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Audi en Porsche domper bij omzetgroei VW

Gepubliceerd op 2 mei 2019 om 08:03 | Views: 1.513

61,82 0,00 (0,00%)

Volkswagen 14:41
166,00 +7,20 (+4,53%)

155,12 0,00 (0,00%)

WOLFSBURG (AFN/RTR) - Autoconcern Volkswagen heeft in het eerste kwartaal iets minder auto's afgeleverd dan in de eerste drie maanden van 2018. De omzet steeg echter wel omdat klanten vooral duurdere auto's kochten. Bij dochtermerken Audi en Porsche was wel sprake van een lagere omzet.

Al met al wist Volkswagen de totale omzet met 3,1 procent op te voeren tot 60 miljard euro. Met name de merken Volkswagen, Skoda en Bentley bleken populairder. Volkswagen bedrijfswagens en vrachtwagens van MAN en Scania vonden eveneens gretig aftrek. Dat alles compenseerde ruimschoots de mindere prestaties bij Audi en Porsche.

De operationele winst viel met 3,9 miljard euro lager uit dan de 4,2 miljard euro van vorig jaar. Zonder eenmalige posten steeg die winst tot 4,8 miljard euro. VW moest onder meer opnieuw een voorziening treffen van 1 miljard euro voor juridische risico's die het bedrijf loopt als gevolg van het schandaal met de sjoemeldiesels. VW houdt vast aan de eerder uitgesproken verwachtingen.

Financieel directeur Frank Witter sprak van ,,een goede start'' van het jaar waarin ,,bemoedigende'' omzet- en winstcijfers werden neergezet. Volgens Witter blijven er wereldwijde economische risico's die de automaker dwars kunnen zitten. VW houdt vast aan de verwachting om dit jaar 5 procent meer omzet te halen dan in 2018. Het aantal verkochte auto's moet dat van vorig jaar ,,licht overtreffen''.
Ook dit grote Duitse automerk zet nu maximaal in op waterstof

Audi heeft weliswaar net de elektrische e-tron klaar, maar in de boardroom kijkt men al naar de volgende stap. Net als mega-toeleverancier Bosch gaat Audi plankgas geven met waterstof.

Erik Kouwenhoven 05-05-19, 06:00

Het lijkt erop dat autofabrikanten steeds vaker hun geld inzetten op waterstof. Het vluchtige goedje heeft dan ook veel voordelen ten opzichte van accu-aandrijving bij elektrische auto’s. Inmiddels hebben merken als Mercedes-Benz, Toyota en Hyundai al een productierijpe auto in de aanbieding en binnenkort voegt ook Audi zich bij dat rijtje.

Volgens Audi-CEO Bram Schot blijft de ‘range anxiety’, oftewel de angst om te stranden zonder stroom, mensen zorgen baren. Audi is vorig jaar al een samenwerking aangegaan met Hyundai om de brandstofcel verder te ontwikkelen. Vorig jaar presenteerde Audi al de H-tron, een waterstofauto op basis van de zogenoemde h-tron Quattro concept uit 2016. De auto zou al in 2021 uit kunnen komen, als project met auto's die worden geleased aan geïnteresseerde klanten.

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Grootste toeleverancier auto-industrie kiest voor waterstof
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Test Hyundai Nexo: pionier met een missie
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© Audi
Milieu nauwelijks belast
Auto’s die op waterstof rijden, zijn als het ware elektrische auto’s die de elektriciteit niet in zware batterijen meezeulen, maar zelf elektriciteit maken uit waterstof in een brandstofcel. Uit de uitlaat van die auto’s komt schoon water. Als de waterstof wordt gemaakt met groene stroom, wordt het milieu nauwelijks belast.

Een ander groot voordeel ten opzichte van de elektrische auto’s op batterijen is dat tanken even snel gaat als bij een benzineauto. Langdurig wachten bij een laadpaal tot je verder kunt is er dus niet bij. Ook is de actieradius veel groter dan bij elektrische auto’s op batterijen. Volgens deskundigen is op termijn een bereik van 1000 kilometer op één tank mogelijk. Dat is vergelijkbaar met een dieselauto.

© Audi
De kans is reëel dat de Audi h-tron gebruikmaakt van techniek uit de Hyundai Nexo, maar dan als waterstof-hybride met een oplaadbare accu om de actieradius nog te vergroten. Een echte serieproductie mogen we verwachten in de tweede helft van het komende decennium. Audi wil tegen 2025 tegelijk twaalf volledig elektrische modellen op de markt brengen.

