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Pharming maart 2019

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The Pigeonman

PieterTheCrash schreef op 2 maart 2019 21:22:

Ik overweeg na het lezen van de laatste vijf pagina's van dit forum om maandag al mijn andere aandelen te verkopen en Pharming-aandelen te kopen... Wie doet mee ?
Ik zou zeggen: de eerste pagina is meer dan voldoende! :-)
The Pigeonman

Jager63 schreef op 3 maart 2019 07:54:

We gaan de weerstand opruimen!
Ik ga de houtkachel aansteken! Brrrrrrrrr

The Pigeonman schreef op 3 maart 2019 08:21:


Ik ga de houtkachel aansteken! Brrrrrrrrr
Echt ouderwets voorjaar. Zo'n houtkachel is ook gezellig! Typisch weer voor een wielerklassieker!

Jager63 schreef op 3 maart 2019 07:54:

We gaan de weerstand opruimen!
Yep, met wortel en tak.
Dat is de spirit!

En we verkopen voorlopig helemaal niets, we hebben de tijd en Pharming zal groter en groter worden.

Een win win situatie voor de patiënt en de beleggers.

CW1884 schreef op 3 maart 2019 07:44:

Beste de schaatser,

U schept wel een zeer hoge verwachting. U verwacht € 150 miljoen omzet over geheel 2018. Dat betekent een omzet van € 52,3 miljoen in Q4 tov € 38,6 miljoen in Q3. Verder heeft dhr. de Vries aangegeven op 25 oktober 2018, dat hij verwacht dat de omzet van Q4 in lijn der verwachting ligt met de omzet van Q3. In Q3 is een omzet van € 38,6 miljoen behaald, dus mag je er vanuitgaan dat de omzet van Q4 ook in de buurt ligt van € 38,6 miljoen, wat betekent een totale omzet van ca. € 136 miljoen.

Er zijn in de USA wel enkele nieuwe salesmensen aangenomen in Q4, echter deze zullen “pas” in Q1 2019 hun invloed kunnen uitoefenen op de resultaten. Desondanks zijn ze in Q4 begonnen en zullen aan de resultaten wel een klein beetje invloed hebben uitgeoefend. Ik verwacht dan ook (ook omdat dhr. de Vries al op 25 oktober 2018 zijn verwachting uitsprak, met nog 2 maanden voor de boeg) dat de omzet toch iets is gestegen tov Q3 2018 en uitkomt in de buurt van € 40 miljoen, met een totale omzet van ca. € 138 miljoen.

De Q3 omzet bevatte 2,5 miljoen naar aanleiding van het uitoefenen van opties door management. In Q4 is dat 0,5 miljoen. Deze informatie komt van BassieNL. Zelf heb ik niet genoeg kennis om hier zeker van te zijn. BassieNL lijkt op dit vlak goed onderlegd te zijn. Toch Bas ;-)

Er van uitgaande dat dit klopt, zal er 2 miljoen extra Ruconest verkocht moeten worden om 38,6 te evenaren. De vries heeft zoals u zegt hooguit inzicht in de verkopen van oktober. Ik zou echt tevreden zijn als het 38,6 wordt. 40 miljoen zie ik als een enorme bonus.
Product Ruconest: klasse! Toediening: niet ideaal. Concurrentie bestrijden kan alleen met een ander en beter product. Dat is Ruconest!
The Pigeonman

Jager63 schreef op 3 maart 2019 08:27:

Echt ouderwets voorjaar. Zo'n houtkachel is ook gezellig! Typisch weer voor een wielerklassieker!
Zekers! Top. Gister hadden de dames de mannen bijna ingehaald! Hahaha, mooi.

RobertD schreef op 3 maart 2019 08:37:

De Q3 omzet bevatte 2,5 miljoen naar aanleiding van het uitoefenen van opties door management. In Q4 is dat 0,5 miljoen. Deze informatie komt van BassieNL. Zelf heb ik niet genoeg kennis om hier zeker van te zijn. BassieNL lijkt op dit vlak goed onderlegd te zijn. Toch Bas ;-)

Er van uitgaande dat dit klopt, zal er 2 miljoen extra Ruconest verkocht moeten worden om 38,6 te evenaren. De vries heeft zoals u zegt hooguit inzicht in de verkopen van oktober. Ik zou echt tevreden zijn als het 38,6 wordt. 40 miljoen zie ik als een enorme bonus.
Opties hadden invloed op kaspositie, niet op de omzet.
We zien wel wat het wordt.

