed on fossil fuel use, including about 70 pesos (USD 5.40) per tonne of coal, in an attempt to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

But bosses at Mexican steelmaker Altos Hornos de México subsidiary Minera del Norte said the proposals would have a damaging effect on the steel industry, a major coal consumer, local daily El Universal reports.

The charges would have a "negative" impact on the sector and jeopardize economic growth and job creation, the company executives were quoted as saying.

Union leaders have also warned the carbon credits scheme would result in the loss of 400,000 jobs in the steel industry as companies are forced to shed staff.

In a separate announcement, local union leader Mr Oliverio López Ramos of section 288 of the national mining-metalworkers union SNTMMSSRM, representing some Ahmsa workers in Monclova, Coahuila state, warned the proposals could affect steel projects and new jobs.

Ahmsa also announced plans to expand methane gas capture technology in use at its coal mining subsidiary Unidad Mimosa which the company said could be used to generate up to 120MW electricity and reduce emissions.

Source -
TATA Steel bags major rail supply contract in UK

TATA Steel, Europe’s second largest steelmaker, has won a contract to supply rail track and steel sleeper plate to Network Rail for at least five years.

Network Rail, the company set up to operate and maintain Britain’s rail infrastructure, has chosen to source more than 95% of its rail from TATA Steel until 2019, with the option to extend this until 2024.

The contract could see TATA Steel, which employs 18,500 people in the UK, supplying more than a million tonnes of rail, including premium products such as 1HPrail®, for Britain’s passenger and freight lines.

Mr Henrik Adam COO of TATA Steel said that “This is fantastic news. I am delighted the rail network in Britain will continue to be made and maintained with our UK rail. This contract win has been made possible by our continued drive to be more customer focused. By working closely with Network Rail, by learning from them and by developing the products and services they need, TATA Steel has shown the benefits this close working relationship can bring."

Network Rail's Group Finance Director, Mr Patrick Butcher said that "We are renewing and enhancing more and more of Britain's railway over the next five years and it's crucial that we have a trusted and secure supply chain to help us achieve that safely and efficiently. It seems obvious, but rails are at the root of everything we do and this contract secures everything we need to keep improving the network."

Since 2000 more than GBP 160 million has been invested in TATA Steel’s advanced rail manufacturing facilities at its Scunthorpe site to enable it to produce the 216-metre long rail customers want. Alongside this investment TATA Steel has transformed the manufacturing logistics to handle the new long rail products required by customers such as Network Rail.

The latest Network Rail deal will account for around 5% of the annual steel output from TATA Steel’s Scunthorpe site.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

Outokumpu asks EU to let it keep Italian steel plant

Reuters reported that Finnish stainless steel maker Outokumpu has asked the European Commission to let it keep the Italian steel plant the company agreed to sell to gain approval for its purchase of ThyssenKrupp's Inoxum unit.

The Acciai Speciali Terni plant has been valued at more than EUR 500 million by Outokumpu but is now expected to sell for less than that due to weakness in the global steel market.

Two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters that Terni, one of Europe's biggest and most modern plants will lose EUR 80 million to EUR 100 million this year and that Outokumpu believes it is not anti competitive to keep it under current conditions.

An industry expert said that the Terni plant, about 100 kilometers north of Rome was valued by one analyst at up to USD 1 billion over a year ago. They have been trying to convince the EU that they should keep Terni since the market situation has completely changed from last year the sector got much worse.

The expert said that refraining from selling the plant could allow more flexibility in valuing it. Leading to a lower writedown in the company's books. On Outokumpu's books they put it at 560 million but probably it will go at EUR 100 million to EUR 200 million.

Outokumpu has twice asked the Commission, which regulates mergers, acquisitions and competition in the EU, to postpone the deadline for selling Terni because the company thought the bids were unsatisfactory. It has now been given until the first quarter of 2014 to complete the sale.

Source - Reuters
US Steel new CEO expected to slash more costs

The USD 1.8 billion charge US Steel announced Friday is the first of several moves that industry analysts expect new CEO Mr Mario Longhi will make to revitalize a company that has not had a profitable year since 2008.

