Kon het me niet laten om een mailtje te sturen naar meneer Daniels.
Hopelijk komt hij met meer duidelijkheid voor ons af!
Hier de mail:
Dear Mr Daniels,
I am a shareholder of AMG, and also a member of the big forum ‘www.iex.nl’, where thousands of shareholders share their opinion about AMG.
Of course with this huge drop in share price, people are getting nervous.
But most of all, I hear a lot of disappointment about the AMG communication to it’s shareholders.
At first, we do not hear anything about lithium phase 2 anymore. AMG talked about it as a big opportunity. Later, you guys announced that you will give more information about the EPC contract in september 2018, which we did not get. And then you did not even mention it in the last investor presentation.
We, as shareholders, should really get more clarity about this project. How can this important project suddenly be fading away?
Secondly, I would love to quote the ‘deal with Criterion’. Or can I call it a future joint-venture?
We got a nice press release about this in april 2018. In the following conference calls, Heinz kept saying that we will get more information ‘in due course’.
Well, here we are now, 8 months later, having no further information about it at all.
It would be great if you could give more clarity about this as well.
I do not ask the date you will announce more about this, but the expected quarter or half-year would be really nice.
We want to know what we can expect from it at what time. Right now, it is just a pure guess.
This uncertainty is not good at all for the shareholders.
To recapitulate, the AMG shareholders want better communication overall. I am not talking about the quantity of press releases, but about the quality of it: better timelines for projects, clearer presentations and more extensive press releases.
To begin with, more clarity about the existence of lithium phase 2 and a clearer timeline of the Criterion deal would be appreciated.
I hope you will discuss this soon!
I thank you for you time and help.
Kind regards,
X, proud shareholder of AMG.