VirtualTrader is the perfect traders simulation game. VirtualTrader is totally FREE to play.
A new prize competition will start shortly. We will keep you posted.

Master the Market. Trade in as many securities as you like and try to get the highest return! Buy low and Sell high. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?

When your portfolio is created £100,000 of virtual cash will be deposited into your account.You may create as many private portfolios as you like, but only one competition portfolio! This means that you will be excluded if you are playing with more than one competition portfolio.

You can take part in an existing league or create your own new league. You could, for instance have a league for your friends, family or work colleagues.

The ranking shows portfolios with the highest relative perfomance. Thus, the current value versus the value in the beginning of the month or the moment you registered for the prize league. We will reset all competition portfolios when a new prize game begins.

Winners of the prize league are subject to verification by VirtualTrader. In other words: Cheating does not pay off in the prize league.

Best regards,

Chiel Versteege
Site Manager