Binnen de Volkswagen Group is Audi verantwoordelijk voor de ontwikkeling van brandstofceltechnologie. Audi werkt al twintig jaar aan een waterstofauto en presenteerde meerdere keren een conceptwagen. Inmiddels wordt de zesde generatie getest. Nu is de techniek ver genoeg om een model in productie te nemen.
ABB to provide paint solutions to SAIC Volkswagen

ABB Robotics to provide advanced robotics painting solutions to SAIC VOLKSWAGEN, helping to build first global New Energy Vehicle factory characterized by automation and environmentally-friendly manufacturing technologies. ABB signed a formal agreement with SAIC Volkswagen to provide robotics painting solutions for the first New Energy Vehicle factory of the Volkswagen Group based on the Modular Electric Driver Kit (MEB), an automotive platform specifically designed for the mass production of electric vehicles. Financial details were not disclosed. The new 610,000 square meter NEV factory will be in Shanghai, opening in 2020 with an annual capacity of 300,000 pure electric vehicles from the Audi, Volkswagen and Skoda brands.

This is the first large automated painting project provided by ABB for SAIC Volkswagen. ABB will install approximately 300 robots to provide painting and sealing solutions on three automated painting production lines. These solutions involve automobile exterior and interior painting, underbody painting, interior cosmetic seam sealing and interior plate wax-spraying.

The RMB 17 billion factory is a modern green benchmark factory combining intelligent manufacturing and environmentally-friendly technologies with a special focus on water preservation, energy savings and the reduction of carbon dioxide.

Environmentally-friendly solutions are at the heart of the ABB installation. The painting solutions ABB provides will meet Volkswagen’s 2010v environmental standards, the world’s leading waterborne painting process. The primerless painting technology employed in the process can improve paint utilization rates and reduce waste.

Compared with the traditional painting process, it adopts a dry spray absorption system instead of a water circulation system, which can circulate air and use limestone to absorb the spray, so the use of water is no longer necessary. Some 95% of the air can be reused and the limestone can be recycled resulting in energy savings of up to 60%. The emission of volatile organic compounds can also be reduced by 63%.

At the same time, through the rapid acceleration of ABB robots, large flow and fine control of ABB atomizers and the deep application experience of ABB’s engineering team, the total cycle time of the three painting production lines will reach 120 Jobs Per Hour, the fastest in a single paint shop. In addition, all ABB robots will be able to be connected to ABB AbilityTM digital solutions to prepare for the future digital deployment of the factory.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Volkswagen Group Q1 sales revenue and earnings boost

The Volkswagen Group confirms full year targets for deliveries to customers, sales revenue and operating profit before special items. Sales revenue of the Volkswagen Group rose 3.1% YoY to EUR 60.0 billion in the first three months of the current fiscal year. The rise, which occurred despite the decline in volumes of deliveries to customers, was mainly the result of mix improvements and the healthy business performance in the Financial Services Division. At EUR 11.7 (11.6) billion, operating profit was in line with the previous year. Operating profit before special items increased by EUR 0.6 billion to EUR 4.8 billion. The operating return on sales before special items rose to 8.1 (7.2)%. Positive effects arising from the fair value measurement of gains and losses on certain derivatives, improvements in the mix and price positioning and the favorable exchange rate trend more than offset the rise in fixed costs and lower vehicle sales. Negative special items arising from legal risks in the amount of one billion euros reduced operating profit, which declined year-on-year by EUR 0.3 billion to EUR 3.9 billion. The share of profits or losses of equity-accounted investments and the share of profits and losses of the Chinese joint ventures included in that amount were on a par with the previous year at EUR 800 million. Profit before tax was down on the prior year period, at EUR 4.1 (4.5) billion. Net liquidity in the Automotive Division amounted to EUR 16.0 billion.

Mr Frank Witter Chief Financial Officer of Volkswagen AG, said that “The Volkswagen Group is once again off to a good start this year. The sales revenue performance and earnings growth in the first three months of the current fiscal year are encouraging. The measurement of derivative financial instruments an item that generally exhibits a high degree of volatility also had a positive impact on operating profit. Overall, we have to continue to pick up the pace when it comes to our transformation. We are also facing challenges in connection with increasing global economic risks. Nevertheless, we maintain our targets for 2019.”

Brands and Business Fields
Sales revenue of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand rose by 7.1% to EUR 21.5 billion in the first quarter. Operating profit before special items improved to EUR 921 (879) million. Improvements in mix and price positioning as well as positive cost development compensated for the impact of lower volumes and negative exchange rate effects. In the reporting period, negative special items amounted to EUR 400 million.

