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rene l
3x is scheepsrecht, het einde van de crisis is in zicht.
Hans, je bent werkelijk een computervirtuoos en sneller dan het licht.
Ik zag net een bobo van de AFM op tv, harde uitspraken, we moeten de zooi maar snel oplossen en 2013 kan nog wel eens beter worden dan iedereen nu denkt.
Ik denk er ook zo over!

rene l schreef op 21 september 2012 17:15:

3x is scheepsrecht, het einde van de crisis is in zicht.
Hans, je bent werkelijk een computervirtuoos en sneller dan het licht.
Ik zag net een bobo van de AFM op tv, harde uitspraken, we moeten de zooi maar snel oplossen en 2013 kan nog wel eens beter worden dan iedereen nu denkt.
Ik denk er ook zo over!
Bedankt Heren!
Tja, over sneller dan licht, ook dat is mogelijk. :-)
Opmerkelijk vind ik het volgende bericht van gisteren (vrijdag):

"One unusual trade that caught our eye yesterday was the sale of 5,000 US Steel [X 19.94 -0.19 (-0.94%) ] Jan '14 5.0-strike puts for $0.34. The trade is unusual because 'X' closed yesterday at 20.13, making these puts 75% out of the money."

Dat is dus zo ongeveer hetzelfde als dat iemand 5000 contracten schrijft voor mittal met een uitoefenprijs van 3 euro, expiratie januari 2014.

Dat iemand die wil schrijven snap ik wel, maar dat iemand ze ook wil kopen vind ik opmerkelijk.

Kan onderdeel van spread zijn , bv. schrijft 5000 MT op 7 en koopt er 5000 op 5 euro . Zo is je verlies gelimiteerd .


barcus schreef op 22 september 2012 15:10:

Kan onderdeel van spread zijn , bv. schrijft 5000 MT op 7 en koopt er 5000 op 5 euro . Zo is je verlies gelimiteerd .

Is geen onderdeel van een put spread want dat zou meteen duidelijk zijn.

Artikel suggereert een shorter die wat inkomen genereert.

Maar het punt is: wie koopt er puts met uitoefenprijs 5 euro terwijl de koers op 20 euro staat. Die koper verwacht dus een daling van 75% in ongeveer een jaar.

Equivalent voor Mittal zou zijn een put met uitoefenprijs 3 euro, exipratie over ruim een jaar.

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih crude steel output up 19pct in Jan to Jul

It is reported that in the January to August period of the current year, the crude steel production of ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, Ukrainian subsidiary of global steel giant ArcelorMittal totaled 4.2 million tonnes up by 16.4%YoY.

In addition, in the first eight months of the year ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih registered a 12.5% increase YoY in its finished steel output to 3.6 million tonnes. During the period in question, pig iron production at ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih increased by 19.2%YoY to 3.7 million tonnes.

In August alone crude steel production at ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih increased by 2.3% to 544,200 tonnes, output of finished steel went up by 4.1% to 496,100 tonnes and production of pig iron moved up by 5% to 485,300 tonnes.

Source - Visit for more
Chinese steel prices loses steam on hiked inventory

Flip flop continued in Chinese steel prices with minor correction today after nearly 3 weeks of resounding rally of 7%. Even though the dip was faint it was enough to set the grapevine agog with an imminent decline.

The abrupt price rally in over the last 3 weeks had spurred mills into unleashing production expectant of hiked off take.

Latest statistics from the China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) revealed that the average daily crude steel output of the major large and medium-sized steel enterprises in the first 10 days of Sep climbed by 2.89% from Aug 21-31. Notably the inventories at the major steel mills in early Sep inched up by 1.77% from late August.

Eventually the rapid capacity release and hiked inventory has taken toll of the prices which in any case had speculative tenor.

However with the approaching National Holidays an element of freakish rally cannot be ruled out since expectations of pre-winter stocking might flare the prices after holidays.

To know more about these indices please visit

To know exact prevailing steel prices in China on daily basis, subscribe to services of SteelHome by sending a mail to

(Sourced from www.

China to build USD 100 million steel plant

The China Machine Building International Corporation which is a Chinese government company has pledged to establish USD 100 million iron ore mining and integrated steel plant in Mbarara district. The plant is expected to be fully operational 18 months after its construction has begun.

