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Nokia HERE te koop

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*Justin* schreef op 5 augustus 2015 11:08:

@Kingwoep. Nou, die snappen er geen reedt van..
Je haalt de woorden uit mijn mond, overigens niks ten kwade van kingwoep.

Ik had al een commentaar geschreven (helaas door iets stoms verdwenen?) dat neerkwam op:
"Nou, dan mogen ze eerst wel eens hun aantal echte 2-way probes gaan vergroten."

En dat gebeurt niet zomaar, ook niet na de overname door de Duitse drie. Omdat die drie bij veel modellen nog zweren bij RDS-TMC of DAB+. Het blijft one-way broadcasting...

En op HAD maps slaat het verhaal van die mevrouw over Greyhound of Hertz al helemaal niet.
Nu Hertz wordt genoemd: ter herinnering persbericht uit juli 2013 samenwerking Hertz en TomTom. Staat nu op de rol om te worden uitgebreid en ik schat dat TTT hier ook nodige klandizie gaat krijgen.

TomTom breidt samenwerking met Hertz uit
Gepubliceerd: 11 juli 2013 08:30
Laatste update: 11 juli 2013 08:30
TomTom heeft zijn samenwerking met autoverhuurbedrijf Hertz uitgebreid. Dat maakte het navigatiebedrijf donderdag bekend zonder financiële details te vermelden.

TomTom levert de komende 2 jaar meer dan 8000 nieuwe navigatiesystemen aan Hertz en dat aantal zal daarna verder worden uitgebreid.

Het is de bedoeling dat daarmee jaarlijks meer dan 2 miljoen klanten van het verhuurbedrijf worden bediend. De nieuwe overeenkomst betekent een ruime verdubbeling van het oorspronkelijke contract dat in 2011 werd gesloten.

*Justin* schreef op 5 augustus 2015 11:08:

@Kingwoep. Nou, die snappen er geen reedt van..
Don't shoot the messenger :-)

Ik deel gewoon sommige artikels die ik vind. Sommige bevatten interessante (achtergrond) informatie, andere geven misschien eerder aan hoe bepaalde media de situatie (al dan niet correct) zien.

kingwoep schreef op 5 augustus 2015 13:08:


Don't shoot the messenger :-)

Ik deel gewoon sommige artikels die ik vind. Sommige bevatten interessante (achtergrond) informatie, andere geven misschien eerder aan hoe bepaalde media de situatie (al dan niet correct) zien.
Toch heb ik Roelof Hemmen even getipt dat er nog meer "kings of the jungle" zijn! ;-)

Hij reageerde meteen met: "Whoepie!"

Beperktedijkbewaking schreef op 5 augustus 2015 11:26:


Je haalt de woorden uit mijn mond, overigens niks ten kwade van kingwoep.

Ik had al een commentaar geschreven (helaas door iets stoms verdwenen?) dat neerkwam op:
"Nou, dan mogen ze eerst wel eens hun aantal echte 2-way probes gaan vergroten."

En dat gebeurt niet zomaar, ook niet na de overname door de Duitse drie. Omdat die drie bij veel modellen nog zweren bij RDS-TMC of DAB+. Het blijft one-way broadcasting...

En op HAD maps slaat het verhaal van die mevrouw over Greyhound of Hertz al helemaal niet.

In het persbericht van de Duitse drie zit 1 zin die je op twee manieren kunt uitleggen.

Er stond: Nokia HERE is een heel goede statische map.

Dat kun je uitleggen als een pluim: het is een goede map. Of als een gebrek: het is een statische (niet realtime) map.

Ik vond het niet echt een compliment. Meer als iemand die tegen zijn/haar partner zegt dat ie haar/hem zo waardeert (maar een lekker wijf/vent ben je natuurlijk al lang niet meer)
Mocht iemand dit gemist hebben:

Marc Hesselink - ABN AMRO Bank - Analyst
My first question is, the Nokia HERE selling process, do you see an impact in your automotive business at the moment? Are people delaying decisions there or anything around that? And secondly is a bit speculative but if, indeed, what's now the recent speculation that the German car makers would acquire Nokia HERE, do you want to speculate on what that would be for your business, what kind of impact that would have?

And the second question is on the market share of new contracts in automotive; do you still have the feeling that you're winning market share, as you said in the first quarter? And then finally on pricing in automotive, you're clearly stating that the value of your products is increasing. It's a little bit of a long-term story, but do you believe that, over time, you will be able to raise prices in the automotive side, given that you're providing much more value to a connected car and Highly Automated Driving?