At the Audi brand, sales revenue fell to EUR 13.8 (15.3) billion due to, among other things, the new allocation of sales companies. At EUR 1.1 (1.3) billion, operating profit was in line with the previous year. Improvements in the mix and margins as well as positive exchange rates could not compensate for the adverse affects of model launches, phase-outs as part of the product initiative and WLTP-related fluctuations in the portfolio, and higher upfront expenditure for new products and technologies. Effective 2019, the multibrand sales companies have been separated from the Audi brand to increase overall transparency and comparability.

Sales revenue at the ŠKODA brand increased by 8.2% to EUR 4.9 (4.5) billion in the reporting period. The operating profit decreased to EUR 410 million. The decline mainly resulted from negative exchange rate effects and cost increases. Meanwhile, volume increases and pricing measures had a positive impact.

Sales revenue at the SEAT brand increased to EUR 3.1 (2.8) billion in the first quarter. Operating profit increased by 5.5% to EUR 89 million due to volume and mix effects. This more than offset the negative impact of cost increases.

At the Bentley brand, sales revenue climbed to EUR 456 (351) million in the first quarter. Operating profit improved to EUR 49 (–44) million, which was mainly the result of the availability of the new Bentley Continental GT as well as favorable mix effects and exchange rate trends.

At EUR 5.2 (5.4) billion, sales revenue generated by Porsche Automotive was below the figure for the same period in 2018. Operating profit fell by 11.6% to EUR 829 million, due to market and production-related declining volumes.

At EUR 3.3 (2.9) billion, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles sales revenue was 11.8% higher than in the first quarter of 2018. In particular, higher volumes, improvements in the mix and afavorable exchange rate trend led to a 29.9% rise in the operating profit to EUR 291 million.

Sales revenue at Scania Vehicles and Services stood at EUR 3.4 (3.0) billion. Scania improved its operating profit to EUR 370 (301) million. Increasing vehicle sales, an improved parts and service business as well as the favorable exchange rate trend more than offset the negative impact of cost increases.

MAN Commercial Vehicles recorded sales revenue of EUR 3.0 (2.8) billion in the reporting period. Operating profit increased, mainly due to volume effects, to EUR 115 (83) million.

Power Engineering generated sales revenue of EUR 891 (766) million in the first three months of 2019. The operating profit decreased to EUR 9 (21) million.

In the first three months of the current fiscal year, the operating profit at Volkswagen Financial Services rose to EUR 638 (608) million.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Porsche krijgt boete van dik half miljard euro

Gepubliceerd op 7 mei 2019 om 14:14 | Views: 377

STUTTGART (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Sportwagen- en luxe automerk Porsche heeft van justitie in Duitsland een boete gekregen van meer dan een half miljard euro in verband met het dieselschandaal bij moederconcern Volkswagen. Porsche moet in totaal 535 miljoen euro neertellen omdat er afwijkingen van de wettelijke vereisten zijn geconstateerd bij bepaalde automodellen.

Het merk heeft geen beroep ingesteld tegen de straf. Volkswagen had onlangs al een voorziening opgenomen omdat het rekening hield met een fikse straf.

Bij het Duitse autoconcern, waar ook merken als Audi en Skoda onder vallen, kwam in 2015 een groot dieselschandaal aan het licht. Volkswagen bleek uitstootwaarden van dieselmotoren te hebben gemanipuleerd bij emissietests. De Duitsers trokken al tientallen miljarden uit voor schikkingen, boetes en schadevergoedingen als gevolg van het schandaal. Ook bij branchegenoten lopen onderzoeken naar mogelijke fraude op dit vlak.
SKODA AUTO closes first quarter with record sales revenue

ŠKODA AUTO increased its sales revenue in the first quarter of the year by 8.2% to 4.92 billion euros. Operating profit remains high at 410 million euros, as does the operating return on sales of 8.3%. Investments in tangible assets increased by 74.3% compared to the same period of the previous year – ŠKODA AUTO is investing heavily and expanding its capacity in component manufacturing for electric vehicles.

The car manufacturer delivered 307,600 vehicles to customers in the first three months of the year, slightly below the previous year’s level (January to March 2018: 316,700 vehicles, -2.9%). The ŠKODA OCTAVIA remains the brand’s bestseller (January to March 2019: 92,500 vehicles), and the KAROQ continues to be an important growth driver: in the first quarter of the year, ŠKODA delivered 35,800 units of the compact SUV – more than twice as many as in the same period last year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
VW gaat de strijd aan met Tesla

Gepubliceerd op 8 mei 2019 om 14:04 | Views: 819

WOLFSBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Volkswagen gaat volle bak de strijd aan met de huidige marktleider op het gebied van elektrisch rijden Tesla. Potentiële kopers van de nieuwe, relatief goedkope ID.3 hatchback van Duitse makelij kunnen zich per direct bij Volkswagen melden. De aanbetaling voor de auto die op het punt staat om productie te worden genomen is 1000 euro.

