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Als donderdag de cijfers en de outlook voor gans 2020 overtreffen verkoop ik al mijn andere aandelen om vol voor biocartis te gaan. Biocartis heeft nog een inhaalrace te gaan van minstens dertig procent.

brightlight schreef op 3 maart 2020 12:06:

Iedereen wacht op donderdag, zoveel is duidelijk. Echter, CGCDLR heeft een punt. Eigenlijk betalen we momenteel maar 2 € per aandeel. Dit is uiteraard meer dan belachelijk, kafka eigenlijk.
Met nog steeds (enige) onduidelijkheid rondom het vertrek van de huidige CFO en de opvolging ervan, alsmede de onzekerheid betreffende de impact van het Corona virus op de operationele (korte)termijn performance van Biocartis, lijkt het mij niet meer dan logisch dat "de markt" graag eerst een nadere toelichting vanuit het MT tegemoet ziet alvorens weer terug op de trein te springen.

One thing that is evident from the Cepheid ppts. They were able to take advantage of public health emergencies such as the H1N1 Flu to garner quick approvals for diagnostic use. Most cancers are not recognized as a communicable disease, so it is easier to extend review periods under the RUO designation.


brightlight schreef op 3 maart 2020 12:06:

Iedereen wacht op donderdag, zoveel is duidelijk. Echter, CGCDLR heeft een punt. Eigenlijk betalen we momenteel maar 2 € per aandeel. Dit is uiteraard meer dan belachelijk, kafka eigenlijk.
Nog 2 dagen geduld brightlicht, ik denk dat we positief verrast gaan worden. Momenteel behouden de shorters de controle over het aandeel, en zijn er nog te weinig kopers. Donderdag kan daar verandering in komen. Ik hoop wel dat de coronahysterie tot een beetje normale proporties kan worden terruggebracht.


I would not get your hopes too high. Many companies with international businesses have been pulling any guidance for 2020 because Coronavirus unknowns.

I'm hopeful that BCART can provide updates on the FDA approvals or other milestones that can progress in this environment. I think BCART like many companies will have to focus the next quarter or two on aspects of the business that are not dependent on extensive international travel. The FDA can work through a lot of issues via written correspondence, teleconference and video chat, etc. Obviously, there is no substitute for plant inspection visits.

When the financing was tight bearly an instrument on the market and no tests approved the share price was 12 or higher all of this is adressed a lot of test weating for FDA clearance and every revieuw positive now the share price is 5 . This is absurde.

Gijpie schreef op 3 maart 2020 16:27:

When the financing was tight bearly an instrument on the market and no tests approved the share price was 12 or higher all of this is adressed a lot of test weating for FDA clearance and every revieuw positive now the share price is 5 . This is absurde.
Absurd of niet, de koers staat op het bord dus het kan!
En bij teveel twijfel vanuit het management kan er aanstaande donderdag nog zomaar 10% of wat dan ook van de koers af.
Logisch of terecht doet er nu even niet toe. In een panikerende markt is alles mogelijk, zo simpel is het helaas. De huidige koers is reeds het bewijs hiervan.
Dat de Fed nu de rente verlaagd is een zwaktebod en geeft aan dat men niet weet wat er nog komen gaat. Vanavond de US wederom (zwaar) onderuit zou mij dan ook vooral niet verbazen waarna Europa morgenochtend met een kater wakker wordend.
ImmunExpress Webinar scheduled for end of month. My guess is that Septicyte Rapid (Idylla version) is approved in the EU in the next 3-4 weeks. I don't think they would launch into training without the EU approval.
Thermo fisher koopt qiagen voor 10 miljard. Ik vraag me dan stilletjes af hoe hard ze hun best gedaan hebben om idylla aan de man te brengen
Wat zou het beste zijn, donderdag naar buiten komen met cijfers en vooruitzichten of beetje uitstellen met de Coronahistorie, tis te zien hoe Corona verergert of afzwakt de volgende ”dagen
,weken” of dat gevolgen heeft voor de beursreactie.

Flatlander schreef op 3 maart 2020 13:38:


One thing that is evident from the Cepheid ppts. They were able to take advantage of public health emergencies such as the H1N1 Flu to garner quick approvals for diagnostic use. Most cancers are not recognized as a communicable disease, so it is easier to extend review periods under the RUO designation.

I have been looking at the Cepheid numbers. There are a lot of parallels indeed, but there are also major differences. I will spare you the details, but I will give you my main conclusions.

_ Despite having far cheaper consoles (Bcart avg console price of 15,000Euro versus Ceph 60,000$), Bcart sold 33% less units than Cepheid in a comparable time frame and starting from a comparable base (around 100 units installed base). The "numbers sold" are actually not too bad if you ask me, because Bcart had to work a more fragmented market (Europe and ROW) as opposed to Ceph (the US market). But the low unit price is a serious drawback on the revenue numbers.
_ Bcart sells considerably less cartridges per unit in money terms (at the end of the same comparable time frame). So, either Ceph cartridges are more expensive and/or they sell more of them per unit.

