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Aperam Ebitda KW2 2013 $81 mln
Aperam analisten zagen Ebitda KW2 2013 $56 mln
Aperam omzet KW2 2013 $1,366 mrd
Aperam analisten zagen omzet KW2 2013 $1,035 mrd
Aperam: Ebitda KW3 naar verwachting lager dan Ebitda KW2 2013
Aperam: nettoschuld ultimo juni 2013 stabiel op $841 mln
Aperam: nettoschuld zal tijdelijk toenemen in KW3
Aperam: operationele inkomen KW2 $5 mln
Aperam: nettoverlies KW2 $11 mln

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
ArcelorMittal CEO: Koop fabriek ThyssenKrupp geen invloed op schuld

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--ArcelorMittal's (MT.AE) nettoschuld wordt niet aangetast als het staalconcern erin slaagt om de staalfabriek van ThyssenKrupp ag (TKA.XE) in Alabama te kopen, zei CEO Lakshmi Mittal donderdag in een interview met The Wall Street Journal.

De topman wilde verder niet in gaan op details over het verkoopproces. Zijn zoon en CFO Aditya Mittal gaf eerder op de dag ook geen commentaar op de biedingsstrijd, omdat ArcelorMittal een geheimhoudingsovereenkomst heeft getekend met het Duitse industriële conglomeraat.

ArcelorMittal heeft samen met Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. (5401.TO) een bod van $2 miljard gedaan op de fabriek, meldde The Wall Street Journal eerder.

Behalve de fabriek in Amerika wil ThyssenKrupp ook een staalfaciliteit in Brazilie verkopen. Het bedrijf beschouwt beide als te onrendabel, deels vanwege enorme kostenoverschrijdingen, en wil de opbrengst gebruiken om zijn balans te verbeteren.

Door John W. Miller, bewerkt en vertaald door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

ArcelorMittal verlaagt verwachtingen vraag naar staal voor EU en Noord-Amerika

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Staalconcern ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) heeft zijn verwachtingen voor de vraag naar staal dit jaar in Noord-Amerika en de Europese Unie verlaagd, maar verhoogde zijn voorspellingen voor de vraag in China.

Het concern zei nog steeds te rekenen op een groei van de vraag van 3% in 2013. In 2012 bedroeg de stijging 1,7%. Voor China, de grootste producent en consument van staal, wordt nu gerekend op een groei van 5%, waar eerder nog 4% werd voorzien.

ArcelorMittal zei te verwachten dat de staalproductie in China in het tweede halfjaar zal dalen omdat de groei van de investeringen in infrastructuur zal afnemen. Wel voorziet het bedrijf dat de onderliggende vraag naar staal in het Aziatische land robuust blijft.

De verwachtingen voor de wereldwijde vraag, China niet meegerekend, werd naar beneden bijgesteld tot 2% van 3%. Dit was vooral het gevolg van de naar beneden bijgestelde verwachtingen voor de vraag in de Europese Unie en Noord-Amerika.

Voor de EU rekent de onderneming nu op een krimp met 2,5%, waar eerder een krimp van 1,5% werd voorzien. Voor de Noordamerlkaanse Vrijhandelsassociatie (Nafta) wordt een groei voorspeld van 1% in plaats van eerder 2,5%.

- Door Alex MacDonald, vertaald en bewerkt door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Newswires; +31 20 571 52 00;

Aperam operationele winst KW2 beter dan verwacht - ING

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Aperam (056997440.LU) heeft in het tweede kwartaal 23% meer operationele winst (EBITDA) geboekt, wat volgens ING analist Filip De Pauw boven verwachting is. De onderliggende operationele winst kwam uit op $80 miljoen, wat per ton neerkomt op $180, tegenover $152 per ton in het tweede kwartaal van 2012 en $162 per ton in het eerste kwartaal van 2013. Volgens de analist is het een positieve verrassing dat Aperam tot deze verbetering in staat is gebleken, ondanks een scherpe daling van de nikkelprijs en een verslechterende markt. Hij heeft een hold-advies met koersdoel van $11,00 op het aandeel. Omstreeks 10.30 uur noteert het aandeel 5,5% hoger op EUR9,79, terwijl de Midkap met 0,7% stijgt. (LDF)

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

Month closes on sour note in Chinese steel market

But for the last 4 days June has been lively with price rallying by nearly 4%. Even though the revival commenced in June it took another 3 week to peak in market relishing buying on inventory replenishment and expectation of improved economic activity.