Mr Li Fengshan GM of CMBIC said in a meeting with President Mr Yoweri Museveni at a meeting that he held with the visiting Chinese delegation at his country home in Rwakitura, Kiruhuura district.

Mr Li Fengshan said that the Chinese Government had earmarked a grant of over USD 200 million loan dedicated to the establishment of a steel industry in some selected African countries.

Welcoming the Chinese delegation, President Mr Museveni emphasized the importance of the steel project and said it would go a long way in spurring the much needed development of the infrastructure in Uganda. We need steel industry very badly because the government does a lot of construction works, especially the construction of dams that needs fresh steel iron ore.

The President further told the Chinese guests that once the steel is established; transport costs that were hitherto being incurred in the transportation of steel would be reduced drastically.

According to well researched studies, the major problems facing the Ugandan steel industry are primarily low product quality and quantity and shortage of raw materials. However, the installation of continuous casting of steel by the Jinja based Steel Rolling Mills and another Iganga based Tembo Steel Mills all in Eastern Uganda, has improved on the level of production in the country. Uganda is home to proven high quality iron ore resources in the Eastern and South Western Regions exceeding 100 million tons.

Uganda’s steel and iron industry has also been growing at unprecedented rates averaging over 30% and 40% per annum for imports and exports respectively mainly due to the booming housing and construction sector in the country itself and the region as a whole. Steel demand in Uganda that is estimated at over 150,000 tonnes per annum is well above the actual steel production of over 60,000 tonnes per annum.

Source - Ultimate Media Consult
Rail projects will boost steel demand in China by 3pct - Citigroup

China Daily reported according to Citigroup Inc steel demand in China will climb 3%, as a result of USD 157 billion worth of approved new rail projects,

It said “The recent stimulus measures announced are unlikely therefore to materially increase steel demand; we forecast an incremental uptick of 3%.”

The bank said in a report that china's steel capacity of 718 million tonnes in 2009 has grown by 23% to 884 million tonnes but the steel consumption intensity to fixed asset investment has also dropped 40% since 2009

Source: China Daily
Can China adjust to slower steel demand growth - Mr Andy Home

Mr Andy Home wrote that there will be no sustainable recovery either in steel prices or in raw material markets such as iron ore and coking coal until China, the world's largest producer, follows suit.

Superficially, a 1.7% YoY drop in August output would seem to suggest that China's legion steel mills are getting the message.

There are two problems, though.
This pull back is coming from an extremely elevated base. Chinese production had been running at near-record levels right through to July.

At 691 million tonnes annualized August's production was still high by any yardstick other than the preceding few months.

Secondly, the higher frequency figures from the China Iron and Steel Association showed output re accelerating in the first part of this month.

This was probably a reaction to the combination of lower iron ore inputs after last month's brutal sell off and a sharp rally in Shanghai steel rebar futures at the start of this month. That rally was fueled by China's gift wrapped announcement it was speeding up infrastructure spend to help stimulate its flagging economy. However, the so called stimulus proved to be all pretty packaging and little substance.

Shanghai investors' disappointed reaction was clear to see on Thursday, when rebar futures recorded their heaviest ever daily slump.

So, we're pretty much back where we started: China's steel industry producing too much metal relative to actual demand. Margins are still painfully compressed, inventories are still too high and Chinese net exports are booming, flooding other markets with excess material.

August's trade figures showed net export growth running at close to 20% YoY in the first eight months of 2012. At the heart of the Chinese steel puzzle is the challenge facing a fractured sector of how to respond to slower demand growth. Right now, too many Chinese mills are still pumping out too much steel, unprepared to sacrifice market share to margin pain. That pain is the single most important reason why iron ore prices have bombed.

It's not as if the country is importing less. August imports were up almost 6% YoY. But buyers are destocking higher priced material and bargain hunting for fresh replacement units. There seems to be a growing realization that iron ore prices won't recover until Chinese steel prices recover and steel prices won't recover until production is cut back more aggressively to reflect real end user demand.

It's about learning to live with excess production capacity, a lesson that other parts of the steel world have had to learn in the past, witness European mills' (relatively) fast response to slowing demand signals. And it's a lesson that China's steel sector will need to learn going forwards as well.

The next couple of months should provide some insight as to whether an industry shaped by the battle for share of a fast-expanding market can shift to one shaped by operating margin and collective discipline.

