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Topman Stadler definitief weg bij Audi

Gepubliceerd op 2 okt 2018 om 16:31 | Views: 26

152,56 +0,96 (+0,63%)

INGOLSTADT (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De gearresteerde topman Rupert Stadler van het Duitse automerk Audi is met onmiddellijke ingang verwijderd uit zijn functie. Stadler zit al sinds juni vast in de gevangenis voor ondervraging over zijn rol in het dieselschandaal. Hij wordt verdacht van betrokkenheid bij het gesjoemel met de uitstoot van diesels.

Het besluit om de 55-jarige Stadler uit zijn functie te zetten werd genomen door de raden van toezicht van Volkswagen en Audi. Volgens een verklaring kon hij door zijn detentie zijn werk niet naar behoren uitvoeren. Nu kan Stadler zich beter richten op zijn verdediging, aldus de autobouwers. Oorspronkelijk liep het contract van Stadler tot 2022.

Stadler werd medio juni opgepakt uit vrees dat hij met bewijsmateriaal kan knoeien of getuigen kan beïnvloeden. De Nederlander Bram Schot is momenteel tijdelijk topman bij Audi.
Volkswagen targeting further boost in factory productivity

The Volkswagen brand’s TRANSFORM.TOGETHER production strategy targets a 30 percent increase in productivity worldwide by 2025 compared to 2018. Production is therefore making a major contribution to achieving the profitability target of over 6 percent for the brand. “We want to rank among the best for productivity. We need to generate competitive returns to enable us to make key investments in the future and thus safeguard today’s jobs tomorrow and beyond. Together, we are ushering in a new era in Production for the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand. This is about nothing less than a paradigm shift: from a product- oriented company to a production-and process-oriented company. For Production, that means our department will be more important than ever going forward”, Dr. Andreas Tostmann, the Volkswagen Brand Board Member for Production, commented at an event held at the Berlin Motorwerk location attended by 500 managers from Volkswagen’s 17 vehicle manufacturing plants.

The new TRANSFORM.TOGETHER production strategy with its eight central action areas lays down the roadmap for leveraging existing efficiency potential and achieving a sustained increase in productivity.

Mr Tostmann added that “Volkswagen is currently in the midfield compared with our most important competitors when it comes to production and labour costs as well as margins, making overdue investments more difficult. Our processes and structures are too complex. And there is also room for improvement in standardizing our global production network. That is why we are now introducing uniform structures at all factories along with uniform and comparable key performance indicators. In production alone, we have efficiency potential of EUR 2.6 billion through 2025.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
'Nederlander Schot wil Audi-baas blijven'

Gepubliceerd op 10 okt 2018 om 12:04 | Views: 720

146,70 -0,20 (-0,14%)

BERLIJN (AFN/RTR) - Bram Schot, die in juni op interim-basis aan het roer kwam te staan bij Audi, aast op een permanente aanstelling in die rol. De Nederlander zei in een interview met Manager Magazin dat hij beschikbaar is voor de functie voor een langere periode. Schot nam de taken over van de gearresteerde Rupert Stadler, die wordt verdacht van betrokkenheid bij het gesjoemel met de uitstoot van diesels.

BMW-bestuurder Markus Düsmann, die op termijn de overstap maakt naar Audi-moeder Volkswagen, wordt veelal genoemd als de beoogde nieuwe topman van Audi. Düsmann is echter nog tot september volgend jaar aan BMW verbonden. In zijn contract met BMW staat tevens dat hij na zijn vertrek een jaar lang niet voor een concurrent als Volkswagen mag werken.

BMW en Volkswagen zouden momenteel over een eerder vertrek en de voorwaarden daarvan aan het onderhandelen zijn. Volgens Manager Magazin is BMW niet van plan enige concessies te doen.

