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voor AM is de.ijzererts prijs niet essentieel. AM heeft eigen ijzererts mijnen en kan op de markt goedkoop ijzererts inkopen,
mits zij niet vast zitten aan historische hogere prijs afspraken.
Voor AM iis het belangrijk wat de staal prijzen doen, gaan doen in de nabije toekomst. Zodra de economie hersteld en er meer vraag komt naar staal, zal de staalprijs stijgen.
De.vraag is dus, is de lage prijs van ijzererts nu een voordeel of een nadeel voor AM. Het antwoord is dus , voordeel.
Het hele verhaal over ijzererts prijzen is dus niet helemaal relevant voor AM.
Allemaal die verhalen zijn niet interessant. Belangrijk is hoe de computers van de grote beursjongens ingesteld is.

330ix schreef op 9 juli 2014 15:28:

Allemaal die verhalen zijn niet interessant. Belangrijk is hoe de computers van de grote beursjongens ingesteld is.
Heel erg fijn BMW driver! Ik blijf toch gewoon doorgaan hier. (was ziek, vandaar geen nieuwe aanvoer) :-)

Japan crude steel production estimated to total 27960000 tonnes in Jul-Sept - METI

According to the demand survey for July-September 2014 by the Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry, Japan's crude steel production is estimated to total 27,960,000 tonnes in July to September 2014 or in the Q2 of fiscal 2014 (April 2014 to March 2015), up 0.9% from the definite total of 27,720,000 tonnes in July to September 2013 and up 0.1% from the expected total of 27,950,000 tonnes in April to June 2014. The following are what METI describes as the prospects of the nation's steel demand in July to September 2014.

Demand for ordinary steel products;
Demand is estimated to total 19,170,000 tonnes down 3.4% from the definite total of 19,850,000 tonnes in July to September 2013 and up 2.2% from the expected total of 18,760,000 tonnes in April to June 2014. Of the estimated demand, domestic demand accounts for 12,720,000 tonnes down 2.4% from the definite total of 13,030,000 tonnes in July to September 2013 and up 2.5% from the expected total of 12,410,000 tonnes in April to June 2014. Export demand accounts for 6,450,000 tonnes down 5.5% from the definite total of 6,820,000 tonnes in July to September 2013 and up 1.6% from the expected total of 6,350,000 tonnes in April to June 2014.

Demand for specialty steel products
Demand is estimated to total 5,080,000 tonnes down 0.9% from the definite total of 5,120,000 tonnes in July to September 2013 and up 0.3% from the expected total of 5,060,000 tonnes in April to June 2014. Of the estimated demand, domestic demand accounts for 3,310,000 tonnes down 1.8% from the definite total of 3,370,000 tonnes in July to September 2013 and up 0.5% from the expected total of 3,300,000 tonnes in April to June 2014. Export demand accounts for 1,760,000 tonnes up 0.8% from the definite total of 1,750,000 tonnes in July to September 2013 and up 0.1% from the expected total of 1,760,000 tonnes in April to June 2014.

Domestic consumption of ordinary steel products;
The construction industry is expected to consume a total of 5,524,000 tonnes, down 5.5% from July to September 2013 and up 3.6% from April to June 2014. Of the total, construction would take the first 3,864,000 tonnes, down 8.5% from July to September 2013 and up 0.7% from April to June 2014 and civil engineering the remaining 1,660,000 tonnes up 2.3% from July to September 2013 and up 11.0% from April to June 2014.

Various manufacturing industries are expected to consume a total of 7,196,000 tonnes up 0.1% from July to September 2013 and up 1.7% from April to June 2014. In the breakdown by main consuming sectors, autos would take 2,849,000 tonnes, industrial machinery 1,265,000 tonnes and shipbuilding 1,086,000 tonnes.

Source - The TEX Report
BHP Billiton likely to smash iron ore export targets

SMH reported that BHP Billiton looks set to easily beat its iron ore export target for the 2014 financial year, after data published by its Port Hedland neighbours indirectly shed light on BHP's performance.

Australia's biggest company needed to export about 54 million tonnes of iron ore during the June quarter including tonnes owned by JV partners to meet its full year target of exporting 217 million tonnes.

