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Exclusive: TomTom GPS Action Camera is Coming
Ludovic Privat
Investigations from GPS Business News led to the conclusion that TomTom fitness division is preparing the launch of an GPS-enabled action sport camera.

A prototype of the device was shown behind the curtains to a few key retailers last February at a sport trade show in Germany.

Our investigation shows that the Dutch GPS maker has acquired the technology and assets developed by GoBandit GmbH, a German startup that produced and started to sell GPS-enabled action cameras between 2010-2012.

GoBandit software (for web, desktop and firmware) was developed in Belgrade by a subsidiary called GoBandit d.o.o. Per our research on LinkedIn, 4 software developers and an office manager from GoBandit joined a local TomTom subsidiary - TomTom d.o.o. -between March 2013 and May 2013, which roughly indicates when TomTom acquired the company.

Since then TomTom has been staffing its Belgrade office with new hires, mostly software engineers. Posts on the TomTom job board indicated these new hires were to report to TomTom fitness product unit based in Central London.

Further researches on Foursquare and Facebook have demonstrated the connection between GoBandit and TomTom.

GoBandit developed a couple of sensor-enabled (GPS, gyro, acceleration, pressure sensors) high definition sport cameras and applied for patents related to the use of video in conjunction with sensors such as GPS. The company disappeared suddenly at beginning of 2013.

Aleks Ristic, co-founder and ex-CEO of GoBandit - now behind a social network startup - was contacted by GPS Business News and declined to comment on this topic.

TomTom did not reply to our request for comment either.

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Heel wat nieuwe patenten die een oudere publicatiedatum hebben, maar mijn inziens nog niet op de site stonden vorige week.
misschien wat oud maar...

Fight for Nokia map unit may set industry's course

Automotive News
May 18, 2015 - 12:01 am ET
SAN FRANCISCO -- The quest for control of the mapping company Nokia Here is shaping up as a fight between two visions for the future of the automobile: one in which the carmaking giants of the 20th century continue to dominate and another in which software companies such as Google and Uber grab the wheel.

It's also an example of an old-school industry battle for control of the supply base, centered on an expensive bit of technology that just a few companies can provide.

Take any car equipped with a dashboard navigation system, and chances are it uses street maps from Here. Known as Navteq before it was bought by Finnish telecommunications company Nokia in 2007, Here has become one of the auto industry's most dominant map suppliers over the last two decades, claiming a commanding lead over archrival TomTom in the U.S. and Europe.

So it was a wake-up call on April 15, when Nokia said it was putting Here up for sale, raising the possibility that a well-funded Silicon Valley technology company such as Apple or Uber could buy the mapmaker and, with its critical assets in hand, steer the course of the car business.

Sophisticated maps are crucial not only for navigation systems but also for self-driving cars that require a more thorough understanding of their surroundings. They also provide the underpinnings of a growing number of auto-related smartphone and telematics applications, such as roadside assistance, traffic alerts and concierge services.

Besides Google, no one has moved to serve the need for advanced maps as aggressively as Here, which has deployed 200 vehicles to build 3-D street maps in 30 countries on six continents.

That's a lot of capability in the hands of a single supplier. And whoever wins control of Here would be in a much stronger position to chart the course of the automobile without having to depend on Google, which has its own designs for the industry's future.

A group of German car companies led by Audi, BMW and Daimler AG has swooped in with an offer to buy Here for more than $2 billion, according to multiple news reports.

Uber, the smartphone-dispatched taxi service, has reportedly offered as much as $3 billion. Others may be quietly preparing bids of their own.

"The question is whether you want to put a map that's going to control those things in the hands of a company with an interest in disrupting the industry, like a Google or an Uber," said Mark Boyadjis, a senior analyst at the consulting firm IHS. "That's why there's a compelling argument -- I won't say whether I believe it or not -- for automakers to develop a coalition and invest in [Here] that way."

Car companies try to avoid becoming reliant on one or two suppliers, but when it comes to maps, there are few alternatives.

The only company besides Here and TomTom well-positioned to deliver cutting-edge maps is Google, and automakers have shied away from it in favor of more familiar suppliers, said Marc Prioleau, managing director of Silicon Valley-based Prioleau Advisors.

