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TomTom november 2021

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Dutchy Ron schreef op 28 november 2021 17:39:

Als je heel goed kijkt zie je niet alleen een scherm bij de bijrijder, maar ook achter beide voorstoelen.

Een tijd terug heb ik zo’n filmpje gepost volgens mij van Uconnect5 in eenJeep, die had ook overal schermpjes, stuk of 5 of 6.
Ik zag exact hetzelfde en FCA en TT gaan nog een nieuw platform lanceren volgens iemand op online forum. Of dat de launch van dinsdag is, is de vraag. Denk eerder dat FCA op bepaald moment iets released dat wel ontwikkeld is met TT Indigo.

3 months ago
TomTom has program launch with FCA… it’s been a long time in the making.. just keeps getting delayed. FCA has many systems coming to market… the first two that are imminent are made by Aptiv and these are the programs that I Know TomTom us involved in… then FCA has another future program which is more like 2023 or later… and this is the program that is part of the BMW collab.. but I did not know TomTom is involved in that… wouldn’t be surprised if they were though
[Modbreak IEX: Gelieve hier geen persoonlijke vetes uit te vechten, een aantal berichten is bij dezen verwijderd.]

Het lijkt weer te mooi om waar te zijn. Er slaan er hier een paar behoorlijk op hol als je het mij vraagt. Ik kijk het nog maar even aan komende weken, maar ben niet verbaasd als het achteraf weer een 'excited moment' blijkt voor de happy few.
Dutchy Ron
TomTom blinkt niet uit in hun communicatiebeleid. Niet eerder hebben ze een product op deze wijze aangekondigd. Behalve destijds met dat ding voor scooters meen ik. Ze maken zichzelf (nog meer) belachelijk als ze van een mug een olifant maken. Ik heb er alle vertrouwen in dat het deze keer gaat om een mooi product met hopelijk deze week al gelijk de mededeling dat er deals zijn gesloten.

Wellicht de Q4 deals die HG bedoelde
Dutchy Ron
Maandag beurzen verder down, dinsdag hopelijk herstel en TomTom donkergroen….. in welke mate de introductie van IndiGO in de huidige koers verwerkt is is lastig in te schatten. Als IndiGO positief verrast en gepaard gaat met een paar deals dan is er nog genoeg ruimte omhoog.

Het is koffiedik kijken wat de slotkoers wordt dinsdag….. bij koersgevoelige info gebruik je doorgaans geen countdown van 30dgn. Dus ik verwacht zelf geen deals dinsdag, slechts de introductie van IndiGO. Hopelijk zet TT iedereen op 2 jaar achterstand, maar dat zou te mooi zijn om waar te zijn. We gaan het zien, voor nu is het glas nog halfvol
De verdenking dat de FF baat hebben bij een lage koers hangt al jaren als een donkere wolk boven dit baggeraandeel en de constructieve bijdragen van pwijsneus zorgen ervoor dat veel neuzen in dezelfde richting staan. Uit het koersverloop en volume van morgen valt waarschijnlijk wel e.e.a. op te maken.

Ik verwacht overigens niet dat de beurzen morgen enorm zullen dalen. Mocht dat wél het geval zijn dat kunnen we HG niet makkelijk verwijten dat hij met de introductie van IndiGo het juiste moment heeft afgewacht, al is het natuurlijk niet onmogelijk dat Bilderberg (waarvan hij lid is) deze correctie al lang geleden heeft geprogrammeerd. We leven nou eenmaal in bijzondere en barre tijden.

Riet v. Milt schreef op 28 november 2021 15:29:

[...]Quoten is (bijna) net zo gemakkelijk als gratuite kritiek leveren. Van sniklaas heb ik veel geleerd en dankzij deze poster ben ik anders, objectiever en dus veel kritischer naar TomTom gaan kijken.
Zo draagt nagenoeg iedereen zijn steentje bij Riet, van realisten tot supporters, verschillende inzichten, meningen en toekomstverwachtingen kunnen eenieders besluit verrijken…

Vervelend wordt het wanneer posters wijzen om te wijzen om daarmee een inhoudelijke discussie abrupt in de kiem te smoren, het gaat bij deze gasten niet om de inhoud maar om negatieve onrust te stoken…

Nogmaals, wanneer InDiGO van TOMTOM een hardware oplossing betekend in de vorm van een 10 inch of grotere connectivity tablet voor mobiliteit van A naar B wordt ik niet enthousiast, van een software matige oplossing daarentegen wel.