BassieNL schreef op 3 maart 2019 09:05:

Opties hadden invloed op kaspositie, niet op de omzet.
We zien wel wat het wordt.
Goed om te weten!

CW1884 schreef op 3 maart 2019 07:50:

Beste ProPharming,

Helaas heeft JipBanaan wel degelijk gelijk. Het is al enkele jaren het geval dat voor er cijfers komen, de koers gestaag stijgt en na de cijfers de koers weer terugvalt. De vraag van Jip is dan ook waarom dit nu anders zal zijn.

Verder zie je nu op het forum al weer velen een verwachting creëren, die veel te hoog ligt tov de uitspraken van de CEO. Hierdoor gaat dit bij de cijferpresentatie vaak tegenvallen en is het logisch dat de koers weer iets zakt na de cijfers. Omzetten van € 50 miljoen of meer in Q4 2018 zijn niet realistisch.
Goedemorgen CW 1884,

m.i. is de positie van heer de Vries dusdanig ten gunste veranderd dat hij nu, in tegenstelling tot een paar jaar geleden, de verwachtingen probeert te temperen en daarmee bij de presentatie van de cijfers een positief resultaat te melden heeft.
Wat dan zeker zal resulteren in een opmars van de koers.

Daarnaast denk ik dat het afnemen van de shortposities ook een teken aan de want is aangezien deze clubs ook niet van gisteren zijn.

Tevens zullen de resultaten van Pharmings Ruconest niet alleen bij aandeelhouders de aandacht hebben maar zeker ook bij patiënten met deze afschuwelijke aandoening waardoor er door deze patiënten vaker de voorkeur gegeven zal worden aan Ruconest.

Deze punten gecombineerd met een ervaren en gemotiveerd salesteam en een zeer gemotiveerde CEO met zijn team, ja dan........

Maarja ook ik ben maar een aandeelhouder die belang heeft bij een hogere koers.


de eerlijke persoon schreef op 3 maart 2019 01:22:

En maandag knallen.
Hoop ik
altyd eerlijk.
ik heb geen glazen bol helaas.
Dit zijn ook hele (eerlijke) waardevolle bijdrages..

jip banaan! schreef op 3 maart 2019 00:48:


Maar Ruud... jij als Pharming ervarings-deskundige weet dat de koers van Pharming in de aanloop naar de cijfers meestal oploopt, maar bij de presentatie van de cijfers meestal (ongeacht of ze goed of slecht zijn) weer daalt.

Waarom zou dat deze keer anders zijn??



Jammer Ruud... je bent in je postings vaak heel stellig, i.m.o. zet je daarmee anderen vaak op het verkeerde been.

Waarom geef je nu niet gewoon een helder antwoord??


Resultaten uit het verleden bieden geen garantie voor de toekomst.
Stellig genoeg?

De Allesweter
[quote alias=Burdie65 id=11457422 date=201903021921]

Ja dat klopt beide!
Ze heeft me eens laten weten wat haar verzekering betaald voor haar. En vóórdat zij RUCONEST gebruikte was die rekening dermate hoog daar zij veel van haar tijd in het ziekenhuis (I.C.) doorbracht, dat een vergoeding voor RUCONEST in het niet viel t.o.v. de totale kosten voorheen!

Klinkt misschien raar dat zulke ´zware´ gevallen van HAE met een Profylactische behandeling die ongeveer een 1/2 miljoen per jaar kost een nog grotere rekening die, enkele miljoenen US dollars kan belopen, kan voorkomen. Daarbij genomen wat ikzelf nog het belangrijkste vind is dat deze patienten een kwalitatief beter leven kunnen leiden met bijvoorbeeld RUCONEST.

Zie hieronder één van de berichten die Loukisha me heeft gestuurd waaruit blijkt dat ze inderdaad RUCONEST als Profilactisch medicijn voorgeschreven krijgt met geweldige resultaten!

Hello Bart,
I'm glad to hear that you and your family are doing. We're all doing well too. My kids are going through major growth spurt right now. Our son seems to be the most intense, leg cramps and wanting eat constantly.

The news for the FDA was upsetting to us all indeed. However I'm very confident that Pharming is working very diligently to gain the approval.