There will surely be more factors at play, but I believe both issues can mostly be attributed to the fact that Ceph operates on the U.S. market with fully approved tests and Bcart is still waiting to get approval for the US. I also suppose that because of the nature of the US market, Ceph can charge more for their consoles and possibly tests than Bcart can in Europe and ROW.
As the famous football player Johan Cruyff used to say: "Every disadvantage has its advantage". In Bcart's case full approval in the U.S. may change Bcart's fortunes in a big way.


brightlight schreef op 2 maart 2020 19:19:

Talking about the size of the opportunity, Biocartis themselves indicate on page 11 of their corporate presentation that the total addressable market for Idylla (as far as annual cartridge volume is concerned) should range between 18M and 29M. It is not clear what percentage of that market they aim to capture. Let's take 10% of the low end, namely 1.8M cartridges sold per year. Multiply that by 100 Euro (approximate average selling price last year) and you get a peak sales value of 180M Euros. Currently, sales (for cartridges) are at roughly 18M Euro (the exact number we will know on friday). So in that scenario there is the potential to multiply cartridge sales by 10. The question is of course WHAT exact market share they are aiming for and WHEN they will reach those numbers. It would be nice if Bcart would shed some clarity on these numbers next friday. We cannot compare (exactly) the Bcart number to the numbers in your market study, because only the numbers for the Genomics MDx market as a whole are provided in the study. These numbers speak of 1660M$ for the year 2020. It is not clear what time frame the Bcart numbers refer to, still their numbers seem to be roughly in the neighbourhood of the market study numbers. Anyway, FL, what is your take on the possible Bcart market share and what is your take on the 'when' question?

It is difficult to pin down a market share before BCART has even begun selling into the diagnostic market in the U.S., China, Japan etc. We have been told that the traction in the EU has been good and that Idylla is now being used in a first line MDx capacity at numerous locations. Yet specific numbers have not been provided for the EU.

I believe that BCART has a powerful incentive for adoption in the US that cannot presently be matched by competitors. According to EACORP the insurers are reimbursing KRAS assays at U.S. $193. BCART sold the KRAS assays for about $133/ea and had a cost of about $90. If they maintain the same pricing after diagnostic approval they are allowing the health care test facility to keep about $60 per test. This would become a nice profit center for a lot of practices and will drive increased test orders. I assume at some point BCART will raise prices to improve margins but until then it is a powerful incentive for POC adoption. Unfortunately, BCART sales staff cannot even point any of this out until they receive approval.

Similarly for EGFR Testing
As shown by the following excerpt from (Colling, R., Bancroft, H., Langman, G. et al. Fully automated real-time PCR for EGFR testing in non-small cell lung carcinoma. Virchows Arch 474, 187–192 (2019)., the EGFR assay has a significant price advantage over NGS testing.

"The Idylla™ EGFR Mutation Test costs around £170 per test (Europe-wide average) and is therefore comparable with most conventional EGFR PCR assays. In comparison, the cost of NGS gene panels is currently around £300. "

The EGFR assay is currently reimbursed U.S. $324.58 (The BCART price is about $220 per test). The specter of such a large mark up could really drive sales. Under this scenario, I think your 10% estimate could be light. Given the cost, ease of use and TAT advantages it seems like 25% market share would be realistic. It might grow to 50% if a cost competitive alternative does not hit the market for 5 or more years.

Until Diagnostic approvals, this is all guesswork. Once approved then real market data will emerge.

Correction: in the above text I meant Ceph operates mainly (!) in the U.S. market (not exclusively of course). In fact that is another positive for Bcart because Ceph gets more than two thirds of its system and cartridge revenue from the U.S. and only less than one third from Europe (in the four year time window in the Ceph PDFs you sent me). So once the tests are fully approved in the U.S. a lot of potential is unlocked. This is of course nothing new for you, I suppose, but I personally did not realize until know just how big the U.S. market opportunity really is (if the Cepheid numbers can be extrapolated to Bcart).

Flatlander schreef op 3 maart 2020 22:37:



It is difficult to pin down a market share before BCART has even begun selling into the diagnostic market in the U.S., China, Japan etc. We have been told that the traction in the EU has been good and that Idylla is now being used in a first line MDx capacity at numerous locations. Yet specific numbers have not been provided for the EU.

I believe that BCART has a powerful incentive for adoption in the US that cannot presently be matched by competitors. According to EACORP the insurers are reimbursing KRAS assays at U.S. $193. BCART sold the KRAS assays for about $133/ea and had a cost of about $90. If they maintain the same pricing after diagnostic approval they are allowing the health care test facility to keep about $60 per test. This would become a nice profit center for a lot of practices and will drive increased test orders. I assume at some point BCART will raise prices to improve margins but until then it is a powerful incentive for POC adoption. Unfortunately, BCART sales staff cannot even point any of this out until they receive approval.

