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Zoals het nu de staat is en lijkt het met duidelijk, dat het volstrekt onduidelijk is wat nu de status is van Via, wat onze rechten zijn en hun plichten. Wat nu de uiteindelijke afhandeling is van onze aandeeltjes, ook die van in de US die zomaar zijn overgeplaatst. Bij mijn waren deze al in de US want heb ze via ABN aangekocht. Hoeveel lieden willen dit ook weten en zouden we niet help kunnen krijgen van een juridisch adviseur c.q. advocaat zodat deze juist duidelijkheid kan verschaffen, Gezamelijk inhuren bedoel ik als z.g.n. "Via verlies stichting" of iets dergelijks. Graag een mening hierover!


Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC (du), today reported a net pre-operating cost of AED 132.25 million for the period from December 28, 2005 to June 30, 2006.

du’s Chairman Ahmed Bin Byat stated that investments were in line with projections and that du continued to be on track for its upcoming launch.

“It is very pleasing to see the progress that has been made over the last six months since the inception of the company. In this time we have acquired the telecom assets of TECOM Investments, been awarded the 2nd telecommunications license for the UAE and had our shares listed on the Dubai Financial Market.” Bin Byat said.

“In the meanwhile, we are investing heavily in building the infrastructure of the company, particularly in world class networks and IT systems and have spent so far a net amount of AED 1.4bn. I have no doubt these investments will result in achieving the exceptional quality of services that du plans to deliver for the benefit of all consumers in the UAE,” he added.

du’s Chief Executive Officer, Osman Sultan, said “We are steadily building the foundations of our company in line with our mission aimed at delighting our customers by enabling better communication experience, investing in our employees in order to be the home for the best talents and generating optimal value for our shareholders through operational efficiency and innovation”.

“We are driving a number of key initiatives to establish our business for launch later this year. In addition to building infrastructure and other operational capabilities, recruiting and developing the best talents and growing them within the du family is our other priority. Particular emphasis is being laid on attracting UAE national resources. In this context we are pleased to announce that we have launched a Graduate Trainee programme for UAE Nationals”, Sultan continued.

To read the entire press release, please download the PDFdocument .

Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC (du), 今天被報告AED 的網前操作的費用132.25 百萬在期間從2005 年12月28 日到2006 年6月30 日。 du 的主席Ahmed 容器Byat 闡明, 投資是根據投射並且du 繼續是在軌道為它即將來臨的發射。 "它是非常中意的看獲得了在前六個月期間從公司的開始的進展。在這時間我們獲取了TECOM 投資電信財產, 被授予第2 個電信執照為阿拉伯聯合酋長國和安排我們的份額被列出在迪拜金融市場上。" 容器Byat 認為。 "同時, 我們沉重投資在建立公司的基礎設施, 特別在世界組網路和它系統和到目前為止花費了一個淨值AED 我沒有疑義這些投資導致達到例外服務質量du plans 交付為所有消費者的目的在阿拉伯聯合酋長國," 他增加的1.4bn. 。 du 的首席執行官, Osman Sultan, 說"我們平穩地建立我們的公司的基礎根據我們的使命由使能更好的通信經驗, 投資在我們的雇員為了是家為最佳的天分和引起瞄準使我們的顧客高興優選的價值為我們的股東通過操作的效率和創新" 。 "我們駕駛一定數量的關鍵主動性建立我們的事務為發射下半年。除大廈基礎設施和其它操作的能力之外, 吸收和開發最佳的天分和生長他們在du family 心頭是我們的其它優先權。特定重點被放置在吸引阿拉伯聯合酋長國國民資源。在這上下文我們高興宣佈, 我們發射了一個畢業生實習生節目為阿拉伯聯合酋長國國民", Sultan 繼續。 讀整個新聞發布, 請下載PDFdocument 。 releases/du 投資14bn 如此far.html

Ενσωματωμένη η εμιράτα επιχείρηση PJSC (du) τηλεπικοινωνιών, εξέθεσε σήμερα ένα καθαρό pre-operating κόστος 132.25 εκατομμυρίων AED για την περίοδο από τις 28 Δεκεμβρίου ..2005 έως τις 30 Ιουνίου, το 2006. ο πρόεδρος Ahmed Bin Byat του du δήλωσε ότι οι επενδύσεις συμφώνησαν με τις προβολές και ότι το du συνέχισε να είναι στη διαδρομή για την επερχόμενη έναρξή του. "Είναι πολύ παρακαλώντας να δει την πρόοδο που έχει σημειωθεί κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων έξι μηνών από την έναρξη της επιχείρησης. Σε αυτήν την περίοδο έχουμε αποκτήσει τα προτερήματα τηλεπικοινωνιών των επενδύσεων TECOM, απονεμημένος τη 2$α άδεια τηλεπικοινωνιών για τα Ε.Α.Ε. και απαριθμήσαμε τις μετοχές μας στη χρηματιστική αγορά του Ντουμπ&#
Ook aanbevolen,

