Velen snappen het nog niet.
Cash aanwas is niet FCF !
rapport Q1 2020 blz 7
Cash flow from operations 18,099
Interest received 95
Interest paid -386
Corporate income taxes paid -2,004
Cash flow from operating activities 15,804
Investments in intangible assets 0
Investments in property, plant and equipment -2,111
Dividends received 162
Cash flow from investing activities -1,949
Repayment of lease liabilities -3,612
Proceeds on issue of ordinary shares 1,548 532
Purchase of treasury shares -16,569 0
Cash flow from financing activities -18,633
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents -4,778
cash flow van operations
plus of min intrest intrest taxes
Geeft cash flow van operating activities.
+ of min cash flow van investing activities
is FCF
Verschil tussen de groei of daling van de cash en plus of min de FCF is cash flow of financing activities.
je ziet Purchase of treasury shares ( aandelen inkoop ) staan onder cash flow of financing activities.
Heeft dus geen invloed op de FCF maar wel op de cash positie.
Cash flow from operating activites 15, 804
min cash flow from investing activities - 1,949
FCF van 14 miljoen positief
min cash from financing activities - 18,663
is vermindering cash positie tov 31 dec 2019 4,778
Cash positie wordt 431 en was 436
In Q1 '20, the free cash flow from continuing operations was an inflow of €14 million versus an
outflow of €20 million in the same quarter last year.