Similarly for EGFR Testing
As shown by the following excerpt from (Colling, R., Bancroft, H., Langman, G. et al. Fully automated real-time PCR for EGFR testing in non-small cell lung carcinoma. Virchows Arch 474, 187–192 (2019)., the EGFR assay has a significant price advantage over NGS testing.

"The Idylla™ EGFR Mutation Test costs around £170 per test (Europe-wide average) and is therefore comparable with most conventional EGFR PCR assays. In comparison, the cost of NGS gene panels is currently around £300. "

The EGFR assay is currently reimbursed U.S. $324.58 (The BCART price is about $220 per test). The specter of such a large mark up could really drive sales. Under this scenario, I think your 10% estimate could be light. Given the cost, ease of use and TAT advantages it seems like 25% market share would be realistic. It might grow to 50% if a cost competitive alternative does not hit the market for 5 or more years.

Until Diagnostic approvals, this is all guesswork. Once approved then real market data will emerge.


Indeed one of the major incentives for adopting Idylla or any other system will be cost saving (it always is). Thanks for putting numbers on the insurer reimbursements. It provides a clearer picture. Of course my 10% was just a random number. I too suspect it to be much higher. Now all that remains is to unlock the huge potential. Hopefully we will see the first signs in two days despite all the Corona madness.

Veel geluk gewenst morgen voor de beleggers met Biocartis aandelen. We verdienen het wel. Vergeet niet dat we van + 14 euro komen, en een 2 jaar lange daling hebben moeten ondergaan naar minder dan 5 euro. Zijn alle analisten fout die het bedrijf veel hoger inschatten? Welke trigger kan voor de kentering zorgen, en wanneer mogen we die verwachten?

Verrelst has periodically indicated that he has no intention to sell. That said it is the duty of the CEO and the Board to bring any qualified offer for shareholder consideration. As fragmented as the share ownership is, I'd believe that no one will be in a hurry to sell out. Too many shares were bought in the $12 range for any quick agreement.


brightlight schreef op 3 maart 2020 22:48:

Indeed one of the major incentives for adopting Idylla or any other system will be cost saving (it always is). Thanks for putting numbers on the insurer reimbursements. It provides a clearer picture. Of course my 10% was just a random number. I too suspect it to be much higher. Now all that remains is to unlock the huge potential. Hopefully we will see the first signs in two days despite all the Corona madness.
I'm hopeful that Japan console sales began in the Q4 2019 and have continued into Q1 2020. This would help with providing a launching pad to meet 2020 expectations without a lot of sales rep face time. The virus in the US is hitting the Seattle area (mostly elderly) hard. For the rest of the country most of the affect is psychological. The news has shown video clips of a noticeably uncrowded Ohare airport suggesting that people are reducing travel. I still think 2020 is an inflection year, but the virus is likely another delay thrown into the mix.

I'm hopeful that the BCART SP is finally finding support. Unlike the Pharma stocks that are dependent on a pivotal trial approval, the cancer MDx market will likely play out over a long period (decade or more) as it did for CEPH in infectious disease. However, if BCART can establish a similar place in MDx by compounding sales and earning growth at 20 to 25% for a decade can make for a great long term investment.


Flatlander schreef op 4 maart 2020 14:42:


I'm hopeful that Japan console sales began in the Q4 2019 and have continued into Q1 2020. This would help with providing a launching pad to meet 2020 expectations without a lot of sales rep face time. The virus in the US is hitting the Seattle area (mostly elderly) hard. For the rest of the country most of the affect is psychological. The news has shown video clips of a noticeably uncrowded Ohare airport suggesting that people are reducing travel. I still think 2020 is an inflection year, but the virus is likely another delay thrown into the mix.

I'm hopeful that the BCART SP is finally finding support. Unlike the Pharma stocks that are dependent on a pivotal trial approval, the cancer MDx market will likely play out over a long period (decade or more) as it did for CEPH in infectious disease. However, if BCART can establish a similar place in MDx by compounding sales and earning growth at 20 to 25% for a decade can make for a great long term investment.

Sales in Japan have begun, that is for sure (on a RUO basis). It was in one of their press releases and I checked with investor relations to be sure. Unfortunately Japan has been hit hard by Corona, so I am not sure if this will have an impact on their roll-out or not.
This year I am mainly looking out for U.S. approvals. Unfortunately Bcart's slide on that subject is not very specific. Are they still preparing FDA registration or have the requests been submitted? More news tomorrow?
In my opinion Bcart will and should grow their earnings faster: in the 35% to 45% range. I think that is feasible and necessary unless they manage to get their margins up.

Flatlander schreef op 4 maart 2020 14:11:

Verrelst has periodically indicated that he has no intention to sell. That said it is the duty of the CEO and the Board to bring any qualified offer for shareholder consideration. As fragmented as the share ownership is, I'd believe that no one will be in a hurry to sell out. Too many shares were bought in the $12 range for any quick agreement.

Berenberg Bank put a 22 Euro price-tag on Bcart in case of take-over. But that was in 2017. In the long run I feel a take-over is seldom in the interest of shareholders.
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