Volkswagen heeft het volste vertrouwen in de eerste van een reeks nieuwe modellen. Het prijskaartje van de goedkoopste ID.3 van minder dan 30.000 euro is praktisch gelijk aan de prijs die voor een dieselvariant van de Volkswagen Golf, het bestverkopende model van de automaker, moet worden neergeteld. De eerste levering van de e-auto staat voor medio 2020 op de planning. De basisvariant van de ID.3 heeft een actieradius van 330 kilometer. Duurdere modellen komen verder.

Verkoopdirecteur Jürgen Stackmann spreekt al van een nieuw tijdperk. Het succes van de ID.3 zal volgens hem gelijkenis gaan vertonen met de eerdere uitrol van de Kever en de Golf. Daarbij staat er volgens hem nog een hoop te gebeuren. In de komende jaren moeten zeker twintig nieuwe e-modellen van de band gaan rollen.
AUDI AG first quarter of 2019 affected by adverse factors

Audi Group has embarked upon a very challenging financial year 2019. First-quarter revenue and operating profit decreased compared with the high levels of the previous year. At 8.0%, the operating return on sales was within the range of 7-8.5% that had been forecast for 2019, but was below the long-term target corridor of 9-11%. Adverse factors in the current financial year are primarily due to the repercussions of the WLTP changeover, the transition to new generations of numerous models and the difficult economic environment. In 2019, Audi is entering the era of electric mobility and will continue to make high advance expenditure in future-oriented fields in the coming years. With its strategic realignment, the Audi Group therefore aims to achieve sustained growth in productivity and profitability.

From January through March, the company delivered to customers 447,247 cars of the Audi brand, which is 3.6% fewer than a year earlier (2018: 463,750). While further growth was achieved in China (+3.3%) despite the negative overall market, deliveries in Europe decreased (-5.5%). This was still due to the temporarily limited availability of the model range as a result of the WLTP changeover, which was particularly pronounced in the second half of 2018. Meanwhile, Audi has almost all engine-transmission variants back in its portfolio. In addition, Audi continues to manage the transition to new generations of numerous high-volume models in 2019. For example, the market ramp-up of the new A6 L in China started in January.

The Audi Group’s revenue in the first three months of the year amounted to EUR 13,812 million (2018: EUR 15,320 million). The year-on-year decrease is mainly attributable to the new reporting structure of the Audi Group implemented in January 2019. Due to the previous inclusion of several multi-brand import companies, Audi’s consolidated financial statements also included revenue from the sale of cars of other Volkswagen Group brands in previous years. These are now reported at Volkswagen Group level for the first time as of 2019. By contrast, the Q8 and the Audi e-tron recently launched in the full-size segment had a positive impact on revenue in the first quarter. At Lamborghini, the same applies to the super SUV model, the Urus; overall, the Italian brand’s revenue almost doubled compared with the first quarter of 2018.

For the first quarter of this year, the Audi Group posted operating profit of EUR 1,100 million (2018: EUR 1,300 million). In addition to the lower sales volume, earnings were adversely affected by the phase-out and ramp-up situation of important models as part of the ongoing product initiative, as well as by higher advance expenditure for new technologies. The operating return on sales fell to 8.0% (2018: 8.5%). The revenue-reducing effects from the deconsolidation of the multi-brand importers had a positive impact on the return ratio and dampened its decline.

The company started deliveries of the all-electric Audi e-tron in Europe in March, presented the Q2 L e-tron specifically for China at Auto Shanghai 2019 in April, and will have the world premiere of its third e-model with the Audi e-tron Sportback before the end of the year. From 2019 until the end of 2023 alone, Audi plans approximately EUR 14 billion of advance expenditure for electric mobility, digitalization and highly automated driving. This includes investments in property, plant and equipment as well as research and development expenditure. Overall, the total expenditure earmarked for the five-year planning period amounts to about €40 billion.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Volkswagen brand boosts sales revenue and result in Q1

In the first quarter of the 2019 financial year, the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand performed solidly in a challenging market environment. The lead brand of the Volkswagen Group was able to boost sales revenue and operating profit in the first three months despite a slight fall in deliveries. With an improved product mix, the sales revenue of the Volkswagen brand grew by 7.1% to EUR 21.5 billion. After three months, the operating profit before special impacts was 4.8% up on the prior-year figure, at EUR 921 million. Here too, Volkswagen benefited from an improved product mix, positive developments in product costs and especially an improvement in fixed costs. In the first quarter, the operating return on sales was at about the same level as in the previous year, at 4.3%. In the reporting period, legal risks gave rise to special items in the amount of EUR 0.4 billion in connection with the processing of the diesel issue.