Een APP oid die naadloos de connectivity en service verzorgt gedurende de gehele rit en naadloos schakelt van laptop naar smartphone naar display in auto, taxi of 4 inch van de fiets naar de 70 inch OLED display in de huiskamer, kantoor oid.

De functionaliteit van een 10 inch tablet is gelijk aan die van een smartphone en geeft daarnaast een beter, prettiger resultaat bij tekst, foto en film en toch zijn er verdraaid weinig mensen die met een dergelijke tablet in hun of haar broekzak rondlopen, zelfs niet ‘verstopt’ in een Gucci of Versace handtas(je)…

De foto en film ontwikkeling kunnen daarbij als voorbeeld dienen, zelfs de meest verknochte spiegelreflex beoefenaars knippen zich het laplazerus met hun smartphone en nemen voornamelijk beroepsmatig de gevulde fototas mee..

Is natuurlijk ook veel comfortabeler, een toestel met tig megapixels van een paar honderd gram of een camera tas van vele kilo’s met meerdere lenzen, filters en flitsapparatuur…
Vive tu vida positivamente
Donkergroene AEX!!
Nog even particulieren peopleen en dan keihard omhoog in aanloop naar het nieuws van morgen!!!

Men noemt dit, controle, controle, controle!!!

*JustMe* schreef op 28 november 2021 17:59:


FCA (Fiat-Chrysler / Stellantis) has many systems coming to market… the first two that are imminent are made by Aptiv and these are the programs that I Know TomTom us involved in… then FCA has another future program which is more like 2023 or later… and this is the program that is part of the BMW collab.. but I did not know TomTom is involved in that… wouldn’t be surprised if they were though
Aptiv poised to deliver the first steps toward hands-off autonomy

NAME: Michael Gassen
TITLE: Aptiv President of EMEA & Russia; Senior VP of Sales
AGE: 62
MAIN CHALLENGE: Helping automakers deliver Level 3 autonomy by 2021.

Aptiv is best known for developing the "brain" of the car via its advanced safety and user experience division. Although its work on autonomous driving software makes headlines, the company generates the bulk of its income from supplying the car's "nervous system" -- the electrical cables and connectors produced by its signal and power solutions unit. Aptiv's European division generates about a third of the company's global revenue. It is run by Michael Gassen, who spoke with Automotive News Europe Correspondent Nick Gibbs

Aptiv is well known for supplying Lyft's autonomous ride-hailing fleet in Las Vegas. What are your aspirations for autonomous technology in Europe?

We are not basing anything on hopes. We are trying to be realistic. So, when it comes to Europe, clearly the focus is not Level 4 or 5 [fully autonomous systems] but on more Level 2 to 3. We are working on several programs with European customers.

When will European lawmakers allow hands-off automated highway driving?

The customers we are working with expect to launch a Level 3 [which allows hands-off capability but requires the driver to take back control at any time] application in 2021.

Can you say which customers?


Is that 2021 rollout for Level 3 Europewide or for specific markets?

It's across the region. Also, Europe is not the only region that is working on Level 3. We see the same in the U.S. and China.

Does Aptiv work with the authorities when it comes to legislating Level 3 or do you leave that to your customers?

We are actively involved in discussing this with regulators but certainly more alongside the automakers. Aptiv splits its business between the advanced safety and user experience division and the much larger signal and power solutions unit.

On the advanced safety and UX side, which technologies brings in the most income?

Active safety is growing faster than user experience right now.

What do you include in UX?

Integrated cockpit systems or infotainment technology. We have launched gesture control with BMW. When we talk about user experience, we also mean enhancement of safety inside the cabin. For example, monitoring the driver [for alertness in Level 3 autonomous applications]. (dit kan ook in IndiGo zitten).

Aptiv's signal and power systems business is your biggest money maker in Europe. Will advanced safety and UX eventually overtake it? If so, when?

We are growing in active safety and UX, but we also continue to grow on the power and signal distribution side. It plays a big role for us. We have a lot of solutions that enable our customers to electrify their vehicles, leading to huge demand. We have seen 40 percent growth in high-voltage solutions globally. And, of course, Europe is a big part of that with what's coming in terms of battery-electric vehicles to comply with the new CO2 regulations.

EU rules will require a lot more active safety features by 2022. How much extra business will this provide?

Revenue in active safety grew 25 percent globally in the third quarter of last year, and that will continue. Regulation drives additional content, of course, but the other thing we see is that once the consumer has experienced active safety systems, they really don't go backward. They want it again and they want it to be even better.

