World 2012 scrap consumption totals 570 million tonne - BIR
According to a survey by the Bureau of International Recycling, the world's ferrous scrap consumption totaled 570 million tonnes in calendar 2012 for an all-time high, moving sideways from a year ago. Meanwhile, the world's crude steel production totaled 1,547 million tons in calendar 2012, up 1.2% from the year before. As a result, the ratio of the world's ferrous scrap consumption to its crude steel production stood at 36.8% in calendar 2012, down 0.5% from the previous year. BIR is a global recycling industry organization with headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.
The following are the findings of the BIR survey.
Steelmakers' scrap purchases: 370 million tonnes
Of the world's ferrous scrap consumption of 570 million tonnes, ferrous scrap purchased by steelmakers accounted for 370 million tonnes or 64.9%, no change from a year ago, and home arising material 200 million tons or 35.1%, no change.
Of the purchased ferrous scrap, obsolete scrap accounted for 250 million tonnes or 67.6%, and processed scrap 120 million tonnes or 32.4%.
EU27 nations' scrap consumption: 94.1 million tonnes
Among the world's leading nations and areas, ferrous scrap consumption for steelmaking in calendar 2012 totaled 94.1 million tonnes in the EU27 nations, down 6.0% from a year ago; 79.8 million tonnes in China, down 12.3%; 61.7 million tons in the USA, up 9.4%; 35.5 million tonne in Japan, down 4.6%; 32.4 million tonnes in Turkey, up 5.1%; and 20.1 million tonne in Russia, down 4.4%.
Of the EU27 nations' total consumption, Italy accounted for the largest quantity of 20,845,000 tonne, down 5.8% from a year ago; Germany the second largest of 19,152,000 tonne, down 3.2%; Spain the third largest of 11,392,000 tonne, down 13.2%; France the fourth largest of 8,326,000 tonne, down 4.8%; and Poland the fifth largest of 5,619,000 tonne, down 5.9%.
World scrap trade volume: 106.6 million tonne
The world's ferrous scrap trade volume, including trade volume within the EU, totaled 106.6 million tonne in calendar 2012, down 2.1 million tonne or 1.9% from a year ago, but it stood at the second highest level after what turned out in calendar 2011 from calendar 2000 afterward.
Of the world's ferrous scrap imports in calendar 2012, Turkey took the largest quantity of 22,415,000 tonne, up 4.5% from a year ago; South Korea the second largest of 10,126,000 tonne, up 17.4%; India the third largest of 8,180,000 tonne, up 32.4%; China the fourth largest of 4,974,000 tonne, down 26.5%; and Taiwan fifth largest of 4,955,000 tonne, down 7.0%.
Of the world's ferrous scrap exports in calendar 2012, the USA supplied the largest quantity of 21,397,000 tonne, down 12.2% from a year ago; the EU27 nations the second largest of 19,214,000 tonne, up 2.1%; Japan the third largest of 8,459,000 tonne, up 57.9%; Russia the fourth largest of 4,349,000 tonne, up 7.6%; and Canada the fifth largest of 4,248,000 tonne, down 12.1%.
Intra-EU export volume: 29.36 million tonne
The EU27 nations' ferrous scrap exports to areas outside the EU totaled 19,214,000 tonne in calendar 2012, up 2.1% from a year ago. Of the total, the UK supplied the largest quantity of 5,170,000 tonne, down 3.8% from a year ago; the Netherlands the second largest of 2,839,000 tonne, up 10.5%; Belgium the third largest of 2,230,000 tonne, down 0.8%; Romania the fourth largest of 1,724,000 tonne, down 16.4%; and Germany fifth largest of 1,651,000 tonne, down 1.4%.
The EU27 nations' ferrous scrap exports to areas inside the EU totaled 29,364,000 tonne in calendar 2012, down 6.8% from a year ago. Of the total, Germany supplied the largest quantity of 7,857,000 tonne, down 5.3% from a year ago; France the second largest of 5,248,000 tonne, down 3.7%; the Netherlands the third largest of 2,332,000 tonne, down 11.0%; the UK the fourth largest of 2,126,000 tonne, down 12.8%; and Czech Republic the fifth largest of 1,981,000 tonne, down 0.6%.
Source - The TEX Report