"It's a real, fundamental asset that's very hard to replicate," said Prioleau, who formerly worked at the mapping startup deCarta, now owned by Uber. "And it doesn't just take money -- it takes a lot of time. You can't just say, I'm going to build a digital map of the world, and be there in a year. It takes years."

Another emerging option is OpenStreetMap, an open-source database back-ed by navigation specialists such as Telenav and Garmin.

"I think TomTom may end up being the big winner out of all this," Prioleau said. "And people might consider OpenStreetMap more seriously," he added. "If all of a sudden map data becomes a competitive advantage, one way to mitigate it is to invest in an open-source alternative."

Nokia hasn't commented on the rumored bids for Here, and neither have the companies that reportedly placed them. Yet the mapping company has signaled that it sees significant upside as a traditional supplier.

Built-in navigation systems have become more common over the last two decades, but still just 25 percent of cars are sold with them, Nokia says.

"In other words," said Christopher Lawton, a Germany-based spokesman for Here, "we have a significant slice of what is a growing market."

Map treasure
German automakers and tech titans have emerged as possible buyers for Nokia's Here mapping unit. The bidders, according to reports in the The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and Reuters, are

• German-Chinese alliance

Bid: More than $2 billion offer from Audi, BMW and Daimler, with a minority stake for Chinese Internet firm Baidu

Motive: To keep Nokia's automotive-grade maps out of the hands of companies such as Google, Apple and Uber, which could use them to disrupt automakers' business

• Uber

Bid: As much as $3 billion

Motive: To lessen its reliance on Google's maps and strengthen its position for a possible future in which Uber offers computer-guided taxis
TomTom : Telematics : takes fleet management innovation to the next level with .connect Developer Conference

TomTom Telematics is bringing IT professionals and app/software developers together to take the industry to the next level at its unique .connect Developer Conference 2015.

Now in its second year, the conference will take place on June 9 in Amsterdam. Attendees will be able to share ideas, experiences and best practices while discovering the latest opportunities in connected applications for business vehicles during the full-day event.

A number of inspiring technical sessions will help delegates make best use of the APIs and SDKs provided with TomTom's open telematics platform WEBFLEET, stimulating the development of more groundbreaking apps and integrations. Commercial support will also be provided, giving developers guidance on how to bring connected vehicle solutions to market that address the current and future needs of businesses in a variety of market sectors.

“Last year’s conference proved a resounding success with delegates attending from 12 countries across the globe and we are looking forward to building on the momentum this year,” said Taco van der Leij, VP Marketing, TomTom Telematics.

“We currently stand on the verge of an exciting new era for the fleet management industry, with ever increasing possibilities for the creation of new industry solutions that harness the power of connected vehicles. Together with our partners we want to create new apps and integrations that will offer innovative benefits to customers in any industry, operating any type of vehicle fleet. Whether focused on driver behaviour, safety, efficiency, productivity or customer service, these new technologies will help to revolutionise business processes through greater levels of automation and insight and ultimately bring the technology closer to the driver."

The .connect Developer Conference will also provide delegates with information on WEBFLEET's latest features. These include OptiDrive 360, a driver behaviour tool providing real-time, predictive advice on performance; Remaining Driving Times, which monitors driver hours for working time compliance; and the Mobile Device Management platform, allowing businesses to manage the remote distribution of software for the new customisable PRO8 driver terminal.

With more than 330 partners, TomTom Telematics already has the largest partner ecosystem in the fleet management industry. The market-leading range of apps built in and around the WEBFLEET platform cover a variety of functions - including CRM and ERP, planning and scheduling, route optimisation, temperature control, mobile printing and lone worker safety - and are all available in the company's App Center. Integrations are also available for usage based insurance.

Developers and IT professionals interested in attending the .connect Developer Conference 2015 can register at
Bron: Justin

TT deelt hiermee ook klappen uit aan diverse low-cost appjes die met OpenStreetMaps werken. ALK (Copilot) zegt dat voor dure high-end apps de vraag niet wegvalt, dat was op Android ook niet het geval.

Winners and Losers

Google is definitely the company that is losing the most today from this Apple product release even if their last week event (read here) tried to mitigate the reach of the Apple launch.

Independent navigation software vendors will also suffer from this Apple’s free turn-by-turn navigation offering even if they are not willing to fully admit it yet.