Vorige week werd nog bekend dat Stadler definitief is verwijderd als topman van Audi. Hij zit al sinds juni in de gevangenis.
Volkswagen set to hire four banks for truck unit IPO – Report

Reuters quoted two people familiar with the matter as saying that Volkswagen is close to hiring Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan to help with the potential stock market listing of its truck unit Traton. Volkswagen said last month that Traton should by year-end be in shape for a potential stock market listing, which is expected to take place in mid-2019.

VW plans to convert Traton's legal structure to a Societas Europaea and to shortly mandate investment banks and legal advisers for a possible initial public offering, Volkswagen said at the time.

Source : Reuters
Sustainable aluminum for battery housing of Audi e-tron

Audi is the first automobile manufacturer worldwide to receive a certificate from the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI). With the Performance Standard certification, the ASI confirms that Audi meets the ASI requirements for industrial users of aluminum and sustainably designs and manufactures the aluminum components of the battery housing of the Audi e-tron. For the assessment, independent third-party auditors carried out audits at the Audi plants in Gy?r, Neckarsulm and Brussels. As the next step, Audi intends to ensure the sustainability of these components also in its supply chain. To those ends, the company plans to work specifically with partners that are also certified by the ASI.

Aluminum is an important material in an automobile but is very energy intensive in production. Audi therefore places great value on the sustainability values and material stewardship of the materials it uses. Mr Bernd Martens, Member of the Board of Management for Procurement and IT said that “Audi stands for sustainability along the entire supply chain. The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative has created transparency with its new certification program.”

Mr Martens stated that the battery, as a major component of the new, all-electric Audi e-tron, was therefore just the beginning, and that Audi would gradually have its own development, procurement and production processes audited for as many aluminum components as possible at the company’s plants worldwide. He stated that in addition, Audi intended to ensure sustainability in the long-term by means of ASI-certified partners and their suppliers along their respective upstream supply chains.

Audi has been involved in the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative since early 2013. In recent years, the initiative has developed und launched its global sustainability standards. They include environmental, social and governance criteria which apply to all stages of the process chain from the extraction of the raw material, bauxite, to processing and production and to recycling. The material stewardship criteria requires, for example, that a company deals with the material in a resource-conserving way, prepares holistic lifecycle analyses and takes into consideration suitability for later repair and recycling when designing its products.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles sales update from January to September 2018

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles delivered 371,500 vehicles to customers worldwide in the first nine months of the year. Considering last year’s figures, it is an increase of 3,500 vehicles (+1.0 per cent). In Western Europe, 253,200 vehicles were delivered to customers (+1.5 per cent). Of which 95,100 vehicles were supplied to customers in the domestic German market (+3.5 per cent). In the core markets Spain (10.5 per cent to 12,200 vehicles), Italy (+2.1 per cent to 9,200 vehicles) and Great Britain (+1.5 per cent to 36,200 vehicles), the brand also delivered more vehicles from January until September than in the same period of time last year.

In Eastern Europe Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles shipped 30,500 vehicles, an increase of 5.4 per cent. Overseas deliveries also increased in Africa (+28.3 per cent to 13,200 vehicles), South America (+13.0 per cent to 34,600 vehicles) and the Asia-Pacific region (+3.6 per cent 19,900 vehicles).

In North America (Mexico; -29.4 per cent to 5,500 vehicles) and in the Middle East (-32.6 per cent to 14,500 vehicles) fewer vehicles were handed over to customers due to the volatile market situations.

Overview of worldwide deliveries between January and September by product line:

152,100 vehicles from the T product line (153,800; -1.1 per cent)
119,700 vehicles from the Caddy product line (123,100; -2.8 per cent)
61,200 vehicles from the Amarok product line (57,800; +5.8 per cent)
38,600 vehicles from the Crafter product line (33,100; +16.5 per cent)
The WLTP type approval process is currently causing delays in the delivery of vehicles with passenger car registration.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Audi krijgt boete van 800 miljoen euro

Gepubliceerd op 16 okt 2018 om 11:19 | Views: 1.937

144,62 +5,08 (+3,64%)

MÜNCHEN (AFN) - Audi moet een boete betalen van 800 miljoen euro vanwege zijn rol in het emissieschandaal met grotere dieselmotoren. De automaker, onderdeel van Volkswagen, bereikte overeenstemming met aanklagers in München over de hoogte van de boete en erkende daarbij ook zijn verantwoordelijkheid. Audi zal geen beroep aantekenen tegen de beslissing.