Since I have a doctor that is nationally and internationally recognized in HAE
I'm still getting my Ruconest without problems. I'm still using it as a prophylactic treatment against swells. I've been ICU & ER free for almost 2 yrs. I used another rescue medication once last year. I can have mild swelling, however the Ruconest doesn't let it get out of hand. This is the most stable I've been in 8+yrs!!
My heart is hurting for patient's that are not as fortunate to have a doctor well known and revered in the HAE medical community. I have faith that the approval will come. Until then I keeping supporting fellow swell friends anyway I can.

Thank you for writing back Bart. May you and your loved ones be safe and be well!!

Warmest regards,

Kijk, dit soort berichten zouden dus zo breed mogelijk moeten worden gedeeld op social media mbt Hae. Wellicht kunnen we de Ruconest gebruikers hiertoe mobiliseren/aansporen op een of andere wijze.


CW1884 schreef op 3 maart 2019 07:50:

Beste ProPharming,

Helaas heeft JipBanaan wel degelijk gelijk. Het is al enkele jaren het geval dat voor er cijfers komen, de koers gestaag stijgt en na de cijfers de koers weer terugvalt. De vraag van Jip is dan ook waarom dit nu anders zal zijn.

Verder zie je nu op het forum al weer velen een verwachting creëren, die veel te hoog ligt tov de uitspraken van de CEO. Hierdoor gaat dit bij de cijferpresentatie vaak tegenvallen en is het logisch dat de koers weer iets zakt na de cijfers. Omzetten van € 50 miljoen of meer in Q4 2018 zijn niet realistisch.

Jip banaan blikt terug in het verleden.
Dat wil niet zeggen, dat het een zekerheid is, dat er weer eenzelfde scenario volgt.
Pharming staat er nu veel beter voor.
Closely Watching the Magic Formula & Quant Scores for Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM), Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD)

Posted by Candy Moore on March 3, 2019 at 2:49 am

Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) has a current MF Rank of 2739. Developed by hedge fund manager Joel Greenblatt, the intention of the formula is to spot high quality companies that are trading at an attractive price. The formula uses ROIC and earnings yield ratios to find quality, undervalued stocks. In general, companies with the lowest combined rank may be the higher quality picks.

Individual investors are constantly hearing about the next hot stock to buy. Acting purely on these types of tips can be hazardous to the portfolio if the research is not completed. Sometimes these stock tips will pan out and be correct, other times they can leave the investor wondering why they acted on the speculative advice. Even if a stock tip is correct, the results may have already been manifested and the investor would simply be getting in way too late. Knowing what information is reliable can drastically improve the chances of making smarter stock picks. Even the most praised stocks may not be able to withstand an overall market downturn.

Checking in on some valuation rankings, Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) has a Value Composite score of 66. Developed by James O’Shaughnessy, the VC score uses five valuation ratios. These ratios are price to earnings, price to cash flow, EBITDA to EV, price to book value, and price to sales. The VC is displayed as a number between 1 and 100. In general, a company with a score closer to 0 would be seen as undervalued, and a score closer to 100 would indicate an overvalued company. Adding a sixth ratio, shareholder yield, we can view the Value Composite 2 score which is currently sitting at 72.

Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) has a Price to Book ratio of 12.346681. This ratio is calculated by dividing the current share price by the book value per share. Investors may use Price to Book to display how the market portrays the value of a stock. Checking in on some other ratios, the company has a Price to Cash Flow ratio of 10.950908, and a current Price to Earnings ratio of -19.480436. The P/E ratio is one of the most common ratios used for figuring out whether a company is overvalued or undervalued.

Shifting gears, we can see that Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) has a Q.i. Value of 34.00000. The Q.i. Value ranks companies using four ratios. These ratios consist of EBITDA Yield, FCF Yield, Liquidity, and Earnings Yield. The purpose of the Q.i. Value is to help identify companies that are the most undervalued. Typically, the lower the value, the more undervalued the company tends to be.

Watching some historical volatility numbers on shares of Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM), we can see that the 12 month volatility is presently 41.241000. The 6 month volatility is 73.995700, and the 3 month is spotted at 52.090600. Following volatility data can help measure how much the stock price has fluctuated over the specified time period. Although past volatility action may help project future stock volatility, it may also be vastly different when taking into account other factors that may be driving price action during the measured time period.

At the time of writing, Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) has a Piotroski F-Score of 5. The F-Score may help discover companies with strengthening balance sheets. The score may also be used to spot the weak performers. Joseph Piotroski developed the F-Score which employs nine different variables based on the company financial statement. A single point is assigned to each test that a stock passes. Typically, a stock scoring an 8 or 9 would be seen as strong. On the other end, a stock with a score from 0-2 would be viewed as weak.