“Of course any mapping and navigation app that is pre-installed on a device is a potential competitor to established navigation products like CoPilot., explained David Quin, Head of Consumer Applications at ALK technologies.

“However, as we have seen on Android, we are confident that there will continue to be substantial demand for full-featured automotive-grade in-car iOS navigation apps. We have seen strong growth in paid downloads since Google announced free turn by turn navigation (...). Of course, there's no room for complacency and we must continue to innovate to deliver a premium, dependable in-car experience.“

On-board maps are going to be a differentiation, especially outside of the United States. Local content is also going to be an important differentiation factor.

The future of independent vendors is either in high end software offerings or in free software monetized through advertising or premium content and backed by a strong local brand be it a wireless operator, a mapping portal such as MapQuest or Mappy or any other automotive-related company.

One segment also particularly at risk is made of companies offering free navigation based on OpenStreetMap data. [mooi zo!!] Their customers are most likely to switch to Apple software that will offer a better experience based on TomTom maps. Whatever is the new strategy of these independent players, the addressable market for navigation on iPhone has shrinked overnight.

As a sign of this looming danger, today stock market rating firm Baird moves U.S. mobile navigation supplier TeleNav from Neutral to Underperform, halving its price target from $8 to $4.

However one navigation player is clearly a winner in this new market landscape, this is TomTom. “This is a big victory for TomTom - so TomTom can leverage Apple-Google animus to its advantage vis-a-vis Nokia,“ commented Roger Lanctot.

In licensing its map data to Apple TomTom is making money from the free offering while still providing a premium offer with onboard maps and its connected services.

To TomTom advantage Apple did not have many alternatives for premium map with global coverage. Either buying them from Nokia or turning to them. While OSM is good enough for positioning a picture on a map (iPhoto), Apple could not use OSM for turn-by-turn navigation.

It is therefore likely that TomTom signed a win-win deal with Apple. The amount of revenue in their licensing division in 4Q 2012 will tell us if this is true or not.


'Apple bouwt afhankelijkheid van Samsung af'

De nieuwe iPhones van Apple maken minder gebruik van technologie van Samsung Electronics. Beide partijen zijn verwikkeld in een groot conflict over patenten.

Volgens de persbureaus Bloomberg en Reuters hebben de eerste versies van de iPhone 5, die Apple naar verwachting volgende week presenteert, geen geheugenchips van Samsung. Er zou onenigheid zijn over de prijs. Ook de schermen van de telefoon komen niet van Samsung.
Door zaken te doen met andere leveranciers kan Apple zijn afhankelijkheid van zijn Zuid-Koreaanse rivaal verminderen. De relatie is vorige maand onder zware druk gekomen door een groot verlies van Samsung in een patentenconflict. Het concern is daarbij veroordeeld tot het betalen van een schadevergoeding van ruim $1 mrd omdat patenten van Apple op de iPhone zijn geschonden.
Apple is goed voor circa 9% van de omzet van Samsung Electronics....................

bron: FD

Google Maps War With Apple Is Over - Google Won

BBC News posted an excellent article today on Google Maps and their battle with Apple in the coming mapping wars. But the war was over before it started and Apple lost. They lost the day they cancelled the Google maps integration.

Here are three clues that Apple will probably head back to Google Maps within 24 months:

1. Kelion explained that Apple Maps rely mostly on TomTom, the handheld personal navigation device. “Apple’s Maps app will be based on technologies it adapted from three start-ups it bought between 2009 and 2011. But much of the raw location data itself is licensed from TomTom, the sat-nav gadget-maker.”

However, satellite navigation is facing an enormous battle given the speed and ubiquity of mobile phone technology and smartphone apps. The Wall Street Journal reported in May that TomTom is now starting to transition to a mapping company. You can read it here. Just starting? Another plug for Google Maps. The TomTom is a cool device, but if they are just starting to transition to “mapping” company, Apple made a bad choice. I know that Apple fans are going to say “Apple did what they had to do given the circumstances…” Okay. Remember, I’m actually an Apple fan, too. I’m simply saying that Google Maps is the superior product and customers deserve the best.