The miner appears to have easily achieved that, after Fortescue Metals Group and Atlas Iron illuminated Port Hedland data by both publishing their export numbers earlier than expected last week.

Just less than 105 million tonnes of iron ore were shipped through Port Hedland in the June quarter and, after subtracting the contributions of Fortescue and Atlas, BHP appears to have shipped just over 62 million tonnes.

Such a performance would put BHP on track to export well over 220 million tonnes in the 2014 financial year, smashing its guidance and proving that expansions to its Pilbara export system towards 220 million tonnes per year has arrived.

The vow to export 217 million tonnes in the financial year was itself an improvement, after BHP began the year promising to export 207 million tonnes.

Beating the full-year export target would be a boost for the miner, given iron ore remains its biggest money spinner. But it would not be a surprise to analysts, many of whom have been tipping a guidance beat for months.

As far back as April, Adrian Wood analyst of Macquarie was expecting BHP to exceed its iron ore export guidance by 3 million tonnes. The increases have been achieved on the back of an efficiency campaign within the inner harbour of Port Hedland, and BHP iron ore boss Jimmy Wilson recently indicated that campaign would continue for some time yet.

Source - SMH
Brazilian iron ore exports up 8.44pct in H1

According to the information released by the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Brazil's iron ore export volume amounted to 29.55 million tonnes in June this year, decreasing by 3.70% compared to May and up 13.20% compared to the same month of 2013.

Brazil's iron ore export value in June totaled USD 2.31 billion, decreasing by 10.86 percent compared to the previous month and down 10.77% YoY. Meanwhile, in the first half of this year, Brazil's iron ore export volume increased by 8.44% YoY to 156.74 million tonnes.

In June, Brazil's export volume of semi-finished products of iron and steel amounted to 466,449 tonnes increasing by 19.65% compared to the previous month and up 45.8% compared to the same month of the previous year, while these exports were valued at USD 248.82 million, increasing by 22.74% compared to May and up 48.98% YoY. Meanwhile, in the H1, Brazil's export volume of semi finished products of iron and steel amounted to 2.55 million tones down 9.25% YoY.

Source - Visit for more
Heel erg fijn BMW driver! Ik blijf toch gewoon doorgaan hier. (was ziek, vandaar geen nieuwe aanvoer) :-)

Heb ik gezegd, dat ik daar iets op tegen zou hebben?
Iedereen mag posten wat hij/zij wil. Geen probleem.
Dus vooral doorgaan met jouw berichtgevingen.
Groen licht voor overname Fins staalbedrijf

MAANDAG 14 JULI 2014, 19:06 uur | 1 keer gelezen

BRUSSEL (AFN) - De Europese Commissie stemt onder voorwaarden in met de voorgenomen overname van de Finse producent van hoogwaardige staalproducten Rautaruukki door zijn Zweedse branchegenoot SSAB. Dat maakte de commissie maandag bekend.
Voor een definitief groen licht moeten vijf ondernemingen in Finland, Zweden en Noorwegen worden verkocht. Op die manier moet de marktmacht van de carbonproducenten worden beperkt.

SSAB gaf eind januari aan Rautaruukki voor omgerekend 1,1 miljard euro te willen kopen. De gezamenlijke productiecapaciteit van de bedrijven bedraagt zo'n 8,8 miljoen ton staal per jaar. De producten van SSAB en Rautaruukki worden veel gebruikt in de auto-industrie en in de bouw.

Heel erg plezierig dat nu ook wat andere posters met informatie komen!

Alles is van harte welkom.

Gaat zo door a.u.b., daar is deze draad ook voor bedoeld, info, info, en nogmaals info. Wat nuttig, informatief, interessant, leuk, wetenswaardig etc. is is voor iedereen anders.

Feit is wel, dat al die berichten VET gelezen worden. En dat al velen jaren lang. (zolang deze draden al bestaan.)

Nu nog de koers van Arcelor, die al jarenlang op een zielig laag niveau staat.

Succes Staalliefhebbers!
Net het stuk gelezen. Samenvattend: belangrijke elementen die de koers bepalen: Economie Europa, prijs ijzererts vanwege eigen mijnen, kostenreductie. Export Chinees staal in samenhang daarmee druk op de staalprijzen, Chinese economie dient voldoende te groeien om de eigen productie op te dweilen, is nu niet zo.
Voorlopig blijft het nog zeuren.......
Chinese steel industry transiting from production to consumer driven

Gone are the heydays of investment led growth in Chinese economy and consumption of steel reminiscent of past decade.