In the first quarter, the brand was able to boost market shares. Nevertheless, deliveries fell by 4.5% to 1,456,400 vehicles as a result of the sluggish overall market. The Volkswagen brand is continuing its product offensive this year and is especially adding SUV models such as the new T-Cross to its portfolio. Demand for these model variants across the market segments continues to be strong in many regions.

In terms of fixed costs, the Volkswagen brand recorded in the first quarter of 2019 an improvement of about €200 million compared with the prior- year quarter. This improvement was chiefly due to the consistent implementation of the measures defined in the pact for the future (‘Zukunftspakt’).

The Volkswagen brand is also working to improve the productivity of its plants globally. By 2025, the brand intends to boost the productivity of its plants by 30%. In addition to consistent investment discipline and plant deployment across the boundaries of brands and models, Volkswagen expects considerable efficiency effects for its plants in the future from the use of new technologies such as the Volkswagen Industrial Cloud.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nieuwe elektrische Volkswagen ID.3 met zes jaar gratis onderhoud

De eerste als volledig elektrische auto ontwikkelde Volkswagen krijgt de naam ID.3 en wordt geleverd met zes jaar lang gratis onderhoud en APK. Hij komt in verschillende versies op de markt, met reikwijdten variërend van 330 tot 550 kilometer (volgens de WLTP-norm). In Duitsland zullen de prijzen net onder de €30.000 beginnen, maar over de Nederlandse vanaf-prijs is nog niets bekendgemaakt.

Niek Schenk 08-05-19, 13:24 Laatste update: 14:31

In Duitsland wordt de auto geleverd met een jaar lang gratis stroom, maar de Nederlandse importeur ziet daar blijkbaar vanaf. In navolging van Tesla biedt ook VW kopers de mogelijkheid om de auto vroegtijdig te bestellen. Dan moeten ze wel voor de extra rijk uitgeruste ‘ID.3 1ST special edition’ kiezen, waarvan er 30.000 worden gemaakt én waarvoor een aanbetaling van duizend euro geldt. De betreffende versie heeft een reikwijdte van 420 km en de prijs zal - ook in Nederland - net onder de €40.000 liggen. Deze eerste versie krijgt standaard onder meer lichtmetalen velgen, geavanceerde spraakbediening, digitale radio en airco.

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Autofabrikanten vrezen tekort aan grondstoffen voor accu‘s
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Hoe de elektrische VW er precies uit gaat zien, is nog steeds niet duidelijk. Volkswagen wil tot nu toe alleen foto's vrijgeven waarop de auto van camouflage is voorzien. Hij wordt in september onthuld op de autoshow van Frankfurt.
Senior 1936
Succes Volkswagen
Geplaatst door Eddy Schekman | 10 mei 2019
Volkswagen heeft binnen 24 uur 10.000 volelektrische ID.3 bij inschrijving verkocht. Het geeft veel aan.
Volkswagen heeft de juiste afslag genomen naar een vergroenend autogebruik. De introductie van ID.3 is een commercieel succes, zeker tegen de achtergrond dat het VW-concern vorig jaar 44.000 voertuigen per dag produceerde en 17.000 VW’s per dan verkocht. Het concern wil 70 volelektrische modellen aanbieden in 2028. De start is veelbelovend en zou de koers vanaf het huidige niveau van 155,50 euro met 10% omhoog kunnen stuwen.
Aanvullende duiding van ABN Amro
Benzine- en dieselauto’s zijn vanaf 2030 niet meer welkom in Amsterdam. Er is veel kritiek op het plan van het stadsbestuur. Een veelgebruikt argument is dat er in 2030 onvoldoende elektrische auto’s op de markt zijn om alle inwoners van de hoofdstad van een elektrische auto te voorzien. De razendsnelle ontwikkelingen op het gebied van elektrische auto’s en autogebruik laten zien dat volledig elektrisch rijden in de stad zeer kansrijk is.
Eind 2018 reden er bijna 45.000 volledig elektrisch aangedreven geregistreerde personenauto’s op de Nederlandse wegen. Een klein aandeel op het nationale totaal van 8,7 miljoen. Maar wel een contingent dat in 2018 met 116 procent groeide. Als de markt dit groeitempo de komende jaren volhoudt, dan rijden in 2028 alle huidige Nederlandse automobilisten in een elektrische auto.
Belangrijk hierbij is dat het aanbod van elektrische auto’s stijgt en de prijzen dalen. Het aantal nieuwe typen elektrische auto’s stijgt van circa veertig (2018) naar circa zeventig (2021). Veertig van deze modellen zullen een prijs hebben beneden de 50.000 euro. De nieuwste volelektrische Volkswagen Golf bijvoorbeeld krijgt een basisprijs van 30.000 euro. Verdere prijsdalingen liggen in het verschiet. Waar eind 2017 een kWh batterijcapaciteit nog 209 dollar kostte, verwacht marktleider Tesla dat de 100 dollar per kWh dit jaar al bereikt wordt. Autofabrikanten gebruiken de aanhoudende prijsdaling nu nog om de actieradius van hun modellen verder op te voeren – 500 kilometer theoretisch bereik is de nieuwe norm, maar het is onvermijdelijk dat dit prijsverval steeds vaker in een lagere aanschafprijs tot uiting komt.
En marktpartijen doen meer, bijvoorbeeld aan de automobilist voorrekenen dat de total cost of ownership van een elektrische auto aantrekkelijk is omdat de afwezigheid van talloze bewegende onderdelen de onderhoudskosten van een elektrische auto relatief laag houden. Daarnaast bieden private lease-programma’s voor elektrische occasions uitkomst. De consument koopt dan als privé-rijder een e-auto zonder accu; die lease je erbij. Een vast maandtarief en gegarandeerde accuvervanging bij actieradiusverlies kunnen weifelende occasion-rijders over de streep trekken.
NB: advies op basis van TA is negatief !
GM fired PIO engineer who exposed Volkswagen emissions fraud

