Galliford Try and Interserve named amongst big winners of the new £1.5bn YORbuild major works framework
Winning contractors for the new YORbuild major works framework have been revealed to deliver £1.5bn of capital projects over the next four years.
The framework is divided into two lots for projects of £10m-£30m in value and projects £30m plus.
Six firms have been awarded places on lot 2, estimated to be worth £900m over the next four years, while eight firms share a place on lot 1, expected to account for a £600m spend.
Interserve, Galliford Try, BAM, Kier, Morgan Sindall and Wates have won places on both lots.
The four year framework runs until April 2024, with an option to extend for a further two years.
YORbuild has historically been the primary procurement vehicle for many regional local authorities including Leeds City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
The framework has also been used by the Department for Education, NHS trusts, universities, colleges and bluelight authorities to procure projects.