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Atos Sale of TechFoundations, how does that impact balance sheet. Whats the outlook? Forumberichten aug '23 | Door: Invest4Future Forum: Franse aandelen
ATOS to Evidian/ TechFoundations Looking for your expert opinion on valuation of Evidian and Techfoundations,Logically after the split, Evidian with 5bln revenue and 5% operation margin with 7-10% organic growth is worth atleast 5... Forumberichten jun '23 | Door: Invest4Future Forum: Moolen, van der
ABN AMRO - 2023 When there are a lot of retail investors thinking that the price is going to go up, then it goes down. It hits their stop-loss, force them to book a loss. Once the retail investors start booking lo... Forumberichten jan '23 | Door: Invest4Future Forum: ABN AMRO