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TomTom oktober 2022

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Dutchy Ron schreef op 23 oktober 2022 09:49:

• Well resourced.
• TomTom remains a strong
consumer navigation brand
• Leader in navigation software
with 15 OEM customers
• Leader in traffic data (live and
historic) in North America
Western Europe
• Focused on automotive and
• Moving up the stack in
automotive infotainment
through its IndiGo ecosystem
• Open and flexible for developers
• Aggressive pricing of location
• >600 M active GPS probe points
• Closing the gap on map and data visualisation.
• Large addressable market through third-party developer platforms e.g. Azure, Huawei, Verizon, etc.

• Less well-resourced versus Google and HERE
• Reliance on Apple for probe data
• Weak indoor/ venue coverage
• Declining consumer business
(PND) risks stability
Bedankt, die het betreft.

Laten ze Indigo nu een ( hoofd) rol geven.

• Moving up the stack in
automotive infotainment
through its IndiGo ecosystem
• Open and flexible for developers

• Closing the gap on map and data visualisation. ( voorkant ! )

Dasss toch waar Teslin het over had.

Wij zijn van mening dat de kaartproductiecapaciteit, of de ‘achterkant’, van TomTom erg sterk is. Het bedrijf excelleert op detailniveau. Zo weet het als geen ander hoeveel rijbanen er op een weg zijn, waar eenrichtingsstraten lopen en hoe hard je ergens mag rijden. Daarnaast is TomTom leidend als het op accuratesse aankomt. Het weet en kan voorspellen waar files staan en welke wegen zijn afgesloten. Een belangrijk competitief voordeel waarmee het de laatste jaren ook marktaandeel wint in de automarkt. TomTom ontwikkelt ook kaarten die gebruikt worden in auto’s met zelfrijdende functies.

De gebruikersinterface van TomTom, of de ‘voorkant’, waar de gebruiksvriendelijkheid en visualisatiemogelijkheden van de kaart onder vallen, loopt nog achter op die van andere spelers. Zo loopt Google voorop de zoekfunctie en gedetailleerde informatie over specifieke locaties en kan je de kaart van Mapbox het makkelijkste aanpassen naar eigen voorkeur op basis van een open-source model (‘look & feel’).

Wij geloven dat TomTom een inhaalslag gaat maken door de transformatie van het business model. Doordat er steeds minder aandacht besteed hoeft te worden aan het maken en onderhouden van statische kaarten voor verschillende klanten is er steeds meer ruimte om capaciteit te alloceren aan het verder ontwikkelen van de gebruikersinterface. De ‘voorkant’ verbeteren is een stuk eenvoudiger dan de ‘achterkant’. En juist in die ‘achterkant’ ligt de kracht van TomTom en heeft het de afgelopen jaren enorm geïnvesteerd.

Tot morgen dan maar :-)

Dutchy Ron schreef op 23 oktober 2022 09:49:

• Well resourced.
• TomTom remains a strong
consumer navigation brand
• Leader in navigation software
with 15 OEM customers
• Leader in traffic data (live and
historic) in North America
Western Europe
• Focused on automotive and
• Moving up the stack in
automotive infotainment
through its IndiGo ecosystem
• Open and flexible for developers
• Aggressive pricing of location
• >600 M active GPS probe points
• Closing the gap on map and data visualisation.
• Large addressable market through third-party developer platforms e.g. Azure, Huawei, Verizon, etc.

• Less well-resourced versus Google and HERE
• Reliance on Apple for probe data
• Weak indoor/ venue coverage
• Declining consumer business
(PND) risks stability
U vergeet te melden dat bovenstaande uit het hier eerder beschreven rapport komt.
Nogmaals; het is interessant om te lezen.
Ook om heel veel afkortingen te kunnen leren om bij koffiemachine of verjaarspartijtje indruk te kunnen maken.