Bij Audi gaat het om problemen met V6 en V8 dieselmotoren. Die bleken uiteindelijk vervuilender dan gedacht. Door gebruik te maken van sjoemelsoftware wist Audi emissietesten te manipuleren. De gewezen Audi-topman Rupert Stadler wordt verdacht van betrokkenheid bij het gesjoemel. Hij zit al sinds juni vast. De Nederlander Bram Schot is nu tijdelijk topman bij het luxemerk uit Ingolstadt.

Volgens Audi zal de boete een ,,significant effect" hebben op de jaarcijfers. Dit geldt vermoedelijk ook voor de financiële resultaten van moederbedrijf Volkswagen.

De Duitse autosector wordt al enkele jaren geplaagd door het schandaal over sjoemeldiesels nadat automakers de uitstoottests hadden gemanipuleerd. Volkswagen moest eerder al miljarden betalen vanwege de kwestie. De Duitse automaker gaf toe dat wereldwijd 11 miljoen auto's uitgerust waren met dergelijke software.
VW, Skoda, Audi and Seat take big WLTP sales hits

Auto News reported that Volkswagen Group brands saw their European sales fall steeply in September after demand was hit by the introduction of a new vehicle testing regime in the European Union. The sales hit followed good results in August when many automakers offered incentives to clear dealer stocks ahead of the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure Procedure type approval tests that went into effect Sept. 1.

VW said in a statement that VW brand deliveries fell 43 % in Europe in September. The decline caused the brand's global deliveries to fall 18%.

VW brand sales chief Mr Juergen Stackmann said the company had expected sales to fall after record sales in the summer. October sales will also be affected by the changeover, he said that "From November, we will be ready for the end-of-the-year sprint in Europe.”

Several top-selling VW models had failed to meet WLTP rules, creating delivery bottlenecks. Best-selling versions of all VW brand models now conform to the new rules, the company said.

Audi's European sales plunged 56 % in September, leading to a 22 percent drop in the brand's global volume for the month. The decline followed above-average sales results in Europe over the previous two months due to the sell-off of models in stock, Audi said in a statement.

Audi said that "The increasingly empty stores and the restrictions in the sales portfolio had an adverse effect on deliveries in September.”. The company expects year-end deliveries will be at almost the same level as last year.

Skoda said its sales fell 33 % in western Europe and 16 % globally. Some engine-transmissions are temporary unavailable while the company works to complete the homologation of all model variants.

Source : Auto News
Volkswagen brand launches diesel swapping program throughout Germany

The Volkswagen brand launched a comprehensive diesel swapping program. The successful environmental incentive is again being offered throughout Germany. It is valid for Euro-1 to Euro-4 diesel vehicle keepers who scrap the vehicle of any make and switch to a modern Volkswagen. The environmental incentive for new vehicles ranges between EUR 1,500 and EUR 8,000, depending on the model. Furthermore, there is a new exchange premium for keepers of any make of diesel vehicle in the 14 cities classified by the federal government as the most heavily polluted and the surrounding areas. This premium will be paid in addition to the residual value of the old vehicle when trading in a Euro-4 or Euro-5 diesel.

The exchange premium for new vehicles ranges from EUR 500 to EUR 7,000, depending on the model. Board Member for Sales, Mr Jürgen Stackmann: “The environmental incentives and exchange premiums are powerful financial incentives for switching to the latest generation of cleaner vehicles. Volkswagen is thus making a further significant contribution to improving air quality and preventing possible driving bans in German cities.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Porsche SE verliest dieselzaken van beleggers

Gepubliceerd op 24 okt 2018 om 12:09 | Views: 1.626

53,74 0,00 (0,00%)

STUTTGART (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Porsche SE, de holding die eigenaar is van Volkswagen, heeft twee zaken die te maken hebben met het dieselschandaal verloren van investeerders. De houdstermaatschappij moet in totaal 40 miljoen euro betalen aan schadevergoedingen.