Harold Goddjin - TomTom NV - CEO
Yes, so I think it's more or less business as usual in the automotive sector for the moment. But I think what did help us, the process that HERE is involved is that we got a lot of attention and a lot of interest in our underlying platform and our capabilities.

We go through a massive transition. We've been able to position it more clearly now and have been able to go through a number of in depth presentations about our technologies. And we got a very good response for that, so I think it has helped us to establish ourselves as a good vendor and a good alternative in the automotive industry, and a credible player. That puts us as a credible alternative both to car makers but also to technology companies, and I think that's a positive.

What will happen to HERE is unclear; I don't want to speculate. There's no point doing that, so I'll leave that for later when we have more visibility on what's going to happen, who the new owners of HERE are going to be and, importantly, how they're going to play it.

If I look to your third question, so Highly Automated Driving, yes, there's a lot of interest there. We've done a number of test coverage areas with our high definition maps that we're sharing with a lot of car makers for evaluation, for testing; a lot of positive feedback coming from there. We are motoring ahead, covering the highest road classes in North America and Europe. We plan to have that available as a commercial product by the end of 2016.

We see intermediate applications between Highly Automated Driving and steps in between where those new maps are going to be deployed, which is good for us. It gives us a way to grow into that business and evolve our product roadmap. So there's a lot of activity development going on, and a lot of interaction with the car industry, to see how we need to progress our product roadmap.

Marc Hesselink - ABN AMRO Bank - Analyst
Okay. And the second question there on market share in automotive on current contracts?

Harold Goddjin - TomTom NV - CEO
Yes, so we saw a good uptake in 2014; I think that trend is continuing. I see healthy order intake levels in the first half of this year and I'm confident that, in the second half of the year, we'll continue on that path and that we'll have another good year of order intake. And as Marina said earlier, we will quantify that when we give our Q3 results.

Marc Hesselink - ABN AMRO Bank - Analyst
Okay. Thank you.

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1) Vraag aan Europese Commissie betreffende goedkeuring van het HERE overnamebod
From: Alpen
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2015 5:30 PM
Subject: 20151207-Sale of Nokia HERE business to consortium of leading automotive companies


I have a question regarding the recent sale of Nokia's HERE business to a consortium of leading automotive companies.

Nokia's press release of last Friday (see link) states that Nokia completed the sale to a consortium of leading carmakers:

However Nokia HERE has a considerable (major) market share for the provision of digital maps to the automotive industry worldwide, and the new owner could possibly be considered as a stronger "dominant player", especially when potentially reducing business with other worldwide digital mapmakers of which there are only a few.

For that reason I expected an official statement from the European Commission regarding regulatory approval but I am unable to find it on your website at

If the European Commission reviewed this take-over bid, could you please indicate where I can find the decision and related motivation?

If on the other hand the European Commission did not review this take-over bid, what would be the reason for it?

Thank you in advance for your answer.
Kind regards,

2) Antwoord van de Europese Commissie
Sent: 10/12/2015 20.41
To: Alpen
Subject: 20151207-Sale of Nokia HERE business to consortium of leading automotive companies

Dear Mr. Alpen,

We wish to thank you for your e-mail regarding the acquisition of HERE by Audi, BMW and Daimler (the "Transaction").

We would like to inform you that the Transaction did not constitute a notifiable concentration within the meaning of Article 3 of Council Regulation (EC) 139/2004. Accordingly, it was not notified to the European Commission.

Please also note that the Transaction was notified to the German and Austrian antitrust authorities, which cleared it.

Please be informed that this email does not constitute a decision of the European Commission. It reflects the preliminary opinion of the services in charge of Merger Control in the Directorate-General for Competition on the basis of the information available.

Kind regards,
Case Handler
European Commission
DG Competition
3) Nieuwe vragen n.a.v. antwoord van Europese Commissie
From: Alpen
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2015 5:22 PM
Subject: R: 20151207-Sale of Nokia HERE business to consortium of leading automotive companies


Thank you very much for your reply below. It however raised some further questions; thank you in advance for considering them.

In 2008 the European Commission decided, typically based on Council Regulation (EC) 139/2004 including article 3, to investigate Nokia's take-over bid of navigable digital mapmaker NAVTEQ (your Case Number M.4942).