Kelion writes that the move is a blow to Google, but it is likely to be a short term advertising revenue blip for the Mountain View giant. True, they will not be able to show “sponsored links” on the default Apple iPhone maps for a while, but after Apple licks their wounds and heads back to Google Maps that revenue stream will flow again.
Samsung verliest weer zaak tegen Apple
WASHINGTON - Het Amerikaanse technologieconcern Apple heeft in eigen land opnieuw een juridische overwinning geboekt op aartsrivaal Samsung.
Foto: ANP

Een rechter oordeelde vrijdag in een voorlopig vonnis dat Apple met zijn muziekspeler iPod Touch geen patenten van het Zuid-Koreaanse bedrijf heeft geschonden.

De uitspraak betreft een klacht die Samsung medio 2011 had ingediend. Daarin werd Apple beschuldigd van het gebruik van vier technologieën waarop de Koreanen patent meenden te hebben. Samsung had ruim 1 miljard dollar schadevergoeding geëist.

De uitspraak van de rechter moet nog worden bevestigd door de voltallige commissie waaraan de klacht was voorgelegd. Vorige maand boekte Apple ook al een overwinning.

Een jury oordeelde toen de smartphones en tablets van Samsung te veel lijken op de producten van Apple. Het bedrijf werd veroordeeld tot een boete van meer dan 1 miljard dollar.
Door: ANP
Aug. 3, 2015, 3:41 a.m.
Dominique Bonte, Vice President, B2B

On August 3rd, Nokia announced the long rumored sale of its digital mapping division HERE to a consortium of car brands consisting of Audi, BMW, and Daimler for $2.8 billion Euro. When all is said and done, it seems HERE has finally found a suitable home, after a long journey of being independent (NAVTEQ), failed integration attempts into Nokia’s location consumer business, and finally as a somewhat orphaned Nokia business unit representing few synergies with its much bigger network infrastructure business.

Car OEMs owning HERE makes sense: the native use case for maps is navigation and with the expected emergence of autonomous cars real-time maps will become a critical asset; however “live maps” and advanced analytics will also be critical in enabling future smart city approaches leveraging car sensor data for a wide range of use cases such as parking, weather, and traffic incidents. BMW has been particularly active in developing smart mobility applications such as multimodal navigation for its EV i brand.

It is nevertheless remarkable a consortium of 3 fiercely competing car OEMs are joining forces to collectively own HERE. Partnerships between car OEMs are far and few between and this instance illustrates increasing awareness about the need to collaborate across the individual car brands, not in the least because of the necessity to aggregate and leverage data from the widest possible base of connected cars, referred to as “swarm intelligence” by the consortium, which has clear links to collective cognitive intelligence and deep learning, something which no car brand can achieve on its own.

This acquisition also means German premium brands are now in pole position to take a lead in autonomous driving, despite the fact HERE explicitly confirms it will continue its life as an independent platform providers across the entire consumer, enterprise, location and automotive industries.

However, it remains to be seen what the reaction of other car brands will be - buying maps from their competitors or moving their business to HERE rival TomTom, which has recently become very vocal about its own ambitions to create high accuracy maps for autonomous driving. Will we see a second consortium building around TomTom? Or even a second acquisition, mirroring events unfolding in 2008 when Tele Atlas and Navteq were acquired in quick succession by TomTom and Nokia respectively.

But this is not a two horse race: Google is building its own high resolutions maps for its own autonomous vehicle technology. However, at the very least, HERE now being owned by powerful car brands, will be able to mount credible long term competition against its rival. This might actually have been one of the main reasons for the car OEM consortium to pick up HERE: ensure its survival as an (independent) alternative for ubiquitous Google.

On a more meta level, this announcement highlights the car industry is waking up to the reality they are increasingly operating in the digital as opposed to the physical arena, prompting them to invest, acquire, and own ICT assets; as a matter of fact this ICT acquisition spate had already started with the Porsche holding taking a stake in real-time traffic data analytics vendor INRIX in 2014.

The recent wave of cyber security vulnerability exposures will only hasten this industry’s transition into the 21st century, saying belatedly goodbye to more than a century of building mechanical systems. Actually, Daimler’s Zetsche recently stated the imperative to secure the mapping platform against cyber threats was a main incentive to acquire HERE. The car has now indeed become a computer on wheels!

