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White House claims victory on cliff deal

2:37 pm January 1, 2013, by Jamie Dupree

The White House on New Year's Day proclaimed victory on the fiscal cliff deal that only hours earlier had made it through the U.S. Senate on a vote of 89-8, labeling it a "victory for middle-class families and the economy."

What follows is a fact sheet/press release issued by the White House trumpeting different provisions of the fiscal cliff plan, showing what Democrats are emphasizing from this deal.
mvliex 1

elf schreef op 1 januari 2013 19:57:

Lees de koersbewegingen van de DJ en Nederlandse fondsen op WS nog maar eens na.
mvliex 1
Hogere belastingdruk door begrotingsdeal

Gepubliceerd op 1 jan 2013 om 19:31
WASHINGTON (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Ruim driekwart van de Amerikanen gaat meer belasting betalen door het begrotingsakkoord dat maandag door het Witte Huis en de Republikeinen is gesloten. De belastingdruk neemt vooral toe, omdat een korting op loonbelasting gaat verlopen. Dat blijkt uit een berekening van het onpartijdige centrum voor Belastingbeleid (Tax Policy Center) in Washington.

Vooral werkende mensen in de hoogste inkomenscategorie gaan meer afdragen, ook op dividend en vastgoed. Volgens het centrum zullen de mensen met inkomens boven de 506.210 dollar, een procent van de belastingbetalers, gemiddeld 73.633 dollar meer belasting gaan betalen.
Fiscal cliff deal in balance as House of Representatives weighs options

Hopes of avoiding tax rises for majority of Americans reside with Republicans as prospect of Tea Party rebellion lingers

John Boehner
The Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, is pursued by the press. Photograph: J Scott Applewhite/AP

The fate of a deal to resolve America's fiscal cliff crisis hung in the balance on Tuesday, in spite of an overwhelming vote in the Senate hours earlier in favour of a compromise bill aimed at ending the long-running saga.

President Barack Obama hailed the Senate vote and called on the House of Representatives to act "without delay". The House, where the Republicans have a majority, held a rare New Year's Day session to discuss what to do next. Obama was looking for a deal to be in place to calm Wall Street before it re-opened on Wednesday.

The office of the Republican House speaker, John Boehner, could not confirm whether he would even schedule a vote on the bill on Tuesday. Boehner, in theory, should be able to push the bill through with a combination of moderate Republicans and Democrats, even in the face of a revolt by Tea Party-backed members of Congress.

The bill passed by the Senate offered a partial victory for Obama, fulfilling an election campaign promise to raise taxes on the wealthiest. But he failed to secure a deal that encompassed the country's bigger economic issues, ensuring another showdown with Congress as early as next month.

Both Republicans and Democrats expressed unhappiness with the bill. Democrats accused Obama of giving too much ground to the Republicans, setting too high a threshold for tax increases to kick in. Republicans claimed the deal failed to address America's burgeoning deficit.

One of the conservative House Republicans, Michele Bachmann, indicated she would vote against, saying the bill increased revenue without dealing with spending. "It is a cynical, planned move by the president," she told Congress.

Republicans scheduled at least two closed-door meetings on Tuesday to discuss the issues with their leadership. The White House dispatched vice-president Joe Biden to Congress to persuade liberal Democrats in the House to back the bill.

The bill passed by the Senate, with 89 senators in favour and eight against, is a messy, short-term deal that raises taxes on the wealthiest but postpones for two months any consideration of spending cuts. The vote came at 2am on Tuesday, too late to prevent the country breaching the midnight fiscal cliff deadline. Taxes for all Americans automatically went up on 1 January and all federal programmes, from defence to welfare, faced deep spending cuts.

To reverse this, the House must also vote for the bill, which confines tax rises to individuals earning $400,000 or more a year and households earning $450,000 or more. It postpones spending cuts for two months, to allow further negotiations. Estate tax also rises, to 40% from 35%, but inheritances below $5m are exempted from the increase. Benefits for the unemployed are extended for another year.

The House presents a much bigger hurdle than the Senate, not only because the Republicans have a majority but because of the presence of a bloc of Tea Party-backed Republicans. The Republicans have 241 members to the Democrats' 191.

Boehner's instinct is towards compromise but he has had trouble keeping the Tea Party bloc under control. Theoretically, he has enough votes to push a bill through, but he is coming up for re-election as Speaker and will not want to alienate conservative Republicans.

The deal was thrashed out in the past few days between Biden and the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell. It partly fulfills one of Obama's election campaign promises: to raise taxes on the wealthiest. But Obama was forced to compromise: he wanted higher taxes to kick in at $250,000 a year.