Economic Times reported that Mr Hemanth Kappanna might seem like just another victim of corporate restructuring, a foreign worker whose skills were no longer needed. But Mr Kappanna, an engineer born in India who was laid off by General Motors in February, changed automotive history. In 2013, he was part of a team of engineering students whose research helped expose Volkswagen's decade-long conspiracy to lie about its diesel cars' emissions. The German carmaker has paid $23 billion so far to resolve criminal charges and lawsuits in the US, and $33 billion overall.

Mr Kappanna's role as a hero in bringing the VW scandal to light didn't protect him when his supervisor called him into a conference room in February. Mr Kappanna, who had lived in the US for 17 years, joined GM in December 2014 after finishing his doctorate. The supervisor said it was nothing personal, Mr Kappanna, 41, recalled last week. His severance package consisted of two months' pay and a one-way ticket to India. He was one of about 4,000 GM workers laid off in what the firm called a "strategic transformation".

He said that "They let me go.” Unable to find a job before his work visa's 60-day grace period expired, Mr Kappanna, single and with no kids, returned to Bengaluru, his hometown, a few days later.

Mr Kappanna was a graduate student at West Virginia University, which is known for its research on auto emissions. The director of his programme asked him to complete a grant application from the International Council on Clean Transportation. The council, a nonprofit, wanted to test the emissions of German diesel cars sold in US. Mr Kappanna was pursuing a doctorate and his proposal helped the university win a USD 70,000 grant.

Mr Kappanna and two other students, Marc Besch from Switzerland and Mr Arvind Thiruvengadam from India, were chosen to do the fieldwork. The three didn't know it, but they were gathering evidence of a crime. They documented that VW polluted more than regulations allowed . Their research did not directly accuse VW of wrongdoing. But the data it included raised red flags for regulators.

Mr Kappanna said he is proud of his role in unmasking VW's wrongdoing. But, he also wonders whether he was seen within GM as overly zealous about compliance and friendly to regulators. GM said this week that Kappanna's dismissal "was not related to emissions compliance concerns or related issues." That he was not a US citizen also played no role, GM said.

Source : Economic Times
Volkswagen first member of the ID family is called ID.3

Volkswagen is officially announcing the name of the first model of the new ID. family. It will be called ID.3. The number 3 is significant in two ways. On the one hand, it indicates the ID. as belonging to the compact segment, which is the class distinction in both internal and industry-wide classification systems. On the other, the ID.3 follows the Beetle and the Golf to introduce the third major chapter of strategic importance for the history of the brand.