Source: Mr Andy Home of Reuters
ArcelorMittal Scholarship applicants appeal for extension

A group of aggrieved Liberians have expressed their frustration relative to the Arcelor Mittal Scholarship for advanced studies. The group through its spokesperson, Mr Terrence Cummings said while it is true that they appreciate and welcome the brilliant idea of Mittal Steel for formulating this advanced scholarship scheme, it would be prudent to make some extension for the process.

The scholarship applicants said while the exercise is intended to improve or develop the human resource capacity of Liberians, Arcelor Mittal should exercise some patience and give them adequate time to process their respective papers for the scholarships.

The applicants, who acknowledged that the exercise is intended to contribute to the post war development initiatives of Liberia, equally expressed their frustration over the hasty manner in which the exercise is being carried, noting that it takes time to process documents.

Their spokesman said that "We strongly believe that there are several potential drawbacks as it relates to the application procedures and processes. We firstly want to point out that the September 28th 2012 application deadline is very short considering the length of time it takes for Universities anywhere in the world to process foreign student's application."

The applicants said most universities take approximately 1 to 2 months to process foreign students' application and regret that Arcelor Mittal did not take into consideration such time line.

The applicants further said countries like Australia and Sweden require TOEFEL test result and GMAT scores in order to get admission or acceptance letter which takes several weeks.

The groups said the Management of Mittal Steel and Ministry of Education Scholarship Committee should have assessed all of the universities or countries that were identified and ascertain the length of time it takes to process foreign students' application before setting its application deadline.

They said that "Also, we want the Ministry of Education vetting committee to call on the Management of Mittal Steel to extend its application deadline in a realistic manner so that the program can yield the intended results."

The applicants claimed that some of them have spent up to USD 500.00 to DHL their documents to the respective universities inclusive of application fees via banking transfer only to encounter such a setback.

They said that "Most of the universities' next admission semester or intake is January 2013 and if the Management of Mittal Steel in consultation with the MOE vetting committee can extend the application deadline up to the end of November 2012 then our frustration would be eased."

The scholarship beneficiary stated that "We also want to call on the government of Liberia through the office of the President of Liberia, Madam Ms Ellen Johnson Sirleaf since the National Legislature is on recess to intervene on our behalf as a way of moving Liberia forward. It is quite a blessed thing to have Liberians who are desirous of acquiring the requisite knowledge and skills in order to better our country."

Source - The Inquirer
S&P affirms Ratings BBB- ratings on Hyundai Steel

Standard & Poor's Ratings Services has affirmed its BBB- long term corporate credit and debt ratings on Korea based steelmaker Hyundai Steel Co.

S&P said that "At the same time, we kept the outlook on the ratings at stable. However, we lowered the standalone credit profile for Hyundai Steel to bb from bb+ while reflecting two notches of support from its parent Hyundai Motor Group, whose core company is Hyundai Motor Co, instead of one notch."

Mr Sangyun Han, a credit analyst at Standard & Poor's, said that "The rating affirmation reflects our expectation that a strong likelihood of support from the group would offset deterioration in the financial risk profile for Hyundai Steel over the next 12 to 18 months. We expect the financial risk profile to deteriorate until 2013 as a result of its investment in a new blast furnace but to recover from 2014, when the blast furnace is due to commence operation. Also, we believe the new blast furnace is likely to increase the company's strategic importance to the group, whose credit quality has strengthened, as evidenced by our raising of the ratings on Hyundai Motor in March 2012."

S&P said that "Our lowering of the SACP for Hyundai Steel to bb from bb+ reflects our view that measures of the company's credit quality are unlikely to be commensurate with the current SACP over the next 12 to 18 months, because of investment in the new blast furnace and a challenging environment for the steel industry amid moderating demand for steel."

S&P said that "The stable outlook reflects our expectation that investment in the new blast furnace is likely to weaken the company's financial risk profile in 2012 and 2013, but operation of the new blast furnace will likely produce a recovery in 2014. Also, the stable outlook reflects a strong likelihood that the group will support Hyundai Steel in the event of financial distress, given the steelmaker's increasing importance to the group."