In a statement, the White House welcomed the compromise: "For the first time in 20 years, Congress will have acted on a bipartisan basis to vote for significant new revenue. This means millionaires and billionaires will pay their fair share to reduce the deficit through a combination of permanent tax rate increases and reduced tax benefits."

The statement added that 98% of families would not face tax rises, assuming the House also voted for the deal.

Obama had wanted, as part of a deal, an assurance from the Republicans that they would not mount another showdown in a few months' time, when he has to raise the debt ceiling. But he failed to get this, ensuring yet another confronation between the White House and Repubicans in Congress in late February and early March.

The Republican senator John McCain, who voted for the deal, said: "Despite my disappointment with many aspects of this agreement, I cannot in good conscience stand by and watch taxes go up on all Americans.

"However, it should be embarrassing to all of us that it took until the last hours of the last day of the year to address an issue we should have dealt with months ago. This marks another sad chapter in what has been the least productive Congress since 1947."
Het Amerikaanse Huis van Afgevaardigden zal het begrotingsakkoord dat al wel door de Senaat is goedgekeurd, nog willen aanpassen. Dat zei de Republikeinse afgevaardigde Lamar Smith na een bijeenkomst van de Republikeinen uit het Huis. Wat dit betekent voor de termijn waarop het akkoord, dat vandaag aan het Huis van Afgevaardigden wordt voorgelegd, zal worden goedgekeurd is onduidelijk.

De Amerikaanse president Barack Obama riep de leden van het Huis van Afgevaardigden eerder op de begrotingsdeal vandaag goed te keuren. De maatregelen moeten voorkomen dat de Verenigde Staten verder richting de zogenoemde fiscal cliff afglijden. Als de afspraken over de staatsfinanciën niet voor woensdagochtend door het Huis van Afgevaardigden komen, zullen aandelenbeurzen wereldwijd een negatieve reactie laten zien, is de verwachting.

De Republikeinen verontschuldigen zich inmiddels in alle toonaarden vóór het wetsontwerp te hebben gestemd onder het motto ´we zien geen andere mogelijkheden´ of ´in het landsbelang´(waar kennen we die kreet ook alweer van ?) en willen nu zo nodig hier en daar nog wat pinknagels in de pap om niet helemaal voor schut te gaan.

Maar de kiezers weten het al en die belastingverhoging is in ieder geval beperkt gebleven.
>>>> Als de afspraken over de staatsfinanciën niet voor woensdagochtend door het Huis van Afgevaardigden komen, zullen aandelenbeurzen wereldwijd een negatieve reactie laten zien, is de verwachting.<<<<<
GOP lawmakers emerge from their closed door meeting on fiscal cliff deal, arguing they need more budget cuts
Rep Dan Webster R-FL: "I don't think many people saw any spending cuts" in the fiscal cliff deal

While a number of Republicans said they want amendments to add spending cuts, it was unclear what GOP would do
Rep Austin Scott R-GA: "I'm somewhat baffled...that the Senate wants to add additional spending"

Rep Jeff Miller R-FL: "The leadership heard from the rank and file that they are not satisfied with the bill"
GOP lawmakers will meet again later today; timing of that meeting and House vote on the fiscal cliff deal >>> unclear <<<<<

Also making waves inside the meeting was Rep Eric Cantor R-VA saying he was against the fiscal cliff deal
House Democrats call for clean vote on cliff deal

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Senior House Democrats on Tuesday pressed their Republican colleagues to schedule a vote on the fiscal-cliff agreement reached by President Barack Obama and Senate leaders and passed by the Senate Tuesday morning. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said she wanted the measure to come to a vote without amendments. "We look forward now to see what the timing will be for a straight up-and-down vote," Pelosi said at a news conference following a three hour closed-door meeting with Vice President Joe Biden. Republicans were meeting separately amidst growing talk that many of their party want to amend the deal to include more spending cuts and send it back to the Senate. Democrats held back on saying they support the fiscal-cliff deal, saying that it was still under review.
hier zijn we nog niet mee klaar . . .