Investors may be interested in viewing the Gross Margin score on shares of Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM). The name currently has a score of 2.00000. This score is derived from the Gross Margin (Marx) stability and growth over the previous eight years. The Gross Margin score lands on a scale from 1 to 100 where a score of 1 would be considered positive, and a score of 100 would be seen as negative.

The Shareholder Yield is a way that investors can see how much money shareholders are receiving from a company through a combination of dividends, share repurchases and debt reduction. The Shareholder Yield of Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) is -0.186732. This percentage is calculated by adding the dividend yield plus the percentage of shares repurchased. Dividends are a common way that companies distribute cash to their shareholders. Similarly, cash repurchases and a reduction of debt can increase the shareholder value, too. Another way to determine the effectiveness of a company’s distributions is by looking at the Shareholder yield (Mebane Faber). The Shareholder Yield (Mebane Faber) of Pharming Group N.V. ENXTAM:PHARM is -0.05549. This number is calculated by looking at the sum of the dividend yield plus percentage of sales repurchased and net debt repaid yield.

Price Index

We can now take a quick look at some historical stock price index data. Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) presently has a 10 month price index of 0.69398. The price index is calculated by dividing the current share price by the share price ten months ago. A ratio over one indicates an increase in share price over the period. A ratio lower than one shows that the price has decreased over that time period. Looking at some alternate time periods, the 12 month price index is 0.71418, the 24 month is 3.00000, and the 36 month is 3.36972. Narrowing in a bit closer, the 5 month price index is 0.98507, the 3 month is 1.19775, and the 1 month is currently 1.18734.

changes might involve tweaking strategies that have previously been successful but no longer are.

The Value Composite One (VC1) is a method that investors use to determine a company’s value. The VC1 of Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD) is 41. A company with a value of 0 is thought to be an undervalued company, while a company with a value of 100 is considered an overvalued company. The VC1 is calculated using the price to book value, price to sales, EBITDA to EV, price to cash flow, and price to earnings. Similarly, the Value Composite Two (VC2) is calculated with the same ratios, but adds the Shareholder Yield. The Value Composite Two of Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD) is 36.

Shifting gears, we can see that Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD) has a Q.i. Value of 47.00000. The Q.i. Value ranks companies using four ratios. These ratios consist of EBITDA Yield, FCF Yield, Liquidity, and Earnings Yield. The purpose of the Q.i. Value is to help identify companies that are the most undervalued. Typically, the lower the value, the more undervalued the company tends to be.

Watching some historical volatility numbers on shares of Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD), we can see that the 12 month volatility is presently 27.275300. The 6 month volatility is 26.141000, and the 3 month is spotted at 25.182800. Following volatility data can help measure how much the stock price has fluctuated over the specified time period. Although past volatility action may help project future stock volatility, it may also be vastly different when taking into account other factors that may be driving price action during the measured time period.

Investors may be interested in viewing the Gross Margin score on shares of Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD). The name currently has a score of 22.00000. This score is derived from the Gross Margin (Marx) stability and growth over the previous eight years. The Gross Margin score lands on a scale from 1 to 100 where a score of 1 would be considered positive, and a score of 100 would be seen as negative.

At the time of writing, Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD) has a Piotroski F-Score of 6. The F-Score may help discover companies with strengthening balance sheets. The score may also be used to spot the weak performers. Joseph Piotroski developed the F-Score which employs nine different variables based on the company financial statement. A single point is assigned to each test that a stock passes. Typically, a stock scoring an 8 or 9 would be seen as strong. On the other end, a stock with a score from 0-2 would be viewed as weak.


Stock volatility is a percentage that indicates whether a stock is a desirable purchase. Investors look at the Volatility 12m to determine if a company has a low volatility percentage or not over the course of a year. The Volatility 12m of Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD) is 27.275300. This is calculated by taking weekly log normal returns and standard deviation of the share price over one year annualized. The lower the number, a company is thought to have low volatility. The Volatility 3m is a similar percentage determined by the daily log normal returns and standard deviation of the share price over 3 months. The Volatility 3m of Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD) is 25.182800. The Volatility 6m is the same, except measured over the course of six months. The Volatility 6m is 26.141000.

Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), ROIC Quality, ROIC 5 Year Average

The Return on Invested Capital (aka ROIC) for Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD) is 0.131891. The Return on Invested Capital is a ratio that determines whether a company is profitable or not. It tells investors how well a company is turning their capital into profits. The ROIC is calculated by dividing the net operating profit (or EBIT) by the employed capital. The employed capital is calculated by subrating current liabilities from total assets. Similarly, the Return on Invested Capital Quality ratio is a tool in evaluating the quality of a company’s ROIC over the course of five years. The ROIC Quality of Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD) is 4.287281. This is calculated by dividing the five year average ROIC by the Standard Deviation of the 5 year ROIC. The ROIC 5 year average is calculated using the five year average EBIT, five year average (net working capital and net fixed assets). The ROIC 5 year average of Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD) is 0.137917.

There are many different tools to determine whether a company is profitable or not. One of the most popular ratios is the “Return on Assets” (aka ROA). This score indicates how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. The Return on Assets for Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD) is 0.092098. This number is calculated by dividing net income after tax by the company’s total assets. A company that manages their assets well will have a higher return, while a company that manages their assets poorly will have a lower return.

One of the most basic ideas that goes along with the stock market is buy low and sell high. Although this advice is overly obvious, many new investors will do the exact opposite when trading stocks. Inexperienced investors have the tendency to buy stocks that have been performing the best recently. This may be caused by certain factors such as not looking into the underlying fundamentals or just hoping that the stock will continue to rise. Rookie investors may also make the error of holding onto shares that continue to drop in value. Instead of cutting the loser loose, they hold off with the hope that eventually the stock will at least get back to the breakeven point.

bron :
Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) in Focus: A look at EBITDA & Valuation as it Touches 0.065313

Posted by ONJ Staff on March 2, 2019 at 11:50 am

In terms of EBITDA Yield, Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) currently has a value of 0.065313. This value is derived by dividing EBITDA by Enterprise Value.

Investors may have various goals when it comes to making money in the stock market. Putting hard earned capital to work can pay off nicely when the proper research is completed. Investing in the stock market may not be for everyone, but it may be one of the best ways to see higher returns. Many successful investors share some of the same basic characteristics. They are typically hardworking, patient, disciplined, and work with a studious critical eye. Knowing the ins and outs of the stock market is something that may be learned over time with a lot of hard work. Although investing in the stock market entails a higher degree of risk compared to other investments, the rewards have the potential to be much greater.

Another useful indicator to assist in detmining rank is the ERP5 Rank. This is an investment tool that analysts use to discover undervalued companies. The ERP5 looks at the Price to Book ratio, Earnings Yield, ROIC and 5 year average ROIC. The ERP5 of Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) is 9596. The lower the ERP5 rank, the more undervalued a company is thought to be.

Looking further, the MF Rank (aka the Magic Formula) is a formula that pinpoints a valuable company trading at a good price. The formula is calculated by looking at companies that have a high earnings yield as well as a high return on invested capital. The MF Rank of Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) is 2739. A company with a low rank is considered a good company to invest in. The Magic Formula was introduced in a book written by Joel Greenblatt, entitled, “The Little Book that Beats the Market”.

Piotroski F-Score

The Piotroski F-Score is a scoring system between 1-9 that determines a firm’s financial strength. The score helps determine if a company’s stock is valuable or not. The Piotroski F-Score of Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) is 5. A score of nine indicates a high value stock, while a score of one indicates a low value stock. The score is calculated by the return on assets (ROA), Cash flow return on assets (CFROA), change in return of assets, and quality of earnings. It is also calculated by a change in gearing or leverage, liquidity, and change in shares in issue. The score is also determined by change in gross margin and change in asset turnover.

The Gross Margin Score is calculated by looking at the Gross Margin and the overall stability of the company over the course of 8 years. The score is a number between one and one hundred (1 being best and 100 being the worst). The Gross Margin Score of Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) is 2.00000. The more stable the company, the lower the score. If a company is less stable over the course of time, they will have a higher score.

The Price Index is a ratio that indicates the return of a share price over a past period. The price index of Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) for last month was 1.18734. This is calculated by taking the current share price and dividing by the share price one month ago. If the ratio is greater than 1, then that means there has been an increase in price over the month.

If the ratio is less than 1, then we can determine that there has been a decrease in price. Similarly, investors look up the share price over 12 month periods. The Price Index 12m for Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) is 0.71418.


Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) presently has a current ratio of 1.34. The current ratio, also known as the working capital ratio, is a liquidity ratio that displays the proportion of current assets of a business relative to the current liabilities. The ratio is simply calculated by dividing current liabilities by current assets. The ratio may be used to provide an idea of the ability of a certain company to pay back its liabilities with assets. Typically, the higher the current ratio the better, as the company may be more capable of paying back its obligations.