Mr Jürgen Stackmann, Member of the Board of Management Volkswagen Brand for Sales, Marketing & After Sales said that “With the ID.3, we are starting from the centre, the Volkswagen brand’s core, in which the majority of the models and sales volume can be found. The number 3 also signals expandability into the segments above and below it. We have a lot in the pipeline, offering a preview of Volkswagen’s e-mobility campaign. With this campaign, the brand is willing to become the number one brand globally by 2025, with more than 20 purely electrically driven models and more than a million vehicles sold annually, all of which being both networked and emission-free.”

Every member of this model family will bear the name ID, which represents a new, independent series of products in the brand portfolio. While the Beetle once mobilized the masses, and the Golf as the class leader featured great innovations in each generation, the ID. will make e- mobility accessible to a broad spectrum of customers. The name ID. stands for intelligent design, identity and visionary technologies.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Audi delivered around 140,300 automobiles in April

AUDI AG delivered around 140,300 cars to customers worldwide in April, down 12.8% YoY. Model changeovers affecting volume models such as the Audi A6 continued to have an adverse effect. The new Audi Q3 has developed its potential in Europe so far, with strong growth in countries such as France (+109.0%) or Germany (+97.6%); in other markets such as the United States, the model will only be available in dealerships from the middle of the year. Since the start of the year worldwide deliveries were down 5.9% to 587,550 automobiles.

Mr Martin Sander, Vice President Global Marketing and Sales at AUDI AG said that “The renewal of our product range still requires a major effort. The success of the new Audi Q3 in Europe is one example that shows we’re on the right track here. In the course of the year we’ll continue to roll out this and numerous other models internationally. These include the new Audi Q3 Sportback or the extensively updated Audi A4.”

In China, 205,698 customers have decided to buy an Audi since the start of the year, equivalent to a 0.5% decrease. Deliveries of 46,364 cars in April were 11.5 percent down on the 2018 record-breaking figure. Changeovers with volume models such as the A6 L dampened deliveries to customers. The second generation of the Audi Q3 at the Auto Shanghai show was not unveiled to the public until early April. Demand for models such as the Audi A4 (14,221 cars, +11.9%), the A5 (1,424 cars, +133.1%) or the Audi Q7 (1,391 cars, +24.0%) developed positively.

In the United States, Audi delivered 15,024 cars (-21.4%) in April. Model start-ups and discontinuations, such as with the Audi Q3, and the general reluctance to buy in the premium market were notable factors here. Among others, the Audi A7 (441 cars, +57.5%) boosted deliveries to customers. In mid-April, the A7 Sportback won the coveted “2019 World Luxury Car” award at the New York Auto Show. As such, the A7 Sportback replaced the Audi A8 as the best rated new luxury automobile in the global market. 63,139 customers (-8.7%) decided to buy an Audi since the start of the year in the United States. In the region of North America the company delivered around 76,800 premium automobiles since January, down 10.3% YoY. Around 19,400 cars (-20.2%) were delivered in the region in April.

With around 66,900 cars delivered in April, Europe was down 7.8% YoY. Audi delivered around 271,100 cars on the home continent (-6.0%) since the start of the year. Germany closed April with deliveries down 10.5 percent to 23,893 cars. Cumulative deliveries in the domestic market totaled 100,656 cars (-3.1%).

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Volkswagen brengt MAN en Scania naar de beurs

Gepubliceerd op 13 mei 2019 om 21:33 | Views: 1.281

147,56 -4,74 (-3,11%)

WOLFSBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Volkswagen wil zijn vrachtwagen- en bussendivisie, met de merken MAN en Scania, zelfstandig naar de beurs brengen. Dat heeft het Duitse autoconcern aangekondigd. Verdere details over de plannen worden later naar buiten gebracht. De beursgang moet ergens in de komende maanden plaatsvinden.

Het betreffende onderdeel heet Traton. Dat omvat naast MAN en Scania ook het Braziliaanse Volkswagen Caminhões e Ônibus en vlootbeheerder RIO. Door Traton naar de beurs te brengen zou Volkswagen miljarden euro's kunnen ophalen. Dat geld zou gebruikt kunnen worden voor investeringen in de truckmerken, die kampen met stevige concurrentie van Daimler en Volvo.

Daarnaast steekt Volkswagen bijna 1 miljard euro in het opzetten van een fabriek voor accu's in het westen van Duitsland. Nu haalt de Duitse autofabrikant de accu's voor elektrische voertuigen nog bij externe leveranciers uit Azië, maar daar moeten accu's van eigen makelij bij komen. Sterk voor de dag komen met elektrische auto's is momenteel van levensbelang in de autowereld.