Hieronder de vertaling van het tweede deel:
Epsilon nu sigma omega mu alpha tau omega mu □nu eta eta epsilon mu iota rho □tau alpha epsilon pi iota chi epsilon □rho eta sigma eta PJSC (du) tau eta lamda epsilon pi iota kappa οiota nu omega nu iota □nu, Epsilon xi □theta epsilon sigma epsilon sigma □mu epsilon rho alpha □nu alpha kappa alpha theta alpha rho □pre-operating kappa □sigma tau ο□132.25 epsilon kappa alpha tau οmu mu upsilon rho □omega nu AED gamma iota alpha tau eta nu pi epsilon rho □οdelta οalpha pi □tau iota □28 Delta epsilon kappa epsilon mu beta rho □οupsilon. 2005 □omega □tau iota □30 Iota οupsilon nu □οupsilon, Tau ο2006. οpi rho □epsilon delta rho ο□Ahmed Bin Byat tau οupsilon du delta □lamda omega sigma epsilon □tau iota οiota epsilon pi epsilon nu delta □sigma epsilon iota □sigma upsilon mu phi □nu eta sigma alpha nu mu epsilon tau iota □pi rho οbeta οlamda □□kappa alpha iota □tau iota tau οdu sigma upsilon nu □chi iota sigma epsilon nu alpha epsilon □nu alpha iota sigma tau eta delta iota alpha delta rho οmu □gamma iota alpha tau eta nu epsilon pi epsilon rho chi □mu epsilon nu eta □nu alpha rho xi □ Tau οupsilon "Epsilon □nu alpha iota pi οlamda □pi alpha rho alpha kappa alpha lamda □nu tau alpha □nu alpha delta epsilon iota tau eta nu pi rho □οdelta οpi οupsilon □chi epsilon iota sigma eta mu epsilon iota omega theta epsilon □kappa alpha tau □tau eta delta iota □rho kappa epsilon iota alpha tau omega nu tau epsilon lamda epsilon upsilon tau alpha □omega nu □xi iota mu eta nu □nu alpha pi □tau eta nu □nu alpha rho xi eta tau eta □epsilon pi iota chi epsilon □rho eta sigma eta □ Sigma epsilon alpha upsilon tau □nu tau eta nu pi epsilon rho □οdelta ο□chi οupsilon mu epsilon alpha pi οkappa tau □sigma epsilon iota tau alpha pi rho οtau epsilon rho □mu alpha tau alpha tau eta lamda epsilon pi iota kappa οiota nu omega nu iota □nu tau omega nu epsilon pi epsilon nu delta □sigma epsilon omega nu TECOM, alpha pi οnu epsilon mu eta mu □nu ο□tau eta 2$ alpha □delta epsilon iota alpha tau eta lamda epsilon pi iota kappa οiota nu omega nu iota □nu gamma iota alpha tau alpha Epsilon Alpha Epsilon Kappa alpha iota alpha pi alpha rho iota theta mu □sigma alpha mu epsilon tau iota □mu epsilon tau οchi □□mu alpha □sigma tau eta chi rho eta mu alpha tau iota sigma tau iota kappa □alpha gamma οrho □tau οupsilon Nu tau οupsilon mu pi &#

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heb van de rabobank nog niks gehoord hoe of wat.denk dat er niks gebeurd met de aandeeltjes,bewaarloon vangen ze toch wel.
Net grows to meet fresh demands
By Darren Waters
Technology editor, BBC News website

Fibre optic is playing a part in the net's future
The net is facing the need for serious upgrades in order to meet fresh demands such as high definition video on the web and social networking.

A recent report from Deloitte said 2007 could be the year the internet approaches capacity, with demand outstripping supply. It predicted bottlenecks in some of the net's backbones as the amount of data overwhelms the size of the pipes.

On Tuesday more than a million people watched a video clip of a friendly fire incident in Iraq via the website of the Sun newspaper, reflecting the explosion of interest in online video.

But earlier this week a Google executive said the net would struggle to deliver high quality video over the web.

Vincent Dureau, Google's head of TV technology, said that the web could not scale to meet surges in demand and so could not deliver a good experience.

"It's not going to offer the quality of service that consumers expect, "he said.

"There will be a lot more video and a lot longer video online and its going to happen more quickly than people think," predicted Rob Petty, chief executive at Roo, one of the leading video streaming firms in the world.