De link:
Dutchy Ron
Als ze in de benchmark TT, HERE, Google en Mapbox vergelijken dan doen de meeste zwakke punten van TT er niet toe, muv de afhankelijkheid van probe data van Apple. Die andere 3 hebben bijvoorbeeld geen PND’s, dus appels met peren vergelijken op die manier. En indoor mapping heeft TT niet, dat is geen zwakte maar een weloverwogen keuze.
Dutchy Ron
The Biden administration’s elimination of tax credits for imported electric vehicles deals a massive blow to Hyundai Motor’s business, an executive for the automaker said Wednesday.
The Inflation Reduction Act immediately eliminated a tax credit of up to $7,500 for plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles that are imported and sold in the U.S.
South Korea-based Hyundai, including Kia, has quickly become the second best-selling automaker of EVs in the U.S.
Dutchy Ron
Wie voorziet Huyndai van maps in US? Volgens mij HERE, daar val misschien nog wat te winnen als TT zich in Europa bewezen heeft

Dutchy Ron schreef op 23 oktober 2022 11:15:

5 jarig contract (2018 tm 2022) en dan over van HERE naar TT :-)
Volgens CFO worden nu Hyudai’s met TomTom uitgerust en duurt het nog drie kwartalen voordat het in alle modellen zit. Dus zeg maar de tweede helft van 2023 volledig Hyundai. Dit betekent dat er ook in 2024 nog groei uit Hyundai komt, als het de volledige 12 maanden in de cijfers zit. En in 2024 gaat ook het Volkswagen (CARIAD) contract lopen. In 2023 én 2024 15% groei in Automotive lijkt me wel zo ongeveer een gegeven.
Dutchy Ron
Putting Nissan’s ProPILOT 2 To The Test In The 2023 Nissan ARIYA

Finally, ProPILOT level 3 is a full blown hands-free adaptive cruise control system that steers the vehicle and allows the driver to take their hands off the steering wheel. This mode is only available on HD mapped, separated highways, of which there are approximately 220,000 mi of in the United States. Nissan uses the TomTom HD maps and more are regularly being added to the system. In this mode, the vehicle can also make transitions through freeway interchanges if a destination is set in the navigation. It cannot unfortunately change lanes yet, but does make suggestions to the driver. This mode is indicated to the driver and passengers with blue ProPILOT icons on the driver’s displays as well as blue LED accent lights throughout the vehicle.

ProPILOT is much more flexible than other hard-coded systems like Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving systems which are either engaged or disengaged. Nissan built ProPILOT to try to do as much as it possibly can when it’s turned on. If you’re driving on a highway and take an onramp onto the freeway, it seamlessly shifts from your driving onto the onramp into blue hands free mode, assuming it’s a separated, HD mapped freeway.

Overall, the progress Nissan has made from ProPILOT to the ProPILOT 2 system we tested in the ARIYA is significant. The hands free mode will surely make long road trips much, much safer and easier on drivers. Having said that, the inability to automatically change lanes limits its utility and makes the ability to follow freeway interchanges along routes far less useful. What’s the point in letting the system move onto a new freeway if you have to manually change lanes to line things up ahead of time?

ProPILOT 2 seems to always want to try to maximize its contribution to the driving experience when turned on and I find the integration to be extremely helpful and reassuring. Traveling around the rural highways of Tennessee, ProPILOT 2 largely stayed in level 2 mode which is hands-on adaptive cruise control and steering. Progress is made in incremental steps towards the bold future and ProPILOT 2 marks significant progress by the team at Nissan towards a fully autonomous, zero accident future and that’s something we can all celebrate.
Dutchy Ron
Is Google's domination of digital dashboards over before it truly began?

Over the last year or so, Google has made great strides in the automotive industry with its Android Automotive Operating System. Volvo was one of the first automakers to adopt the Android-based system with Google built-in capability, but other automakers like General Motors have introduced the system too, and Google will soon revitalize the infotainment experience for Ford. Apple is making its own moves to transform the digital dashboard, but Google is several steps ahead for now.
But just when it seemed that Google was set to dominate the in-car digital experience, one major automaker, Stellantis, has identified flaws with the Android Automotive OS and decided to go another route. That's a big blow for Google considering the many brands under the Stellantis umbrella, but why was this decision taken?