Porsche SE, niet te verwarren met het sportautomerk Porsche dat op zijn beurt onderdeel is van Volkswagen, kan nog in beroep gaan tegen de uitspraak. Het dieselschandaal koste Volkswagen al miljarden aan schadevergoedingen en boetes in verschillende landen. Ook werden er miljarden uitgegeven aan veranderingen in het bedrijf, waarbij meer wordt ingezet op elektrisch rijden.

De rechter in Stuttgart oordeelde dat investeerders niet tijdig op de hoogte zijn gebracht over de frauduleuze praktijken. Beleggers zagen de waarde van hun investering een flinke duikvlucht nemen. Toenmalig VW-topman Martin Winterkorn is volgens de rechter nalatig geweest in het informeren van investeerders.

Het Volkswagen-concern ligt al sinds september 2015 wereldwijd onder vuur ligt vanwege zijn gesjoemel met dieselmotoren. Het bedrijf gebruikte software om testen om de tuin te leiden die bedoeld zijn om te meten hoe vervuilend de wagens zijn.
Volkswagen Group China builds factory specifically designed for MEB production

The electrification strategy of the Volkswagen Group China is rapidly gaining pace in the world’s biggest market for e-mobility. The Group’s first factory specifically designed for the MEB platform is now commencing construction in Anting. The first model that will be produced in the factory of SAIC VOLKSWAGEN is a Volkswagen Brand SUV in 2020. Together with the FAW-Volkswagen factory in Foshan, which opened this summer, SAIC VOLKSWAGEN’s plant will begin to produce e-cars on the MEB platform directly after the first worldwide MEB-production starts in Zwickau, Germany.

SAIC VOLKSWAGEN’s new factory, located in Anting, Shanghai, adopts a production network based on Industry 4.0 and increases automation rates and efficiency. The facility comes equipped with over 1400 Industry 4.0 standard robots, as well as a range of technologies including AI, AR and VR, delivering an intelligent and digitalized production plant. Covering 610,000 square meters, the plant for new energy vehicles (NEV) includes a variety of different function areas such as pressing equipment and battery assembly workshops, in addition to an elevated stereoscopic warehouse, a proving road and more. Meanwhile, it utilizes 27 types of environmentally-friendly technologies with a special focus on water preservation, energy saving and the reduction of carbon dioxide.

The facility is scheduled to be put into production by 2020 with a planned annual capacity of 300,000 vehicles. It will produce various new pure electric vehicles of SAIC VOLKSWAGEN, including medium and large sized pure electric SUVs, as well as battery systems. The first vehicle being built is a MEB-SUV from the Volkswagen brand. The factory will be supporting the Volkswagen Group’s e-mobility strategy in China.

The vehicles being produced in Anting are based on the MEB, which is Volkswagen’s first pure electric automotive modular platform developed for mass production. Through this new platform, MEB vehicles will have a more dynamic design, additional space, expanded battery capacity, and all-new integrated digital services, while being fully prepared for future autonomous driving implementation.

With the so called Roadmap E, the Volkswagen Group is driving forward its ambitious electric offensive. By 2025, 50 purely electric vehicles will be on the market worldwide, with one in four new vehicles to be powered by electricity only.

Mr Diess, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Group said that “Through Volkswagen’s MEB platform, we will be able to easily produce state-of-the-art electric vehicles for our Chinese customers on a high scale. The Volkswagen Group, its brands and their Chinese joint venture partners focus consistently on sustainable mobility and push the transformation of the automotive industry in China and worldwide. In this way, we emphasize the importance of the Chinese market for the Volkswagen Group.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Porsche expects to repeat record vehicle sales in 2018

Reuters reported that Volkswagen's Porsche brand sold 196,562 vehicles during the first nine months of the year, with Europe showing a 9 % increase and China, the world's largest car market, growing by 4 %. Porsche delivered 246,375 vehicles in 2017.