Mobility impact

HERE is just one of two companies that is supplying navigable maps on a global scale as an alternative to Google and Apple on mobile devices.

Many mobile vendors such as Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Baidu and Samsung rely on an independent mapping solution as a critical component to compete against Apple and Google.

If HERE is removed from the equation, these mobile providers will either have to turn completely to TomTom (the other company in the mobile space providing mapping services) or come up with an alternative or proprietary solution.

Thus, TomTom may see some significant growth opportunities as a result of the HERE acquisition as it finds its licensing revenue increasing, IHS says.

The HERE acquisition could encourage other mapping services to transition to mobile such as OpenStreetMaps (OSM) and Telenav, which are both open-source map solutions.

Another alternative for mobile vendors would be to engage regional players individually, which requires more work and is a clear drawback to developing global platforms.

Questions or comments on this story? Contact
TomTom heeft baat bij auto van de toekomst'

Gepubliceerd op 6 jan 2015 om 09:17

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - De ontwikkelingen in de auto-industrie zijn gunstig voor TomTom. De verregaande automatisering van auto's moet leiden tot een grote vraag naar de producten van het navigatiebedrijf, zo stellen analisten van Rabobank in een dinsdag gepubliceerd rapport.

Binnen de auto-industrie worden de grote winsten volgens de bank verwacht bij bedrijven die de software en de elektronische invulling van en voor auto's leveren. De samenwerkingsverbanden die TomTom op dit vlak onlangs is aangegaan met Volkswagen en Bosch zijn volgens Rabo een duidelijk bewijs van de relevantie van het Nederlandse bedrijf op dit vlak. Een flinke groei van de orders zal vanaf 2016 zorgen voor een dubbelcijferige omzetgroei bij het onderdeel Automotive, aldus de analisten. Rabo handhaafde het koopadvies voor TomTom.

TomTom meldde dinsdag een overeenkomst te hebben gesloten met Volkswagen voor de levering van kaarten. Deze deal werd zeer enthousiast onthaald door beleggers. Die zetten het aandeel TomTom in de eerste minuten van de handel 6,4 procent in de plus op 5,64 euro. Daarmee was TomTom veruit de grootste winnaar in de licht negatieve MidKap-index.

Rabo schreef op 12 augustus 2015 15:59:

Bijna hele dag hebben we onder de 10 euro gestaan of ga je dat bestrijden ????
Dan houdt het echt op en kunnen we je niet meer serieus nemen.
Nu ook ver onder de 10 en het ziet er uit dat het niet beter wordt naar het slot toe.
Heb je liggen slapen ?

Ik bestrijd niks in constateer alleen maar..
Ik zie al geruime tijd de 10 die we volgens jou niet meer gingen zien..
Nu ook ver onder de 10??
Zei al dat je een bril nodig was want ik kan 9,97 onmogelijk ver onder de 10 noemen..

KablaG schreef op 12 augustus 2015 17:39:

Aug. 3, 2015, 3:41 a.m.
Dominique Bonte, Vice President, B2B

On August 3rd, Nokia announced the long rumored sale of its digital mapping division HERE to a consortium of car brands consisting of Audi, BMW, and Daimler for $2.8 billion Euro. When all is said and done, it seems HERE has finally found a suitable home, after a long journey of being independent (NAVTEQ), failed integration attempts into Nokia’s location consumer business, and finally as a somewhat orphaned Nokia business unit representing few synergies with its much bigger network infrastructure business.

Car OEMs owning HERE makes sense: the native use case for maps is navigation and with the expected emergence of autonomous cars real-time maps will become a critical asset; however “live maps” and advanced analytics will also be critical in enabling future smart city approaches leveraging car sensor data for a wide range of use cases such as parking, weather, and traffic incidents. BMW has been particularly active in developing smart mobility applications such as multimodal navigation for its EV i brand.

It is nevertheless remarkable a consortium of 3 fiercely competing car OEMs are joining forces to collectively own HERE. Partnerships between car OEMs are far and few between and this instance illustrates increasing awareness about the need to collaborate across the individual car brands, not in the least because of the necessity to aggregate and leverage data from the widest possible base of connected cars, referred to as “swarm intelligence” by the consortium, which has clear links to collective cognitive intelligence and deep learning, something which no car brand can achieve on its own.