"We've decided we're not going to move to Google Automotive Services," said Ned Curic, chief technology officer at Stellantis. Curic was talking to Autocar at the 2022 Paris Motor Show when he spilled the beans.
Apparently, Android Automotive failed to provide the "unique experiences" Stellantis wanted for its customers, and the company also found the Google operating system to be too "heavy," in that it needs many data-rich updates and plenty of computer power to work smoothly.
"Managing a large fleet for download scheduling becomes challenging," said Curic. "Other carmakers are learning to deal with that, but they're finding out unless they use a much lighter operating platform, it's very difficult."

There were signs that Stellantis would move over to Google Automotive Services since the new Jeep Avenger runs the software. However, the Avenger also utilizes the voice assistant from Amazon Alexa and runs TomTom's maps, so it's a combination of several providers.
While Stellantis is pretty much the first dissenting voice when it comes to Android Automotive, we're inclined to take it seriously on this matter. Why? Because for years, the brand's Uconnect infotainment system has impressed us. Equipped to models as diverse as the Jeep Wagoneer and Dodge Challenger, we have always found this to be an especially intuitive system. Based on this, if Stellantis feels there are limitations to Android Automotive, one has to assume the company knows what it's talking about.

As cars become increasingly connected, Stellantis knows that the tech decisions it makes today will affect an entire generation of cars, so it figures that it wants to proceed with caution with its upcoming STLA SmartCockpit digital platforms, due in 2024.
"We haven't spoke about which operating system we will use, but the likelihood is it will [not be] Android-based," said Curic. "It'll be a much lighter, purpose-designed digital cabin software. Something similar but much lighter than somebody like Tesla has."
Essentially, Stellantis wants to stay in control of what customers see on their dashboards. And, while going the Google route might be simpler, it seems Stellantis is willing to tough it out for the benefit of its customers.
Dutchy Ron
Stellantis vaart eigen koers en wil niet afhankelijk worden van Google en zelf de user experience bepalen ……. Zijn trots op UConnect5 (met Alexa en TT inside)
Dutchy Ron
Google arbeitet seit Jahren am Infotainment-Betriebssystem Android Automotive, das mit einem erst vor wenigen Tagen vorgestellten neuen Design durchstarten soll – aber nicht bei allen Herstellern. Jetzt hat der einstige Google-Partner Stellantis allerdings recht unerwartet verkündet, nicht mehr auf das Betriebssystem setzen und sich gar vollständig von Android verabschieden zu wollen. Ein echter Schlag für Google.

Stellantis Gründe für die Abkehr von Android Automotive
Stellantis hat in einem Statement einige Gründe abgegeben, warum man sich von Android Automotive abwendet – und die haben es wahrlich in sich. Kaum geschöntes Marketing-Sprech, sondern ein echtes Haudrauf auf Googles Plattform. Könnte darauf hindeuten, dass da hinter den Kulissen ordentlich die Fetzen geflogen sind…

Android Automotive bringt nicht das versprochene Erlebnis
Automotive benötigt zu viel Hardware-Power
Software-Updates sind sehr groß und stellen Stellantis vor Herausforderungen
Es ist nicht besser als Android Auto oder Apple CarPlay (BOOM!)
Man möchte ein „leichtes“ System; Automotive ist wohl zu schwergewichtig
Das sind eigentlich alles Gründe, die auch andere große Partner sehen werden und die tatsächlich auch schon in der Vergangenheit angeführt worden sind. Volkswagen hat sich schon sehr früh gegen Automotive gestellt und bastelt am VW.OS (das derzeit ebenfalls ordentlich strauchelt). VW hatte schon vor zwei Jahren bekundet, dass Google zu viel Datenhunger hat und zu wenig flexibel ist. Scheint so, als wenn sich das nicht geändert hat.

Bleibt abzuwarten, wie es mit Android Automotive weitergeht. Seit einigen Wochen gibt es Gerüchte, dass Google die Investitionen in das Betriebssystem stark zurückfahren könnte, obwohl sie gefühlt noch nie sonderlich hoch waren. Ich schließe nicht aus, dass Google das bereits gegenüber Partnern kommuniziert hat und dies der letzte Tropfen war, der das Stellantis-Fass zum Überlauf brachte. Wenn sich jetzt noch Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi als mit Abstand größter Partner verabschieden sollte, ist Automotive tot.

