luchtschip schreef op 1 augustus 2021 15:32:
Nederland volledige vaccinatiegraad per 25 Juli 2021 : 51 % (gebaseerd op 17 miljoen inwoners)
Het aantal inwoners exact op 30 juni is 17.507.126 en dan is het percentage 49.46%
Spanje volledige vaccinatie graad per 27 Julii 2021 : 54,7 %
Het gaat er niet om wat jij bijna zeker weet.
het gaat om de feiten
vaccinatie graad Spanje :
25,9 miljoen inwoners is 54% van de bevolking :
According to the latest Spanish Health Ministry report from Monday, 25.9 million residents, representing 54.7% of the population, are fully vaccinated. This percentage is different from what the Oxford website shows for Spain (55.5%) because the latter institution uses population figures taken from United Nations databases in order to compare countries. Using that metric, last Sunday Canada had fully immunized 55.2% of its population, although this country has since then released its Monday figures, something that Spain will not do until Tuesday afternoon. And the United Kingdom had fully vaccinated 54.9% of its population.
There are other countries with better vaccination rates, but they are all small nations with populations of under 10 million, such as Malta (83.6%) Iceland (74.3%), Hungary, Uruguay, United Arab Emirates and Israel. The largest country with a better rate is Chile, with a population of nearly 20 million, which has vaccinated 63%. in Nederland
Aantal mensen gevaccineerd in Nederland : 8.658.776
Gebaseerd op 17.507.126 inwoners is dat 49,46 %
Aantal volledige vaccinaties vaccinaties Nederland zie grafiek ( met cursor op de grafieklijnen gaan voor pop-up van aantallen ) : mensen in Nederland per 30 juni 2021 :
volgens bevolkingsteller CBS :