It is exactly this navigable mapmaking business that has now been sold as HERE by Nokia to the consortium of German carmakers (the "Transaction"), while since 2008 the landscape of available worldwide navigable digital mapmakers for automotive purposes practically is unchanged.

My questions are the following:

1) Why is Article 3 of Regulation No 139/2004 not deemed applicable now, while apparently it was applicable during the take-over bid of NAVTEQ in 2008? (I'm sure it's my limitation, but I fail to see which item of Article 3 is not applicable to the consortium take-over bid of HERE).

2) If, as you wrote, "the Transaction did not constitute a notifiable concentration within the meaning of Article 3 of Council Regulation (EC) 139/2004.", then for what reason the Transaction was still notified to German and Austrian antitrust authorities? Given the amount of turnover of the companies involved, shouldn't the European Commission anyway be the competent authority in this matter?

HERE's navigable digital maps are used throughout the entire European Economic Area and beyond; Nokia HERE has an about 80% market share among the vehicles sold with a built-in navigation system, see also at

3) To the opinion of "the services in charge of Merger Control in the Directorate-General for Competition": can objectivity be guaranteed in case of an antitrust investigation regarding a take-over bid (and will the interests of all concerned in the European Economic Area be served) if that investigation is performed by local antitrust authorities which share with the new owner(s) the same local geographical area?

4) The German and Austrian antitrust authorities seem to have unconditionally cleared the HERE take-over by the German consortium. Which is the entity, if any, that shall monitor the market and could potentially intervene if the navigable digital mapbusiness of consortium's non-German competitors, e.g. TomTom, shall be negatively impacted as a result of potential future changes in consortium's strategy to be in favor of their own navigable map business? It shall be in the hands of the German and Austrian antitrust authorities? It will involve European antitrust authorities as well?

I'm looking forward to your reply,
kind regards,
4) Antwoord van de Europese Commissie
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 10:30 AM
To: Alpen
Subject: RE: 20151207-Sale of Nokia HERE business to consortium of leading automotive companies

Dear Mr. Alpen,

Thank you for your interest in the Commission's activities.

As stated in our previous email, the acquisition of HERE by Audi, BMW and Daimler (the "Transaction") was not reviewed by the Commission because it did not constitute a notifiable concentration according to Regulation No 139/2004. In particular, the Transaction did not amount to an acquisition on a lasting basis of joint control within the meaning of Article 3 of Regulation No 139/2004 of the Here business by each of Audi, BMW and Daimler.

On the contrary, the acquisition by Nokia of sole control over Navteq in 2008 was notified to the Commission because the transaction met the conditions for the application of Regulation No 139/2004 (see paragraph 10 of the decision in Case No COMP/M.4942).

Even if a concentration does not fall within the scope of Regulation No 139/2004, it might still be reportable to one or more national antitrust authorities, which are entitled to review it under national merger control rules. In the present case, the Transaction was notified to the German and Austrian authorities because their national rules require the notification of acquisitions of certain types of minority shareholdings (even when these shareholdings do not give rise to sole or joint control), provided that specific turnover thresholds are met.

Once a transaction is cleared by the Commission or a national antitrust authority, the merged entity – like any other company – is subject to European and national antitrust rules. A violation of such rules can potentially be assessed by European and national authorities, when the applicable jurisdictional conditions are met (see Regulation No. 1/2003).

Best regards,
Case Handler
European Commission
DG Competition
Dank voor het delen van de correspondentie.
Bijzonder zwakke argumentatie van de Europese Commissie:

did not amount to an acquisition
on a lasting basis
of joint control
within the meaning of Article 3 of Regulation No 139/2004 of the Here business by each of Audi, BMW and Daimler

Ben benieuwd wat er was gebeurd indien 3 Aziatische car manufacturers of 3 IT bedrijven uit USA??

Inderdaad geen sterke argumentatie van de EC.
Als ik de Duitse goedkeuring (zie link) goed interpreteer zou e.e.a. te maken hebben met het niet halen door de EC van een gestelde 1 maand deadline. De druk van de Duitsers was blijkbaar groot.

"Clearance was granted under the proviso that the case lies within the competence of the German national competition authority.
Given the amount of turnover of the companies involved, the European Commission would be the competent authority in the case of the joint control of HERE.
An examination of the controlling relationship by the European Commission could not be concluded within the one month deadline for examination under German merger control.
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