Dutchy Ron schreef op 23 oktober 2022 16:17:

Bleibt abzuwarten, wie es mit Android Automotive weitergeht. Seit einigen Wochen gibt es Gerüchte, dass Google die Investitionen in das Betriebssystem stark zurückfahren könnte, obwohl sie gefühlt noch nie sonderlich hoch waren. Ich schließe nicht aus, dass Google das bereits gegenüber Partnern kommuniziert hat und dies der letzte Tropfen war, der das Stellantis-Fass zum Überlauf brachte. Wenn sich jetzt noch Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi als mit Abstand größter Partner verabschieden sollte, ist Automotive tot.

Dutchy Ron schreef op 23 oktober 2022 16:17:

Bleibt abzuwarten, wie es mit Android Automotive weitergeht. Seit einigen Wochen gibt es Gerüchte, dass Google die Investitionen in das Betriebssystem stark zurückfahren könnte

Ik heb die geruchten nooit gehoord. Zou wel heel mooi zijn.

Enige dat ik over Google heb gehoord is dat ze mensen verplaatsen van software projecten zonder hardware naar projecten met hardware.

It may be Google’s worst nightmare. Apple’s iPhone is stealing share from Samsung phones powered by Google’s Android software. At the same time, U.S. antitrust regulators are scrutinizing Google’s search deal with Apple, raising the prospect that Google’s search may lose its favored position in the Safari browser on iPhones.

These twin developments, which threaten Google’s mobile ads business, have prompted the tech giant to take a big gamble. It is doubling down on investment in its own hardware, including its Pixel phones, including by moving product development and software engineering staff working on features for non-Google hardware to work on Google-branded devices, according to an internal document viewed by The Information.

Dutchy Ron schreef op 23 oktober 2022 15:50:

Is Google's domination of digital dashboards over before it truly began?


"We've decided we're not going to move to Google Automotive Services," said Ned Curic, chief technology officer at Stellantis. Curic was talking to Autocar at the 2022 Paris Motor Show when he spilled the beans.
Apparently, Android Automotive failed to provide the "unique experiences" Stellantis wanted for its customers, and the company also found the Google operating system to be too "heavy," in that it needs many data-rich updates and plenty of computer power to work smoothly.
"Managing a large fleet for download scheduling becomes challenging," said Curic. "Other carmakers are learning to deal with that, but they're finding out unless they use a much lighter operating platform, it's very difficult."

benieuwd hoe vaak een aantal lieden hier het tegendeel blijven beweren; gelukkig is er een fact checker op het forum :-)
Dutchy Ron
Nissan heeft al min of meer gekozen voor TT in hun ProPilot 2. In elk geval voor Europa. Kwestie van tijd denk ik dat Renault en Mitsubishi ook weer terugkeren bij TT.

Dan blijft Volvo over, ook de Lynk & Co gebruikt Google Automotive helaas.

Peugeot gaat ook all the way met TT

GLMF schreef op 23 oktober 2022 19:31:

benieuwd hoe vaak een aantal lieden hier het tegendeel blijven beweren; gelukkig is er een fact checker op het forum :-)
Luchtbellen zijn gemakkelijk door te prikken, is in het verleden wel gebleken. Kijk eens voor de LOL op de diverse voorspellingen draadjes van TomTom, steeds iedereen of bijna iedereen (veel) te hoog. Ik heb geen enkel belang in dit aandeel en dat is maar goed ook.
Autobouwers investeren 1.200 miljard dollar in elektrische mobiliteit

De grootste automakers ter wereld plannen om de rest van dit decennium bijna 1,2 biljoen dollar (1.200 miljard dollar) te investeren in de ontwikkeling en fabricage van miljoenen elektrische voertuigen, maar ook in de batterijen en grondstoffen om die productie te ondersteunen. Dat blijkt uit een analyse van het persbureau Reuters.

Daarbij wordt opgemerkt dat het totale investeringsbudget voor elektrische voertuigen veel hoger ligt dan eerder werd aangenomen. Het bedrag ligt inmiddels twee keer hoger dan de vooruitzichten die een jaar geleden door Reuters naar buiten werden gebracht.