Mr Oliver Blume CEO said that "In the light of these good numbers we expect that we can reach last year's record again.”

Source : Reuters
'VW zet vaart achter beursplan truckdivisie'

Gepubliceerd op 26 okt 2018 om 11:17 | Views: 879

137,12 0,00 (0,00%)

FRANKFURT (AFN/RTR) - Automaker Volkswagen zet vaart achter het plan om truckdivisie Traton op eigen benen te zetten. Volgens bronnen zijn verschillende partijen, waaronder begeleidende banken en advocaten, onlangs bijgepraat over een voorgenomen beursgang.

De truckdivisie van VW maakt onder meer de merken MAN, Scania en vrachtwagens onder het eigen merk. Het geld dat met de beursgang wordt opgehaald wordt mogelijk gebruikt om de Amerikaanse branchegenoot Navistar volledig in te lijven. VW bezit al krap 17 procent van de aandelen.

Met het beursplan zou een bedrag gemoeid zijn van circa 6 miljard euro. Daarmee is het in potentie te grootste beursgang van Duitsland volgend jaar, aldus de ingewijden. Banken die naar verluidt zijn uitgekozen om de beursgang te begeleiden zijn JPMorgan, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs en Citi. Verder worden volgens de bronnen advocatenkantoren Freshfield en Linklaters in de arm genomen.
Volkswagen expects an SUV share of 50pct by 2025

Volkswagen continues with the largest SUV offensive in the company’s history. By 2025, every second Volkswagen passenger cars sold throughout the world will probably be an SUV. This already applies to every fifth car sold now. The brand expects especially strong growth in SUV sales in North and South America, as well as in China. By 2025, Volkswagen will be offering more than 30 SUV models throughout the world. With the new Polo-sized T-Cross, the brand is rounding off its SUV product portfolio at the bottom in the smallest segment. This Thursday the T-Cross is to make its world debut and will be unveiled at the same time in Europe, China and South America.

Mr Jürgen Stackmann, Member of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand responsible for Sales said that “SUVs are becoming increasingly popular with our customers throughout the world. This is why we are consistently pursuing our current SUV offensive. It will be a key contribution to strengthening our core business so that we can invest the necessary billions of euros in mobility and autonomous driving. The T-Cross rounds off our SUV family in the rapidly growing small SUV market.”

With the Touareg in the premium SUV segment, the Tiguan2 and T-Roc in the compact classes and the new T-Cross in the small car segment, Volkswagen has a strong product portfolio that will continue to grow. Further SUV models are due to follow. Volkswagen’s first full-electric SUV, the ID. CROZZ3, is to be launched in 2020. This vehicle segment is part of Volkswagen’s e-mobility offensive, which aims to bring 20 new full-electric models onto the market by 2025.

The SUV offensive announced by Volkswagen in 2015 is a success story. The compact Tiguan is now among the 10 best-selling cars in the world, with almost five million units sold. The introduction of the second generation in 2016 heralded the expansion of the Volkswagen SUV portfolio. The country-specific models Atlas for the USA and Teramont for China are enjoying sales success in their respective markets. The Touareg, which was the brand’s first SUV and has now reached its third generation, is also recording outstanding sales figures. Volkswagen expects global sales since the introduction of the first generation to reach the figure of 1 million units in the near future.

The relatively young T-Roc, the SUV in the Golf class, also got off to a good start. Since the model was launched at the end of last year, almost 130,000 cars have been sold.

