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Interoute bindet Dubai mit Layer 2-Ethernet-Leitungen an Europa und die USA an


Source Interoute Communications Ltd.
Datum 29.11.2006
Resume Next Generation Ethernet-Portfolio ermöglicht fortschrittliche digitale Handelsprozesse mit den Geschäftszentren der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate


Berlin, 29. November 2006 - Interoute, Betreiber des dichtesten Next Generation Sprach- und Datennetzwerks in Europa, gibt heute entscheidende Erweiterungen seiner Dienstleistungen in Dubai bekannt: Managed Ethernet-Services verbinden jetzt die aufstrebenden Geschäftsknotenpunkte in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten mit Europa und Nordamerika. Auf der Grundlage der engen Beziehungen zur Dubai Holding (mit einem Investment von mehr als 120 Millionen Euro im Jahr 2005) ist Interoute der einzige Anbieter, der echte Layer 2-Ethernet-Dienste von allen wichtigen europäischen und nordamerikanischen Metropolen aus in die Freihandelszonen rund um Dubai bringt.

Als Anbieter fest in der Region verankert

Die Zusammenarbeit mit der Dubai Holding und ,du' legte den Grundstein für eine Reihe weiterer Partnerschaften. Damit ist Interoute in der Lage, internationale Organisationen, die in der Freihandelsregion um Dubai präsent sein wollen, effektiv zu unterstützen. Die neue Ethernet-Technologie von Interoute erweitert die Netzwerk- und Datentransferkapazitäten auf Übertragungsgeschwindigkeiten zwischen 2 und 10 Gigabit pro Sekunde und schafft somit die Voraussetzung für hocheffizienten Informationsaustausch mit radikal verringerten Schnittstellenkosten. Interoute bietet echte Layer 2-Ethernet-Konnektivität, die einfacher und deutlich preisgünstiger ist als herkömmliche IP VPNs. Zudem verfügen Kunden über verbesserte Steuerungsmöglichkeiten für ihre CPE (Customer Premise Equipment) Router.

Gareth Williams, President of Global Markets von Interoute, erläutert: "Durch die wegweisenden Partnerschaften in Dubai heben wir uns klar von unseren Mitbewerbern ab. Wir sind der einzige Carrier, der die arabische Region mit hochqualitativen Ethernet-Diensten an Europa und die USA anbinden kann. Mit unserem Ethernet-Portfolio, das auch 10-Gigabit-Ethernet umfasst, wird das WAN (Wide Area Network) so einfach nutzbar wie ein lokales Netz. Obsolete Technologien können abgelöst werden, ohne dass dafür immense Kosten wie bei einer sonst erforderlichen System-Kompletterneuerung anfallen."

Durchgängiges Netzmanagement

Ethernet ist eine überaus einfache und kosteneffektive Technologie zur wechselseitigen Weitverkehrsanbindung lokaler Businessnetze. Auch kundenspezifische Lösungen lassen sich damit unkompliziert implementieren. Interoute ist der erste Provider, der sowohl gemanagte als auch nicht gemanagte Ethernet-Services in Dubai anbietet. Zusammen mit dem bestehenden Next Generation Network von Interoute macht die neue Hochleistungsanbindung den Weg frei für all jene Unternehmen, die ihre Präsenz in der Region auf- beziehungsweise ausbauen wollen.

"Dubai ist eines der am schnellsten wachsenden Businesszentren der Welt," kommentiert Peter Goodman, Produktmanager Ethernet-Services bei Interoute. "Für die Region scheinen zusätzliche Impulse von solchen Firmen auszugehen, die eine eigene Anbindung hierher etablieren wollen. Nationale oder lokale Carrier, die lediglich die letzte Meile versorgen, können allerdings kein durchgängiges Ende-zu-Ende-Management mit effizienter Netzwerkdiagnose bereitstellen. Bei den gemanagten Ethernet-Services von Interoute hingegen wird das beim Kunden installierte Equipment permanent überwacht. Detaillierte Performance-Statistiken stehen daher jederzeit via Web zur Verfügung."

Viele Unternehmen streben zudem verstärkt nach Business-Continuity-Lösungen, um Richtlinien wie Sarbanes Oxley oder dem Turnbull-Codex zu entsprechen. Erforderlich sind in diesem Zusammenhang zum Beispiel Backup-Verfahren für kritische Geschäftsdaten über weite geografische Entfernungen hinweg. Die Ethernet-Dienste von Interoute bieten dafür eine ideale Grundlage. Im Vergleich zu traditionellen TDM-Technologien lassen sich hiermit die Kosten für die Integration von Kundentechnik um den Faktor 2 bis 3 verringern.