Een vloedgolf van Aziatische autobouwers in Parijs!
Chinees of Vietnamees... moeten de Europese autobouwers zich zorgen maken over deze auto’s?

Build Your Dreams, die kennen we, want we hebben de eerste 3 elektrische modellen van het merk die voor Europa bestemd zijn al getest. En we waren positief verrast! Goed afgewerkt en efficiënt: ze hebben alles om de Europeanen te overtuigen

Great Wall
Ook in dit geval is het niet onze eerste ontmoeting met de Chinese groep. We zagen het merk al in München. In tegenstelling tot BYD houdt Great Wall zich niet alleen bezig met 100% elektrische auto's.

VinFast is niet Chinees, maar Vietnamees. Het merk kwam naar Parijs met niet minder dan vier 100% elektrische SUV's: de 6, 7, 8 en 9

Een bedreiging? Misschien nog niet, maar toch bijna...
De tijd van de goedkope Chinese auto's is duidelijk voorbij! Aziatische fabrikanten richten zich op het topsegment met modellen die in staat zijn om de concurrentie aan te gaan met de Europeanen! Anderzijds hebben ze een stevig prijskaartje... Wat de vraag doet rijzen: wie kiest eerder voor één van deze autobouwers zonder merkimago dan voor een Audi, BMW, DS, Lexus of Mercedes?

En dan hebben we het nog niet eens gehad over ethiek, oneerlijke concurrentie of gegevensbescherming... Zijn deze buitenlandse autobouwers dan een echte bedreiging voor Europese merken? Misschien nog niet, maar gezien hun kwaliteit zou daar niet veel voor nodig zijn...

Dutchy Ron
Big car maker Stellantis has cooled off on using Google’s operating system for new-generation infotainment. Here’s which car makers are using it, who might use it, and how it’s is progressing across the industry.

Google’s takeover of the dashboard was looking inevitable after the likes of Volvo, Renault, General Motors and Stellantis began rolling out the Android Automotive Operating System for their in-car infotainment. Then in June came Apple’s announcement that it would expand CarPlay to power the entire infotainment system, should car makers want it.

In July, analyst company S&P Global Mobility declared in a special report that Google was “taking the lead”, predicting Android Automotive OS would grab an 18 per cent share by 2027, up from 1 per cent now.

But Stellantis has now cooled on its Google ambition, prompting the question: is the expected big-tech takeover of the dashboard really that inevitable?

The benefit of running Android Automotive OS (as opposed to phone mirroring add-on Android Auto) was that you could then tap into Google Automotive Services, which offers voice control, embedded Google Maps and access to the ever expanding Google Play app store. Renault, Volvo, Polestar and GM went this route and declared customers were happy with a system that was much closer to that found on their smartphone.

Stellantis, owner of brands as diverse as Peugeot, Alfa Romeo and Dodge, didn’t initially sign up to Google Automotive Services, and so while the new Jeep Avenger runs Android Automotive OS, it also uses Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant and runs TomTom’s maps.

Now it’s saying it won’t, ever. “We’ve decided we’re not going to move to Google Automotive Services,” Ned Curic, chief technology officer at Stellantis, told Automotive Daily Network partner Autocar at the sidelines of the recent Paris motor show.

Stellantis’s reasoning was twofold. One: Android Automotive didn’t deliver the “unique experiences” Stellantis wants to provide to its customers. Two: the Google operating system is too “heavy” – ie requires a lot of computer power and needs lots of data-rich updates. “Managing a large fleet for download scheduling becomes challenging,” Curic said. “Other car makers are learning to deal with that, but they’re finding out unless they use a much lighter operating platform, it’s very difficult.”

For its STLA SmartCockpit digital platforms, due to roll out from 2024, Stellantis probably won’t use Google at all. “We haven’t spoken about which operating system we will use, but the likelihood is it will be not Android-based,” Curic said. “It’ll be a much lighter, purpose-designed digital cabin software. Something similar but much lighter than somebody like Tesla has.” He mentioned the possibility that it would be Linux based.