The last decade was marked with shift in population from rural to urban centers culminating in tremendous demand generation for commodities such as coal and iron ore, and materials such as cement and steel, which are needed to build roads, buildings and railways.

Per capita steel consumption in the last decade tripled from 150 to 450 kg , but the new decade has witnessed change in pattern which is likely see drop in iron ore and steel consumption . The current phase is likely to see rebalancing of supply and demand and a progressive recalibration of prices to long-term, sustainable pricing. The focus will shift to lowering cost and production rationalization to match the market expectations and rein inventory levels.

Future needs will include the next level of value added product demand viz kitchen appliances, heating and air-conditioning, cars etc.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
States seek sharply higher royalty of upto 32% on iron ore

Press Trust of India reported that leading iron ore producing states such as Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Jharkhand have demanded hike in royalty rate on the raw material to up to 32% from 10% now.

Mr Vishnu Deo Sai minister of state for Steel and Mines of India said in a written reply in the Lok Sabha that mineral-rich states had sought an increase in existing rates of royalty on various minerals.

Mr Sai said that "Specifically with regard to iron ore Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Rajasthan have demanded a hike ranging from 12% to 32% on ad valorem basis from the existing royalty rate of 10% on ad valorem basis."

The ministry has recently floated a Cabinet note for an inter ministerial discussion proposing hiking the rate of royalty on iron ore to 15%. The rate is revised every three years. Last revision, however, was made in 2009.

Mr Sai said that his ministry constitutes study groups at regular intervals to study the demands made for revision the rates of royalty on minerals and dead rent to make recommendations.

He said that "The most recent Study Group report was received by the government on June 28th 2013. No decision has been taken by the government on proposed rates of royalty."

Source – Press Trust of India
Vale bond buyers tempted by rebound in iron ore - Brazil Credit

Bloomberg reported that investors are scooping up bonds sold by Vale SA, the world’s largest iron ore producer, on speculation that a rebound in the steel making ingredient from a two year low will reverse a slump in profits.

Yields on the Rio de Janeiro based company’s USD 2.25 billion of notes due 2022 have dropped 0.34 percentage point to a 13 month low of 3.91% since June 16, when ore prices bottomed.

Vale’s notes have returned 2.4% in that period, eclipsing gains in the debt of rivals BHP Billiton Limited and Rio Tinto Group, the world’s two largest mining companies by market value.

Sanford C Bernstein & Company said that bond traders are betting rising iron ore prices will help Vale rebound from a bigger than forecast drop in Q1 profit that was fueled by plunging demand for the metal. Ore has climbed 8.9% since falling to USD 89 per tonne on June 16 and is now set for a dramatic recovery in the H2 as China’s economy improves and high cost producers curb output.

Mr Fabiano Santin, a fixed income analyst at XP Investimentos CCTVM SA, said that “People look at the credit of Vale and they are very comfortable buying the yield that it was showing and holding on to it. For the short term, it will probably reflect what the economic indicators of China have been showing.”

Source - Bloomberg
Productie ijzererts Rio Tinto omhoog

WOENSDAG 16 JULI 2014, 10:11 uur | 154 keer gelezen

LONDEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Rio Tinto heeft zijn productie van ijzererts in het tweede kwartaal met 11 procent verhoogd in vergelijking met een jaar eerder, tot 57,5 miljoen ton. Dat liet het op één na grootste mijnbouwconcern ter wereld woensdag weten.
Om de productie van de grondstof voor staal te vergroten, breidde Rio Tinto zijn capaciteit in het westen van Australië uit. Met de hogere productie wil het bedrijf voldoen aan de sterke Chinese vraag naar ijzererts.
Steel structural demand falls in India with approaching monsoon

Closely following TMT and WRC market trend structural price levels softened in the last 1 week with the onset of monsoon in much of western and central India. Even though monsoon is yet to break in North and Eastern India it is expected within a week’s time according to Meteorological Department reports.

