Ik heb gisteren een mail gestuurd naar Via Networks om wat extra informatie over de betaling te krijgen en de waarde van hun cash reserves. De dollar wordt steeds minder waard t.o.v. de euro dus dit zal consequenties hebben voor de eventuele betaling.
De mail:
>Dear Sir,
>I have a few questions regarding the payment of >the shareholders if any payment occurs after the >IPO litigation is resolved.
>Would the payment occur in dollars only and not >in another currency, for
>example the euro? There are still a lot of >shareholders with shares that
>have been bought in Europe (for example in The >Netherlands) with euros and
>as the dollar is declining against other >currencies the shares are worth
>less after the conversion of dollars to euros. >Would it be an option to have
>the cash reserves, that Via Networks has, >converted to another currency like
>the euro?
>Has this been taken into consideration as the >dollar is losing its value in
>regard to other currencies?
>Thank you for any clarification on this issue.
>Best regards,
Het antwoord:
>We can provide the following information >regarding your questions:
>If and when a distribution to VIA NET.WORKS >shareholders is made, payment
>would be facilitated through our transfer agent, >Continental Stock Transfer
>& Trust company. Continental would deliver >payment in US dollars to all
>shareholders of record. European shareholders >typically hold their shares
>through a broker, who in turn have book entry >holdings in the stock through
>a European stock clearinghouse. Once the >clearinghouse receives US dollars
>cash in payment for all its book entry >shareholders, it would convert the
>cash into Euros and distribute it pro-rata to the >broker firms who would in
>turn distribute the Euros to its individual >brokerage account holders.
>Therefore, you would receive a converted Euro >amount of the distribution.
>As to the company's cash reserves, we have held >Euros and dollars as cash
>reserves from time to time. Currently, the >reserves are primarily and
>substantially held in US dollars. We review the >investment strategy from
>time to time, with a view to preserving the value >of the investments for the
>safeguard of our shareholders' interests. The >Company and its directors
>strive to make prudent decisions with respect to >these investments and take
>into consideration currency factors when they >make these decisions.
>Very best,
Cash reserves op dit moment alleen in dollars. Dus op het moment van betaling wordt door de brokers de dollars omgezet in euro's. Het is te hopen, dat ze wat wijzer gaan worden en de cash reserves omzetten naar andere valuta om enigszins waarde te behouden.