It concluded that "We may lower the ratings on the company if the ratio of its FFO to debt falls below 12% on a sustained basis, likely as a result of weak operating cash flow due to challenging market conditions or heavier than expected capital investment. Also, we may lower the rating if the company's relationship with the group weakens significantly. On the other hand, we could raise the rating if the financial risk profile for the company improves, such as if it exceeds 25% of FFO to debt on a sustained basis. Also, we could raise the rating if the company's relationship with the group strengthens significantly."

Source - Standard & Poor's
ArcelorMittal wil twee Franse hoogovens sluiten - media

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Staalbedrijf ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) is van plan om twee hoogovens in zijn staalfaciliteit in het Franse Florange permanent te sluiten, schrijft de Franse krant Liberation donderdag, zonder vermelding van bronnen.

Volgens de krant heeft het staalconcern de Franse regering van zijn beslissing op de hoogte gesteld.

Er werken ongeveer 550 mensen in de twee hoogovens.

De krant schrijft verder dat de Franse regering het concern heeft aangespoord om de activiteiten voor een symbolisch bedrag van e e n euro te verkopen, maar er is nog geen overeenkomst gesloten.

Door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;
ArcelorMittal advies omlaag naar sell - Goldman Sachs

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Goldman Sachs heeft het advies voor ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) verlaagd naar sell van neutral en het koersdoel gaat naar EUR9 van EUR14. De analisten verlagen tevens hun EBITDA voorspellingen voor de tweede helft van 2012 en voor geheel 2013. Ze stellen dat het moeilijk blijft om vooruit te kijken, maar verwachten nu dat de vraag naar staal en de referentieprijzen in 2013 4% zullen dalen ten opzichte van 2012, waar ze eerder rekenden op een verbetering van de staalmarkten. Deze visie zien ze ondersteund door aanhoudende zwakte in de vraag naar Europese auto-, constructie- en kapitaalgoederen. Omstreeks 9.40 uur noteert het aandeel 0,7% hoger op EUR11,64, terwijl de AEX met 0,5% stijgt. (LDF)

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

Aperam koersdoel omhoog naar EUR16 van EUR14 - Goldman Sachs
Aperam advies blijft buy - Goldman Sachs

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
ArcelorMittal offers USD 650 million subordinated perpetual capital securities

ArcelorMittal has announced the successful pricing of an offering of USD 650 million subordinated perpetual capital securities.

The securities have no fixed maturity date and are deeply subordinated. They bear interest at 8.75% per annum, subject to the right of the Company to defer interest payments. The initial coupon will reset periodically over the life of the Securities, with the first reset in year five and subsequently every five years thereafter. There will be a step up in interest of 25bps on the second reset date and a subsequent step up of 75bps (cumulative with the initial 25bps) fifteen years later.

The company will be entitled to call the securities in year five, in year ten, and on subsequent interest payment dates. The Company will also have the option to redeem the securities upon specific accounting, tax, rating agency or change of control events.

The securities will be accounted for as equity in ArcelorMittal's consolidated financial statements prepared under IFRS. The net proceeds of this issue will be used for the general financing purposes of ArcelorMittal and its consolidated subsidiaries, including the repayment of existing debt.

Source - ArcelorMittal

Iron ore unlikely to rebound as China slows - Shale Inland

According to Shale Inland Holdings LLC, iron ore prices, down by 25% in 2012, probably won't rebound as the economy slows in China, the world's biggest importer and steelmaker.

Mr Craig Bouchard CEO of Shale Inland said that prices for steel, which have dropped 10% in 2012, also won't recover.

He added that "There's not going to be a recovery in steel in the next six months. You can't expect a recovery in iron ore prices until we see a recovery in the world economy."

The North America price for hot rolled coil, a benchmark metal used in cars, trucks and appliances, fell by 2.8% in the week ended September 25th 2012 to USD 629.17 a short tonne. Iron ore for immediate delivery was unchanged at USD 103.70 a ton.

Source - Bloomberg
ArcelorMittal dock wall collapses during iron ore off loading at Port of Indiana

According to local news media, an ArcelorMittal dock wall collapsed early on September 25th 2012 at the Port of Indiana Burns Harbor while iron ore concentrate was being off loaded by a ship operated by Algoma Central Corporation.

Reports indicated that the vessel had 26,000 tonnes of concentrate aboard, a typical shipment for the company. No injuries were reported on account of the incident.

No damage to the vessel was reported and ArcelorMittal said in a statement that there would be no impact on the company's production or ability to serve its customers.

Source - Visit for more

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