What does Europe contribute to Aptiv's global business in terms of developments on the advanced safety and UX side?

The headquarters of the advanced safety and UX division is based in Germany. That means the unit's president, David Paja, is with me in Wuppertal, which is a very important tech center that is embedded in our global network and plays a significant role in the global development for certain aspects of active safety. We have 900 people in Wuppertal, 67 percent of them are systems and software engineers.

What specific aspects do you focus on in Germany?

We have a strong team working on enhancing the capabilities of perception systems using artificial intelligence. That being said, we operate in the global environment, so, if our engineers have a problem in Germany this morning, they put the problem into the online tool that we have. Somebody in the U.S. might see this and provide an idea on how to solve it. That's how we work. We are completely agile, completely virtual and we work around the clock.

What is Aptiv's focus at this month's CES show in Las Vegas?

It's a smart vehicle architecture. Vehicles are going to fundamentally change in terms of their electric architecture in the next few years.

Aptiv has moved its work on Level 4 and 5 autonomy into a 50-50 joint venture with Hyundai. What does that mean for Aptiv in Europe?

I don't know if there would be any regional relevance. It's just great for us in general because Hyundai is a big player in Europe.

Dutchy Ron
Wij zitten er bovenop maar de gemiddelde investeerder of particuliere belegger heeft natuurlijk geen idee dat TT morgen een nieuw product lanceert….. dus de grote klapper moet nog komen als Reuters, Bloomberg, Forbes, Seeking Alpha, Automotive, etc het nieuws verspreiden morgen…… aangenomen dat het voor hen de moeite waard is ;-)
Dutchy Ron
Off topic: het zoveelste ritje Alfen opties achter de rug….. 82 naar 87,50 …..ik zie het nog even aan en schaf op 89 weer putjes aan voor de volgende rit naar 82…. Duurt meestal paar dagen ;-)

Prosus calls schaf ik weer aan op een koers van 67….. als het te lang duurt worden het de jan-22 anders de dec-21
Dutchy Ron
Al weer 10min geen handel….. wordt saai dagje……men kan de koers zetten waar men wil…… maak er een mooie dag van ….morgen vuurwerk!

Er gebeurt heel veel op automotive gebied.

Maar wij wikken en zij beschikken.

Onze automotive ijsberg, verbergt zeker 90% voor ons.

Of zoals ze bij Aptiv zeggen .

Can you say which customers?


Of zoals Harold antwoordde op een vraag, of Tesla een klant was, is.

No comment.

Of zoals de Pontjes ( Flevo ) antwoordden op de vraag, aan wie de aandelen verkocht waren.

No comment.

Tja, ik ben een volger van de uitspraken van iedereen bij TT.

We zullen het gaan zien in dit theater.

Prettige dag verder.
Dutchy Ron

Pune: Dutch geospatial company TomTom is working on a new mapping platform that would help it strengthen its presence in countries in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia, chief executive Harold Goddijn said.

A large part of the development is happening out of India, which has about a quarter of its total employee base.

“Historically, the bulk of the investments for digital maps went into Europe and North America. The demand is going up and the technology to produce maps is also maturing rapidly, so now we can build better products for continents where traditionally we have less of a presence, and that will open up a whole new bunch of business opportunities for us,” he said.

“If our employees are happy with it and take to it, we may roll it out across our other offices globally,” said Goddijn.

While drones are expected to be a relatively small part of the future demand, and not an area where TomTom is aggressively focusing on, Goddijn expects the electric vehicles segment to be an important demand driver.

“It’s a very important segment. It’s a part of the automotive environment, but electrical vehicles need better information because you have charg ..

Dutchy Ron
“It’s a very important segment. It’s a part of the automotive environment, but electrical vehicles need better information because you have charging range anxiety and want to know how far you can go before you need to charge the car,” he said. “Carmakers are equipping older electric vehicle cars with sophisticated mapping technology to enable this functionality and we see it as an important extension of what we are doing, from guidance for navigation to safety and vehicle management.”

Mapmaking, he said, has evolved significantly in the last few years, with the company now having access to real-time on-road data. This helps it update road signs and other landmarks on a more regular basis, increasing the accuracy of the product.

Dutchy Ron
How MapmyIndia is charting the metaverse territory
Aims to go HD and 4-dimensional, showing a realistic view of the entire world with granular data points
With over 2,000 customers across map-as-a-service, software-as-a-service (SaaS), IoT solutions and application programming interface (API), the IPO-bound tech company MapmyIndia is looking to create mapping solutions that will be high definition, 4-dimensional and built for the metaverse, showing a realistic view of the entire world with granular data points to help both the public and private sector use cases.