Now the brand’s smallest and most compact SUV is ready to be launched the first SUV offered by Volkswagen in this vehicle class. The new T-Cross is a real all-rounder, which is reflected by features such as the wide variety of assistance systems previously only available on cars in higher segments. The standard equipment includes the Front Assist ambient monitoring system with Pedestrian Monitoring and City Emergency Braking function, the lane keeping assistant Lane Assist, The Proactive Occupant Protection System and the lane change assistant Blind Spot Detection. At the same time, the T-Cross offers more space, variability and individuality thanks to its sliding rear seat. With its digital cockpit and its outstanding connectivity with the outside world, the T-Cross is the ideal car for its time.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Volkswagen overweegt partners bij zelfrijdende systemen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Volkswagen wil toegang hebben tot een zelfrijdend systeem. Dit zei CFO Frank Witter van de Duitse autofabrikant dinsdag in een toelichting op de kwartaalcijfers.

De onderneming bekijkt nog of het dit systeem zelfstandig wil bouwen, of dat het partners zal zoeken.

Volkswagen spreekt met verschillende "relevante" partijen, aldus de CFO, en dat doen concurrenten volgens hem ook. Het is dan ook een "kostbare" aangelegenheid.

Een besluit is nog niet genomen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Lichte omzetstijging Volkswagen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Volkswagen heeft in de eerste negen maanden van 2018 de omzet licht zien stijgen. Dit maakte de Duitse autofabrikant dinsdag bekend.

De omzet ging op jaarbasis met 2,7 procent omhoog naar 174,6 miljard, mede door volumegerelateerde factoren.

De operationele winst voor speciale items steeg licht van 13,2 miljard euro naar 13,3 miljard euro.

Voor het dieselschandaal moest Volkswagen 2,6 miljard euro uittrekken. Het schandaal kwam in 2015 uit, maar het bedrijf heeft hier nog steeds last van.

De winst voor belastingen steeg met 2,2 miljard euro naar 12,5 miljard euro.

Het aantal afgeleverde auto's steeg met 4,2 procent.

"De ontwikkelingen in de eerste negen maanden zijn bemoedigend. We hebben nog wel steeds te maken met grote uitdagingen. Dat geldt overigens voor de hele auto-industrie", stelde Herbert Diess, CEO van Volkswagen.


Volkswagen handhaaft de verwachting voor het gehele jaar, "ondanks de uitdagende marktomstandigheden". Het bedrijf verwacht in 2018 een operationele rendement op de omzet in de bandbreedte van 6,5 tot 7,5 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
Voormalig Audi-baas Stadler komt vrij

Gepubliceerd op 30 okt 2018 om 11:45 | Views: 897

MÜNCHEN (AFN/DPA) - Voormalig Audi-baas Rupert Stadler komt vrij uit voorarrest. Dat heeft de beroepsrechter in München bepaald. Stadler zat sinds juni vast in de gevangenis voor ondervraging over zijn rol in het dieselschandaal. Hij wordt verdacht van betrokkenheid bij het gesjoemel met de uitstoot van diesels.

Het onderzoek tegen Stadler, die begin deze maand door Audi werd ontslagen, wordt wel voortgezet. Het bewijs tegen hem wordt door de rechters als sterk omschreven.

Stadler moet voor zijn vrijlating wel een borg betalen. Ook mag hij geen contact opnemen met andere mensen die onderzocht worden, omdat er nog altijd risico is dat hij met bewijsmateriaal knoeit.
Former Audi CEO Stadler released from custody

Auto News reported that a Munich court said former Audi CEO Mr Rupert Stadler, who is being investigated for his role in Volkswagen Group's emissions-cheating scandal, had been released from custody. This month, Volkswagen terminated Mr Stadler's contract against the backdrop of a criminal investigation into whether he was involved in emissions cheating.

Munich prosecutors are investigating Mr Stadler and another member of Audi's senior management for suspected fraud and false advertising related to illegal emissions by its cars and manipulation of vehicle tests.

Mr Stadler was taken into custody in mid-June by German authorities on suspicion of interfering with an emissions investigation.

Source : Auto News
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