Target accomplished but with no perceptible movement in end use demand optimism started evaporating yet again. Economic growth and GDP showing unlikely signs of resurgence in H2 lest credit infusion and concerted effort on production pruning is pursued no major surprises are in store.

Last few days retraction had predictable impact on the SHFE as the short-lived rebound petered out. Yesterday (Jul 30) the most-traded contract of rebar futures closed at CNY 3633 per tonne with transactions slashed by almost 200,000 tonne to 1.412 million counts, mainly attributed to tight credit loans and steel factories’ soaring liability ratio. It is seen that the funds tension will remain to be the pressure weighing on rebar futures.

Bullish sentiment just gained its momentum in the end of June after 4 months’ consecutive decline with rebar futures prices diving over 20% from CNY 4241 per tonne in the peak in February to CNY 3391 per tonne in June. From June 26 to July 19, rebar futures resumed to CNY 3712 per tonne away from the trough of CNY 3442 per tonne. However, on July 30, the transaction volume eyed a free fall of 71.6% to 1.279 million counts, which is deemed as a direct result of negative capital growth.

Steel industry, a capital concentrated sector, has lost its attraction to banks, due to its tough operations, squeezed profits, and credit crisis and even the unbind of loan rates since Jul 21 would not inspire the industry much except for the firm outlook that a deepened backward capacity elimination will be triggered owning to capital chain collapse, which would benefit the whole industry in the long run.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Hebei Province to cut nearly 100 million tonnes of steel capacity in 3 years

It is learnt from conference held by the state owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council in Hebei province that Hebei Steel is determined to wash out over 40 million tonnes of coal capacity and nearly 100 million tonnes of steel capacity in the forthcoming three years, in accordance with central government’s call for excessive capacity cut and ecological environmental protection.

Hence, there’s an increasingly evidence that domestic steel industry is embracing big reshuffle and reorganization in future. Actually, Hebei province is currently troubled with slowed investment and severe overcapacity issue in the process of economic structural adjustment.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
CSN is only hope for ThyssenKrupp Americas - Mr DiMicco

Mr Dan DiMicco chairman of former bidder Nucor Corporation said that ThyssenKrupp AG only hope to sell its unprofitable Americas steelmaking unit is Brazil’s Cia. Siderurgica Nacional SA.

Mr DiMicco in New York, referring to a joint offer made by Luxembourg’s ArcelorMittal and Japan’s Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation. The Brazilian company, known as CSN said that “We’re out, US Steel (X) is out, Mittal and Nippon are out, is their only hope, and they can’t get that deal done.”

ThyssenKrupp has spent more than a year trying to dispose of the unprofitable Americas plants.

Mr Heinrich Hiesinger CEO of ThyssenKrupp is selling them as waning demand from the auto and construction industries and competition from China weakens prices and squeeze profit margins. The Wall Street Journal reported July 25th that negotiations with CSN, Brazil’s third-largest steelmaker.

Mr Stefan Ettwig, a spokesman for the Essen, Germany-based company, said that ThyssenKrupp is in advanced negotiations with a leading bidder on the disposal of Steel Americas. We are also in talks with other interested parties.

Mr DiMicco said that CSN was the leading bidder for the unit, people with knowledge of the matter said in May. ThyssenKrupp, Germany’s largest steelmaker, will have to accept less than the USD 3 billion it was said to be seeking in May for a unit with a book value of EUR 3.4 billion. ThyssenKrupp recorded a EUR 3.6 billion writedown on the unit in December and a EUR 683 million writedown in May.

He said that “If they could get a billion and a half, they’d do that deal.”

Source - Bloomberg
EU steel exports up by 11pct in Q1 2013 - EUROFER

Final trade data for Q1 2013 show EU steel exports to third countries rising 11% YoY. While finished steel products exports hardly increased compared with the same period of last year, semis exports rose significantly.

Available data and first estimates for Q2 signal a slight further rise in export volumes, but a sharp moderation in the YoY growth.

4 months into the year, the EU runs a small trade surplus of 381,000 tonnes per month. This is the result of a continued surplus in long products of 725,000 tonnes per month, whereas the EU remained a net importer of semis to the amount of 330,000 tonnes per month.

For flat products the EU runs a slight trade deficit of 14,000 tonnes per month compared with a trade surplus in 2012.

As flat product exports remained close to the levels registered last year, this basically reflects the marked rise in imports registered so far this year.

