Outlook LT 2022= 410-425 midpoint 417,50
Outlook LT 2023= 425-475 midpoint 450
Natuurlijk kan iedereen de cijfers anders interpreteren.
Mijn versie inzake de midpoints.
Voor automotive nemen we in 2022 3 kwartalen en Q4 als Q3 dan kom ik op 245
Enterprise 136 plus Q3 min apple 10 miljoen per kwartaal 172
Totaal Locatie technologie 417
In 2023 missen we 40 miljoen van Apple, zeg 30 miljoen.
Enterprise 2023 wordt dan 150 155 miljoen, als we de kleine groei par zetten met gevolgen daling dollar.
Zetten we Enterprise 2023 op 155 en nemen de mid points 2023 450
Dus automotive zetten we in 2023 op 450 mid point - 155 Enterprise = 295 automotive 2023 - automotive 2022 245 = 50 miljoen groei in automotive is 21% groei.
Over Enterprise zei Taco .
- in 2024, we will make profits and I think it will be a single-digit – probably a low single-digit
percentage. And the real increase will come the year after.
- alles hangt af van , wanneer de nieuwe contracten bij Enterprise in de omzet gaan lopen.
- Harold zei dat Enterprise in de mid term kan verdubbelen.
Misschien gaan ze over 2024 uitdelen, maar zeker in 2025.
Maarten Verbeek – the IDEA! – Research Analyst
Maarten Verbeek, the IDEA!. Firstly, looking at your capital allocation. And to understand you correctly?
You say that you first want to do something about returning cash to shareholders when you have a stable
free cash flow, does that imply that it won't be before 2025? So, as of 2026?
Taco Titulaer – TomTom – Chief Financial Officer
Well, I think there are a couple of things. So, two things are important. Independence. So, no debt and a
strong cash position. Now, we've reached that. The second is, knowing that you're in an operation where
you create free cash flow, and also have the forecast that that will continue. That could be in 2024, but not
in 2023. And if we reach our target as we explained, it will be in 2025.