The appetite for content from the net is growing at an exponential rate and there are real concerns that the network might not be up to the task.


Many analysts are predicting an explosion in video over the web in the coming years, along with demand from other services such as social networking and internet telephony.

Internet service providers, networking companies and content providers are all re-thinking how the network is used to deliver material such as video and audio.

Firms like Apple are betting on online delivery of content

Verisign, the American firm which provides the backbone for much of the net, including domain names .com and .net, has said it is investing $100m (£51m) over the next three years to increase bandwidth 10-fold for new services.

Ken Silva, chief security officer at Verisign, told BBC News: "The internet for the last decade has grown primarily based on user interaction such as going to a website, or sending an e-mail.

"That's going to change pretty dramatically. Things that never were on the network before, and were never intended to be, will be on the network."

He said mobile phones, net telephony and TV delivered via the net were going to force explosive growth on the net.

"We used to count internet devices based on the number of computers connected to the net, now it is going to be the number of objects."

Greater demands

The data involved in one hour of video can equal the total in one year's worth of e-mails and the advent of high definition video is putting greater demands than ever on the net.

Analysts Gartner reports that 60% of all data uploaded from computers is peer-to-peer traffic - data being sent from one computer to another.

And research by UK technology firm CacheLogic says that 60% of the peer-to-peer traffic on the net was video - be it a TV show or a movie.

On average, across the world, these files are 1GB in size, it reported.

The chief executive of Joost, one of the most talked about online video services recently, is confident that the net will deal with the new tasks thrown at it.

Fredrik de Wahl said: "The infrastructure providers have done a great job expanding network capacity to meet consumers' desire for more voice, video and data services. We have every confidence the future needs will be met."

He said innovators would continue to "develop new compression technologies, fibre utilisation and delivery strategies to enable ever-more traffic to flow".

Multimedia platform

European firm Interoute, which provides the network for many internet service providers and delivers the multimedia platform for firms like EMI, has recognised the need for fresh development in the grid.

It has spent 22m euros (£14.6m) to develop its network to stand up to the rigours of video delivery in the high definition age.

Google's purchase of YouTube raised the profile of web video

"We are using optical technology across the network to facilitate the huge uptake in audio visual demand from consumers and clients," said Oisin Lunny, product manager of media services at Interoute.

"It enables our fibre optic backbone to deal with 4,000 YouTubes 24/7," he said.

He added: "It's a massive increase in capacity. We have invested to make sure we can underpin the future of multimedia content, however massively it expands."

Interoute says its multimedia platform, called Share, can deliver 10 million video streams a day.

The big challenge for the industry is enabling online video to move from a niche activity into the mainstream, and with it the demands that come with millions of people needing content simultaneously.

Roo delivers the video platform for newspaper websites like the Sun and Mirror and chief executive Robert Petty said the online video experience would depend on the viewer's location.


"The strain that will put on the network will vary from country by country - it will depend on each country's infrastructure," he said.

But even if the network is upgraded to meet the demands of the future, the bottleneck could be in the last mile of reaching people's homes.

Broadband speeds in many homes are simply not fast enough to deal with the delivery of high definition content.

In the UK, BT is trialling its ADSL2+ network which should give customers up to 24Mbps while cable firm NTL/Telewest is trialling broadband with up to 50Mbps.

While in the US, telecoms providers like Verizon are rolling out fibre optic networks, promising speeds of about 30Mbps and potentially up to 100Mbps.

The fat pipe, as the network is known, is still getting fatter.

Online TV pushing the web to 'breaking point'
Internet will struggle to meet rising demand, warns Google

Jane Hoskyn, 09 Feb 2007

Online video services such as YouTube and Joost are pushing internet capacity to breaking point, a top Google executive has warned.

Vincent Dureau, head of TV technology at Google, said that the web will soon struggle to meet rising demand for high-quality online video.

The search giant paid $1.65bn for YouTube last year.

Speaking at the Cable Europe Conference in Amsterdam this week, Dureau said: "The web infrastructure, even Google's [infrastructure], does not scale. It is not going to offer the quality of service that consumers expect."

Google is already investing heavily just to keep data flowing, according to Dureau.

Meanwhile, a report from analysts at Deloitte predicts that 2007 may see the internet approach capacity.

The Predictions 2007 report cites increased demand for online video, but also blames social networking sites like MySpace and Bebo for " pushing bandwidth to breaking point".

A fast-growing appetite for online video is borne out by the numbers. On Tuesday more than a million people watched The Sun's online clip of a 'friendly fire' incident in Iraq, and viewing figures of up to 100 million have been linked to Loose Change, a controversial online documentary about 9/11.

