US Dollar Statements
Consolidated Statement of Income
For the period, in US dollars
Q1 Q1
Amounts in $ '000 2018 2017
Product sales 35,934 16,169
License fees 248 285
Revenues 36,182 16,454
Costs of sales (6,163) (1,806)
Gross profit 30,019 14,648
Other income 183 89
Research and development (7,040) (4,991)
General and administrative (3,022) (1,463)
Marketing and sales (10,070) (4,162)
Costs (20,132) (10,616)
Operating result 10,070 4,121
Fair value gain (loss) on
revaluation derivatives (1,179) (2,582)
Other financial income and expenses (3,813) (7,681)
Financial income and expenses (4,992) (10,263)
Result before income tax 5,078 (6,142)
Income tax credit/(expense) (977) -
Net result for the year 4,101 (6,142)
Attributable to:
Owners of the parent 4,101 (6,142)
Total net result 4,101 (6,142)
Basic earnings per share ($) 0.006 (0.012)
Please note the 2017 figures are estimates for information only, and are not presented as
true comparable figures at this stage.