CBO says Senate deal adds $4 trln to deficit

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The Congressional Budget OFfice estimated Tuesday that the Senate-approved deal to avert the fiscal cliff will add $4 trillion to the federal deficit over the next decade. The estimate fueled opposition to the deal among House Republicans. A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said the lack of spending cuts in the Senate bill was "a universal concern" among Republicans.There were signs that many Republicans want to amend the deal and send it back to the Senate.
>> Meer dan 80 procent van de huishoudens die tussen de 50.000 en 200.000 dollar verdienen, gaan gemiddeld 1.635 dollar per jaar meer afdragen. De zwaarste last komt bij de grootste verdieners. Mensen met inkomens boven de 506.210 dollar per jaar, een procent van de belastingbetalers, gaan gemiddeld 73.633 dollar meer belasting betalen. Dat gebeurt onder meer ook omdat er meer zal moeten worden afgedragen over inkomsten uit beleggingen, dividend en vastgoed. Ook hier geldt dat de mensen met de hoogste inkomens meer afdragen. Iemand die boven de 2,7 miljoen dollar verdient, gaat gemiddeld bijna 445.000 dollar meer belasting betalen.
Happy N Y

Toch zielig als je hier op Nieuwjaarsdag al om 8.12 u. met jezelf zit te praten....

WASHINGTON (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - Het Amerikaanse Huis van Afgevaardigden zal het begrotingsakkoord dat al wel door de Senaat is goedgekeurd, nog willen aanpassen. Dat zei de Republikeinse afgevaardigde Lamar Smith na een bijeenkomst van de Republikeinen uit het Huis.

Wat dit betekent voor de termijn waarop het akkoord, dat dinsdag aan het Huis van Afgevaardigden wordt voorgelegd, zal worden goedgekeurd is onduidelijk.

De Amerikaanse president BarackObama riep de leden van het Huis van Afgevaardigden eerder op de begrotingsdeal dinsdag goed te keuren. De maatregelen moeten voorkomen dat de Verenigde Staten verder richting de zogenoemde fiscalcliff afglijden. Als de afspraken over de staatsfinanciën niet voor woensdagochtend door het Huis van Afgevaardigden komen, zullenaandelenbeurzen wereldwijd een negatieve reactie laten zien, is de verwachting.

Verscheidene andere Republikeinen uit het Huis van Afgevaardigden lieten zich dinsdag in Amerikaanse media eveneens sceptisch uit over het akkoord. Velen zijn ontevreden dat er sprake is van forse belastingverhogingen, terwijl de uitgaven naar hun mening onvoldoende worden ingeperkt. Ook Democraten leken lang niet allemaal gelukkig met het compromis dat vlak voor de jaarwisseling nog werd bereikt. Toch leek onder zowel Republikeinen als Democraten het idee te overheersen dat het beter zou zijn om dinsdag al het voorliggende akkoord goed te keuren en in de komende weken proberen de maatregelen aan te passen.

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Final fiscal-cliff hurdle: 218 votes in House
Outlook for passage remains uncertain: No vote set

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — A bipartisan deal to avert the fiscal cliff that passed the Senate in the wee hours of Tuesday morning was being scrutinized by both parties in the House of Representatives, but no timetable for any vote on the measure had yet been set.

House Speaker John Boehner was meeting with his Republican colleagues behind closed doors to go over the agreement.

A separate meeting was expected to take place later in the afternoon to set the timetable for a floor vote, suggesting that final passage would not happen until this evening at the earliest.

The House has until just before noon on Thursday to pass the deal. After that, a new Congress will be sworn in.
Biden weighs in again

Vice President Joe Biden, who had negotiated the bipartisan deal with Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, went back to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to sell House Democrats on the deal, which need 218 votes to be approved.

Rep. John Yarmuth (D., Ky.) said he expected that an overwhelming majority of 192 Democrats would support the measure.

The key will be how many of the 241 Republicans vote in favor of the deal.

The measure was approved by an 89-8 bipartisan majority in the Senate. Many experts said that the approval of Senate Republicans would help bring along reluctant House Republicans.

But Rep. Steven LaTourette (R., La.) said that the measure would not be popular among his fellow Republicans. He called the measure worse than Boehner’s “Plan B” budget proposal, which couldn’t pass the chamber.

Adding to the sense of uncertainty, Boehner has held out the possibility that the House could amend the deal and send it back to the Senate. Such a move would hurt the measure’s chance of approval.

The deal to avert the worst of the fiscal cliff would raise tax rates on household incomes of more than $450,000, extend unemployment benefits, and delay across-the-board spending cuts for two months — but would let a 2% payroll-tax cut lapse and do nothing to address the U.S. borrowing limit.

Tax rates will rise to 39.6% from 35% currently on individual incomes of more than $400,000 and on couples’ incomes over $450,000.

The agreement delays $110 billion in automatic spending cuts for two months.

Adding to House Republican concerns, the Joint Committee of Taxation estimated that the tax portion of the fiscal cliff deal would cost $3.9 trillion over 10 years.
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