UK technology researcher CacheLogic claimed that 60 per cent of the internet's peer-to-peer traffic is now video, and that the average file size is 1GB.

Online video service bosses are confident that the internet can handle the demands. Fredrik de Wahl, of recently-launched web TV portal Joost, suggested that infrastructure providers have made great strides to expand network capacity.

US infrastructure provider VeriSign, for example, is investing $100m (£51m) over the next three years to increase bandwidth by a factor of 10.

European network firm Interoute has spent €22m (£14.6m) upgrading its network to cope with demand for online high-definition video.

Tim Sparke, chief executive at Loose Change distributor Mercury Media, told that market forces would help solve any difficulties.

"If space needs to be rationed, then it will be rationed on price," he said. "If at peak time consumers have to pay more to access material through their ISP, they will end up downloading content outside peak times."

Uiterst interessant en vanzelfsprekend van eminent en niet te onderschatten belang!!!....maar wat heeft dit geplak nu met het waardeloos geworden Via aandeel te maken??
Alles naar mijn idee. VIA is een werknemer van Google geworden met als opdracht om een wereldwijd netwerk voor Google te bouwen. Die videofilmpjes van Youtube moeten natuurlijk wel in de huiskamer ontvangen kunnen worden.
Maar waarom is het Via aandeel dan waardeloos geworden?
Als het ook maar iets met elkaar van doen zou hebben zou er waarde aan ontleend worden en dat zou worden teruggezien in de waarde van het Via aandeel.
Voorlopig is de waarheid "de markt heeft altijd gelijk" ook hier van toepassing.
Via is waardeloos geworden omdat er geen enkele verwachting meer in zit, hoe hoog of laag Yelloww ook spingt en wat voor artikelen hij hier ook plaatst, de markt verwacht in het geheel niets meer van Via.
De proxy gelezen ? VIA stelt dat het hele proces 3 jaar kan duren tenzij het in het belang van de aandeelhouders is om de ontbinding te beeindigen. Bovendien heeft men nog altijd een aanzienlijk cashreserve die verplicht is voor de amerikaanse wet ( om eventuele claims te kunnen betalen ). Dus ook al klopt er niets van mijn verhaal dan nog heeft men na maximaal 3 jaar ( november 2008 ) recht op een dividend uitkering.

07 februari 2007

PR-activiteiten Interoute naar Lubbers & De Jong

Amsterdam, 7 februari 2007 --- Interoute, marktleider in glasvezelnetwerken, heeft het Amsterdamse bureau Lubbers & De Jong in de arm genomen om de PR-activiteiten te coördineren.

Interoute is eigenaar en operator van het geavanceerde en wijdvertakte Europese netwerk voor spraak en data met meer dan 35.000 kilometer glasvezel. Daarnaast is de onderneming een toonaangevende speler op de markt voor communicatietechnologie.

De opdracht is bij de Amsterdammers terecht gekomen omdat Lubbers & De Jong goed is ingevoerd in het begeleiden van snel groeiende technologie organisaties, ervaring heeft op gebied van communicatieadvies en het gehele traject van communicatie, marketing en public relations adequaat kan invullen.

Het full-service netwerk van Interoute...

In tegenstelling tot Yellowww verwacht "de markt" daar helemaal niets van. Dit gezien het waardeloos zijn van de Via-aandelen.
Mijn antwoord op de vraag, wie heeft er gelijk, de markt of Yellowww? is; dat "de markt" het zoals altijd bij het rechte eind heeft, ergo Yellowww en andere Via-aandelen bezitters kunnen fluiten naar een eventuele uitkering.

In dit opzicht is het leerzaam de postings op dit forum gedurende de geleidelijke maar in feite enorme kapitaalvernietiging die via Via aandelen heeft plaatsgevonden eens te volgen.
Voortdurend kwamen nieuwe verhalen aan de oppervlakte die de hoop op betere tijden moest blijven voeden. Voer voor psychologen dus!
Jouw postings, Yelloww, kan ik niet in een andere optiek plaatsen.

Lekker makkelijk om te " psychologiseren " i.p.v om op de inhoud in te gaan. iemand die zegt dat de markt altijd gelijk heeft moet zich niet met beleggen bezig houden. Vaak lijken de dingen namelijk heel anders dan ze op het eerste gezicht zijn.

Het is gewoon afwachten wat en wanneer er iets gaat gebeuren. Op de man spelen kan altijd later nog ....
Ik speel niet op de man Yellowww, verre van dat!

Voor wat Via betreft kun je slechts achterom kijken om het sla(g)(cht)veld te overzien. Afwachten wat en wanneer er iets gaat gebeuren lijkt een erg langdurig wachten te worden.
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