Mr Longhi who took over September 1 for Mr John P Surma, has been given a mandate to drastically slash costs and increase efficiency. So far, the former Alcoa executive has been largely silent about how he intends to do that. But analysts expect Mr. Longhi to rip a page from the playbook that most new CEOs rely on by getting the bad news out of the way early in his tenure.

Among the measures analysts expect is shutting at least one of the company's plants. They cite the glut of current capacity as well as new mills being built that are targeting one of US Steel's most profitable markets: tubular products used in the oil and gas industry.

Analyst Gordon Johnson of Axiom Capital Management in New York City said that "We remain in a structurally over-supplied market. Supply is going to continue to grow at an unhealthy clip."

The glut of steel is only one problem Mr. Longhi faces.

The automotive industry, the company's other attractive market, is being courted by aluminum producers. Alcoa is investing USD 575 million in new equipment to serve auto producers, betting that automakers will rely on aluminum to help meet stricter fuel efficiency standards.

Mr Longhi also inherited several problems, including an underfunded pension plan, which had a USD 2.7 billion deficit at year end.

US Steel has had trouble starting up the first of two units at a new coke substitute plant it is building at its flagship Gary, Ind., mill. Indiana environmental regulators said the first unit was idled during August for maintenance. The company would not comment on the maintenance issue but has said it has slowed work on the second module while it makes improvements to the first.

Source -
Imported iron ore stockpiles rise at Chinese ports

Xinhua reported that stockpiles of iron ore at 25 major ports in China increased last week suggesting sluggish trade.

Inventories of imported iron ore stood at 75.30 million tonnes at the end of the October 15 to 21 periods up 459,000 million tonnes or 0.61% from the previous week.

The price index for iron ore imports with a 62% purity grade rose two points to 135. The index for iron ore imports with 58% purity increased one point to reach 123.

The report said that iron ore trading volume was sluggish because most steelmakers were not active in buying ore and were maintaining a wait and see attitude. It is expected that steel prices will remain weak and the iron ore market is likely to remain slack this week.

Source - Xinhua Net
BHP raises iron ore target as Australian expansions accelerate

Reuters reported that BHP Billiton upgraded its full year iron ore output target as the world's biggest miner ramped up production to capture more of a slower growing market for raw materials.

Shares in BHP posted their biggest one day gain in more than three months as chief executive Mr Andrew Mackenzie who promised a relentless focus on productivity when he took the top job in May said the miner's efforts were paying off.

He said that there's no better example of that than in our iron ore business pointing to faster ore crushing and more efficient rail transport to the port that helped boost its full year iron ore forecast by 2.4% to 212 million tonnes.

Miners are cutting costs and driving assets harder as slowing demand growth for raw materials from China and elsewhere puts more emphasis on economies of scale to keep costs down.

BHP reported a 23% rise in iron ore output in its quarter ended September 30 from a year earlier, boosted by a multi billion dollar expansion of its Australian mines.

Mackenzie reiterated that BHP would take tough decisions on projects that failed to meet the company's investment criteria in the new era of austerity that has swept global miners.

BHP has already cut planned spending for 2013 to 2014 by 25% to AUD 16 billion and has earmarked a further drop for the following year. It is looking to sell assets and focus on iron ore, petroleum, copper and coal.

Source - Reuters

ArcelorMittal Acindar to build new rebar mill in Argentina

Global steelmaker ArcelorMittal has announced that its Argentina based unit ArcelorMittal Acindar will invest USD 100 million in a new rolling mill in Santa Fe province, Argentina.

The rolling mill with an annual production capacity of 400,000 tonne will be built to manufacture steel bars for civil construction. The project is expected to take 18 to 24 months to build, with operations expected to start in two years' time.

The new mill will enhance competitiveness and the company's ability to supply both the domestic market, where there is growing demand for steel products for the construction industry, and export markets. The new rolling mill will also enable ArcelorMittal Acindar to optimize production at its special bar quality rolling mill in Villa Constitución, which in future will only manufacture products for the automotive and mining industries.

ArcelorMittal Acindar has five production sites with a combined annual production capacity of 1.7 million tonne and employs more than 2,700 people.

