reverse takeover
A reverse takeover (RTO), also known as a back door listing, or a reverse merger, is a financial transaction that results in a privately-held company becoming a publicly-held company without going the traditional route of filing a prospectus and undertaking an initial public offering (IPO). Rather, it is accomplished by the shareholders of the private company selling all of their shares in the private company to the public company in exchange for shares of the public company.
While the transaction is technically a takeover of the private company by the public company, it is called a reverse takeover because the public company involved is typically a "shell" (also known as a "blank check company", "capital pool company" or "cash shell company") and it typically issues such a large number of shares to acquire the private company that the former shareholders of the private company end up controlling the public company.
There are two ways for a privately-held company to go public: Through an initial public offering of stock (IPO), or via reverse takeover.
In a reverse takeover, shareholders of the private company purchase control of the public shell company and then merge it with the private company. The publicly traded corporation is called a "shell" since all that exists of the original company is its organizational structure. The private company shareholders receive a substantial majority of the shares of the public company and control of its board of directors. The transaction can be accomplished within weeks. If the shell is an SEC-registered company, the private company does not go through an expensive and time-consuming review with state and federal regulators because this process was completed beforehand with the public company.
The transaction involves the private and shell company exchanging information on each other, negotiating the merger terms, and signing a share exchange agreement. At the closing, the shell company issues a substantial majority of its shares and board control to the shareholders of the private company. The private company's shareholders pay for the shell company by contributing their shares in the private company to the shell company that they now control. This share exchange and change of control completes the reverse takeover, transforming the formerly privately-held company into a publicly-held company.
The advantages of public trading status include the possibility of commanding a higher price for a later offering of the company's securities. Going public through a reverse takeover allows a privately-held company to become publicly-held at a lesser cost, and with less stock dilution than through an initial public offering (IPO). While the process of going public and raising capital is combined in an IPO, in a reverse takeover, these two functions are separate. A company can go public without raising additional capital. Separating these two functions greatly simplifies the process.
In addition, a reverse takeover is less susceptible to market conditions. Conventional IPOs are risky for companies to undertake because the deal relies on market conditions, over which senior management has little control. If the market is off, the underwriter may pull the offering. The market also does not need to plunge wholesale. If a company in registration participates in an industry that's making unfavorable headlines, investors may shy away from the deal. In a reverse takeover, since the deal rests solely between those controlling the public and private companies, market conditions have little bearing on the situation.
The process for a conventional IPO can last for a year or more. When a company transitions from an entrepreneurial venture to a public company fit for outside ownership, how time is spent by strategic managers can be beneficial or detrimental. Time spent in meetings and drafting sessions related to an IPO can have a disastrous effect on the growth upon which the offering is predicated, and may even nullify it. In addition, during the many months it takes to put an IPO together, market conditions can deteriorate, making the completion of an IPO unfavorable. By contrast, a reverse takeover can be completed in as little as thirty days.
For a conventional IPO, it can cost as much as $200,000 just to release a preliminary prospectus. A reverse merger, however, can be done for $95,000 to $150,000.
Additionally, many shell companies carry forward what is known as a tax-loss. This means that a loss incurred in previous years can be applied to income in future years. This shelters future income from income taxes. Since most active public companies become dormant public companies after a string of losses, or at least one large one, it is more likely that a shell company will offer this tax shelter.
It is highly unusual to preserve any benefit from the tax loss carry forward in a shell company. The tsx regs. normally reduce the loss carry forward by the percentage of the change in control. In a well structured reverse merger the private company should end up with 95% or more of the stock after the mergr, thus reducing the tax loss carry forward by this amount for greater.
Future financing
The greater number of financing options available to publicly-held companies is a primary reason to undergo a reverse takeover. These financing options include:
The issuance of additional stock in a secondary offering
An exercise of warrants, where stockholders have the right to purchase additional shares in a company at predetermined prices. When many shareholders with warrants exercise their option to purchase additional shares, the company receives an infusion of capital.
Other investors are more likely to invest in a company via a private offering of stock when a mechanism to sell their stock is in place should the company be successful.
In addition, the now-publicly-held company obtains the benefits of public trading of its securities:
Increased liquidity of company stock
Higher company valuation due to a higher share price
Greater access to capital markets
Ability to acquire other companies through stock transactions
Ability to use stock incentive plans to attract and retain employees
In all of these cases sans US Airways and America West Airlines, shareholders of the acquiree controlled the resulting entity.
ValuJet Airlines was acquired by AirWays Corp. to form AirTran Holdings, with the goal of shedding the tarnished reputation of the former.
aérospatiale was acquired by Matra to form Aérospatiale-Matra, with the goal of taking the former, a state-owned company, public.
US Airways was acquired by America West Airlines, with the goal of removing the former from Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
The New York Stock Exchange was acquired by Archipelago Holdings to form NYSE Group, with the goal of taking the former, a mutual company, public.
ABC Radio is to be acquired by Citadel Broadcasting Corporation, with the goal of spinning the former off from its parent, Disney.