Rebar exports continued to dominate the trade deficit in long products, accounting for roughly 50% of the total tonnage involved.

As in the recent past, Algeria remained the most important outlet for EU exports, not only for rebar but also for merchant bar and wire rod. Other main countries of destination are Switzerland, Morocco and Turkey.

In Q2 H2 of 2013, exports are expected to remain at a level which will be relatively close the H1 2013 tonnage; this implies a modest reduction compared with H2 2012 volumes. On balance, this will result in a rise of approximately 2% in total exports over the whole of 2013.

In 2014, total exports are expected to increase moderately, reflecting an expected rebound in global steel demand.

However, the export performance of EU producers will strongly depend on the strength of the Euro versus other currencies, the global steel supply- demand balance and other countries exporting their overcapacity problems

Source - Strategic Research Institute
US Steel Corporation Q2 2013 outlook

Mr John P Surma chairman and CEO of US Steel said that US Steel's outlook for the Q3, "Results for our Flat-rolled and Tubular segments are projected to improve compared to the Q2; however, we expect lower results from our European segment due to a planned blast furnace outage in the Q3.”

Mr Surma said that “Operating results for our Other Businesses are expected to decrease compared to the Q2 to near breakeven. Total reportable segment and Other Businesses results are expected to be comparable to the Q2."

He said that we expect our Flat rolled segment results from operations to improve based on an increase in average realized prices, lower raw materials costs, and lower repairs and maintenance costs partially offset by reduced shipments. Average realized prices are expected to increase compared to the second quarter due to increased spot market prices as well as a more favorable product mix.

Shipments are projected to decrease significantly due to a blast furnace outage at our Great Lakes Works and the Lake Erie Works labor dispute. The represented employees at Lake Erie Works are scheduled to vote on the company's contract offer on July 31st 2013. If the contract is approved, we plan to restart operations as soon as possible. This outlook does not include any effects of a restart of Lake Erie Works.

Q3 results for our European segment are projected to decrease compared to the second quarter. A scheduled blast furnace outage will result in significantly lower shipments and increased facility repairs and maintenance costs. Average realized euro-based prices are expected to be lower compared to the second quarter as decreases in spot and contract market prices are partially offset by the positive effect of a higher percentage of value-added shipments. Raw materials costs are expected to be lower in the third quarter due primarily to lower iron costs.

He added that we expect Q3 results for our Tubular segment to improve compared to the Q2. Shipments are expected to increase to support anticipated drilling activity and average realized prices are projected to be comparable. Operating costs are expected to decrease due to operating efficiencies related to higher production volumes.

Source -Strategic Research Institute

Daar is weer veel staal voor nodig! Wie gaat het leveren?

Bechtel consortium confirms USD 10 billion Riyadh Metro win

Construction Week reported that Bechtel has announced that its consortium has received a letter of award from the Arriyadh Development Authority for a contract worth almost USD 10 billion to build lines 1 and 2 of the Riyadh Metro.

The company is leading a consortium that includes Saudi contractor Almabani, Consolidated Contractors Company and Siemens to deliver the project and is expected to formally sign the contract next month.

The consortium will be responsible for the design, construction, rolling stock, signalling, electrification and integration of lines one and two. Line 1 will run from north to south across Riyadh from Olaya to Batha Corridor, while Line 2 will run from East to West along King Abdullah Road.

Source - Construction Week
Saudi awards USD 23 billion contracts to build Riyadh metro

Arabian Business reported that the Saudi Arabian government awarded USD 22.5 billion in contracts to three foreign led consortia for the design and construction of a metro rail system in the capital Riyadh.

Saudi officials said that the project which will involve six rail lines extending 176 kilometers and carrying electric, driverless trains is the world's largest public transport system currently under development.

US construction giant Bechtel Corporation heads a group which won USD 9.45 billion contract to build two lines. A consortium led by Spain's Fomento de Construccionesy Contratas won USD 7.82 billion contract for three lines, while Italy's Ansaldo STS heads a group that won USD 5.21 billion order.

The government said that design work will start immediately and construction will begin in the Q1 of 2014. The project would be completed in 2019. Flush with cash after more than two years of high oil prices, Saudi Arabia is pumping billions of dollars into infrastructure projects designed to improve living standards and ease social discontent in the wake of the 2011 uprisings elsewhere in the Arab world.