Ethernet operator Interoute extends its services to Dubai

Interoute, owner of Europe’s most advanced next-generation voice and data network, announced the extension of its services in Dubai; delivering managed Ethernet for customer sites in Dubai linking the thriving UAE business hub with Europe and America. Building on its links with du and Dubai Holding - following the investment of over €120m in 2005 - Interoute is the only company to offer true layer two Ethernet services from major European and American cities to numerous free zones in Dubai.
Through its close relationship with Dubai Holding and du, Interoute has formed a range of partnerships in Dubai’s free zones to help international organisations make the most of their presence there. Interoute’s Ethernet technology, which supports bandwidths from 2Mb/second to 10Gbit/second, delivers a large data transfer and wide area networking capacity; this facilitates fast and efficient information sharing and radically reduces interface costs. Interoute offers a true layer two Ethernet service which is simpler and cheaper than an IP VPN and allows customers to retain control of their CPE routers.
Gareth Williams, President of Global Markets, Interoute, said: “The pioneering partnerships we have made in Dubai have elevated us head and shoulders above the competition. We are the only carrier capable of delivering a quality Ethernet service now linking the region to Europe and the US. Our portfolio of Ethernet services, including 10GIGE, extends the simplicity and familiarity of the local area network out into the wide area network, removing legacy technology without the huge costs of a complete system overhaul.”
Optical Keyhole Publishes Interview with Interoute CTO
28.11.2006 13:14:00

Optical Keyhole - – has today published an interview with the CTO of Interoute, Matthew Finnie in which he describes the origins and strategy of this pan-European operator, including the selection of two suppliers for the recent capacity upgrade. The interview can be read at This interview is part of an ongoing series of interview and presentations, including a recently published set of video conducted with Ciena Corp (NASDAQ:CIEN), an important supplier to Interoute and available at The series consists of Gary Smith, President and CEO: Strategy Update Introduction and Overview. Francois Locoh-Donou, VP and GM, EMEA: Giving a presentation on the European Business Model. Vinay Rathore, Director of Marketing: Giving a presentation on Ciena’s FlexSelect Architecture Evolution. Other recent additions include: OpNext: recently having filed for an IPO, and claiming leadership in 10 Gbit/s telecom and datacom modules as well as in 10/40 Gbit/s lasers, President and CEO Harry Bosco presents an introduction to Opnext, from its roots as part of Hitachi to the company's continuous innovation in the technologies driving new network applications. VPIphotonics: a division of VPIsystems, provides software and services supporting end-to-end photonic design automation. Here Andre Richter introduces and describes the benefits of the company's family of simulation tools and discusses the structure of the company and the market. CoreOptics: Hamid Arabzadeh, President and CEO of CoreOptics, discusses his company's position in the 10 and 40 Gbit/s DWDM market based on MLSE, CoreOptics' implementation of digital equalization, as well as recent funding from Deutsche Telekom. All the above can also be seen at About Optical Keyhole carries 150 text interviews from the telecommunications sector, nearly 216 different videos, covering both presentations and facility tours, as well as CEO interviews, over 40,000 different articles, in a fully searchable database, and 2000 editorials and commentaries. In addition, the website carries a host of directories covering all aspects of both present as well as past companies, with particular emphasis on the optical segment.
Interoute's Layer Two Ethernet wires Dubai to the US and Europe

Next generation Ethernet portfolio enables enhanced digital commerce with UAE business centre

London, UK, 29 November 2006 - Interoute, owner of Europe’s most advanced next-generation voice and data network, today announced the extension of its services in Dubai; delivering managed Ethernet for customer sites in Dubai linking the thriving UAE business hub with Europe and America. Building on its links with du and Dubai Holding - following the investment of over €120m in 2005 - Interoute is the only company to offer true layer two Ethernet services from major European and American cities to numerous free zones in Dubai.

Through its close relationship with Dubai Holding and du, Interoute has formed a range of partnerships in Dubai’s free zones to help international organisations make the most of their presence there. Interoute’s Ethernet technology, which supports bandwidths from 2Mb/second to 10Gbit/second, delivers a large data transfer and wide area networking capacity; this facilitates fast and efficient information sharing and radically reduces interface costs. Interoute offers a true layer two Ethernet service which is simpler and cheaper than an IP VPN and allows customers to retain control of their CPE routers.

Gareth Williams, President of Global Markets, Interoute, said: “The pioneering partnerships we have made in Dubai have elevated us head and shoulders above the competition. We are the only carrier capable of delivering a quality Ethernet service now linking the region to Europe and the US. Our portfolio of Ethernet services, including 10GIGE, extends the simplicity and familiarity of the local area network out into the wide area network, removing legacy technology without the huge costs of a complete system overhaul.”

Ethernet is a simple, cost effective technology that can be used by businesses to link local area networks, or can be used as a platform to build a customised network. Interoute is the first provider to offer both managed and unmanaged Ethernet services to Dubai. Interoute’s extensive links in Dubai, coupled with its legacy free next-generation network, form the perfect bridge for businesses seeking to establish or expand their presence in the region.

Peter Goodman, Product Manager, Ethernet Services, Interoute, said: “Dubai has established itself as one of the world’s fastest growing business centres, and the area seems to be gaining momentum with businesses seeking to forge new links there. Local and national Ethernet carriers frequently use a variety of technologies to deliver tail circuits which can jeopardise if not stop their ability to provide network diagnostics and circuit management on an end to end basis. With Interoute’s managed Ethernet option, equipment is placed in customer’s sites allowing us to detect alarms instantly and giving customers access to true end-to-end performance statistics via the web.”