Away from the funding race and unicorn buzz, the 26-year-old mapping tech company MapmyIndia has been powering some of the leading companies in India and globally including Apple, Uber, Amazon, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Mercedes, Ola, Yulu, Flipkart, Ola, Amazon, HDFC bank, Central Board of Direct Taxes, Umang App, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), State governments and many more. The company’s repository of mapping data of the Indian landscape covers 6.3 million road kilometres, 7,933 towns and cities, 6,37,472 villages, 17.79 million places across categories.

“What’s exciting to us is how when we started with our digital map data product in the 1990s, we knew 80 per cent of all data will have a location component to it eventually. Then we saw so many use cases. Our next bet is futuristic but it will happen sooner than later and in a larger way than people can foresee today. We are looking at creating a realistic view of the real world or a real metaverse in a high-definition 4D digital model. There will be use cases across consumers, enterprises, government, gaming, developers and automotive,” Rohan Verma, CEO and Executive Director, MapmyIndia told BusinessLine.

“Secondly, this is more relevant even now, our digital address system called eLoc. Through this, any location or address in India can be represented in six characters. It will be as helpful for delivery executives looking for a specific location as for a government which wants to know whether a particular location has got a gas connection in every household,” he said.

Fundraising plans
Currently, waiting for SEBI’s nod for its ?1,200-crore IPO, the company has been focussing on its B2B and B2B2C play and not much is known about its product offerings where it is currently competing with peers like Google, TomTom and Here Technologies to name a few.

MapmyIndia wants to utilise the funds raised from its listing to boost marketing activities, acquisitions and further develop its technology. The company is profitable and has been cash-flow positive too. Its cash flow from operations grew 152.6 per cent between FY20 and FY21 reaching ?98.5 crore, according to the Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP).

Around 36.11 per cent stake in the company is held by PhonePe, 17.82 per cent by Japanese map publisher Zenrin and 8.48 per cent by Qualcomm, apart from the promoters and a few other investors. “Post IPO, the promoters will hold more than 50 per cent stake in the company, 18-20 per cent will be offered and held by public and the rest by the existing investors including PhonePe and Zenrin,” Verma said.

It has more than 2,000 enterprise customers at present and 80 per cent of its revenue is contributed by 25 key clients as of 2021. The company has been offerings its APIs and SaaS products across 200 countries including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, UAE and Egypt.

Post listing, Verma said the company will continue to look at more opportunities in the US, Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia but the core focus will still be India, where it gets most of its business from and sees more promise.

As of global expansion, Verma said that the company will be creating tailored solutions for the different markets depending on their needs. “Our offerings will depend on the geographies we are operating in. Emerging markets will have different needs as compared to developed markets,” he said.

Government projects
MapmyIndia has over 80 per cent market share in the mapping solutions category for the automotive sector in India. Beyond that, it has been working with various consumer-focused apps and the government for population-scale platforms and geospatial transformation projects.

The company has been working on Project Insight with the Income Tax department to help sieve big data and analyse patterns of income tax evasion happening during the collection. MapmyIndia’s mapping solution could provide granular data on various metrics such as affluence levels by locality and levels of taxes approximately paid in a certain neighbourhood.

It can provide details on the concentration of ATMs in a neighbourhood, and even accessibility of public health in a village etc. MapmyIndia is also providing its API for UMANG app, a common app for all government services.

It has partnered with ISRO by combining its maps and technology with its satellite imagery and earth observation data. “We have combined both to create an end-to-end atmanirbhar geospatial solution for academic, research, scientific progress, economic and other purposes,” Verma said.

The company was actively working on helping policymakers analyse geospatially where Covid hotspots existed, while powering the Cowin platform with real-time data on vaccine centres and oxygen tracking. MapmyIndia also helped logistic companies to avoid containment zones.
Als dat kan !

De Turkse president Recep Tayyip Erdogan laat mogelijke valutamanipulatie onderzoeken. Dat doet hij volgens persbureau Anadolu nadat de lira afgelopen week fors in waarde daalde ten opzichte van de Amerikaanse dollar en de euro.

Dan moet koersmanipulatie bij os TT, ook wel lukken.

Dutchy Ron
36.11 per cent stake in the company is held by PhonePe,
17.82 per cent by Japanese map publisher Zenrin
8.48 per cent by Qualcomm,
other promoters and investors
Als Qualcomm slim is nemen ze TT en MapmyIndia beiden over ;-)
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