Last August the government approved USD 16.5 billion plan to modernise the transport system in its holy city of Mecca, including building a bus network and a metro system. It is also building several other rail systems, including a 2,750 km line running from Riyadh to near the northern border with Jordan.

Saudi officials said that Riyadh's population was projected to grow from 6 million to over 8 million in the next 10 years, making the metro vital to ease congestion and pollution in the capital's streets.

Source - Arabian

China seaborne iron ore capacity rising

Reuters reported that in 2012, China's iron ore shipments rose 8.4% to a record 743.5 million tonnes and similar growth would lift imports to just over 800 million tonnes this year.

Mr Li Xinchuang deputy secretary general of the China Iron and Steel Association said that China's imports could peak at between 800 million tonnes and 850 million tonnes which represents mills accounting for about 80 percent of China's steel output.

Iron ore has been propped up by the appetite of China's huge steel sector, which analysts and industry officials estimate has excess capacity of around 200 million tonnes of steel a year.

According to calculations based on Reuters data on output, imports and exports, BHP and Rio expect China's steel demand to peak at around 1 billion tonnes only towards 2030. But last year, China's implied steel consumption already stood at 910 million tonnes. Meanwhile, seaborne iron ore supply is only getting bigger.

Rio Tinto is on track to boost its annual production capacity to 290 million tonnes by the end of the year while BHP and Vale aim to be running at respective rates of more than 200 million tonnes and 300 million tonnes by then. Fortescue is on course to lift annual capacity to 155 million tonnes.

Rio aims to step up to 360 million tonnes by 2015, with Vale targeting 402 million tonnes of output by 2017, when it completes the expansion of its Carajas mine.

Source - Reuters
China may launch its own iron ore futures

Xinhua reported that China is likely to launch its own iron ore futures before the end of this year.

Officials with Dalian Commodity Exchange said that the futures trading has been proposed by DCE as part of the efforts to help domestic companies handle price volatility in global market.

DCE has submitted the plan to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for review while the China Iron and Steel Association has agreed with the proposed futures launch.

Mr Chen Wei a DCE official said that “The exchange is soliciting opinions on a draft of futures contracts from various departments and industrial associations.”

Source - Xinhua
Op 1 augustus 2013 hebben de analisten van Independent Research hun beleggingsadvies voor ArcelorMittal (MT; ISIN: LU0323134006) verlaagd. Het beleggingsadvies wordt door Independent Research verlaagd van "houden" naar "verkopen".

Tegelijk wordt ook het koersdoel verlaagd van 9,70 EUR naar 9,10 EUR.

De analisten reageren hiermee op de tweedekwartaalcijfers van het bedrijf, die onder de verwachtingen bleven. Vooral de activiteiten in Noord-Amerika van de staalreus vielen tegen, vond Independent Research.
Prachtig al die koersdoelen en adviezen van analisten maar ik doe er weinig mee. Ook al heeft AM nu teleurgesteld, een baby kan aanvoelen dat als de economie weer aantrekt (en dat gaat zeker gebeuren, de vraag is alleen wanneer) dat AM hier extra van profiteert en dan direct omhoog schiet.

Op dat moment zullen analisten vervolgens koersdoelen bijstellen naar boven. Wat ik hier mee wil zeggen: analisten lopen altijd achter de muziek aan, dus ... bepaal je eigen koers!!
ArcelorMittal exit hinders Rampia coal block development

Business Standard reported that ArcelorMittal's exit from its 12 million tonne greenfield steel plant in Odisha has posed a hurdle to developing the Rampia coal block in the state.

With ArcelorMittal, one of the co-allocates of the coal block, surrendering its share of the block after aborting its steel project, the state government is in a fix over processing of the block. Also, a portion of the Rampia coal block is found to be overlapping with the coal block VIII already acquired in favour of Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. The extent of overlapping has been found to the tune of 426 hectares.

In the wake of these two hurdles, the state steel & mines department has sought clarification from the Coal ministry on grant of prospecting license pending for the coal block.

Mr G Srinivas Odisha steel & mines secretary wrote to joint secretary, Ministry of Coal that "It may be kindly clarified as to whether the overlapped area is to be excluded from the (Rampia) coal block. Further, it may also be clarified as to whether processing for grant of PL should continue in view of one of the co-allocatees having surrendered its share in the allocated coal block.”

The Coal ministry had jointly allocated the Rampia coal block to six companies- ArcelorMittal, Sterlite Energy, GMR Energy, Lanco Group, Navabharat Power and Reliance Energy in 2008.