The Value Composite One (VC1) is a method that investors use to determine a company’s value. The VC1 of Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) is 66. A company with a value of 0 is thought to be an undervalued company, while a company with a value of 100 is considered an overvalued company. The VC1 is calculated using the price to book value, price to sales, EBITDA to EV, price to cash flow, and price to earnings. Similarly, the Value Composite Two (VC2) is calculated with the same ratios, but adds the Shareholder Yield. The Value Composite Two of Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) is 72.

The Price to book ratio is the current share price of a company divided by the book value per share. The Price to Book ratio for Pharming Group N.V. ENXTAM:PHARM is 12.346681. A lower price to book ratio indicates that the stock might be undervalued. Similarly, Price to cash flow ratio is another helpful ratio in determining a company’s value. The Price to Cash Flow for Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) is 10.950908. This ratio is calculated by dividing the market value of a company by cash from operating activities. Additionally, the price to earnings ratio is another popular way for analysts and investors to determine a company’s profitability. The price to earnings ratio for Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) is -19.480436. This ratio is found by taking the current share price and dividing by earnings per share.

The FCF Yield 5yr Average is calculated by taking the five year average free cash flow of a company, and dividing it by the current enterprise value. Enterprise Value is calculated by taking the market capitalization plus debt, minority interest and preferred shares, minus total cash and cash equivalents. The average FCF of a company is determined by looking at the cash generated by operations of the company. The Free Cash Flow Yield 5 Year Average of Pharming Group N.V. (ENXTAM:PHARM) is -0.001576.

Investors are typically looking for any little advantage when it comes to the equity markets. Investors often have to figure out not only how certain companies are faring, but also how the overall global economic landscape is shaping up. Focusing in on the proper economic data can help detect overall trends in the economy. Investors who are able to hone their analytical skills might be able to put themselves in a much better position to achieve success. Being able to process and organize all of the different types of financial information that is constantly being thrown around may be a great asset to the individual trader and investor. The amount of information floating around in today’s investing climate is enormous. Zooming in on the most pertinent information can help keep things manageable.


Posted by Theresa McIntyre on March 2, 2019 at 3:50 pm
It was noted an increase on PHARMING GROUP NV LEIDEN ORDINARY SHARES (OTCMKTS:PHGUF)’s shares shorted with 2.53%. It was published in March by FINRA the 24.12M shares shorted on PHGUF. The up change of 2.53% from 23.52M shares was reported. 910 days will cost PHGUF with 26,500 average volume to recover its former position.

Lastly it traded at $1.08.Since March 2, 2018 it’s 0.00% down thus . The stock the S&P 500 by 0.00%.

Pharming Group N.V., a specialty pharmaceutical company, develops and produces human therapeutic proteins for treatment of rare diseases and unmet medical needs.The firm is valued at $700.75 million. The companyÂ’s lead product is Ruconest , a recombinant human C1 esterase inhibitor approved for the treatment of angioedema attacks in patients with acute hereditary angioedema (HAE) in Europe, the United States, Israel, and South Korea.Last it reported negative earnings. It also engages in the development of recombinant human C1 inhibitor for treating HAE attacks; and recombinant human Factor VIII, a natural human blood clotting factor for treating Haemophilia A.

There’s an important Pharming Group N.V. (OTCMKTS:PHGUF) news posted by It’s an item titled: “Pharming Bets The House On Ruconest – Seeking Alpha” on November 23, 2016.
Global Hereditary Angioedema Therapeutics Market 2018 Analysis and Forecast by 2022 Key Players, Size, Opportunities, Risk, and Driving Force
March 3, 2019
Global Hereditary Angioedema Therapeutics market trends, size and forecasts report analyses the latest trends in industry with a perceptive to identify the future growth prospects along, market Share, future business opportunities and challenges faced by key vendors in the industry.

Experts forecast Global Hereditary Angioedema Therapeutics Market is expected to grow at 8.94% CAGR during the period 2018-2022.

The Hereditary Angioedema Therapeutics market report also assesses the key opportunities in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry. Development of the whole worldwide Hereditary Angioedema Therapeutics market has also been predicted for the period 2018-2022, taking into consideration the earlier development patterns, the growth drivers and the recent and future trends.

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Vertraagd 6 mrt 2025 17:38
Koers 0,770
Verschil -0,040 (-4,88%)
Hoog 0,813
Laag 0,768
Volume 19.214.251
Volume gemiddeld 5.681.910
Volume gisteren 8.994.062