Om zich beter op het maken en verkopen van auto's te richten bekijkt Volkswagen inmiddels ook de opties wat betreft zijn scheepsmotorenbouwer MAN Energy Solutions en RENK, een fabrikant van transmissiesystemen. Er wordt onder meer gedacht aan het afstoten van die activiteiten, wat mogelijk nog eens enkele miljarden euro in het laatje kan brengen.
Volkswagen relies on Infineon for its electric future

Infineon Technologies AG is a new partner in the Volkswagen Group’s strategic supplier network FAST (Future Automotive Supply Tracks). This program stands for close cooperation in key future fields. As the market leader in semiconductors for electro-mobility, Infineon contributes significantly to the move toward electric drivetrains by the world’s largest car maker. Infineon’s power modules control the electric drive in Volkswagen’s modular electric drive matrix MEB, which is the industry’s largest electrification platform. As part of FAST, Infineon and Volkswagen will also discuss future semiconductor requirements.

Infineon is the market and technology leader in power semiconductors for electro-mobility. In 2018, 15 of the 20 top-selling electric models and plug-in hybrid vehicles worldwide used its components. The chip manufacturer has the broadest range of semiconductors for electro-mobility: from the bare die, discrete components, chips embedded in printed circuit boards, to power modules; the portfolio includes products based on silicon as well as on silicon carbide. Therefore, Infineon is able to address a customer’s specific requirements very flexibly.

In order to cater for growing demand for power electronics in the automotive industry as well as other sectors, Infineon is expanding its production capacities at its existing plants in Dresden (Germany) and Kulim (Malaysia). Over the coming years, the company is also investing 1.6 billion euros in a new and highly efficient factory to produce power semiconductors in Villach (Austria). The new factory is scheduled to go into operation in 2021.

Chips are a key component in sustainable mobility. Innovative power semiconductors, for example, reduce energy losses when electricity is converted between the charging station, battery and electric motor. Moreover, they help the car recover more energy when it brakes. Sensors monitor the status of the battery cells, for instance. And microcontrollers control charging and discharging in order to maximize the battery’s performance and service life.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
JAC and Volkswagen Have Deployed Intelligent Fields

On May 27th,2019, Under the witness of Anhui Province Governor Mr Li Jinbin, Volkswagen Group China with its wholly-owned subsidiary Mobility Asia, have signed a strategic framework cooperation agreement in Barcelona,Spain regarding the smart city project with Hefei City Government and JAC. This project aims to improve the quality of government services and public welfare in Hefei, and give the city a boost for becoming a world-class smart city.

The cooperation marks an important progress for the Smart City project initiated by Volkswagen Group China and will give Hefei city a boost for becoming a world-class advanced city. Focusing on the future, the partners will strive for an upper hand in the intelligent travel field of electrification, interconnection, car hailing service, and autonomous driving, leading the development of mobile travel in the new era. Nowadays, social life is undergoing fundamental changes. Many cutting-edge technologies such as car hailing service and autonomous driving are constantly integrating different aspects of daily life. It is believed that through this smart city project, Hefei will become a technology benchmark for many cities in China.

According to the agreement, under the support of Hefei Municipal Government Volkswagen Group China will cooperate with Mobility Asia and JAC in the smart travel platform such as car hailing, short-time vehicle rental, and autonomous driving technology, among which the autonomous driving technology featured as the foundation of smart traveling will become an important part of this cooperation. In the field of autonomous driving technology, JAC, Volkswagen Group China and Mobility Asia will make full use of their respective resources and capabilities to jointly carry out research and development of the driving travel services (AV MaaS) including autonomous driving vehicles (self-driving taxis), fleet operations, customer travel service platforms, etc.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Banenverlies Volkswagen kleiner dan gedacht

Gepubliceerd op 5 jun 2019 om 09:45 | Views: 797

WOLFSBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Volkswagen gaat de komende vijf jaar tot 4000 kantoorbanen schrappen bij zijn gelijknamige hoofdmerk, vooral als gevolg van automatisering. Daarmee komt het banenverlies lager uit dan eerder gedacht, want in maart repte het Duitse autoconcern nog over 7000 banen die zouden komen te vervallen.

Het banenverlies verloopt via vervroegd pensioen en het niet invullen van openvallende vacatures. Tegen het verlies van arbeidsplaatsen op onder meer administratief niveau is Volkswagen van plan minstens 2000 IT-posities in te vullen in de komende vier jaar. Het bedrijf is bezig kosten te verlagen met het oog op de overstap naar elektrische auto's en de hoge investeringen die daarmee samenhangen.

''We maken het bedrijf op een duurzame manier gereed voor het digitale tijdperk'', aldus topbestuurder Ralf Brandstätter van Volkswagen.
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