fT Press release - NOVEMBER 8, 2017, AMSTERDAM and NEW YORK
Flow Traders, a leading global technology-enabled liquidity provider specializing in exchange
traded products (ETPs), and MarketFactory, an industry-leading FX technology platform,
announced today a partnership that will enable investors to trade FX directly with Flow
Traders on FX trading venues across the globe.
Flow Traders has a long history of trading FX as part of its hedging strategies, and identified the
opportunity to further expand its role in the FX market. MarketFactory’s API product,
Whisperer, underpins Flow Traders’ strategic ambitions to become a leading liquidity provider
in FX.
“Given our in-depth knowledge combined with evolving technology, now is the time to open up
as a liquidity provider to FX markets,” said Robbert Sijbrandij, Head of FX, Flow Traders. “In the
new regulatory landscape, Flow Traders will continue to contribute to fair and transparent
markets. This cooperation will enable counterparties to directly trade FX more effectively and
efficiently than ever before, creating a more level playing field for investors.”
Flow Traders chose to partner with MarketFactory as they are the top connectivity provider in
FX, with access to over 70 FX global trading venues, and their technology is best-in-class.
“We are thrilled to be helping Flow Traders grow and expand into the $5.1 trillion daily foreign
exchange market,” said Darren Jer, CEO, MarketFactory. “By managing the software
connectivity for Flow Traders, we’re hoping they can focus on the critical risk management,
hedging and trading activities.