Price levels have softened by INR 500-1000 per tonne for finished however the input material viz., ingot and billet remained relatively firm thereby keeping the cost floor high. Moreover low capacity utilization owing to power shortage has also contributed to ingot prices remaining firm.

Major secondary suppliers in East and Northern region have clung on to their position by maintaining the offer levels however it is certainty that the buying has plummeted by 20% to 30% in the last week. Most of the project based demand has also dried up with onset of monsoon as work has slowed down.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Minister of State for Steel update on steel consumption

Shri Vishnu Deo Sai the Minister of State for Steel, has said that there is no one to one corelation between per capita consumption of steel and steel prices. The steel prices depend on a variety of factors at a given point of time including the demand and supply balance in the market, international price, domestic costs of raw materials, cost of production and delivery, cost of financing, prevailing taxes etc.

Low prices of steel may prompt higher steel consumption. However, price elasticity of steel demand in most cases has been found to be low. Further, estimation of price elasticity is a complex exercise and therefore, no strong conclusion may be drawn on the relationship between price and demand.

In a written reply in the Lok Sabha Shri Vishnu Deo Sai said that the Government has taken the following steps to encourage the use of steel products in rural India:
(I). Has organized steel campaign in rural areas to apprise the benefits of steel usage and promote best practices in mason work using reinforcement bars through the Institute of Steel Development and Growth.

(ii). Has requested all the major steel plants to take up the designs developed by INSDAG for low cost houses with innovative and cost effective technology. INSDAG has also designed bridges and culverts, local huts, panchayat hall, school building, anganwadi centre, cycle shed, community toilets etc. for model rural village.

(iii). Has conducted training programs through INSDAG on Entrepreneurship and Steel Development in rural India. INSDAG has also developed prototype community grain storage bin.

(iv). In order to address the issue of non-availability of steel in the rural areas, has exhorted the major steel producers like Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited, etc to set up rural stock points at various places to make steel (reinforcement bars, structural steel, galvanized sheet for roofing and construction purpose) available in the rural India. This has largely facilitated the use, application and availability of steel in rural areas.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Iron ore closes in on USD 100 as steel strengthens in China

Reuters reported that iron ore climbed to its highest level in almost seven weeks, moving closer to USD 100 per tonne, as firmer steel prices in top market China spurred buying interest in the raw material.

Based on data compiled by Steel Index, Benchmark 62% grade iron ore for immediate delivery to China .IO62-CNI=SI rose 1% to USD 97.90 per tonne the highest since May 27.

Iron ore has risen 10% since dropping to a 21 month low of USD 89 in mid June, so far the trough this year for prices that dropped below the USD 100 support level in May.

The most traded rebar contract for January delivery on the Shanghai Futures Exchange hit a session high of CNY 3,153 per tonne on Tuesday, near Monday's peak of CNY 3,154 which was the highest since May 28.

China's bid to push infrastructure spending to boost its economy has lifted steel futures in Shanghai to their highest since late May. That has helped increase purchases of spot iron ore cargoes, raising chances that prices will bounce back to USD 100 per tonne after falling nearly 30 percent this year.

Source – Reuters
Outokumpu has reached settlement in damages contribution claims pursuant to EU

On July 14th 2014 Outokumpu together with number of other companies have reached full and final settlement agreement on sanitary copper tube cartel claims.

In 2012 Outokumpu was served with a damages contribution claim in the English court by IMI (IMI Plc and IMI Kynoch Ltd) and Boliden AB, after Boliden AB and IMI were served claims for financial loss by members of the Travis Perkins Group. These claims related to a 2004 ruling by the European Commission which concluded that a number of companies were involved in price fixing and market sharing in the sanitary copper tube sector in Europe between June 1988 and March 2001.

Outokumpu considered the claim for damages in the English court proceedings to lack merit, but has decided to contribute to the settlement in order to bring this matter to an end.

Mr Kimmo Karihtala head of Corporate Affairs and Compliance said that “We consider this settlement to be justified, as it is in our best interest to avoid further expense, inconvenience and burden of continuing litigation and to get a final resolution in all claims in relation to sanitary copper tube cartel.”

In addition to Outokumpu the settlement covers also all former Outokumpu subsidiaries included in the claims. The settlement amount is not significant, and it will be booked as a non-recurring item in the Q3 2014 results.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
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