As enterprises seek to implement business continuity solutions to comply with standards such as Sarbanes Oxley and Turnbull, they are coming under increasing pressure to introduce remote back-ups of sensitive and vital company data. Interoute’s Ethernet services are an ideal choice for this, providing cost savings on customer interface equipment of between two and three times compared to traditional TDM technologies.

--- ENDS ---

About Interoute
Interoute is Europe's fastest growing communications technology provider and owner operator of Europe's most advanced and densely connected voice and data network, encompassing over 35,000kms of fibre. Its full-service next generation network serves more than 14,000 customers from retail to aerospace, every major European incumbent as well as the major operators of North America, East and South Asia, governments, universities and research agencies. These organisations find Interoute the ideal partner for hosting content, providing wholesale transit services, corporate access or creating new services. With established operations throughout mainland Europe and in North America, Interoute also owns and operates dense city networks throughout Europe's major business centres. More than €1 billion in e-commerce transactions flows through its data centres each day, making Interoute a key part of Europe’s Digital Supply Chain.

For more information about Interoute contact:

Nick Miles
Text 100 on behalf of Interoute Communications Limited
tel: +44 (0)20 8846 0723

MySpace wil naar China

Uitgegeven: 1 december 2006 11:41

AMSTERDAM - News Corp. voert gesprekken met het Chinese staatstelecombedrijf China Netcom over de introductie van zijn populaire sociale-netwerksite MySpace in de Volksrepubliek. Dat meldt de Wall Street Journal vrijdag.
Volgens de krant zou Wendi Deng, de echtgenote van News Corp.-eigenaar Rupert Murdoch, in het bestuur van de Chinese vestiging van MySpace plaatsnemen. Chinese media noemen verder Luo Chuan, voormalig topman van MSN China, als beoogd bestuursvoorzitter.


MySpace breidde dit jaar uit naar verschillende landen buiten de Verenigde Staten. Het opende al lokale versies van de site in onder meer het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Duitsland, Frankrijk en Japan. Ook wil het bedrijf in Europa een speciale versie voor mobiele telefoons lanceren. In de Verenigde Staten bestaat die al langer.


De Chinese internetmarkt groeit als kool. Toch ontmoeten westerse ondernemingen er de nodige problemen: de Chinese regering tracht de toegang tot het web streng te reguleren. Bedrijven als Google, Yahoo en MSN kregen de afgelopen jaren forse kritiek van mensenrechtenorganisaties, vanwege hun medewerking aan het censureren van weblogs en het filteren van resultaten in hun zoekmachines.
Interoute CEO eyes east European acquisitions

Last Update: 10:32 AM ET Nov 20, 2006

By Daniel Thomas

LONDON (MarketWatch) -- European telecommunications network provider Interoute is sizing up acquisition targets in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, as it looks to expand its voice and data fibre network.
Speaking to Dow Jones Newswires, Executive Chairman James Kinsella said the company, known for its strategy of buying up and turning around distressed assets, is also eyeing potential assets in Turkey.
"If there are opportunities to buy companies at good prices then we will go east and south from our current network," he said.
Privately-owned Interoute, which provides fiber optic voice and data networks to large corporates and telecommunications operators in 21 countries, added that it was looking to acquire ongoing concerns with established customer bases, rather than distressed assets.
Over the past five years Interoute has built up its 12,000 customer base and 35,000 kilometer fiber network by buying a number of one-time telecommunications stars, such as PSINet, Ebone and CeCom, that failed to recover from the dotcom crash.
"We took an approach of buying up key assets at a tiny fraction of what it cost to build them. We did that at a time when there was a great opportunity to buy things up, but we had a certain amount of luck," said Kinsella. He added that with a lack of distressed assets available in the market, Interoute is shifting its attention to high revenue yielding companies in emerging markets.
In August, Interoute acquired Bulgarian telecommunications company Telecom Partners Network to build its voice, data and internet presence in Eastern EuropeThe deal was helped by a recent EUR125 million investment from Dubai Holdings into Interoute. The fund is likely to help aid future acquisitions says Kinsella.
Interoute also said last month that it is investing EUR22 million in a network upgrade across Europe to speed up the time it takes to provision services for customers and also meet the growing internet capacity demands, resulting from the launch of video clip and digital content services, such as YouTube (GOOG). Ciena Corp.(CIEN) will provide the infrastructure for Central and Eastern Europe, while Infinera Inc. will work on the upgrade in Western Europe.
Kinsella, a former journalist, joined Interoute in 2002 from World Online, where he was Chairman. During his four years at Interoute Kinsella has lead the company's restructuring plans.
Interoute, which listed on AIM in 1996, delisted again the next year after it was bought by private equity group, the Sandoz Family Foundation.
Eeuwige Rijkdom
Interoute, which listed on AIM in 1996, delisted again the next year after it was bought by private equity group, the Sandoz Family Foundation.

Blijkbaar heeft die Sandoz Family niet zo'n behoefte aan beursnoteringen of denken zij daar inmiddels anders over?
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