Source - Visit for more

RS Steel=>Voor mittal verwacht ik hetzelfde ze lossen de verwachtingen in maar omzet blijft achter
French industries are struggling as companies move offshore to take advantage of cheaper manufacturing costs in countries like China and India. The auto and steelmaking sectors have been the hardest hit. In a bid to reverse the decline, French politicians are urging people to “buy French” to revive local economies. RFI met a Frenchman, Benjamin Carle, who is trying to see whether you can really live a life that is entirely “made in France”.
Record production of Rebar and HRC keep price depressed in China

Resounding growth in production of long and flat products has enfeebled sentiments in steel market. Highly sensitive industry has been prone to indulge in production surge at even faint uptick. Taking cue from spirited run in August and September production picked up in September.

Crude steel production touched second highest levels of 65.42 million tonne in September. However October has shown relapse with production dropping 2.128 million tonne per day in the first 10 days of October from 2.152 million tonne in the last 10 days of September.

However the burden of overproduction in September will be carried for some time before the balance is regained. China’s rebar output in September hit a new record high of 18.3 million tonnes, up 1.67% month-on-month from August’s 18 million tonnes.

Likewise the deluge remained prevalent in flat product market price. In September, China produced 15.7 million metric tons up 1.9% from August.

Price levels have dropped by 1% in the last fortnight. The saving grace is that the slide has not been steep since mills have adapted quickly to the changing market dynamics and have been doling out lucrative discount to the traders who have maintained average transaction volume.

Since most of the mills have opted for roll over prices in November with few even taking that extra step back by reducing prices the verdict is clear. Cut down production to contain damage.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Chinese iron ore futures fall for 3rd day on low mill buying

Reuters reported that Chinese iron ore futures fell for a third consecutive session undermined by a lack of significant restocking by steel mills as the demand outlook remains soft.

Steel mills face falling orders in winter due to sluggish consumption in northern regions as the cold halts construction work.

An iron ore trader in Beijing said that mills are having a very hard time and using all means to save costs by keeping iron ore inventories low and buying on a hand to mouth basis adding that relatively low stock levels could prevent a sharp fall in prices.

The most active iron ore contract for May delivery on the Dalian Commodity Exchange dropped to a session low of CNY 942 per tonne down 1.5% from Tuesday, the lowest since the listing of the contract on Friday.

This is equivalent to about USD 127 after stripping out the 17% value added tax and other costs. The benchmark spot price for seaborne iron ore.IO62-CNI=SI fell 0.8 percent to USD 133.3 per tonne for delivery to northern China's Tianjin port on Tuesday, according to data provider the Steel Index.

An iron ore trader in coastal Shandong province said that mills are struggling with tight cash flow and we are having big difficulty selling stockpiles and may have to take losses.

The most traded rebar contract for May settlement on the Shanghai Futures Exchange stood little changed at CNY 3,638 per tonne by the midday break. It earlier touched a near one month high of CNY 3,661 the highest since September 24.

Source - Reuters
China biggest iron ore customer says mining boom not over Mr Robb

CHINA's largest iron ore customer has told Mr Andrew Robb trade minister in Shanghai the Australian mining boom is not over and demand for ore will remain strong.

Mr Robb, the first Coalition minister to visit China since the September election, said yesterday Baosteel president He Wenbo was positive about tax changes proposed by the new government.

Mr Robb who met Mr He at the start of a three day trip said that the Baosteel chief was pleased with the Coalition's promise to roll back the carbon and mining taxes put in place by Labor. There is currently $150 billion worth of mining projects still to be developed in Australia.

Mr Robb said that "Our first legislative move is to reduce the cost of doing business in Australia. We have to make Australia more attractive to investment. A lot of developers have brown fields projects in Australia but they don't necessarily have to be in Australia. We have to make sure that we are competitive."

He said that Australia needed to be 'lean and mean' to attract business and investment from China which is considered the number one trading partner for 123 countries around the world. The next round of negotiations between Australia and China over a free trade agreement will take place next month in Beijing.

The talks have been under way for eight years but Tony Abbott has promised to have a deal finalised in the next year. Cabinet this week granted Mr Robb a mandate this week to expedite the negotiations of FTAs with China, Japan and South Korea.

However, Mr Robb denied the government's decision to place a deadline on the talks would reduce Australia's bargaining position. It's not the timing that is the issue it is trying to meet each of the countries half way. For all three of them the negotiations have stalled and pretty much have been put on hold."

Source -
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