A joint venture company- Rampia Coal Mine & Energy Pvt Ltd was incorporated for developing the coal mine with a shareholding of 13.04% by ArcelorMittal. The steel giant's allocation was of 84.16 million tonne of coal for 30 years for its proposed 750 MW power plant proposed in Keonjhar, the site of its now shelved steel project.

Source - Business Standard
ArcelorMittal Q2 and H1 2013 results

ArcelorMittal, MTS, the world’s leading steel company, announced results for the 3 and 6 month periods ended June 30th 2013.


1. Health and safety performance maintained in 2Q 2013 with a LTIF rate of 0.9x

2. EBITDA of USD 1.7 billion in Q2 2013, representing a 19% underlying improvement compared to Q1 2013

3. Steel shipments of 21.3 million tonne in Q2 2013, an increase of 1.7% as compared to Q1 2013

4. Q2 2013 own iron ore production of 15 million tonne, up +3.8% YoY; 8.2 million tonne shipped and reported at market price, flat YoY

5. Net debt decreased to USD 16.2 billion as of June 30th 2013, driven by improved cash flow from operations and M&A proceeds

6. USD 0.6 billion annualized management gains achieved during H1 2013, in line with plan to achieve $3 billion of cost improvement by the end of 2015

7. Completion of AMMC capacity expansion from 16 million tonne to 24 million tonne; iron ore production to ramp-up during H2 2013

Outlook and guidance:
In line with our guidance framework, underlying profitability is still expected to improve in 2013, driven by three factors:

1. A 1% to 2% increase in steel shipments

2. An approximate 20% increase in marketable iron ore shipments

3. The realized benefits from Asset Optimization and Management Gains initiatives

Nevertheless, due largely to lower than forecast apparent demand and lower than anticipated raw material prices, the Company now expects to report 2013 EBITDA greater than USD 6.5 billion.

Due to an expected investment in working capital and the payment of the annual dividend, net debt is expected to increase in 2H 2013 to approximately USD 17 billion; the USD 15 billion medium term net debt target is unchanged 2013 capital expenditures are now expected to be approximately USD 3.7 billion

Mr Lakshmi N Mittal chairman and CEO of ArcelorMittal said that "The operating environment in the first half continued to be challenging but we have delivered progress in a number of important areas. The benefits of our restructuring efforts particularly in Europe are evident; strong cash-flow performance has enabled us to reduce net debt to below our mid-year target and the expansion of ArcelorMittal Mines Canada is largely complete and will ramp up during the H2.”

Mr Mittal said that “Although we have revised our full year guidance, the H2 should deliver a clear underlying improvement relative to the second half of 2012, which we believe marked the lowest point in the cycle."

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Wuhan Steel Holds 40 billion tonnes of iron ore interest - Report

Deng Qilin, President of Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corp., announced on July 31 the operation at Bong mine, the company’s largest project in West Africa, local media Wuhan Evening News reported on August 02.

Wuhan Steel, the fourth biggest steel maker in terms of steel output, is less than 30% sufficient in iron ore supply. To change the situation, Wuhan Steel is purchasing iron ore worldwide and sign iron ore development and supply contract with multi countries at the same time.

Wuhan Steel holds more than 40 billion tonnes of iron ore interest and is the largest iron ore holder among global steel companies, local media reported.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
Progress in Karnataka and Jharkhand not satisfactory - Mr LN Mittal

.After scrapping its USD 12 billion venture in Odisha, world's largest steel maker ArcelorMittal said progress in two other projects in Karnataka and Jharkhand involving investment of USD 18 billion is not very satisfactory.

Company chairman Mr LN Mittal, while commenting on the April to June quarter results of the company, said ArcelorMittal may think of exiting these two projects if no substantial progress is made soon.

He said that "There is a progress in these states (Karnataka and Jharkhand), but at the same time, we would like to make it clear that these progresses are still not very satisfactory, we will have to continue to watch and see what is the progress. We will continue to watch and see our options going forward because if there is no progress in these states, we may have to think differently.”

On July 17, ArcelorMittal had quit its USD 12 billion project, involving 12 million tonnes (MT) mega steel plant, in Odisha citing inordinate delays in land acquisition and securing other clearances as reasons. It is also facing delays in Jharkhand, particularly on the land acquisition front, which has to be acquired by state government agencies.

Source - PTI

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