This acquisition also means German premium brands are now in pole position to take a lead in autonomous driving, despite the fact HERE explicitly confirms it will continue its life as an independent platform providers across the entire consumer, enterprise, location and automotive industries.

However, it remains to be seen what the reaction of other car brands will be - buying maps from their competitors or moving their business to HERE rival TomTom, which has recently become very vocal about its own ambitions to create high accuracy maps for autonomous driving. Will we see a second consortium building around TomTom? Or even a second acquisition, mirroring events unfolding in 2008 when Tele Atlas and Navteq were acquired in quick succession by TomTom and Nokia respectively.

But this is not a two horse race: Google is building its own high resolutions maps for its own autonomous vehicle technology. However, at the very least, HERE now being owned by powerful car brands, will be able to mount credible long term competition against its rival. This might actually have been one of the main reasons for the car OEM consortium to pick up HERE: ensure its survival as an (independent) alternative for ubiquitous Google.

On a more meta level, this announcement highlights the car industry is waking up to the reality they are increasingly operating in the digital as opposed to the physical arena, prompting them to invest, acquire, and own ICT assets; as a matter of fact this ICT acquisition spate had already started with the Porsche holding taking a stake in real-time traffic data analytics vendor INRIX in 2014.

The recent wave of cyber security vulnerability exposures will only hasten this industry’s transition into the 21st century, saying belatedly goodbye to more than a century of building mechanical systems. Actually, Daimler’s Zetsche recently stated the imperative to secure the mapping platform against cyber threats was a main incentive to acquire HERE. The car has now indeed become a computer on wheels!
Dank voor plaatsen
Dan heb je idd goed liggen slapen want we hebben 98 % van de beurstijd vandaag onder de 10 gestaan met als DL 9.75 (noem ik heeeeel ruim onder de tien) en een slotkoers van 9.95 ook ruim onder de 10. Ok bij deze nemen wij je niet meer serieus als je feiten gaat ontkennen. RIP.


TKR schreef op 12 augustus 2015 19:55:

Ik bestrijd niks in constateer alleen maar..
Ik zie al geruime tijd de 10 die we volgens jou niet meer gingen zien..
Nu ook ver onder de 10??
Zei al dat je een bril nodig was want ik kan 9,97 onmogelijk ver onder de 10 noemen..

Wat een enorme zeikerd is die RABO, ik word er gewoon onpasselijk van, altijd dat gezeik dat we de 9 gaan zien, nou en, we zitten toch allemaal te wachten op de deal en of dat nu vanaf 9, of 9,50 of 10 gaat gebeuren het zal iedereen een rotzorg zijn. Dus Rabo stop met dat gezeur over die koersen en schrijf een keer wat zinnigs
Ik heb het druk met die Rabo, iedere keer niet oke geven.
Heeft hij niets anders te doen dan deze onzin???

Jackyl schreef op 12 augustus 2015 22:07:

Wat een enorme zeikerd is die RABO, ik word er gewoon onpasselijk van, altijd dat gezeik dat we de 9 gaan zien, nou en, we zitten toch allemaal te wachten op de deal en of dat nu vanaf 9, of 9,50 of 10 gaat gebeuren het zal iedereen een rotzorg zijn. Dus Rabo stop met dat gezeur over die koersen en schrijf een keer wat zinnigs
De vraag is komt er een deal? Daarom heeft moneymaker naar Tomtom gemaild. Omdat iedereen (banken, particulieren, enz.) na die HERE deal nu op Tomtom nieuws wacht. Terecht want Tomtom moet echt met nieuws komen. Tomtom moet zich nu waar maken.
Niemand van de forumleden weet zeker of er een deal komt maar het grootste deel van de personen op het forum verwachten of hopen het wel, daarom blijven e in TomTom zitten. Zelfs kopen ze bij dips bij maar de echte die hards verkopen NIET
Zoals eerder andere leden schreven, alle seinen staan op groen, John de Mol stapt er niet zomaar in en H Goddijn geeft eigenlijk tussen de regels door tijdens interview en conference calls wel aan dat er veel interesse is dus eigenlijk kan nieuws niet uitblijven.
Volgens mij speelt er heel veel achter de schermen en vroeg of laat komen we het te weten.
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