The open-source Automotive Grade Linux is proving more and more popular with car companies as they look to control their own software, with S&P predicting it will rise to from its current 14 per cent share now to around a quarter by 2026.

Stellantis will then build its own ‘abstraction layer’ on top, leveraging software from its two partners for the STLA Cockpit, Amazon and Foxconn.

What it means is that Stellantis remains in control of what customers see and experience on their dashboard. “Owning the software capability is an absolute must for every car company,” Curic said.

But this is famously hard, which is why so many are choosing to hand the difficult part to Google and forego the benefits that migrate to the tech company – for example, data.

Ford, for example, suffered years of problems trying to make its Sync platform work before announcing in 2021 that it would switch to Android Automotive. The first Ford cars running on it are expected in 2023. “Even on the retail side, we lost the battle on content 10 years ago without knowing it. Navigation, movies, music, we had no rights to that. I told my team: stop it,” CEO Jim Farley told a financial conference in June. “Stop writing navigation systems, buying maps. Let’s just go to Google or Apple and make it easy for customers.”

The headaches of developing your own software was revealed in the Porsche share prospectus, where the company admitted that the electric Macan SUV had been delayed a year to 2024 in part due to unforeseen problems within the Volkswagen Group’s Cariad software division building the E3 1.2 software platform.

The problems within Cariad to roll out new software across the Volkswagen Group reportedly cost group CEO Herbert Diess his job, illustrating just how vital software has become in the push to offer more cloud-based features and transform modern motoring (ideally for the benefit of both car maker and customer and not to their detriment, which it can often feel like).

Making it a lot easier for car companies going it alone on the software is the chip company Qualcomm, which has built up a $30 billion (AUD$47.3 billion) order bank from car makers for its ‘system on chip’ powerful mini computers, including Stellantis for its STLA Brain.

Qualcomm’s strategy is to offer the chips plus a layer of software that enables the car maker to run pretty much what it wants. “It creates a platform where the digital cockpit be can container for all the different applications and they can co-exist,” Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon told investors at a recent conference. “That creates incredible value for the car maker as the OEM is owner of the platform. It’s not owned by a different company.”

So you can include the car maker’s favourite voice control, maps, app store or whatever without handing over control to big tech, who might not have your concerns as the first priority. For example, BMW, Mercedes and Audi are all shareholders of Dutch mapping company Here and would therefore prioritise using the company’s maps rather than embedding those from Google via its GAS platform.

Again, it’s about control. “A lot of OEMs don’t like the idea of basically giving away the full user experience to Google Automotive Services,” Remco Timmer, head of product management at Here Technologies, told Autocar. “They want to retain access to the eyeballs of the user and prioritise them in services they are building to monetise those users.”

However, the danger is that you spend all that money, and drivers just continue to mirror their phones on the cabin screen and bypass all your hard work. Stellantis’s Curic said: “It needs to as good if not better than Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, otherwise customers will just use them.”
Dutchy Ron
Deel II

Which car makers use Google Android Automotive OS and which are planning to?*

Already integrated in: 2, 3
GAS integration: Yes (Google Assistant, Google Maps and Google Play Store)

Already integrated in: XC40 P8, XC40 Recharge, XC60, V90, S90, XC90
GAS integration? Yes (Google Assistant, Google Maps and Google Play Store)

Already integrated in: Mégane E-Tech, Austral
GAS integration? Yes (Google Assistant, Google Maps and Google Play Store)

General Motors
Already integrated in: Hummer EV, GMC Yukon, Yukon XL, Sierra 1500; Chevrolet Tahoe, Suburban, Silverado; Cadillac Lyriq
GAS integration? Yes (Google Assistant, Google Maps and Google Play Store)

Already integrated in: Jeep Avenger, Jeep Cherokee, Maserati MC20, Dodge Durango, Chrysler Pacifica,
GAS integration? No

Already integrated in: R1T, R1S
GAS integration? No

Already integrated in: None (expected 2023)
GAS integration? Expected

Already integrated in: Coming 2022 (according to Honda’s 2021 announcement, which didn’t specify models)
GAS integration? Yes (Google Assistant, Google Maps and Google Play Store)
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